“Eddie Murphy, 57, is now the father of ten children” links

20th Annual Hollywood Film Awards - Arrivals

Eddie Murphy, 57, just welcomed his TENTH child. [Dlisted]
Emily Blunt is here to remind you that Golden Globe nominations come out tomorrow. It feels way too early, right? [Go Fug Yourself]
Roger Stone pleads the fifth. [Towleroad]
What has Julia Roberts been up to this week? [LaineyGossip]
Katy Perry spent $50K to go on a date with…Orlanda Bloom. [Pajiba]
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a bold idea about paying Congressional staffers enough to live in DC. [Jezebel]
Bristol Palin’s ex-husband calls MTV’s Teen Mom “trash.” [The Blemish]
Real Housewife of Dallas Kameron Wescott has friends, OK? [Reality Tea]
Did Jax Taylor lie about his Naval service? [Starcasm]

Eddie Murphy goes solo for a coffee in LA

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19 Responses to ““Eddie Murphy, 57, is now the father of ten children” links”

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  1. elo320 says:

    10 kids with 5 mothers. I’m sure he’s a very hands-on father.

    • me says:

      Seems like the new women he impregnates seem to be getting younger and younger. I bet this one is younger than his oldest child !

    • smcollins says:

      And now a moment for one of our favorite games: gender reversal. I don’t even want to think about the disgusting things that would be said if it were a woman with 10 kids by 5 different men, with each “baby daddy” younger than the next. Good grief, man, it’s called a vasectomy, look into it!

      • Snazzy says:

        He’ll never do that. He’s probably one of those a-holes who things it’s a reflection of his manhood to have so many children from so many women.

      • elo320 says:

        Kate Winslet & Hudson both have 3 kids by 3 different men I believe, the comments out there are not pretty

  2. lucy2 says:

    Good thing he made all that Shrek money. 10 kids, wow.
    2018 has felt like forever, so it doesn’t seem too soon for the Globes to me.

  3. BL says:

    He is so gross

  4. ItReallyIsYou,NotMe says:

    Massive eye roll about Eddie Murphy

  5. Madpoe says:

    50K for one date, I don’t make that in a year *side eye my bowl of soup*

  6. minx says:

    Ugh, he does nothing for me.

  7. Patty says:

    I’ve always wondered what it’s like to be in a relationship knowing that the other person would not give you the time of day if not for your wealth and celebrity. Or knowing that someone is just with you because you help them achieve a certain image.

    • Rhys says:

      Maybe those people just believe they are amazing? Keep in mind that whoever is dating for profit, will make sure that their partner knows they are with them for True Love and their personality only.

  8. Wisca says:

    He can afford them, but can he parent all of those children? Perhaps he can. Male privilege in action.

  9. SJhere says:

    Just reading “10 children” makes me tired.
    Get the snip already, goodness me.

    Eddie is very talented, still good looking .. Actually I think he’s better looking now vs. in his youth, extremely wealthy and famous. Which causes me to wonder why he is still having children? No, I mean that seriously. Seriously enjoy yourself but get the birth control working! The planet earth does not need more humans.

    Btw, I think his brother, Charlie Murphy was a very handsome man too.
    And it’s gotta be tough trying to break show biz as a comedian when your the brother of EM, the comparisons must have been never ending.

  10. Svea says:

    Where does he get all his money?

  11. Rosie says:

    Appalling man, stupid woman. Poor child.

  12. FF says:

    No one gets knocked up by themselves, so that’s a two-party choice – unless we’re trying to say these women got pregnant unwillingly and/or by accident. If they all want his kids and he can support them then that’s their business; he doesn’t have to stop procreating because other people don’t like it.

    That said he should consider being a father to these children, which I’m not sure you can be with so many in different households – but again his business if he’s supporting them – a lot of men from that era seem to keep having children because they can. He’s not alone. And is it fair to his later partners to say no kids because he’s got enough? I don’t know.