“Jennifer Lopez & Alex Rodriguez’s TikTok is actually amazing” links

I absolutely love this “flipped the switch” Tik Tok from Jennifer Lopez & Alex Rodriguez. It’s super-cute! [Just Jared]
Ted Cruz has been exposed to coronavirus. Poor coronavirus. [Jezebel]
Lainey’s coverage of all the Sussex drama this weekend. [LaineyGossip]
Halle Berry took a swipe at Sarah Palin. [Dlisted]
Photos from the Westworld premiere. [Go Fug Yourself]
A lot of Republicans may have coronavirus. [Pajiba]
A reality star named her child Serenity Faye. [Starcasm]
Amanda Bynes is no longer engaged. [The Blemish]
Pete & Chasten Buttigieg get a standing O. [Towleroad]
I say “like” too much as well. Like, I can’t help it. [OMG Blog]

Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez arrive for the 'Second Act' surprise premiere

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15 Responses to ““Jennifer Lopez & Alex Rodriguez’s TikTok is actually amazing” links”

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  1. Tiffany says:

    Okay, that was pretty great of Alex and Jennifer.

    I am liking them more and more as a couple.

  2. Wisca says:

    I was TOTALLY unprepared for that! Haha. Well done.

  3. ME says:

    I think Jennifer finally met her match. I’m happy for them.

  4. bluemoonhorse says:

    HAHA made me laugh out loud! Love it when people don’t take themselves seriously.

  5. Jillian says:

    Google made an educational video about inspirational woman and I still can’t believe the number of dislikes. It’s baffling.

    I’m ready for this election to be over with

  6. DiegoInSF says:

    Love her! Her and her team are great at social media! Also she looks just like she did in her All I have video almost 20 years ago in the main photo!

  7. Jaxonmeh says:

    I have an account and while I don’t follow her, her stuff comes up occasionally and this killed me today. I’m so glad you wrote about it because I have no one I can talk about with this.

  8. Melissa Manifesto says:

    Poor coronavirus, seriously? This was in poor taste.

    • Kkat says:

      I’d feel sorry for anything that has to touch Ted Cruse or anyone on that list.
      Hopefully they all use the soap devos shills from her MLM Amway, it doesn’t work

    • Theatrette says:


      He doesn’t care about the lives of others, why should we care about his?

      You know what’s in poor taste? Hate. He traffics in it just like his colleagues.

    • Veronica says:

      So was voting against the disaster relief package for victims of Sandy.

  9. Abby says:

    hahaha ok that was funny JLO and A-Rod.

  10. Veronica says:

    I laughed for nearly a straight minute when the news about the Republican convention came out. Talk about reaping what you sow. Wonder how their supporters will explain that one away.

    JLo and ARod are growing on me. I honestly hope she’s finally got a keeper – or if not, is enjoying the shit out of herself.

  11. Sammiches says:

    Okay but they forgot to FLIP THE SWITCH, which is kind of an important part of this.

  12. clairej says:

    A Rod is starting to take on the same look Ben Affleck had when dating JLo. She must have a thing for skivies/turtlenecks.