Donald Trump spent ‘approximately two minutes’ at the MLK memorial

President Trump visits the MLK Memorial in Washington DC

Yesterday was Martin Luther King Day, in memory of the civil rights icon. The Reverend Doctor King was remembered yesterday by the white supremacist who lives in the All-White House – Donald Trump and Mike Pence visited the MLK memorial statue in Washington. According to pool reports, Trump and Pence spent “approximately two minutes” at the memorial. So respectful, right? I don’t think Trump even craned his neck to look up at the actual statue. He doesn’t acknowledge the citizenship status of non-white people, why would even look at a STATUE of one of those non-white people?

The day before, Mike Pence appeared on Face the Nation, where he likened MLK’s words and legacy to Donald Trump’s need for the f–king wall. Pence said:

“One of my favorite quotes from Dr. King was, ‘Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy.’ You think of how he changed America. He inspired us to change through the legislative process to become a more perfect union. That’s exactly what President Trump is calling on the Congress to do. Come to the table in a spirit of good faith. We’ll secure our border, we’ll reopen the government and we’ll move our nation forward as the president said yesterday to an even broader discussion about immigration reform in the months ahead.”

[From People]

The struggle to come up with a way to twist MLK Jr’s historical legacy into a message of support for Trump’s wall. My God.

And finally, if you can keep up with Rudy Giuliani’s many contradictory claims, lies and statements about the Moscow Project and Trump’s Russian dealings, I’ll give you a prize. Rudy is now “walking back” something he repeated several times over the past week, which is that Trump was (shock!) still doing business deals/negotiations with Russians up until Election Day 2016. But it’s all fine, you guys, or it would be fine if that were true but it’s not true but it is true and it’s fine. Got it?

President Trump visits the MLK Memorial in Washington DC

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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80 Responses to “Donald Trump spent ‘approximately two minutes’ at the MLK memorial”

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  1. Lala11_7 says:

    That two minutes was too long….his presence there is a desecration….

  2. Eric says:

    But it was by far the best two minutes. Everyone is saying so. Lots of people said. Bigly two minutes.

  3. Lightpurple says:

    It was abruptly thrown together at the last minute to counter the ridiculously offensive statements of Pence from the weekend. Also, Nagini needed another cute mommy photo op to polish her image so she dragged one of the boys along and made him pose in front of the statue. All you see is the base of the statue and the poor kid wouldn’t even look in the direction of the camera, so epic fail all around.

  4. Rapunzel says:

    DT is also throwing support behind those racist Catholic School boys from KY. Cause apparently they’re the victim of a smear job, when they aren’t and are just muddying waters with “he started it” “both sides” two wrong make a right fallacy BS.

    • Himmiefan says:

      Yeah, I wasn’t convinced by the second video.

    • Jerusha says:

      The DM(yeah, I know)has an article and pictures from the now deleted FB page of CCHS. It shows boys attending ball games in blackface and large crowds gathered around, jeering the black basketball player at a game.
      They can hire all the pr in the world, but they’re still problematic.

      Oh, and here’s a future SC Justice.

    • Megan says:

      I don’t understand why no one in the media is pointing out the obvious: if the park rangers weren’t furloughed they would have shut down the Hebrew Israelites before they got started because you need a permit to demonstrate at the Lincoln Memorial. Government impacts our lives in ways large and small as a bunch of obnoxious kids found out.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Great point, I didn’t even think of that!

      • pottymouth pup says:

        The Covington Chaperones could & should have shut it down but walking the kids away (instead of letting them move closer to the other group) and telling them to ignore them. Women still have to ignore men behaving badly, minorities have to suck it up and walk away from racists shouting offensive crap at them, heaven forbid privileged white boys (of whom there is a short video of them yelling at women walking past them at/after the anti-choice march) learn that there are people out there who don’t like you and have no problems making sure you know it

      • Trashaddict says:


  5. grabbyhands says:

    I’m shocked that even made it to the two minute mark.

    Completely not shocked that Mother’s husband twisted MLK’s vision into justification for racist extortion for 45’s crappy ego circle jerk.

    • Esmerelda says:

      Also, what in the name of g*d is Pence wearing here? Brown trousers and brown shoes with a blue coat and a grey tie? What? It’s almost enough to Make Trump Look Good. And the twisted message is beyond comment… no shame.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Didn’t stormy say something similar?!?! LOL

    • Tiffany :) says:

      We were making dinner this weekend and by bf pointed to the red wine vinegar and said, “Pence’s wife is in there!”

      I was totally confused…then I saw the label read, ” With the “Mother”!” aka the vinegar starter. The Pence family, always good for a laugh!

  6. Incredulous says:

    I like how MLK’s monument is all “I don’t want these crackers near me”.

  7. Christin says:

    Why does anyone book Rudy? He’s just another KellyAnne. Say words, argue, more words, claim it was just hypothetical, circle back and repeat.

    • Megan says:

      Rudy is the message tester. They send him out to see how things will play with Trump’s base.

    • Beth says:

      Listening to rude Rudy and crazy Kellyann twisting, turning, pedaling bs and yelling nonsense makes my head spin. My head is still spinning from Giulianis interview with Jake Tapper this weekend. With his crazy eyes, slurring, shouting and the way he contradicts himself every 2 seconds, I wonder what Giuliani is huffing

  8. Megan says:

    It’s just as well his visit was short. MLK is a very popular monument and it would be a shame to keep closed for longer than two minutes for someone who so clearly does not embrace Dr. King’s work and message.

    • Esmom says:

      Yes. Everyone knew it was a farce so why drag it out any longer?

      The NRA dared post on twitter to comment about how Dr King had been denied a concealed carry permit. And neglected to mention that they actually supported gun control back then, to disarm the Black Panthers.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        also neglected to mention that he was murdered with a sniper rifle.

      • Esmom says:

        wW, Yes. And the GOP made a statement about how he “gave his life” for civil rights. No mention of assassination.

        I can’t with this country anymore. I just read an article about how the US and Russia’s interests are converging, supported by MAGAts wearing shirts saying “I’d rather be Russian than a Democrat.” We are well and truly f$%^ed.

  9. EJW says:

    I’m not surprised. The one thing I’m really concerned about is the lack of vocal opposition to Trump’s horrendous environmental policies. It really should be front and centre more often than it is.

  10. Elkie says:

    A “good faith” negotiation with a man who’s been involved in 3500 lawsuits as a result of not acting in good faith, who has told 7500 provable lies in just two years and who has failed to keep a single one of his campaign promises, even with unified Republican government and a sympathetic supreme court?

    Okay then…

  11. Elisabeth says:

    every time i watch the news i find myself asking ‘Is he having a stroke?”

  12. Floydee Mercer says:

    These are the times that bring to mind wisened words of the immortal Cardi B:

    Bitch ima scared

  13. BlueSky says:

    Maybe he misunderstood and thought they were going to Burger King????

  14. Tiffany says:

    He is probably sitting with a tray of burgers reading over a executive order to sign to have the monument taken down. Racist gotta racist.

  15. Busyann says:

    I absolutely detest cheeto and loadstar boy, and hate to give them any type of credit, but it is dangerously cold and windy here in DC. I think the wind chill yesterday was below zero? No one wants to be out in this weather. I legit had to hold on to a guardrail yesterday when a big wind gust swooshed by.

    • RBC says:

      45 spews enough hot air to contribute to global warming, so it must have risen the temperature enough around the memorial

    • Esmom says:

      Yeah, no, I’ll save my sympathy for people who have to walk or take public transportation to work, no matter how cold it is. That is if they even have a job at the moment.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        or if they have a job and are even being paid at the moment.

      • Kitten says:

        Seriously. It was 4 degrees here in Boston yesterday with a -25 degree wind chill. I was lucky enough to have the day off but plenty of people had to go into work. Those are the people I feel bad for. Trump can eat shit.

      • molly says:

        He’s also fairly well insulated.

    • Beth says:

      He’s from New York, so I’m sure that wasn’t the first time he was ever in cold, windy, winter weather, but there’s plenty of people who have to work or be outside no matter what the weather is. The only reason he was even in DC and went to the MLK memorial instead of on the Florida golf course like last year is because he shut the government down. He probably sprayed some extra strength hair spray on his bleached rats nest, and after 2 minutes his hair was starting to blow away, so he needed to get back inside

    • Erinn says:

      I mean, maybe that’s cold for DC? I don’t know. But I scraped my car in -25C weather this morning. It’s dangerous if you’re not properly dressed and out for extended bursts, I suppose. But if you’re dressed for the weather there’s nothing to stop you from going out and living life. It’s not fun to live where the air hurts your face… but it’s doable.

      My husband has had to haul well pumps in this kind of weather, so I don’t know. I think maybe orange mcbigmac could have done more, honestly.

      • Lady D says:

        It’s frikking cold on your side of the country, Erinn. It’s ‘normally’ that cold on this side, too. Everything is harder when it’s that cold.
        In BC, I’m experiencing the best winter(19 years) I’ve ever had here. It was +7C on Sunday and sunny. It should be -18C right now and it’s 2+. I’m almost delirious with joy here. Ha ha SAD.

    • Milla says:

      Oh dear… It was zero? My oh my, poor guy, he had to get out of his bed and give up his cheeseburgers for two minutes. He’s such a hero. My heart bleeds for him…

    • Trashaddict says:

      Awwww, poor widdle mama’s boys. My heart bleeds.

  16. IlsaLund says:

    MLK’s statue should have become animated and knocked the crap out of both of those racists a-holes.

  17. RBC says:

    Surprised that statue didn’t fall on top of those two radish heads. Gross
    As for Rudy, don’t be surprised if he spills some real damaging information about 45 and company. The one who started the whole “Make America Great Again” movement, may actually be brought down by “America’s Mayor”

  18. Himmiefan says:

    Such a freaking disgrace. I’ve face palmed so much I have a hand print on my face.

    Cracks are starting to show. My cousin’s husband, who is clinging to the edge of the right-wing extremist cliff dangling over the edge above wackadoodle land is now looking at Trump and going hmmm. Well dude, Dump’s unsuitability was crystal clear in the primaries!

  19. Tw says:

    Would have been a good moment for a hot mic. Can you even imagine what he said on the way there or during those two minutes. It’s all good. No monuments will be built to him, no holidays celebrated. He’ll go down in history as a traitor.

  20. Annabel says:

    In fairness, that’s a minute and a half longer than his usual attention span

  21. PhillyGal says:

    Trump looked unhappy when he visited the MLK statue. But it got him a few more minutes of TV coverage, so there’s that.

    I’m almost as afraid of Pence as I am of Trump. He acts like a programmed robot when he speaks, you can tell he thinks himself a great statesman (NOT), and his eyes look so dead that I have to turn away.

    Giuliani is having serious mental decline, but he seems to crave the attention. Someone needs to save him from himself.

  22. Jerusha says:

    Firstly, The gargantuan lump defiles everything he touches, so please, stay away from sacred sites.
    Secondly, is rudy a plant? Is he secretly working for us? How else do you explain the idiocy that dribbles out of his mouth, the statements that link trump ever closer to criminality? Or is he just senile?

  23. molly says:

    God, it’s so obvious when he’s been forced to attend something against his will. He pouts and sulks and stomps around like a toddler.
    “FINE. I’ll go, but I’m not saying anything and I’m back in the car in two minutes.”

  24. Beer&Crumpets says:

    I’m shocked he went there at all. Probably one of his handlers told him there would be hamberders. Also he probably didnt know what he was looking at once he got there anyway.

    Everything is made of bullshit and sucks. Every day I have to talk myself out of drinking myself insensate.

  25. Dttimes2 says:

    I got to see the venom of his supporters yesterday on a facebook post of my cousins who lives in Philly. It was a post about the Covington high kid …..this woman was defending the kid and i offered a different view. She went on and on how it was “just” a hat and how Mr.Phillips was the aggressor. And how she hoped next time time this kid was “bullied” that he’d have a permit for a concealed weapon .

    She claimed to be proud about not voting for trump but she does support his policies( i said good for you heres a cookie with an attached pic). Then she went on about the MAGA hat and how it’s not at all racist. Its just a hat…to which i replied with a pic of a nazi armband and said im sure in Germany it was “just” an armband. I told her this aint the bird box take off your blindfold and see whats really going on.
    She called me a ” leftist”…whatever that was supposed to mean

    She blocked me after that lol. This young white pretty blonde saw nothing wrong with ANY of this…she blamed the black men and the Indian.

    Such a weird world we live in

    • Kitten says:

      Yeah f*ck that lady. MAGA hat is no different than a white hood at this stage.

      Twitter has been so frustrating the last few days. I absolutely HATE how the lawyers for those Cov Cath kids jumped in and rewrote the entire narrative to frame these kids as victims and before anyone @s me, YES I saw the full video and NO, it changes absolutely nothing from my view.

      People on the left: please push back against the gaslighting and don’t get sucked into this BS narrative that these kids were victimized. They were NOT. There are more videos surfacing of these kids running around unchaperoned, acting like unruly animals–one video was taken by a young woman who walked past those kids as they screamed at and harassed her and her friend.

      Just so effin tired and exhausted from all the lies.

    • Rapunzel says:

      Trumpeters are just desperate for anything that validates them. Last night I was trying to explain why DACA is necessary to a MAGA type, and she responded that Trump isn’t hurting anyone. I responded that was untrue and that she was ignoring those hurt. She then started babbling about Hillary and uranium, and the Russia investigation being unfair. I’m like, “nobody mentioned Hillary or Russia”

      It’s literally all they have. Hillary and various other two wrongs make a right fallacies. Sad.

    • Esmom says:

      Yeah, the Covington mess has turned twitter into a total cesspool of “alternate facts,” I have become enraged and exhausted reading through everyones s%^t takes defending the boys. I’ve seen the videos, too, including the other ones from other situations on the same day where they are indeed behaving like animals. In the newest one I saw a guy is yelling “it’s not rape if you enjoy it.” JFC. All in the guise of being in DC for a “pro-life” march.

      Seeing these young men is frightening and discouraging. Although I’ve never been more proud of my own boys and their friends for this kind of hatred and ignorance not even being in the realm of possibility for them (and no I’m nor deluded about what my teens might or might not be doing I KNOW it’s not this.).

      • Kitten says:

        I have no doubt that your boys are spectacular people, Esmom. Just like my brother wasn’t doing awful shit like this when he was a teenager. Nor was my father OR my brother. Men who are raised properly don’t engage in behavior like this, straight-up. These kids are spoiled little thugs.

        I don’t know if you’ve seen this and I’m issuing a trigger warning because it will piss you off to an extreme degree and I know many of us here are already really angry about the flipped narrative but if you can stomach this, I urge all C/Bers to read it:

      • Veronica S. says:

        Occam’s razor would suggest that the easiest solution is usually the right one, and in this case, the reality isn’t any complicated, illogical defense but just the fact that they’re trash, their families are trash, and they behave like trash because of it. No hoops to jump through there, America. We’re just a country of racist trash at the end of the day. Time to stop pretending otherwise.

      • Kitten says:



        It’s clear that a shit-ton of Americans think that this was just a case of “boys being boys”. Nothing to see here, folks, just some racism, a few rape jokes, some misogynistic harassment….just typical American trash.

      • Christin says:

        @Kitten – That explains why yesterday’s (cnn) news feed was plastered with a “there was more to the story” spin. PR guy from the boys’ area, who just happens to be a network contributor.

      • Kitten says:

        Exactly, Christin, Makes me sick to my stomach. Now that grinning punk-ass is going to be on the morning news shows. GAH. MSM is the WORST.

  26. Amelie says:

    I can’t believe I’m saying this but… yesterday was literally almost sub zero temperatures outside. Nobody in their right mind would even stay outside for two minutes. It was also my mom’s birthday and we always joke it is the coldest day of the year because it’s usually true. Pence and Trump aren’t even wearing scarves or hats, I’m not sure how they endured just being outside for two minutes exposed to the elements like that.

    Obviously they probably planned it that way to not wear appropriate winter wear to say “Well it was so cold and we weren’t wearing hats or scarves so we couldn’t stay outside…” I am in no way defending our Orange Overlord since this was clearly planned as a drive-by from the start. But it WAS really freaking cold yesterday!!!!!

  27. mycomment says:

    ***One of my favorite quotes from Dr. King***

    someone should have asked him what his second favorite quote is… no peeking

  28. minx says:

    I hate him.

  29. J ferber says:

    Surprised it occurred to him to even visit the memorial at all. It’s more in his line to spray paint racist slogans on the statue in the dead of night. Then say “very fine people” expressed their freedom of speech.

  30. Anastasia says:

    I really need to him to eat more cheeseburgers. Bigger ones. And more often.

  31. Veronica S. says:

    Considering the American government was found liable by conspiracy for MLK’s assassination in the late 90s, at this point, we’re just spitting on his grave letting Donald Trump near his memorial, anyhow.

    BTW, in case anyone thought this misery was soon to end, our Supreme Court just backed the transgender ban. Because why settle for raping a few women when you can unwillingly f*ck an entire nation of people?

  32. minnie mouse says:

    Two minutes or two seconds, Trump has no right to stand in front of the man who did more for this country and for civil rights. Martin Luther King Jr. will always be a hero where Trump will always be an uncompassionate, ignorant coward.