Michelle Obama: Trump’s Birther conspiracy was ‘deliberately meant to stir up wingnuts’

Michelle Obama at a public appearance fo...

Michelle Obama’s memoir, Becoming, comes out next week. I had forgotten that she timed the release for just after the midterms. FLOTUSes always get book deals, although I tend to think that Michelle’s memoir is possibly one of the most anticipated memoirs of the past 50 years. While Michelle’s brand was “approachable mom” in the White House, she has always held something back, and there is an air of mystery about parts of her life. Becoming seems to deal with all of it though. Some early highlights/excerpts:

How she reacted to Trump’s victory: She was in shock the night she learned he would replace her husband in the Oval Office and tried to “block it all out.” Obama writes that she assumed Trump was “grandstanding” when he announced his presidential run in 2015. She expresses disbelief over how so many women would choose a “misogynist” over Hillary Clinton, “an exceptionally qualified female candidate.” She remembers how her body “buzzed with fury” after seeing the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape, in which Trump brags about sexually assaulting women.

What she thought of Trump’s debate performance: She also accuses Trump of using body language to “stalk” Clinton during an election debate. She writes of Trump following Clinton around the stage, standing nearby and “trying to diminish her presence.” Trump’s message, according to Obama, in words which appear in the book in darkened print: “I can hurt you and get away with it.”

She hated Trump since he stoked the Birther conspiracy: “The whole [birther] thing was crazy and mean-spirited, of course, its underlying bigotry and xenophobia hardly concealed. But it was also dangerous, deliberately meant to stir up the wingnuts and kooks,” she writes. “What if someone with an unstable mind loaded a gun and drove to Washington? What if that person went looking for our girls? Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendos, was putting my family’s safety at risk. And for this I’d never forgive him.”

The angry black woman “trap”:
“I was female, black and strong, which to certain people . . . translated only to ‘angry.’ It was another damaging cliche, one that’s been forever used to sweep minority women to the perimeter of every room . . . I was now starting to actually feel a bit angry, which then made me feel worse, as if I were fulfilling some prophecy laid out for me by the haters.”

Her daughters were conceived via IVF: She also shares intimate details for the first time, for instance, that she and her husband had trouble getting pregnant, suffered a miscarriage, and that both daughters were conceived through in vitro fertilization. And that she did a great deal of this while her husband was away serving in the state legislature, leaving her to administer the shots that are a part of that process herself.

[From The Washington Post & The Hollywood Reporter]

The “angry black woman” racist stereotype was completely f–king awful, especially in 2008, when Barack Obama was running for his first term. It’s like every white person in the media lost their damn mind about the very IDEA that a black man was married to a black woman. And Michelle had every right to be LEGIT ANGRY about all the racist bulls–t that was thrown her way. As for what she writes about Trump… yeah, I think she’s still processing what happened in the 2016 election, and she’s probably still in shock. I’ve got to wonder though… now that Michelle Obama has said his name, do you think he would even tweet-attack her? We know he’s too much of a wimp to actually say something on camera, but I imagine he’ll tweet about her. Prepare yourselves.

MObama Becoming

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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68 Responses to “Michelle Obama: Trump’s Birther conspiracy was ‘deliberately meant to stir up wingnuts’”

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  1. Jerusha says:

    So glad she can let it out and not mask her feelings behind a polite smile. She has every right to be angry. She was treated shamefully before and after the election. Right up there with Eleanor and Hillary in being the most maligned FLOTUS ever, even though they are probably the three best we’ve ever had. And you know that the hatred for MO was largely or entirely racially based. If she cured their own personal cancer it wouldn’t be enough for some bigots. Can’t wait to read this.

    • Giddy says:

      Yes, the right maligned her. But I truly believe that there are more of us who absolutely adore her. She is a gracious, warm, highly educated woman, and the best First Lady of my lifetime.

    • Betsy says:

      Yes, it was racism that made them harass her, but the right is just a giant bag of hate. Look at all they drummed up about Hillary. If it hadn’t been Mrs. Obama’s race, it would have been her socialist politics. (/s about the socialism, in case that isn’t clear).

    • Frida_K says:

      It was racism and envy, I think.

      She’s strong, beautiful, gracious, intelligent, highly educated, and well-liked. Any woman who has all of these qualities is going to have those who want to take her down a peg or two. Add the fact that she is a Black woman and it makes misogynists and racists go nuts.

      She is my forever First Lady and I miss the whole Obama family with all my heart.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      All of the above. Just a note to add that Michelle Obama, Eleanor Roosevelt and Hillary Clinton were maligned not in spite of their being the best, but because of their being the best. Women’s intelligence and capability have long been seen as a threat to the power structure.

      All 3: heroes.

    • Keaton says:

      When Michelle first arrived on the national scene in 2007 she came across as very self-assured and very self-possessed. I think alot of people don’t want to admit it, but they are put off by women & people of color like that. They want them to be self-abnegating, obsequious, GRATEFUL, etc. I’m sorry but that’s just straight up racism & sexism so yes, the criticism she faced was due to her race (and her gender).

      I think Michelle bit her tongue ALOT while Barack was in office and that helped her popularity with the more casually racist folks. It’s SUCKS that she had to do that but I think it proves she’s a decent human being and frankly a PATRIOT. She took her role seriously (unlike the entitled POSs in the White House) and didn’t want to unintentionally harm her husband, his agenda or black folks in general. I can’t wait to read her book to get the full story. I have so much admiration for her.

  2. RBC says:

    I want to find out what she and Barack were thinking when 45 and Melania met them at the White House for the first time. That can’t have been easy after everything that was said about them

    • Esmom says:

      Yes, I wonder if she talks about that. They were so unbelievably gracious. It actually gave me a tiny bit of hope that we might weather a Trump presidency. And then that horrific inaugural speech obliterated that in an instant.

    • Milla says:

      I admire them for looking classy and showing such dignity. I bet there was shade from Michelle, but it was subtle, she is a lady. She’s so smart and pretty and stylish… True inspiration for all women.

  3. Maya says:

    God I miss her as First Lady..

  4. Emmet says:

    Don’t forget she was accused of burning a flag (years earlier) during the 2008 elections, to make her a radical.

    Never happened. Let’s call these things lies from now on, not fake BS.

    • Darla says:

      And who can forget the “whitey” tape?

    • Esmom says:

      I’d forgotten about that. JFC the right wing has always been reprehensible. Zero problems with lying about anything and everything. It seems impossible to surmount those tactics.

    • ms says:

      Is IS impossible to surmount these tactics. The lying works. It’s incredibly frustrating because all it takes these days is a damn dog whistle to get the wingnuts going.

  5. Darla says:

    I will buy this for certain. I am really looking forward to reading it. I feel as if she had to hold so much in, everything really, while she was flotus. Because she’s a black woman.

  6. Betsy says:

    Lacking any “black girl magic” (or woman, really, not girl) of my own, I have to just admire it in other women, and Mrs. Obama is the best example of it.

    I don’t understand what so many white women voted for a misogynist pig, either, but I guess that’s supporting the white power structure to get a bigger piece of the pie. Of course half those poor deluded white women think the conservat8be men in their lives think of them as full humans, and they so do not.

    • Sojaschnitzel says:

      My only, very sad theory as to why women would deliberately choose a screaming pig over a decent educated guy is that maybe something very old and primal is going on with them. I have a rather high education level (working on my 3rd university degree) and consider myself very much a feminist, and a loud one even, but if I’m being honest with myself I too am secretly enjoying having a “strong male” (aka sexy boyfriend) by my side who protects me from whatever imaginary dangers and the evils of the world out there. I have often asked myself if that is a remainder of our programming from times when the survival of the female might have depended on the goodwill of a male? In my case, it doesn’t affect my voting though. Have voted left (or green, in europe) since day 1 but I can strike up enough phantasy to imagine how less fortunate women search for something like this outside their own home and react in the most primitive ways to the orange monkey advocating his “protective powers”. That disgusting waste of space… and those poor, poor deluded women.

  7. ms says:

    No lies told. The pathetic part is, it totally worked, because we suck as a general populace.

    • Yup, Me says:

      No, “we” do not suck. 94% of Black female voters had sense enough not to vote for Trump even though Hilary was a problematic candidate for many POC.

      Y’all suck. White women are (and remain) the “foot soldiers” of the patriarchy. The midterm elections showed it all over again (Florida, Texas, Georgia). Check the numbers.

      • Alarmjaguar says:

        Sadly, you’re totally right

      • Gina says:

        As a white woman the high numbers of White women that voted for him surprises me too. I would really love to see a breakdown of this age group of these women. It makes me think that a large percentage of them are older “baby boomers” who vote in large numbers. there is a generational factor in how they think. I would love to see how many women in their 20s and 30s and 40s are voting for Trump.
        Betsy in the previous post said it well “ Of course half those poor deluded white women think the conservat8be men in their lives think of them as full humans, and they so do not”. To sum it up, they’re essentially brainwashed. And some of them are just horrible bigots and racists.

      • Dara says:

        If you look, really look, at the photos from the civil-rights era, you’ll see that a great many of the hate-filled faces, those most distorted in rage at the very thought of integrating schools, were those belonging to white women and girls. Looking at what few photos there are of public lynchings, you’ll see more than a few white women dressed in their Sunday best enjoying the spectacle. A lot of the statues dedicated to southern Civil War “heroes” were funded by a group called Daughters of the Confederacy. I don’t mean to single out southern women, I’m sure there were plenty on the West Coast that had no problem watching their Japanese neighbors shipped off to camps during WWII.

        Our gender is not immune from evil, it’s just that women have been consistently overlooked in the history books on so many levels. Many times that leads to our positive achievement diminished or ignored entirely. In this case being marginalized by society means we haven’t had to face the consequences for some of he really shitty actions we’ve been complicit in.

      • Pansy says:

        SOME people suck, but this white, southern woman who didn’t vote for him and is vocal about it, the one that can’t reconcile her Christianity with people who want to keep out refugees and will gladly give her taxes to those in need, please don’t lump us all together. Think before you say “y’all suck.”

      • Anna says:

        Thank you. So sick of getting lumped in with “we.” It’s white women and those who think some kind of white-adjacency will get them the acceptance they long for. smdh

    • ms says:

      All of you getting offended, I said, “as a general populace.” Believe me, I’m aware white women are huge assholes in this scenario and have more than helped get the entire country where we are. I’m doing my best to go get them.

  8. Ladiabla says:

    I will so be being buying this as well. We miss you MO!

  9. Nev says:

    let him try.


  10. BearcatLawyer says:

    To quote Adele, “We could have had it all.”

    We had eight great years. Now we are paying for it.

    I look forward to reading this book.

  11. Missy says:

    I cannot wait to read this!

  12. Amelie says:

    I actually thought the most interesting of this excerpt (which was more widely covered in People) was that she conceived Sasha and Malia via IVF. I don’t think she’s ever talked about that before! And I don’t think a First Lady has ever talked about suffering a miscarriage? Sure, many female celebrities have talked about the pain of their own infertility and talked about going the surrogate or IVF route. But I dunno it’s surprising to hear someone in the political world talk about it. She’s always been so guarded about her personal life (with good reason!). She also opened up that she and Barack have used marriage counseling, particularly I think while he was President which also was eye opening as they always showed a united front in front of the media.

    Her hating Trump is obviously not really surprising to me at all though it is nice to finally hear her talking about what she really thinks of the man. She’s obviously been saving it to promote her book and yeah, I wouldn’t forgive Trump either for putting my own kids in danger.

    • The Other Katherine says:

      As someone who underwent IVF and is very open about it, I’m pleased she is sharing her experience. All my friends and family were extremely supportive, but there’s still a lot of misconceptions out there about “designer babies” and “why don’t you just adopt”, like bringing home a child who’s undergone the trauma of separation from their birth mother is no different from adopting a dog at the animal shelter. (I’ll note that it’s never, ever people who have actually gone through the process of adopting a child who say, “Why not just adopt?” Adoption can be a wonderful blessing, but it’s not a panacea to address infertility and struggling birth families in need of societal support.) I’m really glad it worked out for her, and hopefully she can help combat misinformation and stigma.

      • Desdemina says:

        Yes to all of this! People think adopting is like in the cartoons – you just go on down to the orphanage and pick one out!

  13. tw says:

    I am reminded of the emotional selfie video that Van Jones made after the Access Hollywood tape. He was saying how Obama had to be so much better, so untouchable to achieve what he did. It’s so unfair that the Obamas were/are held to such different standards. She had every right to be angry. History will be kind to the Obamas…all class and grace.

    • Nina Simone says:

      Van Jones is an opportunist and a white supremacy sympathizer IMO. In fact, the reason he is not well liked in certain DC circles was his open disdain and jealousy of the Obamas. Remember when he had the audacity to say Michelle Obama wasn’t classically beautiful at the 2016 DNC?
      He’s a fake!

      • RBC says:

        Van Jones actually said that about Michelle Obama?!!!

      • Patty says:

        Yeah. Van Jones is highly problematic and has some serious issues with his own blackness. Self hate is a powerful thing. I didn’t want to believe at first but I dug a little deeper and it’s there for anyone to see. Right down to the not classically beautiful white wife. SMH.

  14. Jerusha says:

    I don’t know anything about the veracity of the NY Post, but if this is true, WOW!

    How much would you have to be PAID to hear melania/melanie speak?

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      On being paid to hear Melania Trump, this reminds me that I never saw that movie Indecent Proposal and that Melania isn’t like Robert Redford.

  15. LP says:

    She’s right about these wingnuts- one of my siblings lives in DC and worked at a restaurant whose boss knew the Podesta brothers and held some fundraisers or something for Hillary. The staff was doxxed and my brother and his girlfriend were harassed for MOTHS before a wingnut threw some guns in his car and drove there. N one was get thankfully but a shot was fired- any of them could have been killed. Read the wikiepdia entry on “Pizzagate” if you don’t believe her!

  16. Teebee says:

    She illustrates with her experience of Trump’s incendiary ways just how lacking he is in empathy and a sense of consequence. I am so very glad that the Obama’s never suffered an open attempt on their lives, even to this day. But Trump definitely has blood on his hands two years later. He has escalated and escalated his practice of inciting rage, because he mistakes it for support. For adoration of him, not his words. He does not care nor understand that it has definite and documented consequence, and in his case deadly ones.

    The saddest most heartbreaking part is that even when he is out of office, and may never enjoy a moments peace because he will be HOUNDED to his grave with historical treatise of his disastrous turn as POTUS, he will not lose an ounce of sleep feeling guilty about any dead or maimed people that he is DIRECTLY responsible for.

    I used to think him a simpleton, a trust fund kid grown up, bumbling his way through life, doing little good but no real harm. No more. He is without an ability to see anything outside his own interests. No matter of pleading or evidence will change that. Not even his family could break through this level of entrenched narcissism and selfishness. He is truly a monster, a grotesque.

    And he is running the country.

  17. kristen says:

    I wish I could be alive in 100 years just to read how history textbooks describe the Obama presidency and the Republican Party’s racist campaign to delegitimize him.

  18. Navyluv1 says:

    I really don’t think Tramp want the real smoke by attacking a national treasure like forever first lady Michelle Obama. He ain’t ready for that!

  19. Rice says:

    I’m not American, but she was my FLOTUS-from-another-country. She’s still being maligned, denigrated, insulted and every other bad word you can think of. Many of the comments I’ve seen about her admitted fertility struggles have been positive. But you know there’s always that special a-hole who insists that her gender is questionable.

  20. Valerie says:

    It was. It’s Trump’s best (worst) tactic. It’s about the only thing you can honestly say he’s good at.

  21. Fluffy Princess says:

    I miss Michelle Obama – I always looked forward to her interviews and appearances. I loved when she used to go on Ellen’s show. The dance offs! Remember when they did push ups against each other? How they went shopping at CVS (a drug store)? How she would tell stories about the girls and Barack? She is so fun and smart and awesome. She was the best FLOTUS!

    The thing that infuriates me to no end is the fact that Melania does NOTHING as a first lady. Nothing, and the repubs are fine with it. Imagine if Michelle had been like Melania? My god, the indignation and fury would have been legion. But one of their grifters? Yeah, it’s fine, cool. AAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!! The hypocrisy of the repubs KILLS me–just makes me burn with the fury of a gajillion suns. I hope everyday they ALL END UP IN PRISON FOREVER!!

  22. adastraperaspera says:

    Some sources claim the birther attack, like the phrase “MAGA” were focus-group tested by Cambridge Analytica before they were given to Trump to amplify. I tend to believe that most of Trump and GOP dirty tricks are planned in advance to inflict maximum damage. Things they do just seem too coordinated–one example now is how the same day the Florida recounts began–and both Rick Scott and Marco Rubio tweeted that Dems are trying to steal the elections–hashtags like #stopthesteal immediately jumped to the top of the list of the thousands of messages being pushed by Russian bots (as tracked by the Hamilton68 organization).

    • Lilly says:

      Yes, they’re not stupidly stumbling out with some aw darn type of real outrage at any genuine unfairness, it’s expensive and planned manipulation. Their only real outrage is entitled white guys being held to democratic laws and standards, when they feel entitled to whatever office they want. Too bad.

      And, hell yes, Michelle – I wouldn’t have any forgiveness for this man, and his walking dead brain cells army, who still tries to harm you and your children.

    • dappadaph says:

      It was all coordinated. When Rachel Maddow does the graphic of how everyone is connected within the Trump Org, even down to the NRA. It was not coincidental at all. That’s why I will always believe that votes were hacked and switched. This election was stolen as there were too many things at stake.

  23. Pandy says:

    Good for her for not sweeping that @ss under the carpet. Bet he tries to drag her …

  24. pinetree13 says:

    You called it. He’s already attacking the Obama’s over her exerts:

    “I’ll give you a little controversy back, I’ll never forgive (President Barack Obama) for what he did to our US military. It was depleted, and I had to fix it,” Trump said. “What he did to our military made this country very unsafe for you and you and you.”

    I’m sure he’ll say worse over the next few days. He always starts out slow and then get emboldened by his previous comments and doubles-down in a worse way. He’s insufferable.

  25. Miasys says:

    Boy, do I miss her. Whenever I see her photo, it causes an instantaneous smile. She is such an amazing person. It’s like the goodness just shines out of her.

  26. Nancy says:

    Oh how I wish she hadn’t mentioned her infertility. She is opening the dreaded can of worms. Alex Jones has never stopped saying she is a man. He goes as far as to show videos of bones (and other body parts) in her body that are indicative of a man. They show Obama calling her Mike, as if some nickname makes her a man. The wingnuts as she calls them are going to have a field day. I think she is gracious, lovely and was one of our finest First Ladies. I know they will come after her again. trump and his cult are pure evil. There is no denying it anymore. This makes me so mad/sad.

    • Olenna says:

      Sadly, I agree. The racists have and continue to express so much hate towards her. Anything she does in the public eye brings on a new round of abuse towards her (and the girls, in this case). I don’t understand the purpose of well-known people revealing private matters like their reproductive issues unless they are advocating for reproductive rights, health coverage or similar concerns. But, most baffling to me is why she chose to write a memoir and remain a public figure in that right as opposed to just a philanthropist or activist.

      • Nancy says:

        She must have felt she could help other women who are going through the same thing she did. What the Obamas have gone through is despicable. I adore them both. None of the racists, truthers or other assholes can ever take away the FACT that he was well loved and the first Black American President! Take that wingnuts!

    • Deering says:

      Nancy, it doesn’t make any difference what she mentions. When you are black, racists use any and all vulnerabilities to dehumanize you. An infertile white woman deserves tears; an infertile black woman is a freak, a thing.

  27. Interdependent says:

    The number one issue in American politics is healthcare. So make a list of all the Democrat politicians who support medicare for all and use it as the starting point to find the next Democrat candidate for President. Any Democrat who doesn’t support medicare for all shouldn”t be considered.

    • Interdependent says:

      Although on the other hand I heard the GOP are unlikely to lose the Senate until 2022 or 2024, so medicare for all probably won’t be happening anytime soon. 😠

  28. Clementine says:

    I miss both President Obama and Mrs. Obama terribly.

    Can’t wait for Trump to be gone.

  29. maraidh says:

    I love her, and miss her (and her husband, and Uncle Joe).

    She is so classy, brilliant and was the most amazing First Lady.

    Not once during their eight years was I ever embarrassed by either of the Obamas.

    These days, we’re lucky if we get through a single day without any cringe worthy moments.