Mickey Rourke has been in London for the past few days, and the British papers have been covering his comings and goings like he’s Kate Middleton or something. Don’t get me wrong, I think Mickey is far, far more interesting than Kate, and I’d much prefer to read about Mickey than Kate “Marry Me Now Damn It!” Middleton. But I do find it slightly odd. Perhaps the photographers and journalists know that if they just stick around Mickey for a few minutes, something crazy will probably happen. And it did!
Mickey was out with Leonardo DiCaprio last night. They went bar-hopping, first making a stop by Guy Ritchie’s pub (The Punchbowl), then to Whiskey Mist, then to the Wellington Club. Even though Leonardo should have been grateful he had someone epically cool to chill with, Leo was in foul mood about being photographed, apparently. It could have something to do with the skanky-looking trio of girls who were trying to get close to him. Maybe Leo really is with Cameron Diaz, and didn’t want to be disloyal to her? Or maybe he didn’t want to be photographed with that horrible dirt-lip. In any case, Leo even threw a hissy fit when fans tried to take his picture – he got security men to push a few girls out the door.
It’s when Leo and Mickey arrived at the Wellington that the sh-t started to go down. And yes, the fence was asking for it! According to the London Paper, Mickey was tired of Leo’s “no photos” crap, and was telling the paparazzi all about it:
Later Mickey had to play mediator when they arrived… Leo refused to get out of his car unless photographers agreed not to take his picture. Mickey… who had swapped cars with Leo to try to fool the snappers, had to ask them not to photograph his pal.
“Mickey was saying that unlike him, Leo was an ‘a**hole’ and he didn’t know how to play the game,” said a photographer. But the snappers agreed to his request.
And when they went home, Mickey , with a brunette in tow, showed that Leo has a lot to learn when it comes to a sense of humour.
After Leo , who left at 3.30am, shouted at photographers that he hoped they “died”, Mickey emerged at 5am laughing and showing his boxing skills – he punched down some road barriers.
[From The London Paper]
Before anyone went home, however, there was still that little matter of the fence! When I say “fence”, I mean “road barriers set up to protect people from walking or driving into an enormous gaping hole in the ground”. Second definition for “fence” – “an inanimate object that fills Mickey Rourke with Hulk-like rage”:
Mickey Rourke’s hellraising past reared its head in London last night.
The Wrestler star risked incurring the wrath of highways maintenance chiefs when he punched over a barrier erected to block off roadworks.
Mickey was on top mischievous form outside the Wellington Club, stealing a pap’s camera and proceeding to snap photographers.
He then stepped his misbehaviour up a gear when he picked a fight with a plastic fence protecting pedestrians from a gaping hole in the pavement.
Though fellow Hollywood A-lister LEONARDO DiCAPRIO was in a far less playful mood. Following a big three-pronged night out at The Punch Bowl, Whisky Mist and the Wellington Club, the Titanic heart-throb hid under a baseball cap as he slumped in the back of a cab.
[From The Sun]
The Sun has video of the fence incident here. Sigh. I love Mickey Rourke. I even get the fence thing. I’ve been in similar situations – you’re just so frustrated with some jerkwad (in this case, Leo), and you need to take your frustrations out on something, and you choose something like a fence. Perfectly reasonable. And hilarious.
UPDATE: Seriously, look at that bulge. That man is packin’.
Here’s Mickey Rourke arriving at the Groucho private members club, wearing a waistcoat and velvet slippers last night. Leonardo DiCaprio is shown outside Whisky Mist nightclub. There are also three models who supposedly were in his party at the Punchbowl. Images thanks to WENN.com .
Did he stick a potato inside those jeans?
Ha ha Orangejulius that’s the first thing i noticed too.
Love Mickey’s homage to Loki on his feet.
OJ – Jaybird & I were just emailing about that! I think I should put a note on there…
Firestarter – You’re looking at his feet?!?
Yeah I didn’t *intentionally* put up a photo emphasizing that – I just saw his face when I was working on it. Then when I looked at the finished post I scrolled down quickly, my eye caught something and I was like, “Wait a minute…” and slowly scrolled back up. Then I had a “damn!” moment.
Kaiser-Hahaha! Yeah, I am a shoe person, I didn’t even notice the upper area until after the fact! I even over looked the acid washed jeans he seems to be wearing!
Love Mickey … with the pain, therapy, comeback, he simply doesn’t take all of this attention to heart.
great write-up kaiser. i love his whole outfit, tribute shoes and pant bulge and night sunglasses included.
I thought the title said “Picks fight with face.” I shouldn’t project like that…
See his cross? Who would have thought hes a religious man?
I always heard that this guy was hung like a bull…now I know it! He has his own brand of sexy…I’d hit it. Hard.
Leo sounds like a tool.
please try and age gracefully mickey, he is so gross
oh puhleeze, look at photo 5 , unless he’s got a peek-a-boo peen , I’d say it was just the way he was standing.
btw, just for reference, I dated a guy once who for some reason, looked like he was packing large in jeans, but in fact was hung like a 2 yr old.
On the flipside, i’ve dated a couple that were magnificent surprises 😀 , who’da thunk they were hiding that in there.
you just can’t tell sometimes. jeans are like a jack-in-the-box , you never know what might pop out. XD
(btw, if that’s a great outfit, i’m the queen of england)
i once saw leo decrepido at a theater in hollywood… he was trying really really hard to avoid people… he looked like a douche…
I like Mickey a lot.
In Leo’s defense, after a string of models who used him to promoting their career, you would expect him to be more annoyed.
Perhaps he wants some PR damage control by not being seen as a party boy who doesn’t grow up and always has a model or a groupie by his side.
Leo is starting to get alcoholic yellow and gray under the eyes. Suggesting he chill out a bit or he’ll be joining the club.
Oh Mickey, how I love thee… and I’m not sure why!
Mickey’s got balls! I like Mickey he seems so cool and nice.
i know a movie director who won’t be glad to see his actor out every night!
Hung like a horse.