Amy Sedaris gets her rabbit high so she can cut his nails


Amy Sedaris appeared on Late Night with Seth Meyers last week. The great thing about Amy on these shows is she’s friends with all the hosts from their comedy days and their rapport is so casual and familiar. It feels like you’re eavesdropping on their conversation at a party. While on Late Night, Amy spoke more about her rabbit, Tina, whom she adores. She spoke again about stealing carrot tops for Tina, only since she’s been caught, the stores save any discarded tops for Amy, so she’s no longer stealing them. Amy also said she just found out that Tina is actually a boy. CB said she thinks she’s heard this before but it’s the first I am hearing of it. So Tina is a boy and, we also learned, likes to get high. But only to help his anxiety over getting his toenails clipped.

You have to sometimes get Tina’s nails clipped? We have a very small dog that looks like a rabbit and she does not like that, getting the nails clipped.

What works for me, is if you blow a little marijuana in the air. Seriously, the vet’ll say, ‘I’m coming over,’ I say, ‘well, let me get Tina high.’ I don’t blow it in his face, but you can with male rabbits, but I don’t blow it in his face. I just kind of blow it around and then Tina just completely relaxes.

I have no idea if Amy is being funny here or if she seriously blows some smoke around the room to relax Tina. I’m sure if she does do that, she’s asked her vet whether or not it’s okay because Amy absolutely adores Tina and isn’t going to hurt him willfully. Like Timothy Olyphant alluded to in his story about his dog eating his edibles, pets and pot are more common than we thought, even if it’s accidental ingestion. And I kind of get wanting to make your fur baby comfortable at any cost. I’ve mentioned that my dogs were rescued from a traumatic experience. Most of the time they are happy-go-lucky doggos. But a few things do trigger them and the fear with which they react breaks my heart. One of my dogs had a bad reaction to his nails being cut too (he was fine with the front being cut but not his back) Between that and his fear of running water, I stopped taking him to be groomed and bathe him at home. He can grow his nails out however he wants, just as long as he feels safe.

Amy showed a painting that her brother David’s partner, Hugh Hamrick, did of Tina. She introduced it by saying that she gets to request two paintings a year. I think I’m more jealous of that than anything else. I wonder if her friends ever try to slip their requests in under her quota? And the painting he did of Tina is great, look at how much personality he put into it. Amy should market that on t-shirts and coffee cups. Or maybe a shopping bag to carry your carrot tops home in.




Photo credit: Late Night with Seth Meyers/YouTube and WENN Photos

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18 Responses to “Amy Sedaris gets her rabbit high so she can cut his nails”

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  1. Tanya says:

    My vet told me to get CBD oil for my anxious cat. It’s definitely a thing now.

    • whatWHAT? says:

      I used to cat-sit for a cat who was on kitty Prozac. no joke, she was very anxious and the vet prescribed whatever equivalent (or maybe a small dose of actual Prozac) to help her.

      totally worked.

      • Tanya says:

        We tried kitty prozac, but it stopped working. It’s bananas.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        oh, poor kitty.

        I guess, just like humans, a cat’s body chemistry varies and, therefore, the drugs that’ll work for that particular kitty’s brain will vary.

        hope your kitty is doing OK, in any case.

  2. Giddy says:

    Amy Sedaris is a national treasure. I wish that I knew her and that I could sit quietly and just watch her go through her day. I think it would be hilarious and exhausting.

  3. CharliePenn says:

    I had a cat who would run up and take deep gulps of air whenever I smoked. He loved marijuana smoke! The best was when I would have some friends over and we would be passing a blunt, the cat would sit on the coffee table and go from person to person to get some smoke blown in his face. We would all crack up! He did it totally of his own free will. Then he would just chill out and stare out the window or do some other cat amusement.

  4. Helle says:

    Am I the only one, who read that wrong? I missed the t in rabbit… :-0

  5. Jess says:

    I’ve heard cbd oil is good to keep dogs calm, wonder if it’s safe for all other animals?! I’m about to try it, seems to work for a lot of people and it recently became legal in my state.

    Oh and all I can see in that painting is a penis!

    • Alissa says:

      We use it for our dogs and the type we have has a dosage measure for cats as well! I don’t know about other pets though.

  6. Mere says:

    Yeah I’m missing something about the painting. Is it supposed to be a rabbit holding a stuffed animal with a giant penis for an arm?

  7. Anastasia says:

    My dog once ate an entire joint, and all that happened was she slept for several hours (I was terrified, though, and had already called the vet).

  8. IMUCU says:

    My dad used to be a daily marijuana smoker. He kept it on our bench-style fireplace. My sibling and I never had any interest in it because we didn’t want to be like our parents (for other reasons besides the pot). But one time we got blamed for stealing some — it turned out one of our dachshunds was jumping up onto the bench fireplace and eating it! The pot got kept a little higher up after that!

  9. Zee says:

    I hope this isn’t true. animals shouldn’t be exposed to these kind of things. and bunnies, like guinea pigs, are herd animals that must be kept in groups of at least two (but the more the better). There are even countries that have outright banned selling single bunnies and guinea pigs because it is animal cruelty to keep them alone. Everything about the way she keeps her bunny makes me sad. Small animals are mistreated all the time and unlike with cats and dogs the general public doesn’t really care about them and there is little awareness how to take care of them.

  10. sammiches says:

    Yeah, it’s not cute or funny to blow any kind of smoke in an animal’s face. There is a big difference between treating an animal with CBD oil/pills/etc and blowing the smoke from weed with THC in an animal’s face. This is awful and, if she’s being serious, she shouldn’t be allowed to own pets.