Christian Slater says he would be in Rikers now if he wasn’t a white guy

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Christian Slater was on The Tonight Show to promote his new show Dirty John: Betty Broderick Story, which co-stars Amanda Peet and is based on the true story of Betty Broderick’s 1989 murder of her ex husband and his new wife. Christian told Jimmy that he loved all the old technology on set and that it was fun to see the young people try to figure out what it was. He also was quite thoughtful when talking about privilege and Black Lives Matter. He said he would probably be in prison now if he wasn’t a white guy. That was one of the best statements I’ve heard from a celebrity. I enjoyed this interview and came away liking Christian for the most part. I used to watch Heathers and Pump Up The Volume so much in high school and he’s still very hot to me. He’s 50 and has a 9-month-old baby, daughter Lena. Christian’s wife Brittany is 30, they’ve been married for 5 years (sideeye) and this is their first child together. He also has a 19-year-old daughter and a 21-year-old son from his first marriage, which ended in 2007. Here’s some of what he told Jimmy and the interview is below.

“Where are you and how are you?”
I’m in Miami with my family so that’s been great. These have just been surreal times. Of course I’m horrified by the murder or George Floyd and Breonna Taylor and countless black men, women and children. So on the one hand, it’s great that there is a rising up here to make significant change.

He said he would be in prison if he wasn’t a white guy
I have crossed paths with the police a few times myself and they didn’t murder me because the system isn’t designed that way. I was allowed to get help, get off drugs and alcohol and today, I’ll go to a place like Rikers Island and talk to inmates. They’re pretty much guilty of things that I’ve done, but when the meeting ends, I can leave. It’s pretty much skin color that determines that. Clearly we’re in a crazy broken system. This society has no right to call itself civilized until all of its citizens are treated with equality. I’m working on listening and educating myself as much as possible.

On the old technology on set
This is definitely a tabloid story from the 80s. What was really fun about it was the style. We really got to go back in time. Some of the kids would walk around the set and go ‘what’s that?’

‘That was a telephone, that was what we used to use. It had a rotary thing.’

“I feel like that’s a game we could play on The Tonight Show. The VHS rewinder remember that?”
Exactly. Or like an 8 track.

[From The Tonight Show on YouTube]

My son, mom, dad and I were all talking on the Echo Show about old technology and the VCR rewinder specifically came up. (The Echo Show is the kind of technology I dreamed about as a kid, but it’s more annoying and less useful than I thought it would be.) Sometimes I get nostalgic for old technology, but then I realize we can watch whatever we want, whenever we want, from almost anywhere and that we can videochat with anyone anywhere for free! Just last week I was talking to my son about long distance charges and how we used to get in trouble with our parents and roommates for expensive phone bills. Then the Internet came and changed everything. I can’t imagine where we’ll go from here though. Will we be able to videochat with full size 3D versions of ourselves that look real? That would be so cool.

Also, I really liked what he said about how he’s going to listen and how he realized that he could easily have ended up in prison for years. I was just reading his arrest record on wiki and he has convictions for DUI, trying to board a plane with a gun, assaulting a police officer and groping a woman. He’s right, he could still be in prison now.

Here’s that interview. His dog comes on camera at around 5 minutes in. He has a life size stormtrooper that’s older than his wife, which he told Jimmy he got at Sharper Image. At that point they started bonding over Sharper Image and Sky Mall.

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30 Responses to “Christian Slater says he would be in Rikers now if he wasn’t a white guy”

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  1. Eleonor says:

    I think that is a really good statement in which he sums pretty well what “white priviledge” is.

  2. Carobell says:

    There is entire subset of 80’s young white Male movie stars who would have gone to jail (or been in jail for much longer) if they had been anything but white.

    • Em says:

      Yes, and a few that were in jail but for relatively short periods and were forgiven easily.
      Robert Downey Jr is the most obvious example. And I love RDJ but he never would have had the same second chance if he wasn’t white.

      Just to be clear, I think more people should have second chances, except rapists and murderers who frankly should be in jail forever.

      • Michelle says:

        My daughter is a big fan of RDJ because of the Ironman/Avengers movies and she had no clue what a troubled past he had until I told her to look him up. There is no way this day and age a person of color would be walking around now having done the stuff that RDJ did.

      • Arpeggi says:

        RDJ and Charlie Sheen, most definitely. Didn’t Sheen shoot Kelly Preston at some point? Had they been Black, they wouldn’t have been in jail forever

    • Granger says:

      Even Winona Ryder — who stole over $5,000 worth of stuff from Saks in Beverly Hills and only received probation/community service. If she’d been Black you bet your arse she would’ve gone to jail for that.

  3. Chaine says:

    Holy cannoli, that’s his wife??? She looks super young next to his grizzled self. I absolutely would have assumed she was his teen kid.

    • lucy2 says:

      I know, sometimes an age difference isn’t that apparent, but wow, she looks WAY younger.
      I remember him having a lot of problems, but didn’t remember that he groped someone. Awful. I hope he has sincerely apologized to her.

      • Pandabird says:

        Well, she is waaaay younger. 20 years younger than him. She’s closer in age to his oldest child than to him.

    • Alyse says:

      Yeah… he looks good for his age, and even then it still looks like a Dad/Daughter situation…. icky

      Like what he said though.

  4. Laura says:

    Sorry, he married his wife when he was 45, she was 25, and he had a 16 year old son? How old was she when they got together? Just my opinion, but that’s kind of gross.

    • TIFFANY says:

      Christian was married previously and has two kids with his ex wife.

      His current wife could have been in her early 20’s when they dated.

    • lisa says:

      Me too, Laura. Especially since she looks even younger than she is. What did she look like in her early 20s…. 14?!?! Gross.

  5. Digital Unicorn says:

    I still stan this guy – I saw him on the London stage a few years ago and he can act, he still had that sex appeal that got to me as a teenager watching Heathers.

    He has always been messy and in some ways still is.

  6. Lowrider says:

    White AND wealthy privilege is at play when celebs never end up doing time for their crime.

  7. ItReallyIsYou,NotMe says:

    I made the point on a Facebook post that a family member (white female) has a history of mouthing off to the cops and she was never even arrested. If she had been a black male, she would have gone to jail in a second or, even worse, been hurt or killed. My hope was to reach the minds of some of my family who still think that the black victims of law enforcement must have done something to deserve their treatment. They don’t see how the exact same interaction leaves a white woman with a funny story to tell but a black man will, at best, end up with a long prison sentence.

  8. Valiantly Varnished says:

    I used to watch Pump Up the Volume over and over again. I loved that movie.

    And he’s right. If he werent white he would be in prison. Nice to see him acknowledge that.

    • M says:

      Same! I think I wore out my VHS tape of it. I had the biggest crush on him as the “sexy bad boy” when I was growing up.

      And he is 100% correct about his privilege

  9. virginfangirl says:

    And the fact that money plays such a huge role too. I know 2 people that got hooked on heroin, with one family paying for multiple rounds of rehab. The one who stayed twice at an expensive rehab is now clean, the second might end up in jail because she keeps going back on & has to remain off it to stay out of jail. Our state-provided rehab provides too short a duration and it’s not a place where you actually live there so it’s not very effective getting people off drugs.

  10. Pamspam says:

    I don’t want to thread jack, but the docuseries about Kalief Browder really drives his point about possiblybending up in Rikers.

  11. paddingtonjr says:

    I am glad to see Christian doing so well. I loved Heathers and Pump Up The Volume (and fell for him in The Legend of Billie Jean), but stopped following him when he went off the rails. I became interested in him again when I caught an episode of Mr. Robot and have enjoyed seeing him and Amanda Peet in Dirty John (oh, the 80s yuppie fashion!!).

    I am glad to see him acknowledge his privilege and taking responsibility for his past. I hope that he continues to be successful and remains grateful for his second chance.

  12. Ang says:

    Christian Forever love this guy and still sexy

  13. LadySwampwitchGivsNeauFux says:

    Wow i am impressed by Christian Slater, totally right on. I did think that woman he is married too was his oldest daughter .. Oh and Jimmys hair is so funny, he looks like a kid.

  14. Eliza says:

    Isn’t RDJ a republican? I hope he hears about this and rethinks his politics

    • Nicole r says:

      Is he actually Republican though? Or just not a Democrat? Bc he made an anti-trump video if I remember correctly (but then again I don’t follow RDJ)

  15. Isadora says:

    I don’t think he’d be in jail but working as a Jack Nicholson impersonator imho.

    But good on him for realizing that there is a double standard depending on which color of the skin you have.

  16. Poisonella says:

    He must have forgot about doing the two month sentence for beating up a girlfriend.