Taylor Swift & Joe Alwyn have a quiet life in London, they pop down to the local pubs

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Purry Christmas šŸ’—

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Taylor Swift was pretty quiet this year, and she seems to be exiting the year in relative silence too. I still donā€™t know how I feel about this whole ā€œTaylor will no longer speak on behalf of Taylorā€ thing. With Beyonce, it works, because Beyonce has mastered the art of communicating through the visual, whereas Taylor hasā€¦ not mastered that yet. Taylor NEEDS to explain. She needs to talk and communicate verbally. I hope this whole thing was just a phase and for her next album or Tay-incarnation, she goes back to giving interviews and actually interacting with people openly. Anyway, she posted these cute photos with one of her kitties for Christmas. Her PR is also still hyping The Privacy of JoeTay.

Taylor Swift is the happiest sheā€™s ever been with her boyfriend, Joe Alwyn, a source reveals exclusively in the new issue of Us Weekly. ā€œTheyā€™re very low-key and normal. They work out, watch movies together and have friends over,ā€ the source explains.

While Swift, 29, and Alwyn, 27, who were first publicly linked in May 2017, are definitely homebodies, the source says that when the pair spend time in London, they love to check out the the local pubs. ā€œSheā€™s much happier without her personal life out in the open,ā€ the source adds. ā€œShe credits Joe for that and realizes how much better off she is.ā€

[From Us Weekly]

Iā€™m stuck between two thoughts. Thought #1: See, giant celebrities CAN be private and low-key if they really want to be, versus Thought #2: I honestly donā€™t believe that Taylor is slipping down to Joeā€™s local pub in London all the time and NO ONE has ever noticed or seen her or taken a photo. Iā€™m not saying that Taylor hasnā€™t spent some quiet time with Joe in London. Iā€™m absolutely positive that she has. I just think that whenever sheā€™s in London, sheā€™s probably just hanging out at his place and not going out, or when she does go out, it involves several discreet security guys, multiple wigs and and several costume changes in case anyone sees her.

Also: I don’t know about London, but JoeTay were pap’d all over New York this weekend! Much privacy.

Taylor Swift hand-in-hand with boyfriend Joe Alwyn go on a long walk after lunch in NYC

Taylor Swift stays close to her beau as she makes a rare appearance with Joe Alwyn

Photos courtesy of WENN, Backgrid, Instagram.

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43 Responses to “Taylor Swift & Joe Alwyn have a quiet life in London, they pop down to the local pubs”

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  1. Caity says:

    Taylor pap-walked this weekend cos her tour movie is out on Netflix today. Which is so good, everyone go watch it.
    As a snake fam girl Iā€™m also hoping she goes back to doing interviews and promos on her next album cycle, even if she only limits it to half a dozen or so big outlets.

  2. CharliePenn says:

    He doesnā€™t seem to have a sexy bone in his body.

  3. Catwoman says:

    Heā€™s got Donald Trumpā€™s hairdo in that last pic.

  4. LFan says:

    I love how her outfit/ style matches her current boyfriend. Itā€™s so Brad Pitt.
    In all seriousness I like them together, their low key lifestyle and I hope they give it a good run!
    GF has been working the business hard. 28yrs. Take a break enjoy your boyfriend

    • Esmerelda says:

      Brad+Tay could be the ultimate showmance, though… And Taylor gives good showmance! Can somebody’s agent get on this for 2019? I have a feeling we’ll need some entertainment!

  5. CatWomen says:

    Learned this morning Shake It has over billion YouTube hits! London is a city you could hang out in good For Taylor.

  6. Tw says:

    Can we make crossbody purses that land on your ribcage end please?

    • damejudi says:

      Unless it’s supposed to be a belt bag, and she’s not wearing it correctly?

      • BeanieBean says:

        Itā€™s also a thing to wear a fanny pack as a crossbody, which hits right across the breadt or neck. I donā€™t get that myself, but Iā€™m hardly fashionable…šŸ™ƒ

    • KidV says:

      Without the bulky coat it probably lands lower, near the waist. They should come with extra long shoulder straps for winter.

  7. Winnie Cooper's Mom says:

    I saw Mary Queen of Scots last night (great movie, btw) and I was blown away at how minor his role was in the film. His PR built him up as some major character, when in reality, he only has like 3 scenes… maybe Taylor enjoys being the huge star/ego in the relationship. We’ve seen how it works out when she dates men with big star power, and I think this dynamic with a very minor star gives her more confidence and “power” than with previous guys.

  8. Yes Doubtful says:

    I’m not sure why they get so much hate as a couple. They HAVE stayed relatively low-key and private despite a few pap walks here or there. I wouldn’t be surprised if she marries him in the coming year and takes a career break to have a kid. I hope she leaves the whole fake “I have a bad rep” in 2018 though. Her trying to be a edgy “bad” girl snake never worked and it showed with her album not making much of a splash and ultimately being forgettable.

    • Dara says:

      As a couple, I think they are well-suited, so no hate in that regard.

      What I do find disingenuous is just how much the “privacy” angle has been pushed. You can’t read an article about their relationship without a “source close to Taylor” exclaiming how happy she is to be private and how much better it is now that she’s with someone who doesn’t like attention. Yet, his PR team (or is it Taylor’s?) has been sending him out to any magazine photoshoot, industry event, and press junket they could, all while his standard line in interviews is that he’s “not interested in fame”. He is making the most of it, even while telling everyone he doesn’t care.

      • Xo says:


        The line is “Taylor doesn’t care about any of that bad press because she’s so happy, in private, with this guy who loves her for her.”

        And they PUSH it. Hard.

  9. KidV says:

    He needs to figure out how to dress for his too long of legs. I like that blue suede coat but it looks too small on him because of his long legs. He looks like a gangly teenager. The mid-length wool coats Harry wears would look much better on this guy.

    • Monicack says:

      Yes but please the gods not in Prince Harry eterna-blue. Hubby got a burgundy coat this winter after a lifetime of greys, blacks, camels and navys. Heā€™s obsessed with it haha.

      • KidV says:

        Oooh, I bet the burgundy is gorgeous! I love it when guys wear colors other than black/blue/gray. I do love camel, though, very classic.

  10. AG-UK says:

    I think London is so spread out and unless you are in some trendy night club you can easily go under the radar. That blue jacket is a no no.

  11. Sarah says:

    Is he wearing velvet jeans with that blue jacket? I zoomed in and it doesnā€™t appear to be corduroy…šŸ˜†

  12. minx says:

    Meh, I donā€™t really follow her, but I liked her stand during the elections. Good luck to them.

  13. virginfangirl says:

    Is every place in America different than London in terms of celebs being “safe” to venture to the common folk establishments? She goes to neighborhood pubs? Because when in the U.S. she goes no where without her body guards (not just one but many) and certainly doesn’t go to the neighborhood bar.
    Was she just a bit over the top in the U.S.? Do all celebs in the U.S avoid a typical place of business & have 3 body guards whenever they venture out?
    I only follow a few celebs, but they seem to venture out on the streets of NY or restaurants in LA, get spotted by fans, and have thus survived without secret service type protection. Maybe she just draws the crazies more than others so needs 3 body guards.

    • Eeetee says:

      She has a summer house near ours and sheā€™s regularly spotted in the ice cream parlor and shopping center when here but no one says anything because sheā€™s the least interesting celeb that lives in the area. No body guards. But then again she had a nutter rob a bank and break into her house here. She has legit stalkers. Iā€™ve also never heard of her getting mobbed in NYC unless a publicist has leaked her location and arranged for kids to stand outside and scream. One Directions publicist used to do the same thing. Casting calls for street appearances. Interns calling their cousins to come down and scream to beef up the crowd. Typical

      • virginfangirl says:

        No body guards? I believe you. Weird because every photo I ever see of her out and about she has 3 body guards. Does she think it increases her importance to her fans to see pics of her needing super security every where she goes, but that persona is really all a bunch of hog wash?

  14. Booie says:

    Well good for her I guess. If sheā€™s found happiness in quiet and privacy then I respect that.

  15. Whatwhatinthebutt says:

    That boy… has no butt. No bottom at all.

  16. phaedra7 says:

    Wonder if Hiddles will bump into them. . . . . . . .

  17. Eeetee says:

    Painfully dorky

  18. cantgoogleme says:

    Taylor is trying to be ‘low-key’and it is majorly damaging her profile.
    She is engaging in a defensive reaction to the fame whore/snake backlash, and her fame has plummeted as a result.

    She is receiving very bad PR advice to ‘go away for a while’and create some mystery’.

    Her relevance was completely from being thrown in our faces constantly! And it worked for her. She is not Beyonce or Adele.

    • Xo says:

      What would you suggest she do instead?

      • Mash says:

        I would suggest she go back to her interviews and the way she was sans friend collecting, backstabbing, and blind item dragged songs, thats what made her over exposed in the first place but taylor was cool and popular back in 06-09 then she became the blabber mouth and lowhanging fruit songstress.

        She should study rihanna’s career, like rihanna is interactive and gives interviews does meet and greets, popup shops even…. but just keeps it ZIPPED mostly on her love life since chris brown. And thus rihanna is NEVER thirst and has teenage girls to gay guys and all in between loving her.

        Taylor needs to control the narrative but understand that your fame is not based on the adele (straight talent and song writing) nor beyonce (dancing visuals diva realness marriage brand) esp when the two i just mentioned have mostly adult fans and taylor is still peddling to teens, tweens, and little girls, maybe college girls but not ever really adults…

  19. horseandhound says:

    she is not beyonce or adele? of course, because she’s taylor.
    but I’m personally far more interested in taylor than in beyonce. beyonce is very talented, but a dull dull person. I find taylor far more intelligent and interesting. I’m sure I’d find many things to talk about with her. beyonce…not much.

    • Mash says:

      due to beyonce varied philanthropic efforts and what not…and just her business savy and loyalty i think almost everyone (except) you would categorize Bey as AWESOME and interesting ….taylor over beyonce..STOPIT LOLOLOL

  20. Silvie says:

    I think it’s wanting to be noticed vs. not wanting to be noticed. She could easily hang out in London without causing a scene. Frankly people in big cities do not care that much about celeb. I see low-pro celebs all the time in LA, and no one dares to take photos if famous people are just outside doing their personal stuff. Good for her – she deserves a rich private life.

  21. Case says:

    The whole “I love privacy” schtick is weird ā€”Ā because I’m sure it’s true that she’s happier not having her every move scrutinized (who wouldn’t?) and seems very happy in her relationship. But also…she chose that pap walk life in the past. She pushed the narratives she wanted through pap walks, and was able to write songs about her boyfriends through pap walks. It’s how she’s able to “not name names” but also obviously point out who she’s writing about. That was ALL orchestrated by her, and so is this newfound privacy that she could’ve always had if she desired it. IDK. Maybe her record label used to push her to be more public and this private Taylor is the “real her” in control. Or maybe she just wants to act like she TOTALLY hated the 2016 shenanigans too so people won’t criticize her for it. (I’m a Taylor fan, but a critical one lol).