“Joe Biden isn’t sorry and he’s not going to apologize” links

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It’s so hard for Joe Biden to say he’s sorry, especially when he’s not. [Jezebel]
Is the Dior Cruise 2020 line sort of problematic? [Go Fug Yourself]
Is Mayor Pete’s campaign kind of vague? [Pajiba]
Hailey Baldwin calls out her critics. [Dlisted]
The Billboard Music Awards are tonight, this is your reminder. [LaineyGossip]
William Barr should resign, but it’s not going to happen. [Towleroad]
Does everyone still hate Lisa Vanderpump or nah? [Reality Tea]
I dislike Alicia Keys’ striped frock. [Red Carpet Fashion Awards]
Janelle Eason’s husband shot her dog, good lord. [Starcasm]

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61 Responses to ““Joe Biden isn’t sorry and he’s not going to apologize” links”

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  1. Vanessa says:

    I am not interested in this old white man or his non-apologies. His time is past.

    • Megan says:

      At this time in 2015, Jeb Bush had a commanding lead in the polls. Name recognition only gets you so far.

  2. broodytrudy says:

    I hope you guys cover the Anjelica Huston interview in Vulture tomorrow because it was delicious!

    • Nicole(the Cdn one) says:

      Do you mean delicious in a horrifying way?

      Her comments on Tambor, Polanski and Allen are so – I can’t even come up with the proper adjective. Appalling? Reductive? Uninformed? Myopic?

      • broodytrudy says:

        As in a delightful chunk of gossip, because it is. She simultaneously shoots herself in the foot and give zero fxcks. And dishes out some great gossip on Oprah, Bill Murray, and her father. It’s a great piece, but thanks for playing.

      • Nicole(the Cdn one) says:

        No sure how it is “playing” to point out that an interview in which the subject promotes rape culture is not elevated by also dishing out gossip, but you do you.

      • QuidProQuo says:

        Trust me when I say AH is a nepotistic gnarly b Word. I knew her in the 70s. Bleeeeeeccchhhh

  3. CK says:

    Eh, I’d rather no apology than one of those half-hearted “I’m sorry if I offended” apologies that people put out for political reasons. I imagine he and his team have made the calculation that it truly doesn’t matter and a large enough swath of the primary voting pool isn’t going to be motivated by it. Biden’s not my first, second or third choice, but I’m not going to withhold a vote from him when my list gets winnowed down because he didn’t apologize to Anita Hill.

    We did the “this is what you did wrong in the 90/00s” game in 2016 and HRC still won the primary. It would be foolish for Biden’s detractors to try that gambit again after Trump and in an era where party loyalty is heightened. That’s just not the way to beat the guy, which is completely possible.

    • BayTampaBay says:

      I do not care who gets the Democratic Party nomination as long as said nominee can defeat Chump and send him to whatever circle of hell will have him!

    • Diana says:

      Co-sign. Trump needs to go….. whoever it is gets my vote.

    • Cidey says:

      True that. Everyone who hates Trump is in serious danger of cutting off their noses to spite their faces. I encourage everyone to take a beat and remember how you felt the morning after the election.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        I encourage all fellow posters living in the USA to contact their local Democratic Party Office and see if there is any volunteer work you can do to help defeat Chump.

        To all fellow posters not citizens of the USA, please get on your hands and knees and pray to and-or-whomever to give us USA posters the strength & stamina to do what it takes to defeat this danger to democracy demagogue. Money alone is not going to accomplish the goal.

        Hope this does not get deleted but if it does I 100% understand!

    • CK says:

      Just to clarify by “Beat the guy”, I mean Biden. It’s completely possible to run a primary campaign that keeps him from being the nominee. Attacking him for following and establishing the party line from the 90s/00s really isn’t the way to do it though. If anything, I’d argue it strengthens him with the long time democratic voters that make up a majority of the primary especially when it comes from someone new or who has billed themselves as an outsider.

      There’s a time and place for insurgent candidates that take on the establishment. When you have Trump attacking Democrats daily, you run the risk of facing significant backlash for contributing to it.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        Here! Here!

        The Democrats (progressive, socialist, liberal, pinko-commie or main stream centrists) must stick together to defeat the pure concentrated evil Orange one.

        After the “pure concentrated evil Orange one” is defeated we can work out our differences in a democratic manner via debate and compromise as we always have in the past.

      • BPM says:

        That’s a nice sentiment but the corporate media will be doing their upmost to promote the establishment Democrats and tear down the progressive ones. So what are the progressives suppossed to do just sit back and do nothing?

      • CK says:

        @BPM First of all, Bernie, High Sparrow of all that is holy and progressive, gets more or slightly less coverage than Biden. That the corporate media is somehow against Bernie is just a Trump-like myth that he has been feeding his sparrows since 2016. Progressives can do whatever they like, but attacking Democrats or “the establishment” whose resources they are vying to use is just going to end up with them receiving another L. You’re not going to neg the base of the party into voting for your candidate. This is the Democratic primary w/ the other party in power. If your candidates attack the party (and popular figures like Obama), then you’re going to lose again. Biden’s going to wrap himself in Obama’s mantle as he can uniquely do as his VP and because running away from or attacking the Obama legacy is the quickest way to lose the base of the party.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I was surprised yesterday to see a breakdown of support for Dem candidates based on demographics, and Biden was #1 with black women by a HUGE margin. Double digit lead over Sanders and Harris. It surprised me so much I still don’t quite know what to make of it.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        There are many women of color and women just period over the age of 50 who thoroughly understand Biden’s gaffs, mistakes, why & how they were made because we have been around men the age of Biden all of our lives. We see how times have change since 1985 and many good men have progressed and changed with the times. I am not taking up for Biden but I understand the polls.

        I was in college during the Anita Hill testimony and the one thing I can say is that USA was a very different place then than it is now. If you are my age no explanation is necessary: if you are younger than 45 then no explanation will suffice.

      • BPM says:

        @Tiffany:: Biden has the most support among black women with Sanders in second and Harris in third. Just like the polling of all demographics combined.

      • Megan says:

        This early in the game it is all about name recognition. As other candidates become more prominent, the polling will change.

        I was in college during the Thomas hearings and actually covered them for the university’s newspaper. A lot has changed since then, but in 1991, it was pretty clear you could not ask “who put a pubic hair on coke” in the workplace.

  4. Case says:

    He’s not my ideal candidate, but he’s still better than Trump. *shrugs* I’ll vote for whoever runs against Trump.

    • (THE OG)@Jan90067 says:

      #VoteBlueNoMatterWho *MUST* be the take-away from this. While NO ONE will tick ALL your boxes, we MUST get Dump OUT.

  5. manda says:

    I’ve been pissed off about anita hill’s treatment for years now. I’m just glad other people seem to care now. I blame biden for clarence thomas. I would not vote for him

    • Lindsay says:

      You’d vote for Trump?! Or a spoiler?! Biden may not be the best but as Rachel Maddow says “In the primaries vote your heart, in the election vote your head.”

      • ByTheSea says:

        Sounds like the Susan Sarandons of the world are back.

      • manda says:

        of course I wouldn’t vote for trump. what about my comment on the treatment of women suggested to you that I would ever vote for trump? I’m just saying I think Biden is not the one and I figured we were still on working out who the nominee will be. I won’t be voting for Biden in the primary. And I don’t understand why anyone would, considering that he still doesn’t think that the way he treated Anita Hill and his grabby hands in general was and is wrong

    • Megan says:

      Joe Biden still does not get that addressing sexual harassment is not about women’s feelings, it is about men’s actions.

    • manda says:

      ugh, omg, I meant I wouldn’t vote for him in the primary. of course i’m not voting for trump. I didn’t realize I had to be so super clear on my intentions, my point was I think Biden is garbage

    • BchyYogi says:

      Biden did not vote for clarence thomas. Thankfully our culture has shifted, let’s move forward.

      • Megan says:

        Biden denied two other women from testifying in the Thomas hearings. No, he didn’t vote for him, but he certainly aided him in getting a life time appointment to a court he still sits on. We have been dealing with the consequences of Biden’s management of that hearing for decades and possibly for decades to come. His actions were hugely consequential and all he has to say is Anita Hill should have been treated more respectfully.

      • manda says:

        thank you, Megan, you said it so well

  6. Hmmm says:

    I can’t stand him. Hes as bad as Bernie Sanders.

    America needs a woman. I’m tired of these old white men running our lives. I’ll vote for kamala Harris and Elizabeth warren. That to me would be the perfect ticket.

    The thing about warren that I like is that she’s the INFORMED progressive that Bernie wishes to be. She can explain her policies and how this country can afford them. When Bernie was up against Hillary I gave him a chance until he went blank and couldn’t explain how he was going to pay for the stuff he was talking about, lol.

    • BchyYogi says:

      @Hmmmm. I may like platform birkenstock’s, but I wouldn’t vote that EVERYONE needs my personal wokeTopia style. If we don’t start voting FOR THE COLLECTIVE, then our terminal uniqueness deserves a trump….Biden 2020 w Kamala VP.

  7. Genessee says:

    I don’t even care at this point about an apology to Anita Hill. Old people gonna old. Expecting him to be “woke” about his past is unrealistic.

    This country has bigger problems. We need a DEMOCRAT IN THE WHITE HOUSE. We need to fix and stabilize our foundation before we fix anything else.

    An apology to Anita Hill won’t “fix” anything. Complaining about Clarance Thomas won’t “fix” anything.

    • aang says:

      Yes! Old people gonna old. Perfect description of why I don’t expect much from him, and why I’ll vote for him if trump is my other option.

    • Mary says:

      Completely agree!

    • BchyYogi says:

      Well said. Notice the trolls on here attempting to throw reason into chaos. Ugh. Biden 2020, get it TOGETHER.

      • Megan says:

        BchyYogi – remember in 2008 when everyone said Biden was “electable” and we Democrats went on to nominate and elect Obama – twice. This is Biden’s third primary run and you think he is electable? Biden has real and serious flaws as a candidate including anti-abortion votes, anti-fuel efficiency votes, the Thomas hearings, plagiarism, countless gaffs, and a history of poorly run campaigns, to name a few. Not being blind to his flaws doesn’t make me or anyone else a troll.

  8. KidV says:

    I’ll vote for Biden if he’s the last person standing. Hell, I’ll vote for Sanders if I have to. I’m just hoping it doesn’t come down to that. I hope both Sanders and Biden don’t make it that far. Nor Mayor Peter.

  9. VintageS says:

    OMG, this is pretty much what Clinton said when the interviewer asked if he would ever apologize to Monica Lewinski! The arrogance of the old boy network.

  10. nucks says:

    I’m not happy about Biden but at this rate we’ll be applauding ourselves for the highest political standards from behind a chain link fence.

    It is so, so, so much later than the circular firing squad seems capable of understanding.

  11. Lucia says:

    Not that I overly enjoy getting involved in American politics, I always seem to put my foot in my mouth when I do. Canadian politics is complicated enough as is and I stick to just being team NDP.

    But I guess I would choose any Democrat over 4 more years of Trump – even handy grab Biden. But I really like Bernie Sanders, he reminds me of a surly and cranky Jack Layton (may he rest in peace).

    • Wow2 says:

      Are you in Edmonton, Lucia? We seem to be the only NDP supporters left lol

      • Lucia says:

        No born in Quebec but I live between Vancouver and Seattle these days. Mostly Seattle since that’s where my job and husband are but my sister still lives in Vancouver and I still have my BC driver’s license.

    • BchyYogi says:

      Hey Canadian, please don’t use trump’s nickname for Joe Biden; physically demonstrative isn’t the same as assault. Just stop. Our country is in chaos, our social and economic systems, once on a path to repair, are now nearly broken. If you’re going to offer an opinion, kindly show some consideration.

      • Lucia says:

        Since I’m already going to get in trouble for what I say no matter what I say…
        That’s a hard no.

  12. BPM says:

    Sure vote for anyone who runs against Trump when the time comes. But in the interim people have a right to support and opposse who ever they want in the primaries and shouldn’t just let the establishment dictate who gets the nomination.

    • BchyYogi says:

      Opinions are fine, but inept comments that reflect brainwashing need to be called out. The russians created an “us and them” among the ranks of otherwise rational American voters. We need to drop the wokeTopia litmus test and stop mud slinging. Divisionists are shooting up everywhere in the US- bombs and bullets don’t discriminate – we need to GET IT TOGETHER.

  13. Rebecca says:

    I won’t vote for Joe Biden. I watched some of his recent interviews including his time on “The View. It really was like wrestling an apology from his throat. I believe he still thinks “the bounfaries have changed”; and he still doesn’t get that women have to always be wary of sexual harrassment. We never know when what seems like at first harmless touching by a man in power is going to escalate into something not so harmless. We never know if that man is going to say something like this later to HR (or in his case Congress) : ” Well, she let me rub her shoulders and didn’t seem to mind so I thought it was okay to kiss her and grab her.” Thus, he shouldn’t be putting women in the position he has been putting them in with his so called friendly touching. He should realize how uncomfortable and stressful it can be for many women.

    Further, he doesn’t answer any of the other tuff questions straight. He does what many of the other politicians do and changes the subject to something totally unrelated.

    I will not vote for Joe Biden and I believe many women feel the same. If you want Donald Trump out of office, choose another candidate.

    • Giddy says:

      Then prepare for 4 more years of Trump. I’ll vote for Biden because I think he can beat Trump. If he chooses a woman as his running mate, Kamela Harris or Elizabeth Warren, I’ll be thrilled to vote for him. If he chooses Beto or Pete I’ll vote, vote, vote. In other words, I will vote for the Democratic ticket and pray to beat Trump. I assume that if Biden is the candidate he will choose one of the above as his VP; thus assuring that the VP will be someone who can then run and win after Biden. If Biden is the candidate I will have no patience with anyone who says he is not the perfect candidate so they aren’t voting. People who say that are just as bad as the ride or die Bernie supporters who helped Trump get elected. No candidate is perfect, but Biden and every other Democratic candidate are all light years better than Trump.

  14. ItReallyIsYou,NotMe says:

    I liked the piece about Dior. I admit that I am not quite sure where the line between cultural appropriation and inspiration lies, and I think it somewhat depends on the history of the designer, but it seems like Dior was at least thinking about those issues instead of being defensive after they were called out. As the daughter of an immigrant and the wife of an immigrant, I usually appreciate when someone recognizes the beauty in the traditions of other cultures so it takes a lot to offend me when someone wears items from another culture, but I also realize that bar is different for every person.

  15. SJR says:

    The reality of 2020 is Not Trump!

    Biden has a long history of working in Washington, he knows how the game is played, he must have some stuff in his box of dirty tricks, etc.
    He and Obama had a good working relationship, Biden can conduct himself like an adult on the world stage. Bernie, and the entire Democratic machine better get their act together and get any one Not Trump elected. I honestly don’t care how, do it.

    Trump is an outright idiot. The thought of the damage Trump and his entire crooked, lying team could do with another 4 years is unreal. Makes my stomach turn even thinking of it.

  16. sommolierlady says:

    Any democrat over Trump is not enough. We The People need to demand more from the Democratic party. Write the damn party, write you representatives, blog, start petitions, whatever. This country needs a leader with integrity. Better than ain’t good enough.

    • BPM says:

      Exactly some of these Democrats seem incapable of oppossing discrimination AND oppossing the Oligarchy. Worse still some of them don’t seem to have a problem with what the ghouls in the top 1% are inflicting on the rest of us.