“We hope everyone has a merry Christmas & happy holidays” links

Bella Hadid’s “73 Questions With…” Vogue feature is actually not bad. [OMG Blog]
Beyonce gave us new photos of Sir & Rumi for Christmas! [LaineyGossip]
Tom Selleck & Courteney Cox reunited! I disliked them as an on-screen couple. [Pajiba]
Chadwick Boseman spent the year mixing it up sartorially. [Go Fug Yourself]
Rosie O’Donnell & Madonna mourned Penny Marshall. [Towleroad]
This cat is me. [Dlisted]
Sunny & Bo Obama are still getting used to doorbells. [Jezebel]
Here’s the trailer for the new season of RHOBH. [Reality Tea]
The live-action Aladdin already looks sooooo messy. [The Blemish]
Travis Scott will perform with Maroon 5 at the Super Bowl, ugh. [Starcasm]

***Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of our Celebitchy readers and friends! We hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday season, and come back next week for gossip!

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64 Responses to ““We hope everyone has a merry Christmas & happy holidays” links”

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  1. Milla says:

    Have a stress-free holidays and find some me time, tell loved ones you love them and eff all the rest!

    • jan90067 says:

      Happiest of Holidays to my fellow Celebitches!! Forget politics for a few days, indulge in your favorite treats, raise a glass or two (or four! 😊) and take a moment to hug close all of those you love (on two and four legs!).

      Celebitchy, Kaiser, and Hecate, thank you for making this such a wonderful place to come every day ❤️

      Sending a big virtual hug to all of you in here!

      Happy Holidays! 🥂 🍷 🍪 🥮 🍗

  2. Steff says:

    Travis Scott didn’t get the boycott memo?

    • Usedtobe says:

      Probably ignored it since it will likely benefit his career as a performer and not just a Kardashian/Jenner baby-daddy 😀

    • me says:

      I wouldn’t be surprised if Kanye appears on stage with him at some point. I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole Kardashian/Jenner Klan will be there, with cameras on them most of the time ! I remember when the Saints won the Super Bowl and Kim was on the field and even sat with Reggie as he gave his post game interview…people were NOT happy about that.

  3. Tania says:

    Merry Christmas to everyone here! I can’t wait for Christmas! We fly out Sunday to surprise my Mom. It’ll be my first Christmas home since my Dad passed away and the first time my husband will visit the reserve where I grew up and meet my extended family.

    We’re going to take a picture in front of the beautiful totem poles. I told him the way we made money was letting tourists take pictures of the “little cute native kids in front of the totem poles for $1” until my horrified Mom busted us and we were banned from doing it again. I told him I’ll only charge him $5.

  4. minx says:

    Happy holidays! I can hardly bear to read any news sites lately so CB keeps me sane.

    • Nikki says:

      Me too!! Happy holidays!

    • LahdidahBaby says:

      Minx, I feel the same. Every time I turn on the news lately, I get so distressed within five minutes that I have to turn it off. Let’s hope there are no other absurd, insane, or hateful announcements from the crazy bastard in the White House over the holiday break.

      Here’s wishing the entire CB populace peaceful and joyful holidays.

  5. lucy2 says:

    Hope everyone has safe, happy, and healthy holidays!

  6. jammypants says:

    Enjoy Terry Crews painting by a crackling fire https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HrmggCLBYYw

  7. Juliette says:

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my fellow CBer’s. Also, that you so much for this site. It has been a very much needed place of calm and support during what was a brutal year. Celebitchy has literally become my internet safe space and am so thankful for it.

    See ya all next week!

  8. Zapp Brannigan says:

    Nollaig, Shona, Duit from a reader in Ireland.

    Hope everyone has a happy holidays, 🎄🎅

    • Incredulous says:

      Agus tusa fein, Zapp.

      2019 brings us the end of Game of Thrones, the TV version of Good Omens and new Deadwood (woooooooo!).

      Also the GOP denying Trump at least 3 times as they try to pretend a bunch of stuff.

      Anyway, I have been saving my books for over a month and have loads to read over Christmas while eating and enjoying the odd tipple. I’ve even finished my Christmas shopping. Now I’m glorying in a pot of Barry’s Gold Blend and a sausage sandwich. Life is good.

  9. Usedtobe says:

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all you CBers. Have a wonderful holiday xoxo

  10. me says:

    I always wondered what it would be like to celebrate Christmas. I’m excited for all of you ! I can’t imagine being a kid and getting to wake up Christmas morning with lots of presents under the tree to unwrap and then a day filled with fun with family and good food ! So lucky !

    • Lady D says:

      I wish you could. Would it be bad to just once have the Christmas of your dreams, then resume life as normal? Decorate your house, put up the bright lights, cover the tree in ornaments and tinsel and wrap a few presents. It’s fun to buy gifts when the stores are crowded and they all smell like cinnamon, everything is lit up and almost everyone is smiling. I myself buy gifts for my cats as well as the people in my life. Then there’s the food. Oh the food. It’s such a fun experience, I want everyone to enjoy it.

  11. tifzlan says:

    It’s gonna be a very lonely one for me this year but i am wishing love, light, rest and healing to all!

    • Incredulous says:

      I’ll raise a glass or two to you over Christmas. *Hugs*

    • jan90067 says:

      Wishing the same to you, tifzlan! You always have friends in here 😊. Hugs!

    • Lady D says:

      Thank you and the same to you, tifzlan. I’m sorry you have to be lonely. For me, alone is okay, lonely is not. I wish I could invite you over for dinner.
      Off topic: Your name is cool. It always make me stop for a moment or two trying to figure out how it’s pronounced:) Is it a name associated with where you’re from, or your actual name, if you don’t mind me asking?

    • Incredulous says:

      Smallies in bed, awaiting Santa. Local dogs are barking at foxes as they try and fail to sneak by and I am raising a glass to one and all (and you,Tif), Happy Christmas!

  12. Esmom says:

    Peace, love and joy to Kaiser, Celebitchy, Hecate and the many brilliant commenters who have made me laugh, made me think, made me cry and generally brightened my days. Onward to 2019!

  13. Ren says:

    Glad Jul to my Heathen and Pagan friends!

  14. Lightpurple says:

    Io Saturnalia!
    Joyous Merlinpeen!
    Happy Festivus!
    Merry Chrismas!
    Happy Boxing Day!

    Wishing a happy, healthy, and safe holiday to all!

  15. Hollah says:

    Merry Christmas & Happy holidays! I always looks forward to the end of the year on CB and the stroll down memory lane when the most popular posts of the year are counted down.

  16. Lisa says:

    Happy Holidays!

  17. The Other Katherine says:

    I know Michelle O. is tall, but SJP looks like she could fit in my pocket. Did not realize she was *that* tiny.

  18. IMUCU says:

    Today is Winter Solstice, there is a beautiful full moon and a meteor shower this weekend — if you are any place you can go outdoors and enjoy it, it’s rare to get all three occurrences so close together! A happy & merry everything to you all! ☺

  19. Nichole says:

    I really miss you guys on weekends.
    Happy holidays, everyone! <3

  20. Beatrix says:

    Her must read book recommendation: a Yolanda Hadid work. Advice: “Don’t be too fierce because it freaks people out.” Unnecessary to say, but she really is a simple girl, huh?

    • abbi says:

      Ugh, right? I couldn’t tolerate watching more than a minute or so. She came across as so fake and actressy. Plus the full-on make-up mask doesn’t really go with the laid-back,
      ‘I just ride horses all day” vibe she was trying to put on.

  21. Nev says:

    happy holidazzzze folks!!

  22. paranormalgirl says:

    Happy Holidays! We’re off to a warm and sunny Bahamian Christmas with our family by choice!

  23. elimaeby says:

    I hope no one minds me whining a little. I okayed my flight schedule with my boss before I booked it earlier his month. I was just told today that not only was the original plan of me taking a half-day to fly back the day after Christmas not going to work, but the back-up plan of me coming in late and making up hours through the week is also a no-go. My plans to see my father for the first time in five years and to meet my step-mom in person for the first time are kaput. I’ll be alone on Christmas. I’m beyond heartbroken (and now also broke, as the flight was non-refundable).

    I wish you guys a safe and much happier holiday! You all make me laugh and smile so much throughout the year and I am so grateful to you all! Love you Celebitches!

    • Tiffany :) says:

      That is not right! Big hugs to you!

    • Incredulous says:

      Well, that’s just sh1t! Christmas hugs to you and I hope you find a better job soon.

    • Swordspoint says:

      If your boss ok’d it… they really should be refunding you the cost of the flight if they are changing things at the last minute.

      “I’m afraid since you ok’d my time off per our earlier conversation, I already booked my flight, and it’s non-refundable. I’m not happy about cancelling my trip, but I am willing to stay and work if my approved flight is reimbursed.”

      • pinetree13 says:

        Agreed. THat’s totally unfair otherwise. I say just go but then again I don’t know your workplace and if they’d fire you or not 🙁

    • lucy2 says:

      I’m so sorry! I hope your employer makes that up to you somehow, that’s really unfair.

  24. antipodean says:

    Just spent the best part of an hour wallowing in despair reading the latest Tangerine Tyrant’s doings! Who will rid us of this meddlesome moronic maniac? Happy holidays to all my dear chums at Celebitchy! You all keep me moderately sane, and a little hopeful that sense will prevail eventually in this precious home of the free and land of the brave! Hope you all get to have some real rest and restoration time over the next few days.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours, and god bless us, everyone!

  25. SJhere says:

    Wishing everyone a safe, relaxing, healthy season. 🙂

    Bring on 2019, I’m ready! (almost ready, I’m in my pj’s just now)

  26. Div says:

    Happy Holidays!

  27. BchyYogi says:

    I guess since Beyonce had a Malcolm X theme last year, the super bowl got “too real”. Now they have a mob of skinny white guys. Unreal boring.

  28. Who ARE these people? says:

    Good tidings to all!

  29. Lindy says:

    Peace and joy to all my CBers!! I hope everyone can take time to enjoy the holidays. Love all the smart, funny, interesting people who hang out here in CB land! Here’s to a better 2019!!

  30. Nikki says:

    Thanks to the informative and very funny writers at Celebitchy, and thanks to all you interesting and funny commenters; I love my Celebitchy time! Happy holidays! <3

  31. Lorina says:

    Happy holidays!

  32. Mrs. Smith says:

    Happy Muellermas to all!!!

  33. NLopez says:

    Feliz Navidad a todos!🎄

  34. Morrissey says:

    Season’s Greetings to all Celebitches! Love and hugs to any who need them. Thank you for being here, tucked safely away in my pocket during the day, or secreted under my covers at night; a beacon of sanity and succour for when the world is just TOO MUCH.

  35. Chris says:

    Thank you CB, Kaiser and Kitten for another year of your company. Hope you all have an enjoyable Xmas break

    If you’re in the mood for a bit of a laugh here’s David Sedaris with the Santa Land Diaries.


  36. Eric says:

    Merry Christmas to all the anti-trumpers on here who make me laugh and think (probably too much). And to you secret pro-trump lurkers on here…we know who you are…merry Christmas to you also.

    2019 is going to be a terrible year for Emperor Zero and his “adult” children. Democracy will return to America and the long arm of justice will prevail against an ungodly number of traitors.

    Bless you Kaiser for all that you do. Special shout-out for holiday joy to LP, Esmom, kitten, and so many more!

    • JustCrimmles says:

      I don’t read or comment as much as I used to, but I always look forward to whatever you have to say. A beacon of hope and sense during dark times. Thank you! Merry Christmas!

      Extra warm thoughts for everyone spending it alone/lonely. Here’s to next year being better than these previous 3!

    • pinetree13 says:

      haha great post, Merry Christmas

  37. Snowflake says:

    Merry Christmas!!!!