Emily Blunt: ‘Becoming a mother gives you so much more strength’


Mary Poppins Returns opens next week and I can’t wait. Not only am I excited for the movie, but I am ready for Emily Blunt to stop promoting while I still like her. She hasn’t done anything wrong, but since this is a children’s movie, it seems she is only asked about motherhood and mothering. It’s a lot. In her interview with Luxury London, Emily said that being a mother changed her for the better and helped her find strength she’d never known she’d had.

As befits the couple’s current status as cinema’s best-loved husband and wife, the consistently affable Krasinski is evidently just as endearing off-screen. It’s just as well, as both are reaching the twin peaks of their professional powers – with Blunt’s Poppins providing a slightly more family-friendly counterweight to Krasinski’s current run as Jack Ryan in the Amazon Prime thriller of the same name – at the same time as raising daughters Hazel, four, and Violet, two.

“He’s a very good father and that’s been a great source of comfort to me because it’s not always that easy to pursue a Hollywood career when you’re raising young children and have to be working on movie sets for months at a time,” says Blunt. “He’s great at making sure there are always fresh bottles of milk and fresh food in the house; just those little things make such a big difference.” As for Blunt herself, the arrival of Hazel and Violet “changed her world completely”.

“You become a different person [when you have children] because you look at your choices from a very different perspective. Whenever I’m considering a project I always think of how it’s going to affect the lives of my daughters. I only choose films now that I definitely want to do and even then I have to really love the story and my character, because when your children are so young you have such a strong desire to be with them as much as you possibly can.

“That’s why I nearly passed on Sicario because I was still feeling very vulnerable and so close to my daughter Hazel after her birth that I didn’t want to play in a very violent film about Mexican drug cartels. But once I did, I realised that becoming a mother gives you so much more strength than you thought you had. You learn that you’re actually more capable than ever.”

[From Luxury London]

This is what I mean about hoping the promotion ends soon. When I first read this, I got defensive on behalf of the non-mothers and how they are also strong. Upon rereading, I think I understand what Emily’s saying here. If you read her comment about being, “actually more capable than ever,” with the context that she still felt vulnerable after Hazel’s birth, it doesn’t sound so preachy. I think she means that she didn’t think she could go back because of self-doubt, hormones and maybe mom-guilt. The “strength” she found was that she could do both. In those early days after my first, I legitimately thought my previous life was lost, that I wouldn’t be able to things the same – it was suffocating. So, in that sense, I could see Emily having an epiphany during Sicario.

As much as I also want her to lay off talking about John and how good they have it, I do appreciate what she said about him picking up the slack around the house. I have a real control problem and learning to let The Mister participate in the day-to-day aspects of running the household has benefitted both of us. But, even though I know this isn’t Emily’s doing, when I read sentences like, “as befits the couple’s current status as cinema’s best-loved husband and wife,” I can’t help but think it’s just an invitation for people to find flaws in their marriage, which I don’t want to do.




Photo credit: WENN Photos

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34 Responses to “Emily Blunt: ‘Becoming a mother gives you so much more strength’”

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  1. Kitty says:

    I highly doubt she meant any offence to anyone who doesn’t have children, just speaking about her own life. People tend to read too much into celebrity comments and get offended at the smallest thing

  2. Krysha says:

    Ugh, I’m so OVER every damn celeb out there claiming motherhood gave her super powers. So, you chose to reproduce. *slow clap* **eyeroll**

    • Monicack says:

      It’s her truth. Relax. Or don’t.

      • WOW says:

        Right? Some women do draw strength from motherhood and they are aloud to speak on THEIR experience. SMH.

    • Kitty says:

      Balls to that. She was asked a question.tion and answered it, it was about being a mother. She never said people with no kids are weak or anything. Why get so weird about it? She never said she had super powers because she had a child, she said she felt she had more strength. If anyone finds what she said offensive, they are really reaching. 2018 gets worse everyday, you can’t say shit all anymore without a group of people being offended

      • Krysha says:

        I don’t recall saying I was offended at her comments, just that I was over them. Way to make an issue of nothing.
        Also, if it takes having kids for a person to give a shit about their environment and other people, then that says a lot about them. What kind of incomplete, un-introspective, socially unconscious person were you before reproduction suddenly made you this better person? smdh…

    • Jay says:

      THANK YOU GIRL. I hate when celebs wax on about how motherhood is a superpower. As someone who can’t have kids, eat glass.

  3. Electric Tuba says:

    “Omg things that like change you, like totally change you. And then youre different. Or changed. And my PR person is frantically waving at me to mention the words strength, power, and maybe synergy…”

    That is basically what she’s saying but in a more pretentious way. It’s the same as all the interviews where celebs sell their deep thoughts instead of talking about their product/project.

    • Kitty says:

      The movie she’s promoting is about taking care of children, she’s speaking about her own experience as a mother, she was asked about being a mother. What do you expect? I didn’t think she sounded pretentious. She answered the question, and was truthful about her feelings. I don’t get why people are offended when someone answers a question about their self.

  4. margie says:

    Motherhood gave me over the top anxiety and hypothyroidism. I wish it had given me new-found super strength and new confidence in my “curvier” (overweight) post partum body. Whatevs. Even for moms, it is hard to read this type of stuff sometimes.

    • me says:

      I don’t have kids but I get what you are saying. Firstly, I’m already a very anxious person. I can’t imagine having kids. I’d be worried about them 24/7. Secondly, all moms have different experiences. Some, I guess, gain strength. But, I’m betting most moms are like you. It’s probably a very tiring thankless job. Perhaps some women may even regret having kids. It’s ok to admit it. It takes strength to admit when you’re not doing ok.

    • Erinn says:

      I’m not a mother, but I don’t understand why it’s so hard for celebrities that speak about being a parent to just say “ME” instead of “YOU”.

      It makes a generalization and sets up a specific expectation. We always talk about the way too ridiculous expectations for mothers and how damaging it can be when things DON’T turn out the way everyone gushes about. Which – I think – makes it fair to call EB out a LITTLE bit when she makes statements like that.

      I’m sure plenty of people DO feel so much stronger, and more complete than ever. But there are so many people out there who don’t have that glowing, wonderful sounding pregnancy, birth, and overall child-rearing experience and I can’t imagine how awful they must feel when they hear things like that.

      Personally, I’m a wreck just worrying about the health/safety of my pets. I can’t imagine how terrifying it’d be to take care of something that you can’t leave alone for any period of time and who will eventually be able to judge you haha.

      • Lokigal says:

        this is why i am fine with having cats rather than trying for another baby. love my kids but oh boy it is nerve wracking.

    • WTW says:

      Right, my understanding is that it is hard for my moms. I remember asking a relative if she felt like a different, better, spiritually enlightened person after having kids like all the celebs say, and her response was to roll her eyes. I don’t think EB meant any harm, but these sorts of comments from celebs can be off putting to moms and child-free people alike. I understand she was talking about herself. But it’s like all of these celebs read the same PR playbook, and that is to say that motherhood is so transformative, and they are completely different and better and know love like they never knew before motherhood. That is why these comments can be hurtful to moms who don’t feel like that or to people without children.

  5. Annaloo. says:

    I love my Mom. She is superwoman to me, and I never had children of my own. I would never undermine any woman’s strength, and we all come to it differently. Let’s not read too much separating messages from the original quotes, lest we become more soldiers for the mommy wars- of which I have no intention of participating in. Life is great with kids, life is great without kids– life is always what you make it and the power stays in YOUR hands.

    Also, I LOVE her red carpet style.

  6. Miles says:

    A wish of mine for 2019 is that people don’t get offended when someone talks about how a particular situation changed them for the better or for the worse. People will get upset about Emily’s comments even though she was talking about herself.

    • Steff says:

      This. Watch her having to apologize for her comments because a handful of people got offended.

    • lucy2 says:

      Yes – I have no problem with someone talking about their own experiences, even if I disagree or can’t relate.
      I only take issue with those who declare everyone must do what they do, theirs is the only right way – and in no way is Emily doing that here.

      I LOVE that first dress! Actually they all are nice except for the giant sleeves.

    • emmidwest says:

      Exactly! She isn’t saying anything negative about those who choose not to have children. The things people get upset over is getting out of hand.

  7. Lolly says:

    I used to love John Krasinski and Emily Blunt separately. Now that they are constantly talked about as the worlds most loved couple, I can’t stand either. We get it! You love each other so much.

  8. Fanny says:

    I’m not a mother and don’t want to be, but just based on some experiences taking care of kids, I can understand how parenthood could really bring out good qualities in a person they didn’t really know they had before. Things like courage and strength and patience.

    I don’t know why people need to be so offended by that. If you are comfortable with your own choices, there is no need to be so sensitive about other people finding satisfaction in their own experiences.

  9. ValiantlyVarnished says:

    I don’t have kids and I found nothing offensive in her comments. Here’s the thing: I think YOU do find more strength when you are soley responsible for other human beings. It’s a big deal. And not having kids of my own doesnt mean I can’t recognize or understand that. I also don’t think that takes away from me or my own capabilities in anyway. There is nothing to get defensive about in this.

    • NotSoSocialButterfly says:

      This is, hands down, the most reasonable, relatable, rational and kind comment on this thread.

  10. eto says:

    If you feel like venting or just connecting with other folks who don’t have children, I would suggest r/childfree on reddit

    Some folks there are more…extreme than others (I enjoy children in small doses & place the blame for their behavior on shitty parenting), it’s generally a nice sub and very relatable.

  11. Barrett says:

    I draw strength from having endometriosis, fibroids, and severe iron deficiency anemia. I am surprised I got a promotion at work bc I’m barely able to get out of bed some days.
    Different strength for different people.

    • Bosandi says:

      @Barrett – exactly and congrats to you!

      Strength comes in many packages. Motherhood is where Blunt found hers. This is her experience and she isn’t making a statement about mankind – just herself.

  12. Dani says:

    My kids think I’m superwoman but honestly…motherhood has taught me that I am actually a very weak and impatient person that is riddled with anxiety. They don’t know that, because to them I can do literally EVERYTHING, but holy shit to me…6 years in…it is soo freaking hard. But Emily can’t say that. So, I’m saying it for the rest of us who love our children endlessly but really could use a break and a helping hand (or 17).

  13. Annabel says:

    I feel like motherhood makes you stronger in the same way that training for and completing a triathlon makes you stronger. Neither activity makes you a better person—anyone who thinks motherhood = virtue should be forced to defend their position after reading the comments on any given parenting blog—but both involve a level of stamina that you might not previously have imagined possible.

  14. InsertNameHere says:

    Different experiences build different parts of our character, right? There are things that we experience through the life course that you can’t understand fully until they happen to you. They change you in some way. Things like losing a parent, losing a partner, etc. – we can all understand that those are things that force us to learn something about ourselves. Being a mother is another one of those things. There’s no hierarchy – it’s just a different experience. Being a mother HAS given me strength. For example, I am acutely aware that I now have a new level of “oh hell no”. If someone came for my kids, I could legitimately rip their faces off. For real. I know how much I can do on no sleep (I have twins). I know what I can and can’t handle a whole lot better than before. So yes, motherhood gives you new strength. So do a lot of other things. Saying so doesn’t mean women with kids are looking down on women without kids every single time. Yes, it happens – and those people are suckbags. I don’t think this is one of those times.

  15. s says:

    Mary Poppins – the magical female domestic. It’s 2018 – new original movies that speak to the times please……