“Rachel Maddow believes Don Trump Jr. will be indicted next” links

I watched this Rachel Maddow segment last night and I almost covered it today – Maddow believes that Don Trump Jr. will be indicted very, very soon. [Towleroad]
Naomi Campbell & Liam Payne might be happening. So random. [Dlisted]
Give yourself a break if you can’t drop the last five pounds. [LaineyGossip]
I said this on the Gossip with Celebitchy podcast too – Richard E. Grant is living his best life during this Oscar season. [Pajiba]
There was better fashion at the SAG after-party. [Go Fug Yourself]
Louisiana women live in an abortion desert. [Jezebel]
Recap of Lindsay Lohan Beach Club. [Reality Tea]
I am here for a Broadway musical for Pearl Jam’s Ten. [The Blemish]
Oddsmakers believe Travis Scott will propose to Kylie Jenner at the Super Bowl. [Starcasm]

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67 Responses to ““Rachel Maddow believes Don Trump Jr. will be indicted next” links”

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  1. Lady D says:

    Does anyone really think Trump will care? I’m sure publicly he will make a big stink, but privately he will blame Uday for the mess he is in.

    • Lightpurple says:

      He knows Junior won’t rat on him. Junior and Eric will take the fall for him to prove their love for Daddy. Tom Jared Malevolo Riddle is disposable. The one he really needs to worry about is Nagini.

      • jwoolman says:

        Dunno about Eric, but Don Jr would turn in dad in an instant if he decided there would be no money left from Don Sr and that telling the truth might keep him out of jail or at least a reduced sentence. I don’t think he actually cares about dear old dad, who mistreated and publicly humiliated his mother.

      • holly hobby says:

        I really do think Jr would sell him out if he’s indicted. He showed minutes of spine when he broke off with Daddy dearest after college and play working stiff.

    • Joy says:

      Yes but then he’ll pardon the kid.

      • jwoolman says:

        Congress might put some obstacles in the pardon path. If not – people who accept pardons can’t take the 5th and can end up in jail for quite a while if they refuse to answer questions. Lying would get them perjury charges since I doubt that anybody is going to ignore more lies under oath.

  2. Lightpurple says:

    We’re at least two more rounds of indictments away from Junior and Jared. But yes, soon.

    • minx says:

      Agree, I think the line is shortening but he’s not necessarily next up. Stone’s arrest had to make him nervous.

  3. adastraperaspera says:

    Julian Assange needs to be arrested next! That will officially expose Wikileaks as an arm of Putin’s Russian intelligence agency. It will also help establish exactly what the crimes were–then we can move on arresting all U.S. citizens who participated in the crimes–like all the Trumps.

    • Lightpurple says:

      I have Assange and Carter Page as next in my pool, followed by some random Russians, then Junior and Jared.

    • lucy2 says:

      Can they get Assange though? Isn’t he hiding out somewhere?

      I think Jr. has been nervous for a while now. Good.

      • Christin says:

        The entire mobbish bunch are undoubtedly nervous. But it’s delightful to envision Junior sweating a few more nights, wondering if he’ll get a Stone-cold wake-up visit.

      • Lightpurple says:

        They can indict him wherever he is. They just can’t arrest him unless Ecuador agrees to extradite him or evicts him from the cupboard under the stairs in the London embassy

    • Olive says:

      can’t get assange without something drastic happening at the embassy

  4. TaniaOG says:

    From your lips to God’s ears Rachel!!!

  5. PhillyGal says:

    I REALLY hope Rachel is right. It will be interesting to see Daddy Trump’s reaction when they come after his kids. And if Mueller indicts, you can be sure the Special Counsel has an airtight case. I think Jared is on his own. Trump will easily sacrifice him.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Jared is going to need a criminal lawyer AND a good divorce attorney. Nagini will cut him loose

    • TaniaOG says:

      I could totally see Jared pulling a Polanski and seeking refuge in some country without extradition.

      • Lady D says:

        If he was smart he would take refuge from Trump.

      • H says:

        I think he’ll go to Israel. That way he can be tried in an Israeli court and he’ll get a much more favorable treatment there. Which for me as a Jew just upsets me, as Jared needs to pay for his crimes, not wiggle out of them.

    • Lizzie says:

      i remember two years ago when she was putting all these theories out there and i personally thought she seemed like she was off the rails and totally reaching into geraldo/hoffa’s grave territory. i take it all back b/c everything she predicted was dead on. she hasn’t gotten a damn thing wrong from her original theories about how this has all played out.

  6. Jaded says:

    The Orange Turd is attacking Richard Blumenthal now – guess he’s seeing the writing on the wall about his loathesome spawn and is trying his usual “detract and deflect” character assassination frippery.

    • mycomment says:

      and esp funny is dotard tagging him as ‘da nang dick’… i’m guessing dotard’s fully recovered from his severe case of bone spurs that fortunately kept him out of uniform.

    • isabelle says:

      Anyone read what Roger Stone said in an interview? Russia is coming for Trump like a “bullet into his head”. He even knows Trump is a goner.

      • Olenna says:

        Ah, you comment struck a chord, literally…

        Bullet in the Head by Rage Against the Machine:
        “I give a shout out to the living dead
        Who stood and watched at the feds cold centralized
        So serene on the screen
        You was mesmerized
        Cellular phones soundin’ a death tone
        Corporations cold
        Turn ya to stone before you realize”

  7. Christin says:

    Any theories on why the acting AG was so obviously nervous last week? Maybe because the train is so far down the tracks that he cannot satisfy Orange’s desire to stop it?

    • Kitten says:

      I mean, it could be that but it’s more likely due to the fact that it was his first press conference EVER and he was clearly in WAY over his head. This is why everyone in Trump’s orbit was against BDTS (Big Dick Toilet Salesman) as AG, even in an “acting” capacity. He is woefully unqualified (a Trump nominee so obvs) and is very, VERY bad at public speaking. So many “ums” “ahs”, pauses, and stammering. He was the exact OPPOSITE of the cool, calm and collected appearance that you expect from a (normally) qualified AG that we expect to see.

  8. mycomment says:

    dotard will just pardon dotard jr and the really ugly son. I find it interesting that princess complicit has suddenly taken a very low profile … so low, she hasn’t been papped in a while.. where is she…

  9. isabelle says:

    The Queen has spoken…even if she isn’t right this time…no doubt it will happen regardless. He is guilty as sin of conspiring with Russia.

  10. Lorelei says:

    Honestly, I can’t get excited about these things anymore until they actually happen. There have been far too many times over the past two years when we’ve thought “That’s it, we’ve got him!” and then NOTHING happens.

    That said, obviously I hope Rachel is right, but until POTUS himself goes down, we will still be living in a hellscape, so.

    • Louisa says:

      Agreed. And honestly I don’t want to even know about the next round of indictments unless it’s a Trump or a Kushner. Don’t care about Carter Page, or even Julian Assange at this point.

      I get that these investigations take time… years even, but with the dropping of sanctions on Deripaska last week, this administration is just openly showing us they are working with / for Russia. They need to be taken down now!

  11. Mel says:

    I think Donnie jr. will break and sing like a canary at the slightest pressure.

  12. Avery says:

    Jr’s wife got out of there just in time. She saw exactly where this was going and took her kids and bounced!

    • CairinaCat says:

      I’m wondering when Ivanka will be going on a trip with her kids. After her brother gets indited but before her husband?

    • pinetree13 says:

      I’m still convinced that was to deliberately hide assets and his new relationship is fake and she’s in on it. She gets publicity and he gets a more plausible looking divorce. But the timing was right when he started getting worried. Too suspicious for me.

  13. SJhere says:

    I’m going to the store and getting a lot of pies.
    As soon as it starts, everybody come on over and we can have pie and coffee as we enjoy this bunch of clueless, worthless, jerks get what’s coming to ’em.
    Don’t feed the dog pie, tho. She is on a diet. 🙂

  14. Lilly (with the double-L) says:

    Please, let it be so.

  15. atlantic says:

    Did you see the Don Jr tweet about ‘S&L’? He was referring to SNL.