Daisy Ridley is a ‘chegan’ or a vegan who cheats because of occasional sushi

daisy ridley marie claire

Congrats to Marie Claire for making their Daisy Ridley cover look like a cute magazine from the 1970s. I love the cover except for the fact that they cut off part of her head for no reason. They didn’t need to crop the image that tightly! Anyway, Daisy covers MC because she’s promoting Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker and unlike previous promotional cycles, Daisy seems to be in a much calmer place. She’s been living inside a Disney tornado for the past four/five years and she’s only recently figured out how to manage it. It’s actually pretty remarkable that she hasn’t had any public meltdowns when you think of all of the bulls–t she’s been through. Daisy talked about all of that in more in this Marie Claire piece – you can read it here. Some highlights:

She’s a chegan: Ridley forsook meat products after watching Simon Amstell’s cautionary mockumentary Carnage, though she calls herself a “chegan” due to the occasional sushi cheat.

She describes herself as an introvert who presents as an extrovert: “My mum said when I was little, there was a party, and I ran in and shouted,‘I’m shy!’ Quite loud. And then I ran out.”

On her rumored fiancé, Tom Bateman & the delicate diamond solitaire on her ring finger: “It’s a really nice ring that I wea… Oh my God. It’s the first time I’ve publicly been asked this one… The thing is, I’ve never talked about my personal life. So I won’t talk about it now. I’m so aware of how much information about my life is out there, so if there’s one thing I don’t want to talk about…”

On fashion:
“I’m constantly trying to be a better, glammer version of the person I am. I’ve never liked my wardrobe. I think I’m just more scruffy. But I love wearing heels and fancy clothes.”

On The Rise of Skywalker: “The third one for me was the best. It’s a big film for everyone. I did all of the emotions: I did frowns, I did smiles, it was the sort of biggest breadth, and I think that’s also why I had such a good time, because I got to do so much sh-t—like, physically, emotionally—and I got to work with so many people.”

They filmed in Jordan & got to meet King Abdullah II & Queen Rania: “Rania is fabulous. She is so glam and so smart. She is all of the things I wish to be.”

She went into therapy after a run-in with a stalker: “And then I got a bit of therapy after that ’cause I was like, ‘I’m not dealing with this sh-t because I’m too concerned for other people.’ [Now] I just treat myself really nicely.”

[From Marie Claire]

I didn’t even know she had a boyfriend, so she’s doing a good job of keeping a lid on her private life. I hope she is engaged! I looked up a photo of the alleged fiance and he’s a cutie. She also talks like someone who went into therapy and found it very helpful and useful, and we can see the tangible results. She used to come across as a ball of anxiety, but she’s learned how to take care of herself and take time for herself, etc. That’s very healthy.

'The Empire Film Awards' - Press Room

Photos courtesy of WENN, cover courtesy of Marie Claire.

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26 Responses to “Daisy Ridley is a ‘chegan’ or a vegan who cheats because of occasional sushi”

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  1. Isan says:

    I’d pick a cheagan any day over someone who doesn’t care at all about animals and their fate. Small steps……

    • Me, too. Being vegan is about doing the least amount of harm, and the best you can. Good for her.

    • Mo says:

      I have a friend who is a “bacovegetarian,” or a vegetarian who sometimes can’t resist bacon. Could see myself doing that.

      I’m working on cooking for myself at home now and it’s turning out to be much more vegetarian/vegan than I thought it would be. Chickpea stew is the new mac and cheese! I don’t even go down the meat aisle on my normal grocery store run anymore. I still roast the occasional chicken, but eating meat at home is no longer the default.

      • Raina says:

        In that case I’m cheeseburgerarian. Can’t resist cheese burgers.

      • @Mo Chickpea stew sounds awesome! If you’re on Facebook, check out What F.A.T. Vegans Eat, the Herbivorous Butcher, and MYLK Guys. I get so many great ideas from these groups/people. I’ve honestly never missed any animal product… the options are just endless, now, and it’s really cool.

  2. Sean says:

    Oh these celebrities and their phrases! “Conscious uncoupling”, “self-partnered” and now “chegan”. Goodness. Thankfully these people aren’t paid for their smarts.

    • Valiantly Varnished says:

      I make up words and phrases all the time. It’s not that deep.

      • girl_ninja says:

        Right? It really isn’t.

      • Zapp Brannigan says:

        It is a hobby in my household to mess up common phrases “Whatever floats your goat” and something being “A damp squid” being particular favorites.

      • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

        Yeah, I’m totally a word maker upper. My friends and family have adopted so many of my nutty audibles throughout the years it’s embarrassing. Nah not really embarrassing, more included haha.

      • paranormalgirl says:

        Right? We’re constantly making up words and making word mashups. Good thing no one relies on our smarts… oh, wait.

      • sammiches says:

        Why can’t I stop laughing at “whatever floats your goat”?! 😀

  3. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    I don’t like her anymore lol. I’ll like her if she walks back a conversation and properly explains some things.

  4. Case says:

    I think she seems like a lovely woman. She has a warmth about her that comes through the screen so strongly.

  5. Lala11_7 says:

    Between what she said regarding privilege and what Boyega said regarding Kelly Marie being decimated on the internet…I don’t wanna see the movie anymore…so I’m not…Having a racist/fascist in the White House has left me with NO TOLERANCE FOR THESE SORTS OF THINGS…AT ALL!

  6. AppleTartin says:

    Pescatarian is so 90’s!

  7. Angela82 says:

    I applaud her ability to be vegan most of the time. I love eggs and cheese way too much. But I do raise my own chickens so I feel a tiny bit less guilty.

  8. Cali says:

    So she’s a Pescatarian?🙄