Busy Philipps regularly gets unnecessary IV drips with vitamins in them

If you’re a celebrity and/or live in big city and have the cash you can get all sorts of treatments and services. You can even hire someone to come give you an IV with vitamin water in it. I googled it and this is a real service that exists. They send registered nurses, physicians assistants or actual doctors to your location to administer it. Hangover treatments start around $200 per person. Busy Philipps brought it up on her show with Andy Samberg, who was battling a cold and bravely showed up anyway. She explained that she asked him ahead of time if he wanted an IV drip while they were filming and he said no. This seemed completely normal to her and she said she does it all the time.

Busy: I texted Andy ‘We can get an IV person to come and we can just get IVs live on the show’ he was like ‘absolutely not.’
Andy: I don’t trust an IV
Busy: I get them all the time
Andy: What’s in it?
Busy: Fluids, and then they put like Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, Gluthotamine [sic she probably meant Glutathione]
Andy: Isn’t an IV such a weird thought though? It turns your body into a tube.
Busy: Are you a person that doesn’t like to think about your own mortality and that like there’s a skeleton living inside you?
Andy: Yes. Isn’t that everyone?

After that they talked about Dr. Pimple Popper visiting the show earlier in the week and people who like to pop pimples. That’s me *raises hand.* As for getting IVs regularly, if I was rich I would do this. I would get a non medically necessary IV if I felt a cold coming on, if I got food poisoning or if I just wanted a nurse to listen to me complain about how tired I am. It’s that time of the month and I would love someone to pamper me while giving me a $250 placebo. I’ve heard of it before and didn’t realize it was so widely available. The service I found markets themselves to bridal parties and offices too. There are several companies who offer this and their photos look straight from Instagram.

Here’s the segment where they talk about this and you can see the other part here. This was right after he hosted the Critics Choice awards and Andy said he would not want to host the Oscars. No one wants to host the Oscars.

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94 Responses to “Busy Philipps regularly gets unnecessary IV drips with vitamins in them”

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  1. BlueSky says:

    They do know vitamins are available in pill form right? 😂

    CB, do yourself a favor. Go on You Tube and find 2Chainz episode of “Most Expensivist” He did an episode about this. It’s hilarious because he’s hilarious!

    • Kiki says:

      Its like a stronger dose of something that comes in pills.

      I used to get weekly glutathione IVs and damn they made my skin so good.

      • Wilady says:

        Here’s the thing. Fun story time: One time I got drugged after one drink and went from apparently vomiting and not knowing my name to the hospital for an IV with fluids, and I somehow made it out HANGOVER FREE. I felt myself come to and sober up in a hospital, and I was floored I got straight back to normal so quick.

        I’d do that shit in a minute if I had the $$$. Go Busy, get it girl.

    • jan90067 says:

      These “services” even are making it to high end malls (there’s one here in Century City (CA)). What makes this worrisome, to me, is that people don’t realize that you CAN HARM yourself with overdoses of certain vitamins. As someone who has to get various vitamin levels checked constantly (and take supplements due to deficiencies), I’ve done a lot of research on this. Too much Vit B12 and magnesuim can cause a rapid decline in kidney function, too much Vit D can cause bone and kidney problems as well as calcium stones.

      I would guess that they’re not giving much of anything in these drips, so as not to be liable for harm, but not knowing someone’s medical history, and putting in a drip… yeah, I don’t think this is smart. It’s a lawsuit waiting to happen.

      Fools with too much time and money… people will always find ways to part you with some of it.

      • Some chick says:

        Beverly Hills… CENTURY CITY! Everything’s SO DAMN PRETTY!

      • jwoolman says:

        IVs, like injections, also carry some risk in themselves. It’s an invasive procedure and also a conduit for pathogens that is far more effective (from the pathogen’s point if view) than other routes into the body, which face serious obstacles such as stomach acid.

        I wouldn’t let somebody at the mall do it….

  2. Ashley says:

    My MIL and SIL used to do vitamin C ivs all the time at a wacko snake oil salesman doctor’s office. I’ve had to get an IV put in to many times for surgeries to ever get one voluntarily. Too painful, no thanks. Plus, there is ZERO science to back up the benefits.

    • Bettyrose says:


      MTE! I cringe at the thought of enduring an IV voluntarily after several hospitalizations. I sort of do it voluntarily because I give blood periodically, but I have to close my eyes and envision a happy place to endure it.

    • Esmom says:

      I once asked my doc about injectable vitamin D because I tend to be low. I can raise my level back up to the normal range over the course of months with 2,000 IU capsules but I’d heard about injections and thought it might be a better option.

      She was weirdly almost mad that I asked, saying she would never recommend injections or IVs for her healthy patients. And this is a very reputable doctor who practices a nice mix of conventional and holistic medicine. She’s usually open about trying different things but she was unusually adamant about not doing this.

      • Heather says:

        I get the Vitamin D injection once a week. It’s not an IV, it’s subcutaneous, under the skin, and doesn’t really hurt too much. However I get it because my Vitamin D is often super super low, even with supplements. If I didn’t need to be poked with a little needle once a week I certainly wouldn’t volunteer for even that!

      • Kimble says:

        I take 50k iu (one dry capsule) a week and have a good high end of normal level (I have absorbtion issues) 2k iu per day wouldn’t touch it. I have friends with the same problems who take 100-150k iu per week to maintain levels. Of course, any supplementation has to be followed up with lab tests.

    • Katie Keen says:

      IV drips aren’t anything new and they are even offered at some med spas as a beauty treatment.

  3. Swack says:

    No, just no. Why are we always looking for quick fixes (and that is what I see that as)? I would rather have my immune system fight it off and become stronger. Now, that is not to say if your body has a compromised immune system that this could be the way to do it .

    • Erinn says:

      I mean, that’s the best thing. But I think if I was rich, I’d be doing something similar, but I’d be definitely researching the crap out of it before doing it. I have fibromyalgia, and chronic migraines. For me, getting some IV fluids (especially during a migraine) probably would be beneficial because sometimes I have a hard time eating and drinking with them. I also know that I don’t get enough vitamin d (very pale, somewhat picky eater, office worker who avoids the sun) and probably other vitamins as well haha. BUT that said, if I had her money, and lived somewhere like California, I’m pretty sure my diet would take care of a lot of the possible deficiencies in a way that an atlantic canada fruit/veggie availability doesn’t.

      When it comes to colds and stuff like that… I’ve been lucky. I get my flu shot. I missed it for the first time in about 5 years last year and my poor run down self DID get a flu. BUT somehow, my very healthy husband got it a lot worse than I did. So apparently I’m doing SOMETHING right because I was sicker than I normally get in the winter, but I only missed one day of work because of the way it hit in relation to a planned day off and a weekend.

      • Swack says:

        @Erin, my daughter had fybro also along with EDS and I get why you would do it, especially with migraines. But I think for normal healthy people they should think twice. I certainly wouldn’t do it at home.

      • Erinn says:

        100% Swack. For ME it might help. But for the average person? Don’t bother unless you legitimately are missing something in your diet or have a dehydration issue.

        And even then, make sure it’s being done SAFELY and is super sanitary. The at home part freaks me out a bit. It’s not like they’re very sick and can’t go to a hospital to get treatment that’s NEEDED – they’re just choosing to have someone come in and do that, and the risk isn’t worth it.

      • jwoolman says:

        She’s looking awfully thin compared to how I remember her. Is she not eating deliberately or is she sick? Or is it my imagination that she used to look different and she’s always been thin except when pregnant?

        Vitamins via IV sounds drastic unless you cannot eat enough food and/or have serious absorption problems. Or are the vitamins just added as an extra and it’s the glutathione she wants by IV? Is she on dialysis or have diabetes or undergoing chemotherapy or is prone to anemia? Glutathione is prescribed intravenously for such folk sometimes.

        Otherwise oral supplements are sufficient, or just eating glutathione-rich food. Even when I was malnourished enough for my hair to die and develop mild anemia during a lengthy illness, my doctor just recommended eating (!) and prescription iron supplements for a few weeks. His nurse also suggested oral B12 supplements and spinach for the anemia.

  4. Notyouraveragehousewife says:

    I don’t see a problem with this. If I had access and the fundage, I would totally get in-home vitamin IV drips. What’s the big deal?

    • isabelle says:

      It is stupid to be blunt and people living off of bad Hollywood science. I say this as a nurse. Only malnourished, people with serious illness, serious bought of flu/virus, eating disorder, can’t eat, etc…. is going to be lacking in vitamins so much they need a drip. A normal healthy woman like Busy doesn’t need those excessive vitamins. The body execrates the tiniest bit of vitamins its it doesn’t need them. All of them. All of those extra vitamins going into her system are being peed out quickly.

      • Annika says:

        I agree, Isabelle. I’m a nurse too.
        This is beyond high maintenance. And I think quite risky if hygienic standards are not maintained.

      • minx says:

        Thank you.

      • Arpeggi says:

        Yeah! It’s about as scientifically sound and safe as coffee enema.

        I really don’t get how people that claim to be all about clean & healthy living fall for such unnatural crap! Vitamins are found in food, as long as you eat, which is the most natural thing in the world to do! For the majority of us, as long as you eat, you’ll be fine (yeah, vitD can be necessary for those living closer to the poles, calcium too after a certain age and so on, but that’s about it unless you have a specific medical condition).

        People side-eye “big pharma” and legit medicine because they make lots of profit but totally forget that the vitamin and natural products industry is a multi-billion dollar industry with just about no regulation and worst, they don’t need to show evidence for the benefits they claim.

      • Notyouraveragehousewife says:

        @Isabella Thank you for your info! Now I have a serious question. I take vitamins everyday. Not expensive, trendy ones. Just ones you buy at your local drugstore. Are they worth it or am I just peeing it all out?

      • jwoolman says:

        I wonder if the issue is an eating disorder. She looks very thin. If you don’t eat, you have to drink a lot more fluid than usual because a lot of fluid comes in our food. So if she’s not eating enough and not drinking a lot more water to compensate, she might be chronically low on fluids.

        My only experience is with cats – ailing cats who can’t eat much can really perk up with fluid injection just under their skin. But healthy ones have never needed it in my experience.

    • It’s a lot of money to spend on some pee pee. Because that is what your body does with excess vitamins it can’t absorb.

  5. Bettyrose says:

    Also IVs hurt. And bruise. It’s not a quick injection.

    • Hi says:

      An iv push takes 15 minutes

    • Kebbie says:

      I had to get a bunch of blood testing done a few years ago and my arms were black and blue by the end of it. It’s hard for them to draw blood from my veins because they’re deep or they roll or something so after weeks of pricking and prodding and occasional success, I looked like an intravenous drug user. They had to start pulling from my hands, which in turn also started bruising. It was ridiculous.

      • Hotsauceinmybag says:

        I have the same issue! They often use butterfly needles to draw blood, and I can’t donate blood because the needle they use is so big, apparently it could cause vein collapse if you have small or delicate veins. Getting blood drawn/hand IV is THE WORST.

        I have a bunch of tattoos so I’m not someone who is scared of needles but I’m not running to get pricked for an IV drip when I have a random headache either…

      • jwoolman says:

        Kebbie – Me, too. After about 3 days in the hospital, both arms were heavily bruised all up and down. The doofus doctor kept me on an antibiotic drip too long (I could have switched to oral after the first hour) and of course they were taking so much blood so often for tests (yes, they keep waking you up, I was seriously sleep deprived by the time I escaped).

    • BearcatLawyer says:

      I have crappy veins in my arms, and I usually end up with painful wrist or hand IVs. No matter how good the nurse or doctor is, I always end up looking like a heroin addict for a couple of weeks after they blow the first five veins looking for the unicorn spot for an IV.

      • Jessica says:

        Me, too. The last time I was in the hospital it took five different nurses to stick my IV. Not their fault.

      • Snowflake says:

        I have crappy veins too, if they miss the first time i ask them to use the butterfly.

  6. Beth says:

    The things wealthy people waste their money on is ridiculous. Has she ever heard of vitamin pills or gummies? I take vitamin gummies every day and don’t need to waste time or money to have someone insert an IV which probably does less than just my gummies

    • Bryn says:

      My kid started kindergarten last year and was getting sick so often. We started taking vitamin c/echinacea gummies, and we haven’t had anything worse than the sniffles since last winter. Even my partner who’s an electrician and always doing work in hospitals and old age homes, he’s taking them too and hasn’t gotten sick.

    • Hi says:

      No, your Gummies are full of sugar and preservatives. And they must pass through the digestive system. IV’s get more of the good stuff to you.

      I work for an MD who offers these. $60 a pop and once a month during cold and flu season.

      • Bryn says:

        Yeah the gummies have been working great for us, I’d rather not put an IV in my arm every month, definitely not in my six year old who is terrified of needles. Plus I’m a bleeder, last Iv I had the hole in my hand bled for so long. I’d rather pay five bucks for a bottle of vitamins. I also like avoiding doctors offices and hospitals during cold and flu season.

      • Reef says:

        lol, $60??!! The bag is $5. Goddamn people are dumb.

      • isabelle says:

        Your MD is hack and is overcharging healthy people for something not needed. He is profiting from something healthy people don’t need for vanity. Maybe read actual spice articles from well know institutions on vitamins, he is a charlatan if it is true what you are saying.

      • Beth says:

        Glad my doctors all suggested Womens One a Day gummies I can buy inexpensively at any store and didn’t rip me off by charging $60 for something I don’t need. I am in my 40’s, have never had the flu or the flu shot, and my gummies are working well for me. Doctors who overcharge for treatments that people don’t actually need are why so many people don’t trust any doctors

      • jwoolman says:

        You can find gummies with much better ingredients than others, although something sweet seems inevitable. They don’t all have artificial preservatives or artificial colors and flavors.

    • jwoolman says:

      Love supplements as gummies. Sometimes I just have too much trouble swallowing pills without gagging, especially during pollen-mold season but also when I’m sick.

  7. MC2 says:

    I did it once when I was very sick & dehydrated. I have a job plus kids so I needed my butt UP & back on track immediately. The nurse in my living room was so sweet & it was way easier then going to the doctor. It helped me get better, faster, and it felt great too.

    • isabelle says:

      You were sick with a illness needing rehydration. you also needed the extra vitamins which you lost through dehydration. Your situation was a legit need for them. That isn’t busy’s case or the people paying a lot of money for some bad science article they read. It is money grab if you are healthy person with no dehydration.

      • MC2 says:

        Yea, no. Read below where some people use them preemptively during flu & cold season & there is no issue with that. That people have an issue with it is……weird. It has it’s purposes & people, and their medical provider, can decide for themselves. These comments are petty, negative, uniformed & show serious contempt before investigation. Yuck to this biased story & comments.

      • isabelle says:

        I’m a nurse MC2 and it is junk science. Vitamins will do this one thing, make you feel good at first, boost your energy. This fools people into believing it works. A flu shot would work better and is cheaper, just as effective as using vitamins which your body will excrete if it doesn’t need them. Body will excrete water-soluble vitamins and many immunity boosters are water soluble. Fat soluble vitamins can be stored and consuming too many can lead to slow toxicity. People often confuse excessive amount symptoms with immunity problems. You are literally peeing out $60 worth of water soluble vitamins as the body rejects what it has in excess (a healthy person with normal levels). Perhaps storing in excess vitamins at toxic levels if they aren’t excreted. It is junk science.

  8. Bobafelty says:

    Does it help with hangovers? Because that makes sense to me, but not for everyday health reasons.

    • Bettyrose says:

      LOL. If you’ve got a nurse on speed dial for hangover cures, might be time for some reflection.

    • Sammy says:

      Pedialyte. In a bottle. No IV.

    • Juju says:

      I was a guest at a remote destination wedding (in the US) for a wealthy couple. The rehearsal dinner party was amazing but the drinks were crazy strong. Lots of people over did it and the bride told me at least 4 people got IVs in their rooms the next day. I took care of my hangover the old fashioned way…. Gatorade, coffee, and a big breakfast.

    • jwoolman says:

      You can rehydrate yourself by drinking water while getting drunk on alcohol and also the next day. That’s probably why orange juice is a popular remedy. It does have some vitamin C and will get some sugar into you, but the fluid helps rehydrate. Alcohol apparently is very dehydrating.

  9. Hi says:

    I work in an MD’s office who offers these. They are called Myers IV’s and have vitamin b’s, c’s, and magnesium. I get them regularly during cold and flu season, since I have 2 young kids and volunteer in their school a couple of times per week. Last year, everyone around me had the flu and I stayed well.

    The benefits of having iv’s like these is that more vitamins make it into your system, since they don’t have to pass through the digestive system.

    I live in a medium sized city and the IV’s cost $60. We don’t do house calls though

    • Lexa says:

      I got one of them when I felt a cold/flu coming on and I had a week of travel coming up. It helped with my mild dehydration and defeated the cold before it started. I wouldn’t get one all the time, but it worked for me in that instance.

  10. LL says:

    I know she is all kinds of thirsty, but didn’t realize she was dehydrated.

  11. Elena says:

    No need for IV anything unless you are chronically ill or in the hospital. Why risk phlebitis or an infection?

    • Fleur says:

      Agreed! This is so foolish! Do people not realize the risk of bloodstream injection that comes EVERY time you open your vein like this and stick an IV into it, and then get fluid pushed through that IV? My gosh. Peripheral IV lines can cause infection! When treating legitimately ill patients with an IV drip, the benefits of keeping them alive with that IV infusion of meds or normal saline outweigh the risk of infection that the procedure creates. As American Nursing Today states, peripheral lines are “an invasive device through which life-threatening bacteria can penetrate the bloodstream.”

      The fact that celebrities go to these “clinics” and tout these completely unnecessary and very risky procedures drives me nuts. ARGH!

    • Esmom says:

      Very good point. My son was once hospitalized with severe pneumonia and when he was discharged they kept his pic line for his IV antibiotics so I could administer them for a few weeks longer. It was nerve wracking, I was so afraid of him getting another infection on top of the pneumonia that almost claimed his life!

    • minx says:


  12. Arpeggi says:

    This is so useless! First, no amount of vitamins will protect you from a cold or the flu (and I say that being on day 5 of being stuck at home because of the flu, it was painful and still have headaches and eye pain). Linus Pauling was a brilliant man but he was also bats**t crazy and fame-hungry and there’s no serious science that backs the theories that massive amounts of vitC will cure anything (Pauling and his wife died of cancer btw). Second, anyone with a diverse diet will get their necessary amounts of vitamins, whatever extra vitamin you take will be excreted so ultimately, all you end up with is a super expensive pee and poop. Third, I’d be weary of where those IV fluids are coming from. These companies are selling expensive quack, but are they careful about the conditions in which the IV bags are being produced? Are the facilities visited by the FDA on a regular basis? Because anything going in your veins should be super clean.

    Bottom line, unless you’re unable to feed yourself because you’re in a coma or something, forget those IV and eat a salad.

    • jwoolman says:

      Speaking as a fellow chemist –Linus Pauling was neither batshit crazy nor fame-hungry.

      Massive amounts of Vitamin C (injection is required) can indeed help the body deal with some very serious issues. I read an article by one doctor who said he routinely treated his burn patients with 50 grams Vitamin C and it definitely speeded up healing. I’ve seen reports of using such doses under medical supervision for other situations as well.

      One very interesting study of terminal cancer patients who had no other options showed that large doses of Vitamin C greatly improved their quality of life. I think they were only using 10 grams, which could be safely taken orally. It didn’t cure the cancer, but it definitely made them feel so much better that they were able to enjoy life again. There was some evidence that on the average, they were living longer than expected also. One of the researchers said that if they had been doing a placebo trial, they would have stopped the placebo and put everybody on the Vitamin C for ethical reasons – the effects were that dramatic.

      Massive amounts of Vitamin C would have most people living on the toilet (bowel intolerance kicks in after a gram or two for many people), but when we are sick, we can tolerate huge amounts because it actually gets used up. Clinical experiments have show this also – spilling into the urine starts to show up only when the patient is recovering from the illness or chronic problems. So the bowel also does not get hit with too much Vitamin C to handle.

      My personal experience has been that 500 milligrams Vitamin C per hour definitely removes the groggy feeling that comes with a cold. Some people say they can knock out the cold if they do that early enough, but I am always in a state of denial too long so I haven’t tried it. I use the Shaklee sustained release Vitamin C and so just take five 500mg tablets every 5 hours. Shaklee is pretty good about formulating dosage forms so things release properly, and clinical testing shows that their tablets do release the Vitamin C at a rate of about 100mg per hour. So five tablets will keep up the therapeutic dose for five hours. The fact that this works for me means that the effect is not just due to taking more fluids (as would happen if I took 500mg in a single pill every hour).

      Vitamin C apparently also has some antihistamine properties. When my teeth start hurting, that means more sinus problems than usual and so I start the vitamin C 500mg/hour treatment. The tooth pain starts going down within the hour. Once I thought I had an abscessed tooth but the dentist told me that in that particular pollen season, he was getting a lot of people (me included) who came in thinking the same thing but actually their teeth were fine and their sinuses were the problem. That explained why Sudafed decongestant mysteriously cut down on the tooth pain…. Years later, I had teeth on both sides hurting very badly. I tried the Vitamin C and the tooth pain vanished pretty quickly, again there was no problem with the gums or teeth. This was especially helpful back when the first-generation antihistamines would turn my muscles to rubber and make me groggy, so I needed an alternative when I couldn’t just collapse in bed for the duration.

      So Vitamin C is a cheap home remedy to try. But apparently some people don’t respond that way to Vitamin C, but do respond to Vitamin A in the same situations. Be careful of trying Vitamin A if Vitamin C doesn’t help – Vitamin A (unlike Vitamin C) is not water-soluble and so can build up too much if you use larger doses routinely. The precursor beta-carotene, however, is water-soluble and safer (it will easily clear from the body if you don’t need it). I’ve found beta-carotene can help in situations ordinarily calling for Vitamin A supplementation.

  13. SamC says:

    Definitely trendy in certain areas. In my work travels have seen “clinics” for this in metro areas (Boston, NY, DC). They seem to have replaced the places that did colonics (remember THAT trend!).

  14. CFY says:

    I take vitamin C in liposomal form and it’s been great. I squeeze my packet into a bit of water and drink it like a shot (because it tastes gross and doesn’t dissolve in water). If you take vitamin C in pill form I believe your bloodstream absorbs less than a quarter of it. And a glass of OJ has the same amount of sugar as a can of soda. I’d been struggling with a neverending cough since November, and the weather in Florida has been a bit maddening – warm then colder then warm, and sudden changes in temperature often wreak havoc with my health. Taking liposomal vitamin C has really helped for both. I’m not squeamish about needles but I’m not sure if I’d take elective IVs. Only the rich!

    • Arpeggi says:

      If it works for you and makes you feel fine, then that’s good, but you really don’t need to take vitC supplement, it’s one of the easiest thing to get from food. A bell pepper has more vitamin C than what you need daily, half a cup of broccoli will give you more than half your daily needs. We almost all uptake more than our daily needs in vitamin C (without ever taking a glass of OJ), all the extra vitamin is being pissed away

      • jwoolman says:

        The minimum daily requirement for Vitamin C is actually based on what you might need to prevent scurvy… That’s a pretty small amount, and larger amounts (through food or supplements) may be more beneficial especially if you have chronic problems helped by it.

        Basic rule: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. So if you’re doing fine with how you are eating and functioning, no worries. Individual needs for nutrients are quite variable, as is absorption ability.

    • Kebbie says:

      Broccoli and red bell pepper are loaded with vitamin c, more than you’ll find in an orange or orange juice.

    • jwoolman says:

      How much Vitamin C actually gets released into the bloodstream depends on how the tablet is formulated. It’s quite an art – I’ve translated pharmaceutical patents on drugs that have multiple shells around the active ingredient to dissolve in succession if all goes well.

      The Shaklee sustained release Vitamin C that I use has been tested in vivo – the 500mg vitamin C tablets have been ingested by real humans and their blood levels monitored for five or six hours. So I believe them when they say 100 mg releases properly every hour. But many companies only do in vitro testing, just standard pharmaceutical dissolution tests in simulated gastric juice probably. That may or may not be representative of results in the whole body.

      With a multivitamin/multimineral supplement, it is even more complicated because the different components need to be prevented from chemically and physically reacting with other components. I would definitely advise sticking with a reliable company (read their research and info to judge) for such a complicated supplement. Other types are less likely to be a problem as long as standard manufacturing protocols and quality control are implemented and you can trust them to provide an uncontaminated product that matches the label.

      So for any supplement, look for test results in vivo if you suspect ineffective amounts are actually released. Of course, another approach is to just take enough of a dose that losing a large fraction of it won’t matter. This is probably taken into account in recommended doses many times, including for prescription drugs. Shaklee said years ago that they did not produce sustained release B complex because it was too difficult and uncertain to get each B vitamin in the complex to release at the exact point in the body where it is useful. (At the time, sustained release B complex was all the rage.) This is undoubtedly why B complex supplements all seem to have huge amounts of some of the B’s – the overkill may simply be needed because so much is likely to be wasted.

      Then there is the problem that each individual person has different absorption capacity for anything. Some people just don’t absorb certain nutrients very well from food or pills.

      Different people also have different needs. If you have a chronic condition like allergies, you may simply use up certain nutrients like the B vitamins much more quickly than most. I have reproducible and specific symptoms that come and go depending on whether I take a certain threshold level of some B vitamins, so taking enough of a complex makes a big difference in how well I sleep, how well I remember dreams, how fast and how accurately I type, and how easy it is for me to actually get to the point of getting something done besides eating, sleeping, and feeding the cats…. The difference is striking for me. Other people see little change when they supplement because they already have all the B’s that they need.

  15. Ann says:

    I’d do this in a heartbeat. IVs are uncomfortable but I don’t find them unbearably painful. My dream scenario for using this would be at the end of the day during festivals. Festivals wear me out from walking a ton and dancing, not to mention booze/weed/maybe some other stuff… An IV can do wonders for hangovers but I don’t have a couple hundred to blow on party recovery. If I did though, hell yes, IV it up!

  16. lucy2 says:

    I could see this if a person is occasionally sick or run-down, but needing it regularly sounds extreme, and could be symptoms of a bigger illness.

  17. Jess says:

    I would totally do it for a hangover, because your body really does need fluids then, and throw in an oxygen treatment to revive your brain that’s been deprived and you’ll be feeling like a new person!

  18. Pamspam says:

    I did this once after I spent an entire night vomiting. By about 5am whatever demon had possessed my body all night had passed and I didn’t want to burn a sick day, but knew I was likely super dehydrated. Had a nurse meet me at my office and administer fluids. It was only around $100 and well worth it.

  19. LadyT says:

    Just depends on how you look at it. All that IV is to me is a $250 piss, literally.

  20. Tanesha86 says:

    So basically she’s paying for really expensive urine? Like someone up above said the body just gets rid of any excess vitamins… What a complete waste.

  21. Alexandria says:

    In some parts of Asia this is done to have fair skin, using vitamin C.

  22. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    After three c-sections and a partial hyst, there’s no way I’d pay for IV anything. For me, it’s the most painful thing having a nurse find a vein on my hand. Every time I’ve had one, blood has spewed everywhere like a bloody crime scene. No thanks! If I had money, I’d get weekly everything else though…facials, mani/pedis, high end groceries delivered including the freshest baked goods, meats, seafoods and produce, stuff like that! How nice.

  23. Aerohead21 says:

    Unless your doctor has run labs and determined you are deficient, this isn’t a good idea. You can develop vitamin toxicity from too much in your system, especially from fat soluble vitamins. They don’t get “flushed out” like many believe. They get stored away and used as needed. Water soluble vitamins get flushed out but only when enough has been ingested, and in high enough doses, can also be toxic. Vitamins (and minerals) that people are commonly deficient in are iron and vitamin D. Both are due to not eating enough foods that contain them and getting enough sunshine. Otherwise, if you’re in a 1st world country and have low vitamin levels, it’s probably due to a medical reason.

    Point being: people selling these vitamin flushes are just making money off of people who have money to blow.

  24. Sal says:

    It seems like she’s always sick on her stories, so I don’t think it’s working.

  25. Jillian says:

    I live in a trendier neighborhood in Chicago and an IV clinic opened up down the street about a year ago, they were essentially marketing hangover recovery (because California fake health treatments don’t sell so well here). They shuttered after a few months and I never actually saw any clients in there, despite walking past with my dog a few times a day. All my neighbors made fun of the place while it was open, now we make fun of the cryotherapy studios that just set up shop. Their days are numbered as well, I expect. TL:DR Move to Chicago! We’re fans of common sense and the people/food/culture are awesome. The weather….well 🙂

  26. Mrs. Peel says:

    The vitamin C injections appear to be changing her hair colour to a very unflattering orange hue.

  27. Lala11_7 says:

    I would NEVA put my body through the stress of getting an I.V. on a regular basis…I have the smallest most non-existent veins known to MAN…but I would LOVE to get a B-12 shot every couple of weeks…I used to do that years ago…and GOSH…IT HAD A LASTING AND POSITIVE EFFECT ON MY ENERGY…STAMINA…AND LYFE!!!!

  28. mandy84 says:

    Andy Samberg hosted the Golden Globes. Take Diggs hosted the Critics Choice Awards.

  29. ans says:

    It’s not a placebo. You can’t absorb nearly as many vitamins through your stomach as your bloodstream. IVs are a miracle if you’re sick/need an immune boost/severely dehydrated.

    • Ladiabla says:

      Yes , I went to the hospital once after a serious bout of food poisoning, the IV made me feel so much better right away. Had a second incident some years later, it look way longer to recover without the intravenous fluids. Hopefully it won’t happen again, but if it does I’d totally get the IV.

  30. Rosie says:

    Doesn’t having injections into the veins damage them? A friend of mine had a major operation and afterwards had to have weekly blood tests. By the end of it they were struggling to find veins that would work.

  31. DesertReal says:

    I read about this about 4 years ago, and was amazed at how much $ they made doing such absolutely ridiculous things. While I’m sure the RNs, MDs, and assistants aren’t giving you too much of anything that will harm you- it’s still a little over the top.

    Also: Busy is so annoying and thirsty in a way that’s difficult for me to articulate, but still makes me roll my eyes whenever I see her. Oh my goodness…even that picture of her and Andy makes me cringe.

  32. SJhere says:

    It would be wonderful if Busy took the money she spends on this nonsense and gaveit to charity. She gets on my nerves in a huge way.

  33. Lorina says:

    Has anybody tried taking Glutathione as a supplement?
    I had no idea what it was after reading about it here, and people seem to be raving about it. I’m confused, I never heard about it before… Would be really grateful to hear some insight if somebody has experience with this..! (Not sure about IVs though.)

  34. Amy says:

    I had a nurse friend who worked in an ER and she and all her co-workers did this all the time. They would get absolutely trashed and then just come in the next morning and do an IV before work and the hangover would be gone.