“Lindsay Lohan’s MTV show was worse than bad, it was boring” links

I watched about 10 minutes of Lindsay Lohan’s Beach Club and it was bad. Even worse than that, it was boring. And Lindsay looked so messy in it too. [Reality Tea]
Who is your pick for the Hot Slut of 2018? [Dlisted]
Gerard Butler made a movie that sounds sort of okay? [LaineyGossip]
Man licks doorbell for three hours, becomes Twitter sensation. [Pajiba]
Photos from the pre-Globes BAFTA tea party. [Go Fug Yourself]
Brazil’s new president Jair Bolsonaro stripped rights from LGBTQ people on his first day in office. Stay strong, Brazilian peeps. [Towleroad]
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez responded to Trump’s Nazi primetime thing. [Jezebel]
Matt Damon bought the most expensive condo in Brooklyn’s history. [OMG Blog]
Naomi Watts is so shiny in this Nina Ricci! [Red Carpet Fashion Awards]

Note by Celebitchy: We are starting a podcast like so many of our fellow bloggers! We’re excited and nervous about it. (I mean I am, I shouldn’t speak for anyone else.) If you’d like to ask a question or leave a comment you can call our voicemail line at 434-218-3219. Thank you!

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27 Responses to ““Lindsay Lohan’s MTV show was worse than bad, it was boring” links”

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  1. Nina Simone says:

    Great idea to start a podcast! Congrats I’ll def be subscribing. Aaaand! We finally get to hear your voices 😀

  2. Christin says:

    Confession – To avoid the orange crap show last night, I watched the last 30 minutes of Mean Girls, followed by the premiere of her show. That scheduling really showed how drastically she has changed.

    After 20 minutes, I fell asleep. She and the “business partner” have a serious lack of personality/charisma. Unless one of the employees becomes a reason to watch, I see this as 100 percent embarrassing and quickly flopping.

  3. Clare says:

    I can’t comprehend why this waste of space is being given yet another chance. Gag.

    • lucy2 says:

      My guess is she can’t command a very big payday, and they know they won’t have to advertise because having her in it guarantees some free publicity.

      yay for the podcast! I will subscribe.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I agree. She’s awful and has been given so many opportunities. I honestly worry for anyone in her orbit. She’s toxic.

    • Dutch says:

      Do you know what’s better than a train wreck? A train wreck that can be scheduled.

  4. minx says:

    She looks so terrible. You can tell she’s had probably had facials and makeup applied to try to make her look better, but she still looks bad.

  5. Nicegirl says:

    I thought her show was pretty boring, too but I think her biz partner may bring the drama which could jazz it up a bit. I switched from the ridiculousness trump spouted to mean girls and then into her show which I think was smart programming by MTV sweeping up any leftover mean girls fans

  6. BeanieBean says:

    Looking forward to the podcast!

  7. Blairski says:

    Oh I’m a big podcast listener – can’t wait!

  8. kellybean says:

    I just watched that video (and by video, I meant the second one where she is giving “advice”. First – zzzzzz. Second – what is with the one glove? And that awful lipstick? Third – her face is so frozen. She was so pretty once and she threw it all away for a party lifestyle and now has to resort to botox (and whatever else) to reverse the signs of that lifestyle. Why would anyone watch this willingly?

    • Juliette says:

      And who, by the way, would ever ask her for advice on love, relationships etc? I mean if you want advice on grifting, stealing and being an all around degenerate sure – ask Lilo.

      The whole video was cringe worthy. Like she is so professional and has so much wisdom and guidance to impart on others – gmafb. And how she pretty much didn’t even listen to that girl explain her religious family? GTFOH Lohan. Boring and cancelled. I dislike her strongly.

      I apologize for my snark lol. First week back at work after the holidays and everything went sideways in my absence plus I have a killer cold.

  9. Dina says:

    Pumped about this podcast!

  10. Dragonlady sakura says:

    So…we’re just going to forget Lindsay tried to kidnap some immigrant children a few months back?

  11. TaniaOG says:

    Omg I’m so excited for your podcast!!! Can’t wait!!

  12. A Fan says:

    What happened to her accent?

  13. Tinkerbellrae says:

    I have a thing about not helping people in active addiction (besides for maybe food) so I will not be watching this train wreck of a show

  14. Adrien says:

    Even the token gay friend is boring.

  15. saho says:

    So, we are all just going to ignore the guy licking the door bell for three hours straight?