Sharon Stone thinks she’s still famous enough to have an entourage

Sharon Stone, ambassador for the screw your way to world peace program, is milking her last chance at fame as much as she can. She’s following MC Hammer’s lead by giving overpriced gigs to her sister and best friend:

[Sharon Stone] has a group of nine, including her sister, Kelly, who is getting $40,000 as Sharon’s “wardrobe mistress;” her best friend, her makeup artist, personal assistant, publicist, bodyguard and a London stylist who handles her hair extensions. Stone & Co., who were guests of Shimon Peres in Israel last week, are traveling to London, Rome, Paris, Madrid and Berlin in a chartered Gulfstream IV. “She is the only one who can plug the movie,” we’re told

Here’s Stone at the world premiere in London of Basic Instint 2: Fame Addiction. Stone is easily upstaged by a British psuedo-celebrity in a see through top, Jodie Marsh. Ass grabber Christian Slater and Alex Kingston (of ER) are starring in a play in London together. Kingston is married to someone else.

Four more after the jump.

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