Angelina Jolie went Christmas shopping at the Grove with Knox, Vivienne & Shiloh

Angelina Jolie gets some holiday shopping done at The Grove with her kids

Angelina Jolie is the kind of person who still goes to malls and brick-and-mortar stores to shop. She probably knows that she could find everything she wants online, but I guess with six growing kids, she probably wants them to try on stuff before buying. So it happened again: Angelina got pap’d with some of her kids. Angelina took the three youngest kids – Shiloh, Vivienne and Knox – to the Grove in LA. They went to Crate & Barrel, Barnes & Noble and… I can’t see any other bags, but they probably went other places. The other day, I actually did some Christmas shopping in some stores too – I went to Pier One (didn’t buy anything) and Barnes & Noble (bought way too much).

We still haven’t heard much about the deal Angelina and Brad agreed to, even though “sources” claimed that Brad “got what he wanted,” even if what he got was less than 50% custody. I’m wondering if they negotiated a deal for Christmas too – does Angelina get the kids on Christmas morning, and Brad gets them on Christmas afternoon? Ah, divorced parents Christmas drama. Tensions will be high, no matter what. I predict we’ll be unwrapping some Jolie-Pitt Christmas beef on December 27th.

The kids look fine with their mom though. Those Jolie-Pitt genes are so funny – Shiloh, Knox and Vivienne all look alike. The only thing that bugs me is that everyone but Viv is covered up in warmer clothes. Maybe Vivienne just runs hot, no matter the temperature.

Angelina Jolie gets some holiday shopping done at The Grove with her kids

Angelina Jolie gets some holiday shopping done at The Grove with her kids

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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59 Responses to “Angelina Jolie went Christmas shopping at the Grove with Knox, Vivienne & Shiloh”

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  1. Eliza says:

    I used to see only Brad in Shiloh, now I see only Angelina. When did that happen?

    • d says:

      She’s all Voight.

    • Shijel says:

      Plenty of Brad there, especially in Shiloh’s eyes. Knox, though? Now there’s an Angelina copy.

      • smcollins says:

        Agreed @shijel. I think Shiloh favors Brad, Knox is definitely Angelina’s little carbon copy, and I think Vivienne is a nice mix (although I think she also has Brad’s eyes). They’re genetically blessed, that’s for sure.

      • truth hurts says:

        Shi and Viv both have Brad’s eyebrows and squint all the time. Sometimes Shi holds her mouth and has his gestures at times. These two are chameleons and can be twins of both depends on the day. But Viv is more Angelina even has her eye color. Knox is her twin. He and Viv will need braces soon. Knox and Shi has his blue eyes. I don’t know about Viv’s hair color because it seems darker underneath and seems highlighted blonde streaks.

    • whatWHAT? says:

      funny you say that, I thought the same! but then I took a close look…those kids are like, a 50/50 combo of their parents. sometimes I see Pitt and sometimes I see Jolie. depends on the angle of the pic and the kids expression at the time.

      • SK says:

        It’s because their parents actually have a lot of facial similarities – even though it’s not immediately apparent. They both have strong, square jawlines; full lips; brown hair and blue eyes.

    • minx says:

      Really beautiful kids.

    • bettyrose says:

      IKR? I look at Shiloh and see young Angie staring back at me. If Shiloh had (or when she decides to have) dark hair, it’ll be like *double take* who am I looking at?

  2. Maya says:

    Only drama we will get is from Brad’s side as usual.

    They look happy and dressed like normal children.

    I just can’t understand how people are calling Angelina names for allowing her children to dress the way they want. But people like Charlize Theron who has a son & daughter just said in a interview she has two daughters. Gwen Stefani also allows her son to dress in girly clothes. Where is the outrage on them?

    I personally don’t give an eff on how the children are dressing but I hate the double standard.

    • classicmoviecat says:

      They look so happy and comfortable, that’s all that matters. I don’t understand parents who choose “societal gender dressing standards” over their children’s happiness and comfort. I’m so glad things are changing for the better.

    • Algernon says:

      I think it’s cute that Vivienne is dressing like Shiloh, it’s older-sib worship. It’s normal.

  3. Chaine says:

    Are they taller than normal children or is Angelina petite?

  4. Loopy says:

    How come Brad is never pictured with his kids…like Ever anymore??? Strange

  5. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Going into Barnes and Noble cues a chorus of angels in my head. And heading to Starbucks to peruse while sipping? Please. There’s only one thing that would make it better…built inside a cold, dark castle with massive fireplaces. I’d never leave.

  6. Cee says:

    Shiloh is growing so tall! Knox looks very much like Brad in the last photo.
    I hope Brad gets his shit together enough to salvage any kind of relationship with his children.

    • Booie says:

      Knox looks nothing like brad. He looks exactly like uncle James and grandpa Jon. The voight genes are strong.

    • Person3514 says:

      I see Brad in that last photo as well. It’s his demeanor, the way he is standing. I also think he has Brads jaw line. In that first pic straight on I don’t think he looks like Brad, but he still has demeanor. It’s the way he carries himself that reminds me of Brad.

  7. SlightlyAnonny says:

    I almost wept when I read brick-and-mortar Barnes & Nobles. Sigh. I miss book stores. Anywho, Angie has some strong genetics. The youngest three look all her with some blond from Brad.

  8. TaniaOG says:

    The only one that looks like Brad is Vivienne.

  9. TaniaOG says:

    The only one that looks like Brad is Vivienne.

  10. d says:

    Vivienne looks like a very young Nastassja Kinski.

  11. anp says:

    Why has pitt Not been photo with his children in public? The tabloids never question that.

    • Audrey says:

      I may get skewered for this, but maybe Brad doesn’t take his kids on pap-walks because he doesn’t want to use them in his custody battle? I find it so interesting that Angie has been photoed with her kids a lot since the divorce drama started. I see these photos as a blatant attempt by Angie to get the public on her side.

      • Maya says:

        Nah rather that Brad is afraid of getting pictured when the children don’t want to be with him but are forced to by the court.

        The children fear him according to the judge so that will show on pictures they are together.

        And please, this is Brad Pitt. The man who always uses the media to his advantage.

        And the children, judge, independent counsel & therapists are all on Angelina’s side since they don’t recommend 50:50 custody deal for Brad.

        Unlike Brad, Angelina actually cares more about the children then her image.

      • IMUCU says:

        No judgement either way, but the Grove is a total pap stroll.

      • Booie says:

        @audrey these kids get photographed when out on their own without their mother. Do they do pap walks on their own too? Who’s to say they don’t call the paps not Angie?

        In all seriousness, these kids can’t avoid getting papped even without their world famous mother. It’s not a pap walk, it’s nearly unavoidable. They don’t get photographed with brad because either they don’t see him or they’re constrained to his house when with him. But why should Angie keep them inside all day? Are they supposed to live their lives and never go out to shop or eat as a result? She’s taking her kids out like a normal mother would and they get papped because their pictures are wanted. When she was in England there were plenty of blurry fan photos and tweets of her hanging out with her kids in public and yet no pap photos because paps weren’t around. There was also a blurry fan pic of her with Knox at circus circus. No pap pics. So it’s not like she only does this for public support. She does it for her kids. Is she supposed to say no when they want to go out?

        Besides, let’s not pretend brad didn’t love having his photo taken with the kids before the incident happened. He clearly had no troubles with paps photographing them before. Ask yourself what the difference is now.

        And IMUCU: here’s a thought, maybe her kids asked to go to the Grove?

      • crogirl says:

        Audrey said: “I find it so interesting that Angie has been photoed with her kids a lot since the divorce drama started”

        I am not going to debate whether it’s a pap stroll or not because I don’t care. But Angie has always been photoed a lot with her kids, maybe you haven’t paid attention before, there is no change. And good for her for keeping the same habbits, she’s not the one who abused and ignored those kids. She and the kids haven’t done anything wrong and they shouldn’t hide

      • lucy2 says:

        I think they’re probably just out doing normal things, but I also imagine she knows it doesn’t hurt to have happy photos of her out with the kids.

        Hope they’re all doing OK, this has to have been a stressful couple of years.

      • Sandra says:

        The Grove is pap central. I remember when this place was just a big farmer’s market.

      • lingli says:

        That’s how I interpret it. There are a lot
        of A-List celebrity parents who (almost) never get papped with their children. To me Vivienne always looks so uncomfortable in these photos, too.

      • Carol says:

        Pitt’s stans want the family to not enjoy life as much since he’s obviously not, lol. Seriously, when he’s out and about enjoying himself with friends by going out to concerts and art shows etc.., then the stans said he can’t just stay home alone moping and looking sad at the dog since his wife denied him of the kids. He has a life too so it’s his right to go out and live life. But in the same breath, the family should not enjoy or live their life as such if he’s not in it. Hypocrites much.

        The Grove is a trendy place for everyone including celebs so of course the paps would set up camp to get pics. Jolie and the kids probably don’t care as long as they enjoy themselves so all is good. Let them do what they want and everyone wins.

      • sage says:

        Who cares if you get skewered! Angelina is not doing anything new. She is always photographed with her kids dating all the way back to when Maddox was adopted. Brad used to be seen with his kids a lot till he ruined his relationship with them.

    • Sheryl says:

      I don’t think that because one parent is pictured by the paps that means that the other parent doesn’t have the children or they do not like the other parent. Look have careful George C. has been about his children being photographed. I wonder if he is mad at his wife about the pictures they got of her and the twins in New York. I just don’t know if you will ever see George with his kids. Maybe when are older? Perhaps men more often don’t want pictures with the paps. I think I frequently find that women have more pap pictures than men celebrities? Perhaps because they get better press for being a hands-on mother? Not sure correct me if I am wrong.

      • Audrey says:

        Sheryl, Good points. Also, there’s more pressure on women to prove they are good mothers than men to prove they are good fathers.

  12. truth says:

    All the girls look like normal teenage/pre-teenage tomboys..i like it.

    But what is funny is these people look like low-middle-class whereas they are multi-millionaires..hypocrites or just self-aware or just humble ??

    Angie are you ‘yellow vest’ or at least do you support them ?

    • DesertReal says:

      I love Viv’s t-shirt and will be looking for vintage style Transformers, Mobile Suit Gundam, and Gundam Wing shirts when I’m done typing this.
      But I don’t think they “look low middle class”. They just look like regular teenagers…should they be in khakis and navy blazers with maroon sweater vests?

  13. Carmen says:

    “Less than 50% custody” could be anywhere between 1% and 49%. I wonder how much he actually got?

    I’m thinking he probably gets the kids every other weekend and that’s it.

    Angie looks a bajillion times happier and more content since she unloaded him.

  14. anp says:

    A lot of pitt’s stans want to see him in public with the children but they get upset with Angelina because she can bring them in public and get photo. Not Angelina’s fault the kids like being in public with her.

  15. Amelie says:

    I’ve noticed in the last year or so Vivienne, who used to dress in really girly, frilly clothing, has started imitating her older sister Shiloh/brothers by dressing like a tomboy. I think it’s really cute.

    Also Shiloh has braces now! I remember those days… I had to wear mine for three and half long years. I refused to wear my elastics because they hurt my mouth too much so that probably drew out the process.

    Also it’s sad I recognized right away the Anthro shop bag in the first picture behind the Jolie-Pitts. I shop there way too much at my own wallet’s detriment.

  16. Hmm says:

    No way he gets Christmas. Those kids love their mom and I’m guessing prefer to spend Xmas with her.

    I knew this would happen if the custody evaluator listened to the kids. The kids probably told him they want to be with their mom and don’t really care if they see daddy dearest. All his fans claimed he would get 50 % because that’s how California works but now they’re making excuses.

    You can tell by the way Vivienne clings to Angelina. Never saw Brad like that with those kids. In fact the last photos of Brad out and about with those kids was in London and Vivienne was trailing behind him hugging herself and looking sad.

  17. Nancy says:

    I think the kids look much more like their mother. I see it in the eyes and mouth. They have light hair, like Brad, but I think as a kid, so did Angelina. Someone upthread said all Voight, and I tend to agree.

  18. Maddie says:

    I was at the grove yesterday. My little cousin wanted to go shopping and she wore shorts. It wasn’t cold, but it wasn’t hot either – Vivienne’s outfit is fine.

  19. anp says:

    Angelina and her children are enjoying being out about shopping. So his stans need to learn to deal with it.

    He is still smearing the mother of his children.

  20. Foxtrot says:

    All three kids will be gorgeous when they grow up (they already are so cute), and the bigger kids (not pictured) also.

  21. MICHELLE says:

    @Lingli That’s because other parent’s photos don’t sell well to celeb blogs & tabloids, otherwise you would see them on a regular basis. Paparazzi have been following Angelina & kids more since divorce because there is money to be made from media outlets. They also follow all the kids separately when Angie isn’t around, are they pap walks?

  22. Sidewithkids says:

    Did they not have bodyguards around them? I didn’t see any. Wonder if Angie asked for less security.

    @Maya, Angie always gets the worse of reactions but when others do it, then it’s acceptable. She goes through this all the time. Doesn’t bother her, she knows who she is and she kbowa her kids. Angelina seema the type to say to her kids, their happiness is more important to them. Her ex, Mr. Lameness whanted to change them. She doesn’t, she loves herself and her kids no matter what. Any good Mom would feel the same way.

    I will tell you this tho, Charlize Is getting slack especially from the black community.