Donald Trump still believes Mueller’s investigation was treasonous, because sure

Trump Departure for Ohio

We’ve spent the last four days, as a nation, trying to make sense of WTF is even happening anymore. The Mueller Report sits at the Department of Justice, where I assume it is being largely unread. House committees have already issued requests and demands for the report, and those requests will likely turn into subpoenas in the next week or so, if the report is not sent to Congress. What I really don’t understand is this: is the Trump White House truly so stupid that they are only living in one 24-hour newscycle at a time? Like, they clearly want to create the conversation of “Trump has been exonerated completely, no collusion!” but whenever the report comes out – and it will, eventually – they’ll have to eat their f–king words. We live in the dumbest timeline. Oh, and Mitch McConnell keeps shutting down attempts to release the report too. Because the report proves Trump’s total innocence, clearly.

Anyway, now that the White House believes that they scored a temporary win, they continue to be garbage people about everything else. Some assorted stories:

Trump wants to end Obamacare. He’s already tried to f–k with the ACA in a million different ways (meanwhile, my ACA/insurance payments have never been lower, weirdly) and now that he feels vindicated and exonerated (lmao), Trump is making a new push to “kill Obamacare.” Even Congressional Republicans are like “this is a terrible idea.” Keep in mind that Trump and the GOP have zero alternatives to the ACA. They just want to kill it to own the libs.

Does Fox News have a copy of the Mueller Report? It sure sounds like Fox News talking heads got their hands on the Mueller Report?

Trump still thinks his critics are committing treason. He thinks the FBI agents investigating his ties to Russia committed treason too. He called the Mueller investigation “an attempted takeover of our government, of our country, an illegal takeover” in an interview with Sean Hannity last night. He also claimed that Russia would have preferred that Hillary Clinton had won the presidency. Because words don’t matter anymore, I guess.

Betsy DeVos hates the Special Olympics. She’s fighting for the government to cut off funding for the Special Olympics, because the cruelty of this administration knows no bounds.

Trump Cabinet Meeting

Photos courtesy of WENN, Backgrid and Avalon Red.

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26 Responses to “Donald Trump still believes Mueller’s investigation was treasonous, because sure”

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  1. Swack says:

    This is just so f’ed up. In the wake of all that has happened Trump is doing nothing all day except for Executive time, getting whatever intelligence briefing, meeting with the Secretary of State. Then he is heading out to another MAGA rally and then heading to Mar-A- Lago. All this after stating that “the Republicans will be the party of health care” when in reality they have no plan if ACA is shut down. I couldn’t even read about his interview on Fox News.

    • Christin says:

      Good news is that new polls are suggesting the public isn’t buying the victim narrative. Most want the full report to be released.

      The media rolling over to accommodate the “nothing to see here” report apparently did not work. Last night AC had Barr’s more slovenly lookalike claiming no one can beat the great Orange. Just more daily gaslighting, and hopefully people are realizing it.

    • Kitten says:

      He’s busy sending people with pre-existing conditions to an early grave. They have NO PLAN whatsoever to replace the ACA after they gut it. It will be chaos and people will die.
      I only hope that if the courts side with Trump that this sabotages him for 2020. As bad as everything is now (and holy sh*t was this a bad week), it will get so much worse if he is re-elected in 2024.

      Never take anything for granted and prepare to mobilize for 2020. My BF and I plan on volunteering for Warren 🙂

      • Swack says:

        I’m betting on them siding with him because with his approval the courts won’t have to take all the heat when they do gut it. And he doesn’t care enough that the heat he takes from it will not effect him – he’ll blame it on someone else (probably McCain because he can’t defend himself).

  2. Ashley says:

    I haven’t been able to read the news since the Mueller report/AG debacle last week. I’m feeling so discouraged.

  3. Christin says:

    If the report had clearly positive information, copies would be being storytime-read on every news network by Sarah and KAC.

    Regarding healthcare — Why do reporters follow the crumbs and continue to call it by a nickname instead of its full, accurate title? Is it because the first two words (affordable care) don’t fit the narrative?

  4. Lightpurple says:

    These people think Nagini, a blithering idiot, is brilliant and highly educated so, yes, they are that stupid.

    DeVos’s cuts (they’re actually Trump approved) also target school programs for mainstreaming kids with autism.

    My favorite Twitter moment yesterday was when several younger MAGATs had to delete attacks on the ACA when people pointed out to them that the ACA was what was allowing them to stay on their parents’s insurance.

    • Christin says:

      Wait until they find out their previously treated acne or anxiety can be used to raise their rates or outright deny coverage, if pre-existing condition protection is tossed away.

    • SK says:

      The Special Olympics could probably survive these cuts. More concerning is the cuts to school programs for disabled kids and kids with autism because they don’t have other funding. Horrific woman wants to add money to charter schools and give a big middle finger / shrug to kids with disabilities and differences.

  5. adastraperaspera says:

    Visualize Orange Jumpsuits.

  6. Ann says:

    Honestly the Special Olympics story gave me a cheap laugh because it’s just so ridiculously evil, like something Mr. Burns would do for giggles. I saw some meme that 5 of Trump’s golf trips would cover the amount of money being cut by DeVos, so money well spent!

  7. Aang says:

    Nothing I’ve ever experienced has shown me that bullies, rule breakers, and outright criminals are ever held accountable as long is they are white, rich, and well connected. Even if they are temporarily called out and sanctioned there is a pardon and a book deal/taking head/think tank/lobbiest job waiting. I’m not surprised or discouraged, Just resigned.

  8. Kiki says:

    I lost all hope for the United States of America. These people don’t seem to realize that the government are killing the livelihood of people in America who are struggling to make ends meet. That’s like me in my underemployed job as I am struggling to survive to keep me afloat, while these rich MFers’ sip their champagne and living their best lives. I don’t know about any of you, but I am mad, pissed off, sick and tired of these rich, privileged people (unfortunately, most of them are white) reaping the rewards and the poor gets none.

    • Christin says:

      I think it’s been this way for decades. As my father-in-law advised his voting-age sons, if you own a big business, then vote red. If you are a working person, it’s better to vote blue.

  9. Katashae says:

    People in this country (sadly a majority of them it seems) simply do not or are not willing to understand how dangerous this all is. Kaiser mentioned in a post the other day the lack of historical reference, and the willful ignoring of it is bone chilling.

    • jan90067 says:

      You want historical reference? Well here you go, on his BFF Hannity’s show: “… other countries stand there with machine guns ready to ..we can’t do that and I wouldn’t want to do that, okay? It’s a very effective way of doing it …”

      I don’t know about you, but I remember Hitler lining up people and machine-gunning them, the bodies falling into pits one upon the other.

      How about SA? NK? I’m sure there are many other despotic countries doing the same to the populations.

      • Katashae says:

        Exactly! Stuff like this is happening in front of our eyes everyday and people STILL have the audacity to vote for this guy and his evil despotic thug administration. I’m beyond terrified at this point.
        And to clarify, I don’t think Kaiser meant there is a lack of historical reference to compare, I took it as she meant the lack of people acknowledging “holy sh*t Trump is literally saying and doing the exact same things as the WORST cases in history and present”.

      • Darla says:

        Jan, it gives me no pleasure to say that many of his followers would love to see people like us machine gunned down. They really do want to cleanse the country of liberals, democrats, non white people, gay people etc.

      • Lightpurple says:

        QAnon calls for “extermination” of those who oppose their views. They make no secret of it in their YouTube videos as the word “exterminate” flashes across the faces of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama

  10. Elkie says:

    One – The Mueller Report clearly found enough evidence of obstruction of justice for even William Barr to concede that Trump was not innocent of any wrongdoing, he just wasn’t going to charge him.

    Two – Vladimir Putin said publicly on camera that he wanted Trump to win, because Trump is his miniature poodle.

    Three – Who could have guessed that the poster girl for post-prosperity gospel white evangelical “Christianity” was really that genuinely evil? Oh, only everyone…

    • Kitten says:

      Someone on Twitter suggested the House defund the Office of the AG and Barr’s salary until they turn over the Mueller report. The idea being that Congress appropriates funds paid by taxpayers and if we cannot see the report then we shouldn’t have to pay.

      It’s a pretty Republican-esque solution to the problem but then again, these are desperate times…

  11. teehee says:

    Hes so unbefitting of this job.
    Takes everything at a low, personal level when this is like literally one of teh higher levels of our country’s authority. Comey framed it beautifully– this was to find out the truth. And thats never wrong or skewed.
    (also think, if the truth was that hes fine, whats the GD problem then)
    Ignoring the GLARING hypocrisy of the matter, yeah, we all hoped this would provide the opportunity to take him down.
    But thats exactly BECAUSE he is so unfit for this and he is so hypocritical. He is so blind to this, hell never even begin to grasp it.

    Hes gonna go playing his mini fiddle now cos his stupid orange fee fees are hurt.
    But its no laughing matter, hes gonna actually f sh1t up. And he thinks, that because he can, he must be “right”. He who is the loudest is not the most correct.

    I think humans gravely underestimate the power of evil and stupid. Its how asshats keep coming into more power, beside their buddy system, there still is and was a vote.

    I am surprised that I can despise a person as much as I do now, every time I see him in his gesticulating pictures in teh news, I get more and more sick of him. This BETTER be the last term and I HOPE he gets whats coming to him for all the unethical, conniving twisting of power he is executing– both here and in is businesses.

  12. Release the full report says:

    Release the full report. All we have is a letter from a friend of his saying he didn’t do it.

  13. oldblindjohn says:

    “while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him”- Barr
    It’s a shame that no one cares that Barrs son in law was just recently appoined to the DOJ as an advisor to trump. Google it.
    Maybe that’s why the summary was written the way it was

    • Swack says:

      I think Barr worded that way because he is up Trump’s butt. Trump just said the other day that if Barr was AG from the beginning that the investigation would have never taken place.

  14. oldblindjohn says:

    “while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him”- Barr
    It’s a shame that no one cares that Barrs son in law was just recently appoined to the DOJ as an advisor to trump. Google it.
    Maybe that’s why the summary was written the way it was