Memorable Television Moments

So when you have a poll of the most memorable television moments of the last 50 years, what would you include? The final episode of Friends? When Fonzie jumped the shark on Happy Days?

Turns out the British think a little more broadly than me.

Top Ten Television moments of the last 50 years
1. Twin Towers Collapse
2. Princess Diana’s Funeral
3. Neil Armstrong’s Lunar Landing 1969
4. Collapse of the Berlin Wall
5. Bob Geldof requesting viewers to ‘Give us your f**king money’ at LiveAid
6. The Two Ronnies ‘Four Candles’ comedy sketch
7. Dancing Ricky Gervais as The Office manager David Brent
8. Monty Python’s ‘Dead Parrot’ Sketch
9. England Winning the soccer World Cup 1966
10. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy

Watch the videos below, thanks to for linking them.

I’m glad that the terrorism and deaths are balanced out by Monty Python’s comedy and Bob Geldof swearing. Some obvious contenders for most memorable moment that are missing would be Princess Diana’s marriage to Prince Charles, or maybe the year 2000 being celebrated. Although who was at home watching TV on that night?

1. Twin Towers Collapse

2. Princess Diana’s Funeral

3. Neil Armstrong’s Lunar Landing 1969

4. Collapse of the Berlin Wall

5. Bob Geldof requesting viewers to ‘Give us your f**king money’ at LiveAid

6. The Two Ronnies ‘Four Candles’ comedy sketch

7. Dancing Ricky Gervais as The Office manager David Brent

8. Monty Python’s ‘Dead Parrot’ Sketch

9. England Winning the soccer World Cup 1966

10. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy

The poll of most memorable TV moments was conducted by Whitehaven in Cumbria, UK, which will be the first place in the UK to switch off the analogue signal to switch to digital television.

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