“Justin Trudeau hopes people wear masks to avoid ‘speaking moistly'” links

While “moist” isn’t my favorite word, I don’t have the moist-hatred that seems so prevalent these days. Is it a big deal that Justin Trudeau said “moistly”? [Dlisted]
Lainey has a conspiracy about the Cambridges poaching the Sussexes’ social media director David Watkins. [LaineyGossip]
Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel are in lockdown in their big spread in Montana, in case you’re wondering. [JustJared]
Vintage ‘70s fashion looked very high-waisted and comfortable. [Tom & Lorenzo]
Oh God are we going to social distance for the next 18 months? [Pajiba]
I’m really disappointed in John Cusack. [The Blemish]
Rest in peace, Chynna. [Jezebel]
Ariel Winter’s style has always been all over the place. [GFY]
Wishing everyone a happy Passover. [Seriously OMG]

British D-Day Commemoration In Portsmouth

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66 Responses to ““Justin Trudeau hopes people wear masks to avoid ‘speaking moistly'” links”

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  1. Jules says:

    So we can conclude that Biel and Timberlake are about to kill each other in quarantine, right?

    • Eugh says:

      They are both insufferable, I see it. Let’s not forget Biel is an anti-vaxxer and Justin Timberlake is well, Justin Timberlake.

  2. Valerie says:

    lol, the only address that I missed and it had to be that one. He corrected himself, though.

  3. grabbyhands says:

    I like to imagine that word rolled out of his mouth in some slo-mo montage like how you see in movies and that he was probably dying inside as he said it.

  4. Ann says:

    Trudeau can speak all sorts of moist words to me all day every day. He’s a such a fox.

  5. Lightpurple says:

    Happy Passover to all who celebrate

  6. Tiffany says:

    John Cusack is a disappointment now????

    Always. Always.

    • Sarah says:

      Yep. He’s a world class dbag. He’s also best friends with notorious asshole Jeremy Piven, so that tells you pretty much all you need to know

    • Redgrl says:

      Yeah, his blatant sexism in Hot Tub Time Machine cancelled him for me. Blech.

  7. Dizzy says:

    I would say give Trudeau a break. Stressful times. And he’s fully bilingual and doing a press conference in both languages. Could any us do that?? Some times you search for the right words when you translate in your head and come up with a crappy one. I make announcements in my second language and it isn’t easy!

    • Charfromdarock says:


      Trudeau is out there speaking to the nation and taking questions from the press every single day, in both languages, for weeks on end now.

      Then repeating long complex answers in the other language on the spot.

      Not to mention the special Q&A he and Dr Tam do with kids.

      I’ll take an awkward turn of phrase over the alternative any day. I was so happy when the cons lost but now I’m truly grateful they aren’t the ones in charge right now.

    • Lucy2 says:

      Not to mention his wife was ill also. He’s probably exhausted, and at least he’s putting out decent information unlike…others.

  8. Well-Wisher says:

    Prime Minister has been our Mr Rogers , he comes out every day, give updates remind us to be kind and considerate and pass legislation to form CERB. Many of us are grateful that his government is in charge in these unstable of times.
    May God bless him and his family.

    • Juliette says:

      I feel the same way. His daily updates have been really calming and reassuring that we’ll get through this together. They give us as much info as they can when they can and these daily reminders and updates are great to ease at least a bit of the stress.

      We are so fortunate to have Dr. Tam in Ottawa and for us in BC, Dr. Bonnie Henry – both extremely smart, articulate doctors that cut right to the chase. On a lighter note, have you noticed Dr. Henry’s shoes? She’s got great shoes. Each day a new pair of Fluevogs. So glad to be where I am.

      Hoping all my fellow CBers have a Happy Easter long weekend and stay safe, healthy and happy.

      • OriginalLala says:

        Dr Tam is amazing! I’m comforted by our leadership during these times,

      • Jaded says:

        Bonnie Henry is amazing. She always comes across as compassionate, calm, and warm. Did you see her apologize to her hairdresser on air because she evidently tried to colour and cut her own hair? It was sooooo cute.

      • Juliette says:

        @jaded I did see that. She is so great. Just her whole demeanor and way of presenting the facts is so calming and reassuring. She must be exhausted by now but she shows up every day with a smile. So much admiration for her.

    • Tangie says:

      Ahh yess if Mr. Rogers wore blackface.

      • Juliette says:

        I won’t ever forget that he wore blackface, it was a stupid thing for him to do. However, I can’t imagine any of the leaders of any other party doing a better job than he is right now. I may not agree with all of the things he does and says but am impressed with how he has handled this. They’ve done a very good job of communicating with us and helping to tamp down the panic that had started.

        He made a huge, racist mistake and has apologized for it multiple times His actions and words in the years since have shown that he isn’t racist. A bit tone deaf and a bit dumb at times but I truly don’t believe he ever means things in a malicious way.

      • Mika says:

        Yeah, unfortunately Prime Minister Blackface is the best we’ve got right now. I know, I’m also bummed.

      • Golly Gee says:

        @juliette: 100%. He is not a racist. He grew up exposed to many cultures and ideas thanks to who his father was. Obama stood up for him and talked about nuances. Trying to bring down a decent human being due to one tone deaf action is unfair. He’s not perfect, but he clearly cares about all people.

      • Juliette says:

        @Golly Gee I totally agree. He obviously has the best interest of all Canadians when speaking or taking action right now. Annoys me that some people use that dumb mistake from years ago to paint him as a horrible, racist person. He is not that at all.

        The other side will grasp at anything because they know their leaders couldn’t stack up against Justin in any way at. Can you imagine Scheer dealing with this? Shudder the though!

      • Jaded says:

        @Mika – Trudeau is doing one of the best jobs any leader is doing during an incredibly frightening and stressful pandemic. Leave politics out of this for the time being and thank your lucky stars you aren’t living in Trumplandia.

      • Reece says:

        I’m not excusing what he did but have you all taken a look down south across the border?
        Have you? Really? Have You??

    • Arpeggi says:

      Horacio Arruda, the head of the Quebec public health agency is the real Mr Roger. The amount of memes, coloring images and so on he generated is astounding, a bakery even put his face on bread loafs! He’s sitting at the press conference table trying to tell people that there are ways to entertain ourselves at home with others by line dancing online, trying to tell parents that now’s not the time for your teens to have house parties cuz it’s not ideal to “swap fluids” and such, it’s pretty endearing and yet honest.

      • OriginalLala says:

        Arruda is fantastic – when he and Legault were asking people to only have 1 romantic partner during the pandemic, I was dying of laughter.

      • Arpeggi says:

        Me too! Though I’ve been saying for a month that this is a great time for monogamy (when I still had to go to the lab a few times/week, there was only one of my friend that was scheduled on the same days so even our friendships became monogamous as she was my only IRL interaction). Or when he said that there was no need to worry about sitting on public benches since “we don’t lick the bench” after all! I felt so heard!!!

      • Oh-Dear says:

        Dr Hinshaw in Alberta has been similarly celebrated. She wore a periodic table dress one day and it was locally celebrated. People have had shirts made up with her image and WWDHD? In total typical right religious fundamentalist fashion, our Premier Kenney has started to precede her in her daily briefs.
        Yesterday he spent 58 minutes explaining the medical modelling and transmission and has been sharing the daily stats BEFORE Dr Hinshaw presents which has resulted in some amazing twitter responses about the white man speaking over the intelligent, qualified female who is more than capable of DOING HER JOB. #bringbackDrHinshaw is trending as a result.

      • Arpeggi says:

        Oooh! I need to watch one of her briefings! (and yeah, you have a terrible Premier; even Ford managed to step up a little. I’m sorry)

      • Misvl says:

        Dr Arruda is my daily treat. I love him so much. I even have a rainbow sticker with his face (and Legault’s face) on it!

    • Golly Gee says:

      @well wisher, totally agree. And you can tell he cares, which makes me feel more connected and less isolated. That in itself is calming.
      @jaded; Bonnie Henry is amazing. CBC just did a story about how BC is faring better in terms of flattening the curve (knock on wood) compared to Québec and Ontario, and her continuity and past experience with viral outbreaks is part of the reason. From CBC: “Henry’s direct experience in overseeing Toronto’s SARS and Canada’s H1N1 outbreaks is the type of background that’s impossible to quantify in a situation like this. Henry herself doesn’t mention it at news conferences.”

  9. Dhavynia says:

    Maybe Trudeau was not far off from the truth, after all, I wouldn’t want certain world leaders spitting sh*t out of their mouths near me

    • Janet says:

      What gets me about ANYONE questioning people wearing masks is this:

      The virus enters by your mouth, nose and eyes. If you’re out shopping or otherwise, you have no idea who touched what you might touch. No idea if they were contagious. No idea if someone a few hours before you who’s hands were carrying a viral load picjed up the same fruit/tin of food/box of cereal or maybe used the same shopping cart.

      And so, because on average we touch our faces about 30 times an hour, wearing a mask stops your hands from touching 2 of the 3 entry points. It is not rocket science.

  10. Juliette says:

    I think this was a simple slip up after days of stress for our country. Pretty much all of us are laughing about it, a much needed laugh these days. Not a big deal to anyone I know, more funny than anything else.

    Some brilliant person even turned it into an auto tuned song. It’s pretty catchy tbh.

    Love that our PM doesn’t take himself to seriously and can laugh about it.

  11. swedish chef says:

    Listening to Trudeau usually makes me cringe. It feels like he is always trying too hard and takes himself too seriously. The “moistly” flub made made me laugh and it also made him seem more relatable, I have chosen the wrongs words SO many times. We’ll all get over it.

    • Mireille says:

      I’d take his “moistly” and other gaffes over Trump’s endless string of incoherence every minute every day of every week.

      • Steff says:

        @Mireille ^THIS. I’ll be forever grateful Canada has a normal leader during this time.

      • Juliette says:

        Agreed. He has been calm, cool and collected and has so far done a great job communicating to Canadians on how we are all going to get through this together.

        The CERB will help those in desperate need right now. I’m happy that in my Province they’ve put in rules saying no evictions during the pandemic if you can’t pay rent due to lack of work. Bus fares have been cancelled right now which does help quite a bit. All in all, I think we’re fairly fortunate to be where we are.

      • Janet says:

        My eldest is in BC. The CERB was incredibly quick. Apparently the province has some sort of one time $1000 cdn assistance too. The electricity company has put into place a 3 month credit possibility (ie: they will credit your account with the average 3 month period bill) for people who have lost their jobs due to this.

      • Juliette says:

        @janet our local hydro company has suspended bills for 3 months as well. I love how we’re all pulling together. United we stand!

  12. ravynrobyn says:

    I’m American, and the thought of a country’s leader actually giving one SINGLE damn f**k about his people makes me want to cry 😭

  13. Onnit says:

    God bless Justin Timberlake…but I’ve hear that “24 hour parenting” is normal.

  14. Em says:

    Am I the only one who thinks he did it on purpose? You know, just to break the tension?

    Maybe it’s because that’s totally my type of humor, but I for one LOVED it – we need to laugh too.

  15. StartupSpouse says:

    Can someone explain the Lainey conspiracy to me? Between work and 2 screaming kids, I’m really tired and not really understanding what she’s getting at.

    • Jaded says:

      The People article she refers to about the Cambridges using social media during the pandemic doesn’t reference David Watkins at all (the social media manager they poached from the Sussexes), but the URL does. But when you click on the URL it just takes you back to the article so something isn’t adding up. Obviously People removed any reference to him, perhaps at the behest of the Cambridges, in the body of the article but forgot to change the URL. So there’s something a bit fishy about it.

    • whatWHAT? says:

      I think she’s also implying that the person they “poached” was the person leaking info about the Sussexes to the press.

  16. Mrs. Peel says:

    Speak moistly and carry a big stick.

    • DM2 says:

      Heh. I saw a funny tweet, paraphrasing: If your close friends are speaking moistly to you, it’s time to get new friends !

  17. Prairiegirl says:

    I’ve seen (from afar) the Timberlake’s massive mountainside mansion outside of Big Ski, Montana. They ain’t hurtin’ living out there, that’s for sure. (I mean, other than having to spend time with each other.)

  18. Valiantly Varnished says:

    Lainey’s theory is QUITE interesting and I think bears digging into more. Because it is actually really plausible especially in light of the online shenanigans going on about David.

    • Golly Gee says:

      And I always assume –perhaps mistakenly — that she has a pipeline of inside information from the Mulroneys. This is kind of exciting! I hope someone keeps digging; I need this right now.

  19. Andrea says:

    I had a delicious dream last night that I was Justin Trudeau’s girlfriend.

  20. Laura says:

    I wonder how JT is hanging in there only sleeping with one woman at a time. Really tragic for him, thoughts and prayers.

  21. blunt talker says:

    This was a funny slip of the tongue. I understand exactly what he means. My brother-in-law does this all the time when he has had something to drink. He likes to lean close to ypur face and talk. I turn my head sideways or move away pretending to be busy. I cannot stand him doing this. He gets the message when I turn my head or back to respond to his conversation. One way to put this in perspective-SAY IT-DON’T SPRAY IT.

  22. Well-Wisher says:

    A word of note, English is his second language. Canada has several national languages especially in the First Nations but two official languages.