New footage released from Mary Poppins Returns: are you here for it?


I’ll answer first: I am totally here for Mary Poppins Returns. Mary Poppins and Chitty, Chitty, Bang Bang were the two most watched movies during my children’s babyhood. Eventually Pixar cartoons and superhero movies took their place but for a time, Mary & Co. reigned supreme. Like other fans of the 1964 classic, starring Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke, I didn’t know how I felt about the proposed sequel starring Emily Blunt and Lin-Manuel Miranda. But after watching the trailer, I was 100% on board. And now that we have additional footage, I’m just counting the days until December 19th:

What do you think? Is this your jam? I get that others are not as enthusiastic as I am. When something is precious to you, it’s hard to reimagine it in any other way. I dunno, I just like what I see. No one will ever be Julie Andrews, I know that. But Emily seems to have the essence of the original character. I love the concept for the return, that Mary’s coming back to help the original children as adults rather than selecting two new kids. I love the whole cast but am especially here for Julie Walters and Colin Firth, whom I would cross hot coals to watch in anything. And I am tickled pink that Dick Van Dyke reprises his Mr. Dawes, Sr. role, only this time he’s Mr. Dawes, Jr. The whole thing seems refreshed but also littered with winks and nudges.

I understand I may get crucified for this but the only variable for me is Lin-Manuel Miranda, whom I love, but I have never seen perform. So, while I assume I will fall in love when all is said and done, as of yet, he hasn’t done it for me in these clips. But I do love his enthusiasm, like all of his #Linstagram posts on the Disney Studios Instagram account. Multitasking Mary Poppins Returns promotion with his live-action Aladdin rehearsals (he’s writing the music along with Alan Menken), Lin is posting some cute Disney mashups. Emily joined him for a few. IMDb doesn’t list her anywhere on Aladdin so I guess she was there on Mary business but you can tell in these clip that they have great chemistry. That makes me even more excited for Mary Poppins Returns.



Photo credit: Avalon, Instagram, YouTube and WENN Photos

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23 Responses to “New footage released from Mary Poppins Returns: are you here for it?”

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  1. Maddy says:

    I think she’s a really good fit for Mary Poppins character, and I’ll definitely watch it. I just wish sometimes studios would focus on remaking films that had a good plot/concept but were, for some reason, bad. Hairspray is a good example of where consensus was that the original was improved in the remake.

    • Jan90067 says:

      I’m here for it (wildly waving hands!). I LOVE MP; that (and Sound of Music) are unashamedly my favorite all time movies (I am a sap, I know 😊). I saw the full trailer last week, and I was squirming in my seat like a little kid waiting to get at the Christmas presents under the tree lol.

      While I am NOT a fan of remakes, and NO ONE can take the place of the original(s), I will be there. Maybe the fact that this is a *sequel*, and not a *replacement*…??? I don’t know, but I will see it.

  2. Sara says:

    Love Emily Blunt, love Lin, will not be watching the Poppins movie. I also read the other Poppins books as a child (my grandma owned them all) and the character of MP is super dark; she’s mean and vain and often abusive with the kids (which makes it super fun to read as a child), and I would be interested in that movie, but this seems super saccharine WITHOUT my beloved Julie Andrews who is one of the most gifted people ever to grace our screens.

  3. Astrid says:

    I was born in 1963 and could never seem to get on board with the original Mary Poppins. It was just to weird and long winded when I saw it as a child.

    • Tiny Martian says:

      Me either! I couldn’t stand Mary Poppins or Chitty Chitty Bang Bang or Dr. Doolittle. I found them all extremely creepy.

      For that matter, I didn’t really like Disney animated movies much either……..but I was a huge fan of James Bond movies, lol!

      • hnmmom says:

        Oh, I loved Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! Really it was anything with Dick Van Dyke and Julie Andrews that I loved as a kid. They were my dream parents lol.

      • Mel M says:

        I’m with you! I remember being at daycare when I was in elementary school and there was movie day every now and then. They never had anything recent , just old Disney like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang which I hated with the fire of 1000 suns. Any live action Disney from that era I hated.

      • Lala11_7 says:

        It…it…is as if…you SCANNED MY BRAIN! I pretty much abhorred ANYTHING that was Disney related growing up…ESPECIALLY their live action films…and I’m 50…so you KNOW that was pretty much inescapable as a child! I was so serious about my stance, that even when my Mama took me to Disneyland in 1977…when I was 11…I WAS NOT IMPRESSED and I let her know it…and EVERYBODY ELSE!!!! (I wanted to go to Knott’s Berry Farm…my Mama did NOT appreciate my stance…and still brings it up to THIS DAY!)

        As a child during the 70s…I was in love with the “Benji” movies…MY GAWD…I LOVED THAT DOGGIE…and when it came to cartoons…I was..and AM WARNER BROTHERS…ALL THE WAY!!!!

        So no, I haven’t seen ANY of the Disney cartoon classics…NOT A ONE…I didn’t start watching Disney animation until Aladdin” So…regarding this Disney classic remake…I’m on the “Meh” side…

      • Esmom says:

        I didn’t love them either. Sound of Music was (and still is) my jam. I also loved Wizard of Oz and, strangely, The Ten Commandments more than that Disney stuff.

        I loved Dick Van Dyke in his TV show, though. I watched it pretty much every night.

  4. Miss M says:

    I want to see Emily Blunt as Mary Poppins.

  5. hnmmom says:

    I am here for it! I adored the original, Julie Andrews is a goddess to me. I grew up loving everything about Mary Poppins. I’ve loved all the previews so far, I think Emily Blunt has done a great job. Also, my whole family will be in town for the holidays and with my parents being ardent Orange Cheeto supporters, it’s bound to be a tense Christmas. So, looking forward to two hours in the theater with something the whole family will love.

  6. Mia4s says:

    I’m in. The original was a staple of my childhood and I’m glad it’s a new story and not a remake.

    I think Lin will win you over. He’s very likeable and charismatic as a performer. Although I will say I think it does depend on the character. I don’t think you’ll ever see him playing a villain or a heavy. But he knows his strengths. And hey if the British accent is bad we can just say it’s an homage to Bert! 😉

  7. xdanix says:

    I… am so deeply torn about this movie.

    I WANT to love it. I adore Emily Blunt, for starters- I’d watch her in anything. And I loved Julie Andrew’s Mary Poppins so much growing up my dad claims he still hasn’t forgiven me for how many times I made him watch it! So, I should be the exact target audience for this movie. But every time I watch any footage from it, I’m always so thrown by Emily’s accent! What IS it? I’ve heard her do all sorts of accents beautifully before, but something about this one is seriously off to me. I know it’s stupid, but it keeps interfering with my excitement and making me… not excited 😛

    • Agenbiter says:

      THANK YOU. The CB piece on the first trailer warned re accent issues but I never in a million years expected Emily Blunt’s would be off-putting.

      Can someone who knows more about British accents please explain what it is that xdanix and I are reacting to?

    • xdanix says:

      That’s the thing Auva, that’s NOT her own accent. Hers is lovely, this is… I don’t know what. I have no idea why they would have an actual English woman do an English accent that is NOT her own but also NOTHING like Julie’s when she played the part. It’s really jarring to me though, it just does not sound good to my ears.

  8. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    I’ll probably get slammed, but of all the Disney shows, all the old kid classics, I actually despised Mary Poppins. I fully remember, as a kid, rolling my eyes at her, “Practically perfect in every way,” schtick. Ugh, she makes me angry just thinking about her lol. She and Pinocchio should stfd and stfu.

  9. Ravensduaghter says:

    It’s just “too” something. I think it’s special effects and animation. The cast is great, though. If I had children I would go, but my boys are 17 and 18!

  10. Mellie says:

    Mary Poppins was probably my favorite Disney movie as a kid and as an adult. I love both of these talented actors, but Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke were so wonderful and timeless that, while I will see the new one, I know it’s going to make me a bit nostalgic for the old one and that’s a shame because these two are amazing as well.

  11. Thaisajs says:

    I am 100 percent in and can’t wait to take my six-year-old. I don’t think she’s seen the original and I can’t find it on free streaming services so I may have to buy it. I know Lin has a pretty terrible accent in this, but since Dick van Dyke’s wasn’t much better, I’m letting it go. The books were dark but the original movie was lovely in a very hokey Disney kind of way. We’ll be there on opening weekend.

  12. Elaine says:

    I feel like I’m going nuts… I thought there already was an Emily blunt Mary poppins a few years ago, and this would be a sequel to that. I guess not! Does anyone know if she played a similar role or was in a children’s movie recently?