Donald Trump tweeted about ‘smocking guns’ this morning, because covfefe

G20 Summit in Argentina - Trump

I understand that we all love to clown Donald Trump, because he’s the bigliest and dumbest clown around. But I actually get tired of his typos and malapropisms. Trump is changing our language for the worse, and he’s an international embarrassment. This morning, Trump got up bright and early to tweet about “smocking guns.” They are the new covfefe.

Angelina Jolie gets some holiday shopping done at The Grove with her kids

I mean… yes, everyone makes typos. Usually if I make a typo, it’s because I can’t spell for sh-t and I’m writing or tweeting too fast. But to misspell the word twice in one tweet and to leave that tweet up for hours? I feel like we’re getting played somehow. Like he wants us to talk about “smocking guns” rather than Don Jr’s imminent indictment:

[Last week], current and former White House officials gathered at the St. Regis in Washington, D.C., for an engagement party for former campaign staffer and CNN contributor David Urban, at once a reunion and seasonal celebration and a chance to compare notes on the gathering storm. The attendees included Dina Powell, Ivanka Trump, Anthony Scaramucci, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Tony Sayegh, a Republican strategist whom Trump appointed assistant secretary of the Treasury. “It was a garrulous holiday party,” one partygoer said, “but people were worried about Mueller. It’s not going anywhere.”

At the party, there was talk about Don Jr.’s ongoing legal exposure. “Don is very worried,” the attendee said. According to the source, Don Jr. departed this week on a hunting trip to Canada. “They think the bomb’s coming this week, and he doesn’t want to be anywhere near a microphone if the bomb drops,” the source said. In addition to fears that Don Jr. may have lied to Congress, he’s also said to be worried about his role as an executive at the Trump Organization.

[From Vanity Fair]

Nothing screams “innocent” like leaving town in a hurry when there are indictment rumors swirling. Or maybe the “smocking gun” is a distraction from the fact that Trump wanted Mother’s Husband’s chief of staff to be his new chief of staff, only the guy refused and then announced he was quitting. Maybe “smocking gun” means “fleeing like rats from a sinking ship.”

Trump departs the White House to attend the 119th Army-Navy Football Game

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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57 Responses to “Donald Trump tweeted about ‘smocking guns’ this morning, because covfefe”

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  1. CATAYLOR says:

    Sorry Officer, I wasn’t smocking that joint, I was just wearing it to paint pictures of our moron Oompa Loompa in Chief.

  2. Eric says:

    Neither Frederick Douglass nor Scott Free can help you out of this pickle, Emperor Zero.

    You admitted you broke campaign finance laws this morning after repeatedly saying you didn’t know about the Cohen payments—the big lie was on Air Force 1 (aka Individual-1 airline) to Karen MacDougal and Stormy Daniels, who you denied even knowing.

    Lordy I hope there are tapes! And if it’s what you say it is, I love it! Especially late in the winter!

    Have a covfefe and a smock this morning; it’ll settle your nerves.

  3. B n A fan says:

    The smoking gun is pointing at him. I’m so tired of seeing, and hearing him lie and deflects everything. I’m praying for the day when I see him and his crime family in handcuffs. Btw, did anyone see Jared and the new Attorney General, acting, going on Air Force one? When Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynn had a talk on her plane the republicans had a melt down, now it’s crickets, crickets. Btw, now, should the new AG excuse himself from the Russia Probe?

    • jan90067 says:

      Seen and noted. As you said, crickets. Where are the Dems?? WHY are they not bringing this up; even on Twitter it hardly blipped.

    • Puravidacostarica says:

      Bill Clinton talked to Loretta Lynn???? Did they do a duet of “Louisiana Woman Arkansas Man”? (That’s actually supposed to be Mississippi Man.)

      I think you mean Loretta Lynch. But thanks for the giggle.

  4. Lightpurple says:

    Sounds like he has spent too much time perusing little girl dress making on Pinterest.

    He pretty much admitted to criminal acts this morning, insisting he didn’t do it but if he did do it, it was CIVIL, not criminal, just like Obama, (although not like Obama at all) and any way, it was the lawyer’s fault, not his.

    Nagini is frantically posting pictures of herOrthodox Jewish children enjoying Christmas (and no, Nagini, not believing for a second that that kid picked the dull brown bird cookie over the more colorful ones right in front of him) except, one of the kids refused to pose for her.

    And junior seems to think Canada has no extradition agreements.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Running to hide in Canada is so hysterically funny to me! It makes him seem so cowardly and pathetic. Not to mention, stupid, because it won’t work!

      ….unless they know of a private airfield where they can fly out of Canada and go to Russia or something.

  5. ChillyWilly says:

    Wittle Donnie Jr is vewy mad and sad so he’s off to murder harmless creatures. I want to see these effers incarcerated so badly.

  6. Bellagio says:

    You mean to say that the President of USA cannot spell?!
    Oh, that old chestnut.
    Is anyone really surprised at this point?!
    I bet Melania is getting him crayons and a paint book for Christmas.

  7. Chaine says:

    Even Monica Lewinsky is trolling him on Twitter for this one.

  8. Jan says:

    Dear God when am I going to wake up and this nightmare that Trump is President going to be over?

  9. Sadezilla says:

    I listen to a podcast (Gaslit Nation) by journalists Sarah Kendzior and Andrea Chalupa, who both study authoritarian regimes, specializing in the Soviet Union. Their theory is that Nagini’s undefined role in Individual-1’s regime is priming us for President Nagini. Whether that will be through an election or dictatorship is as yet unknown. Truly terrifying!

    I think if we don’t defeat the current iteration of the Republican Party, our democracy is toast. Corporate oligarchs already have way too much control due to ineffective campaign finance laws.

    • Indiana Joanna says:

      I love their podcast Gaslit Nation. As for Grifter Vank, she’s being sued by NY for stealing money from the Trump Foundation. She is the only one who can give fey Jared a personality so I’m betting she was deeply involved in anything where he committed crimes. In his unofficial role the dim Jared meets with despots to talk about getting himself out of debt in return for US indifference to their murders, human rights violations and other egregious acts. And yes he discussed Vank’s involvement with Whitaker. Sad for Jared, Whitaker is not a good lawyer and corrupt himself.

      • Darla says:

        Who’s grifter vank? All these nicknames are quite confusing. If you guys are talking about Ivanka Trump becoming President, not going to happen.

    • Darla says:

      I’m sorry, but this is ridiculous. Don’t listen to that nonsense. That’s not going to happen.

      • Sadezilla says:

        I think Grifter Vank is Ivanka (I-VANK-a). I get that the United States is intended to be a democratic republic, and in theory it’s laughable that Ivanka would ever be elected, but it was also laughable that Individual-1 would ever be elected and here we are. That is why I say that we need to cut the current Republican electeds off at the pass, or they will do anything to stay in power, whether legal/small-d democratic or not. What the Repubs in Wisconsin, Michigan, and North Carolina are doing is a real slippery slope. Not to mention there is no traction on moving to paper ballots to protect our elections from international interference. Anyway, open to hearing your thoughts!

      • Fluffy Princess says:

        Ivanka has a REALLY, really good chance of ending up in jail. We can debate whether Emperor Zero will be indicted or whatever, but Ivanka is NOT protected by any sort of presidential cloak. She is still a private citizen, and as such, they can deflect all they want, but Ivanka is in DEEP with the Trump org. She does a lot of dirty real estate deals (see Felix Sater – Russian connected) and other nefarious activities.

        On another odd gossip front:

        She is also very, very good friends with Wendy Deng. Wendy Deng used to be married to Rupert Murdoch of Fox News–divorced him. Guess who her next boyfriend was? Vladimir Putin. “Amazing” how many Russian connections she ALSO has. So, she will NEVER be president, except maybe of her cell block.

      • Veronica S. says:

        I suspect the podcast is intended more to draw parallels to previous republics that have fallen into dictatorial leanings and where we’re seeing an emerging pattern. It’s not necessary that they’re saying it will happen but that her behavior, manipulations, and involvement in the government is very reminiscent of situations where it has occurred before.

      • Sadezilla says:

        @Veronica, no, they were pretty explicit about Ivanka’s aims for running for President. I am not saying it will likely happen, just that I’m concerned about the way our democracy is eroding because Republicans refuse to check Individual-1. His admiration for autocrats is disturbing, and I would not want to rely on the current elected Republicans to stand in the way of an erosion of democracy. They are certainly all for the concentration of power in the hands of their billionaire donors.

  10. KidV says:

    One of the many names I have for my cat is Princess Covfefe.

    • Lady D says:

      You too? My cats have two, if not three different names, and they respond to all of them.

      • jwoolman says:

        One of the many wonderful things about cats is that they don’t really care what you call them. So I can use any names I want regardless of gender.

        Cats are rather casual about sexuality (doesn’t matter which sex or species….) and ignore the tiny gender boxes humans like to use also. Woman cats are fierce when they want to be, and man cats can be very nurturing foster dads when they want to be.

        And cat hierarchies are very fluid. Nursing moms tend to be at the top, but in general territories and dibs on favorite spots are worked out according to schedules rather than permanent. Some are better at conflict resolution than others, of course. The current Senior Cat is a grouch and always has been, even as a tiny tot just a few weeks old. But Junior Cat has figured out she sounds more dangerous than she is.

  11. BearcatLawyer says:

    I think it is verrrry interesting that Nick Ayers turned down the COS job. Even more interesting is how he has acquired a $54 million estimated fortune since arriving in D.C. He did not have that kind of money before, and he did not get any big inheritances or trust fund cash. Things that make you go hmmmmm…

    Seems to me like the swamp was never drained. It just became more and more infested with scum and pollution.

    • Darla says:

      How dumb would you have to be to take that job though right? It’s mind boggling. Maybe trump will end up with Scaramucci again, because I don’t know if there’s really anyone else dumb enough to take the job.

      • Megan says:

        If the best case scenario for that job is the complete destruction of your professional reputation and public humiliation on Twitter, imagine what the worst case looks like.

    • Megan says:

      I find it interesting that Ayers, for all his rumored political ambition, announces he is jumping ship the same week as the Flynn sentencing memo. I wonder how much criminal exposure Pence really has.

      And I wonder how much of his fortune is from illegally lobbying on behalf of foreign governments.

    • Christin says:

      I heard he was a 36 year-old multi-millionaire, and just assumed he was from a wealthy family. Interesting that a “political operative” can become so wealthy, so quickly.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      I would not be surprised if he installs Ivanka in the job – no one else seems to want it. He’s the orange titanic thats started the sink, Mueller is closing in and no one wants to be close when it finally hits the fan.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      It’s so funny that he turned it down. I think Trump thought he would be an easy replacement, and this is a wake-up call.

      You’d have to be a true idiot to work for this Administration. They will all go to prison eventually, like Nixon’s lawyers.

    • jwoolman says:

      Hmmm indeed. He may be smart enough to avoid more scrutiny. Wish I could manufacture money like that. His instant fortune may point to Pence’s activities. Or not.

      Didn’t Barr turn down the AG job also after his likely surreal chat with Trump?

  12. Lady Keller says:

    Go home junior. Canada doesn’t want you.

    • Lady D says:

      Canada sincerely hopes that this time the grizzly wins. Bears are adapting. They’re learning that gunshots mean dinner’s wandering the forest. They should be denning by now, however. He must be after moose or elk, or maybe the bastard fancies himself a wolf killer. I so loathe him.

  13. Jerusha says:

    It’s times like these that I love CB and twitter. The snark and mordant humor in the face of tragedy. Priceless!

  14. Lightpurple says:

    Maria Butina has flipped & is scheduling a court hearing this week to change her plea to guilty! The Russian songbird is singing! Down goes the NRA & some GOP congressional members!

    • Darla says:

      Oh boy! I have to turn on the news now.

    • Fluffy Princess says:

      YAAAAS! Lordy, I hope that weasel-turtle McConnell goes DOWN. He’s rec’d tens of MILLIONS from the NRA. Aaaaand, also hoping that Lyin’ Ryan gets caught up too!!

  15. Eric says:

    And a repeat just out that Mark Meadows has declined the CoS job. Two in a row!

    Nice job Orange Nixon, Individual-0

  16. Jay (the Canadian one) says:

    Um, Don Jr. have you been reading the news? Canada is currently extraditing a significant businesswoman to the US at its request. You can’t hide in Canada.

  17. Ol' Miss says:

    Knowing Jr. is in Canada makes me want to stake out the local airport here in central BC, as he was spotted here last year, and someone blasted him. Not hard enough though – he’s back…