Donald Trump: ‘Suburban women: Will you please like me? Please. Please.’

President Donald Trump departs the White House

For the second night in a row, Donald Trump took Air Force One to a campaign rally in a “swing state.” It hasn’t even been two full weeks since Trump admitted to testing positive for the coronavirus, and we still don’t know how many people around Trump ended up getting infected from the superspreader event at the White House on September 26th. But here we are. Trump was in Pennsylvania last night, a state he won in 2016 by less than one percentage point and less than 50,000 votes. The 2020 polls for Pennsylvania look pretty bad for him – in most polls, he’s getting between 40-44% of the vote in that state, with Biden hovering between 49-54% consistently. I’ve worked an election in Pennsylvania, and I saw more Confederate flags in that state than I ever have in Virginia. James Carville said “Pennsylvania is Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with Alabama in between.” It’s true (although Scranton is reliably a Dem stronghold too). Still, Pennsylvanians seem sick of Trump and Trumpism. So I have to hope that these unhinged pleas fell on mostly deaf ears.

He tried reading from a teleprompter: As Mr. Trump returns to the campaign trail this week after being hospitalized for his coronavirus infection, his advisers are sending him out with a teleprompter, as they at times did before his diagnosis, in hopes he’ll drive a more coherent message against his Democratic opponent, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. Trying to revive his 2016 coalition in a part of Pennsylvania where he needs to run up his margins, the president scorned Mr. Biden as “a servant of the radical globalists” who “shipped away your jobs, shut down your factories and, you know it because you really suffered right in this area, threw open your borders and ravaged our cities.”

Trump, high on ‘roids, thinks Joe Biden is senile: “I’m running against the single worst candidate in the history of presidential politics, and you know what that does?” Mr. Trump said. “That puts more pressure on me.” He added: “Can you imagine if you lose to a guy like this? It’s unbelievable.” Mr. Biden, said Mr. Trump, is “shot, folks, he’s shot.” “He has no idea what he’s saying,” Mr. Trump said, returning to Mr. Biden’s mental health. “How the hell do you lose to a guy like this, is this possible? Oh, I’ll never come to Pennsylvania again.”

A plea to suburban women: “Suburban women: Will you please like me? Please. Please. I saved your damn neighborhood, OK?” Even though he was on the other side of the state from Philadelphia, and speaking in a long-distressed former steel community, Mr. Trump boasted that he had “saved suburbia” in America. And he predicted that his fortunes with female voters, who in the recent Times survey were supporting Mr. Biden by 15 points, would turn around. “We’re going to see that the women really like Trump a lot,” Mr. Trump said, repeating the falsehood that he won women with 52 percent of the vote in 2016 (Hillary Clinton won 54 percent of women, according to exit polls).

Lies about the virus: “I got to get out and I have to meet people and I have to see people, and I know it’s risky to do that,” he said. “But you have to do what you have to do. You know, I’m the president, I can’t sit in the basement and say, ‘Let’s wait this thing out.’” Continuing to minimize the risk of transmission, as he did even before he contracted the virus, Mr. Trump proclaimed in front of an array of people wearing “MAGA”-emblazoned masks, “Now, I’m immune.” Then he said he could prove it. “I could come down and start kissing everybody,” he told his supporters, echoing a line he used the day before in Florida. “I’ll kiss every guy — man and woman. Look at that guy, how handsome he is. I’ll kiss him. Not with a lot of enjoyment, but that’s OK.”

[From The NY Times]

I mean, after four-plus years of this, these are barely dog-whistles. He’s telling white women that he’ll “protect” them and “save” their white suburbs. He’s high as a kite and clearly sundowning and so he’s projecting all of that on Biden. And all of the lies about the virus and his immunity… just… ugh. It’s frightening how many people turned up for this sh-t though. I think about that all the time now – even if we get lucky and get Biden-Harris into the White House and a Dem majority in the House and Senate, these maskless Nazis are not just going to go away.

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117 Responses to “Donald Trump: ‘Suburban women: Will you please like me? Please. Please.’”

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  1. Becks1 says:

    As a suburban woman, I’ll say – no. No we will not like you Donald Trump.

    I live in Maryland, which is pretty blue (not that anyone cares about our 11 electoral votes, but they’re going to Biden, lol) but I live in a red area, and over the weekend I was driving around an even redder area (the Eastern Shore/Delmarva.) I saw a lot of Trump signs. I also saw a LOT of Biden/Harris signs, and in 2016 there were no Clinton signs. And even in my area – which is red but fairly suburban – I have seen one Trump sign, and a fair amount of Biden Harris signs. I just think many people, who don’t follow policy that much but follow the headlines, are tired. They’re just tired of Trump’s BS. So they don’t even really care about what he has or hasn’t done for the suburbs (which I mean…..the dogwhistle has become a bullhorn.) Suburban women are tired of the ranting and the divisiveness etc. We’re voting for Biden. We want boring this time around. And we want Harris.

    • Mc says:

      Hey neighbor! I live on the ES and you’re right, there are tons of trump signs but I do see way more Biden signs than Clinton signs in 2016. I love it over here but it sucks to be surrounded by Trump supporters who support trump just for the sake of supporting trump.

    • Busyann says:

      Hey Im in Maryland too, but closer to the beltway. There’s a lot of Biden-Harris love over here. Out towards Annapolis though……well, that is a different story.

    • Becks1 says:

      Marylanders unite!! Like I said we all know the state is going for Biden, but I’m hoping the trends we see in redder areas bode well for other states that went for Trump in 2016.

    • Suze says:

      Marylander checking in! I’m in MoCo, which is heavily blue, but it is still heartening to see so many Biden/Harris signs. There was one house in my neighborhood that had a Trump sign up, but they took it down within the week. I don’t know if they decided to stop supporting him, or decided they didn’t want to deal with judgment from their neighbors, but hey – no more sign!

    • Snuffles says:

      Wow! I’m from Maryland too! Crazy how many of us are in here. 😄

    • Noodle says:

      Fellow suburban woman checking in: Nope. No. Nuh uh.

    • Salted Watermelon says:

      Another suburban woman chiming in: No. Hell no. You have made my family less safe with your hateful rhetoric and science denial. I’m sick of being trapped in my house because you’re too stupid or lazy to step up and lead during a pandemic. People are dying here. Step up and do the job or gtfo of the White House.

    • vanessa says:

      Another Marylander just here to say hi! I grew up in Moco, now live in Baltimore, lots of support for Biden/Harris. Was out visiting my Aunt in Carroll County though and yikes there are Trump signs all over – I think I counted 5 between Rt 70 and Westminster.

    • Chicken says:

      I live in downtown Atlanta, in the late Congressman John Lewis’s district, so obviously, my neck of the woods is VERY blue. However, my coworker, who lives in the suburbs, drove around her neighborhood recently to tally up the signs for Trump and for Biden/Harris. She said the Biden/Harris signs absolutely outnumber the Trump signs, which is a turnaround from 2016. So yeah, the suburbs may be sick of his shit, too.

    • Ocean Girl says:

      Hey! “Bawlmer, Merlin” checking in!

    • Courtney B says:

      Delawarean here! Delaware is reliably blue (used to be purple but that’s gone now) and no way our longtime senator isn’t getting our whopping three electoral votes. Lol

  2. My3cents says:

    No,no, not by the hair on my pussy puss puss.

  3. Riemc526 says:

    I’m from Philadelphia and we call the area between us and Pittsburgh “Pennsyltucky”, so James Carville is not lying .

    • GreenBunny says:

      I’m from Chester county and same. I’ve been into Amish country and across to Lake Raystown area this summer and was amazed by the number of Trump signs and confederate flags. It’s embarrassing. And as a suburban woman in PA he’s speaking to, I say f**k off. I’m voting for Biden.

      • Riemc526 says:

        Hi neighbor! I live in Chesco, too. Born & raised in Delco. I say I’m from Philly bc it’s more familiar to people. I agree 100% w/you and I’ve even seen Trump signs come down after his COVID antics. I already voted blue & also throw my middle fingers his way. Best of luck voting no matter how you choose to do it!

      • GreenBunny says:

        Hi neighbor! I was a mail in, but I think I’m taking my ballot in and having it voided and voting in person. I’m so worried I’ll screw up my ballot and it won’t be counted.

        I don’t think I’ve seen signs come down here. I’m in West Chester so it’s a weird mix. I did wonder if he ended up passing from CoVid if some of his followers would fly their Trump flags at half-mass. My favorites are the ones of the Rambo body with Trump’s head. They is some severe mental dissonance with these people.

      • Kimmie says:

        Chesco here too. The few times I’ve been out I’ve only seen Biden/Harris signs. I’m probably not the suburban housewife he’s referring to, but I can say with certainty that none of the suburban housewives he is begging have any interest in voting for him. I miss the days where I didn’t open the news with dread in anticipation of whatever fresh hell will come out of the president’s mouth.

      • Riemc526 says:

        @Greenbunny I’m in Malvern. A neighbor who drives his truck with a Trump/Pence and American flag waving from the back also had his American flag in his yard at half-staff when Trump was in the hospital. Ugh.

        @Kimmie hi neighbor! I’m feeling confident we can swing blue this time around. I hope I’m right!

      • GreenBunny says:

        @Riemc526 I love Malvern, it has some really great restaurants like The Buttery and Brick and Brew! There’s also a cupcake place that I’ve seen on Facebook that I’m dying to try.

        I have 2 neighbors with huge flag poles that they specifically put up since last election just for their Trump signs. I don’t even know them, but I don’t like them because I judge all Trump supports

      • pottymouth pup says:

        Howdy neighbor, also in Chesco. I’ve noticed a lot of Trump signs along Gravel Pike in Montco but went tooling around Chester Springs (I dropped off my ballot there instead of going to WC to do it) and saw mostly Biden-Harris signs, which made me feel good

        I have noticed that the Trump supporters seem to have quite the case of “short man syndrome” based on the overcompensation with the use of multiple signs/huge oversized signs and the over the top car decoration with large signs & American flags defaced with Trump’s face on them

      • Mac says:

        I grew up in New Hope. I didn’t even know what a Republican was until I went to college.

    • escondista says:

      It is the same in most states, right? Big cities = blue; rural areas = red.

      • equality says:

        I am from a rural area and many people who live in the countryside care about the environment and endangered species so will vote following those issues, which means not Trump. Those who have been convinced that democrats are trying to “take their guns” are the big Trump supporters.

    • Veronica S. says:

      Yep. Literally the only reason we went red last election was because people in the cities sat out of the election. I also think we’ve shifted a little more purple as fracking brought more people in from out of state, and a lot of people underestimated just how many. Well, learn your lesson the hard way, I suppose. We’re a battleground state now, no longer a sure blue bet. Hopefully, Millennials and Gen Z get their act together and start showing up for those midterm elections now, too. Toomey’s on his way out in 2022.

  4. Juls says:

    Begging to be liked? HAHAHAHA! Yeah, this loser is desperate and unhinged.

  5. Lightpurple says:

    White suburban woman here, one of only two on my street, the other being my 91 year old great aunt. We have already voted Biden. And the other women on my street, from Haiti, Brazil, Bangladesh, and China? They have Biden lawn signs. So, no, Trump, we don’t like you and no, you did not “save” our neighborhood. But would you like some Large watermelon-sized squash? My neighbor’s vine is growing over my fence and she says we can help ourselves to the things.

    • Nina Simone says:

      Excellent Point. Trump keeps conflating suburban women with “white women.” Of course that is predominantly so, but suburban women are also quite diverse too. This isn’t Nixon era. Shows her dumb he is.

  6. Mina_Esq says:

    He’s elevating Judge Handmaid to SCOTUS to set women’s rights back 100 years. I’m sure suburban women love him. *eyeroll*

  7. Christine says:


  8. tempest prognosticator says:

    What a freak show. Try as I might, I can’t understand how any decent human being would vote for him at this point.

    • clomo says:

      They are nuts! I just read a report in the Washington post that said a (slight) majority of people polled said they are better off now than 4 years ago. Who are these people? Things have gone to hell in a hand basket!

      • Swack says:

        Saw that also and wondered how that is.

      • Traveler says:

        I have to assume they just happened to poll people who are mainly focused on the stock market/finances. There were substantial gains in the stock market, especially in 2019. In 2020 it crashed, peaked, and now has settled down (relatively) but with gains.
        These folks have to be privileged enough to not be affected by any of the other debacles that have occurred and HAVE to be completely unempathetic to the plight of others. There are so many people who live solidly mired in the “I, me, mine” mentality.

      • Juniper says:

        I got into a Facebook fight on a friend’s page with a middle-aged white guy for saying this. Very much an “everyone has the same opportunities, bootstraps, I got mine yadda yadda.” I was astounded by his attitude. He kept saying we have “differences in opinions.” I’m like, “Yeah, I care about others. You should too, considering you have a daughter and from the looks of your page, you’re not part of the 1%” ARGH These people!

  9. Tuntmore says:

    I love that James Carville quote and use it often. I live in Alabama (god help me) and used to travel a lot to central Pennsylvania. Alabama is more racially diverse, but other than that, it’s hard to tell the two places apart.

    • summertime says:

      Hello from North Alabama! I’ve noticed a lot of Jones and Biden/Harris signs up around here in the past few weeks.

  10. Ariel says:

    When he says he won with women in the last election- he means white women.
    No need to say it. It is his default.
    Women of color do not matter to trump.

    • Merricat says:

      No women matter to him. But yeah.

    • Veronica S. says:

      Older white women, to be specific. The generation gap gets left out in these discussions a lot, but it’s definitely a major factor. Millennial and Gen X women majority vote blue. It’s the Silent and Boomer generations that lean Republican. Up until the last ten years or so, we quite literally didn’t have the numbers to overcome the older voters, and I suspect that generated a lot of apathy. Hopefully, young people are waking up to the power their vote now has.

      • Ohpioneer says:

        Interesting theory. I’m the tail end of the Boomer generation. I am white. I live in a suburb. White suburban women who vote Republican are wealthy white suburban women. Those of us who are working class vote Democrat. And even with this distinction among my friends of all economic backgrounds the women are voting Biden.

      • Leah says:

        One of my very good friends is an early boomer who detests Trump and voted Hillary in 16’ and Biden/Harris this year. She’s retired now and while she has always been liberal she says stuff about how driving for Lyft and Uber aren’t real jobs so they shouldn’t be considered/given the same benefits as salaried employees etc. IMO, any job where you earn some coin is a real job and I’ve tried to explain this to her but to no avail.

        My mother who is a silent hates Trump but dislikes Biden because of “what could be”. She doesn’t like Kamala because she distrusts women who are in high positions of power (said something about women being more emotional than men and of course I came back with “well trump is always whining on Twitter about x,y,z…he’s a big crybaby”). She’s not checking the box for the presidential races. It doesn’t really matter because we are in a strictly blue state anyway so her non vote will be cancelled out by all the blue. She’s a silent and they tend to be the ones of all the generations who don’t like to challenge authority even though their own childhoods were challenging (great depression, WW2 etc). I don’t discuss politics with her anymore because it always goes down the rabbit hole and into an argument.

        I am GenX and have always been a liberal Democrat so Biden and Kamala have my vote. I’m doing my ballot after work today so it will be in the mail tomorrow morning.

        The generation Trump should really fear is GenZ, they’ve come of age and they were raised on tech. Now they are old enough to vote unlike in 2016 when they were too young.

      • Pommom says:

        Later boomer here. I wouldn’t urinate on Trump if he were on fire. I have disliked Republican politics since I finished college in the early St Ronnie years. Depressing it was to see their vision for the US.

      • Veronica S. says:

        It’s not really a theory, to be honest. It’s literally reflected in the demographics of who votes. Of course there’s going to be a percentage within those categories who vote Democrat, certainly, but the research shows conservatism, whether social or economic, is definitely linked to age in a lot of categories, as much as it is other demographics.

        You can see those demographic breakdowns here:

        It’s doesn’t mean all Boomers or Silent Gen are the enemy (Millennials f*cked up in 2016, no getting around that), and there are certainly divisions in those generations, too. Most younger Gen X are more similar to Millennials in my experience, whereas younger Millennials are more like Gen Z. I view it more as reflective of immense sociocultural shift that’s gone on that just wasn’t reflected as rapidly in the political field progressively because of how long the older generations had the power – and frankly just a fact that a lot who survive into their older years have more economic resources. Our system is quite literally set up to kill poor minorities.

        The power grasping we’re seeing by the GOP is because they know their base is on the way out. We have the votes to knock them out at this point if we want to. The question is how much damage they’ve managed to do with the courts, how long it’ll take to fix it, how November pans out, and whether the younger generation can step up and be more responsible.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      It says so much about him that he quotes a stat about white women, and instead just calls it women. The 1 thing he is most consistent on is his racism and bigotry.

    • Minnie says:

      Not this white woman!!!

  11. Juju says:

    I follow the Majority 54 podcast by Jason Kander (highly recommend it!) which is about how to talk to Trump supporters in a meaningful way. One of the ideas he brought up is how everything has been made political lately, mostly because Trump tweets constantly and takes a stance on everything and makes it all political. He has saturated our every day lives more than any other president and people have political fatigue.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      That’s a really interesting point, and I think it is very true.

    • LittlePenguin says:

      Thank you @juju for the podcast recommendation! We have a Trumpian like guy in office in my province and maybe this will give me some ideas on how to talk to some family/friends about how things are in the toliet and going to take a generation to get better.

  12. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    That is exactly what scares me most. It’s not macho naranja man. It’s his supporters. The stupidity is strong. But never underestimate the damage stupid can do.

    • Edna says:

      There’s an old proverb (I think it’s Kurdish): Fear an ignorant man more than a lion.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Similar to Dickens in A Christmas Story–the little boy Ignorance and the little girl Want; of the two, the boy is more dangerous.

  13. MaryContrary says:

    This white suburban housewife says F-you, Trump. NO-I’m not voting for you-you’re a treasonous, grifting, lying, racist POS.

  14. Stacy Dresden says:

    More Confederate flags than inland SC and I would know. Also watched Pittsburgh police unleash police dogs on unoffending black crowds. Dog pursuit is their favorite.

  15. RedSoleSista says:

    This trope that “suburban women” equals “white woman” is one of the most irritating, and annoying things to me. As if all Black people only live in the “city”. We don’t. Generations of my family has grown up and been raised in the suburbs. My parents, numerous aunts, uncles, and cousins have all been raised and lived/lives in Michigan suburbs since the 1950’s. The city I was raised in was primarily black, when I was growing up in the late 60’s-70’s. We have the bowling ball carriers in our trunks to prove it. 😂

    • Tiffany :) says:

      He has such an antiquated perspective. He literally doesn’t know what he is talking about.

    • Edna says:

      Thank you. Many suburbs are diverse. A lot of black people live in the suburbs. Goes to show how ignorant and racist Trump is cause in his mind only white people live in the suburbs and all black people dwell in the horrible inner cities. Guess he doesn’t know about the effects of gentrification on urban cities.

    • Angelica Schuyler says:

      Yes! Trump is woefully out of touch with the actual demographics of the suburbs these days. I am Black and Latina and live in a suburb which is not “low income”. I work everyday, but was a stay-at-home mom for some time (i.e.-NOT a “housewife”).

      I am here to joyfully disrupt Trump’s idea of totally white suburbs by enjoying my “suburban lifestyle dream” while LWB (Living While Black) in my “quiet neighborhood” along with my Mexican, Korean, Indian and African neighbors that live peacefully here in the same development along with some White folks too.

      He’s just going to have to realize that us suburban women are not going to like him. And he didn’t save us……We got here on our own, and there are more like me moving in every day!

  16. Chic says:

    On a more positive note, NYT reported that cases of his Corona associated with his rally in Minnesota.. FL will start reporting by Sunday

    • Tiffany :) says:

      He’s holding a rally in Iowa this week, and someone put up a digital billboard across from the Des Moines airport where the rally is being held that says:

      “TRUMP COVID SUPER-SPREADER EVENT” with a giant arrow pointing towards the airport. It is such a good attack!

    • H says:

      No, Florida won’t report. DeSantis is fudging numbers or just not releasing them. He’s lying that we are under 5% positivity rate. My parents were in Seminole County driving back from a restaurant (don’t even get me started. Boomers, man) and went past a parade of Trump supporters from the rally. My 80 year-old mother rolled down her window and gave them a thumbs down (Gladiator style) and yelled, “Trump’s an a*shole!”

      Yeah, my church going mother yelling a curse word? The Apocalypse is upon us. (My mom was a registered Republican for 60 years, after Trump won, she’s now an Independent). Her and my stepdad are voting Biden.

  17. FancyPants says:

    Saved my neighborhood from what, hmmm?

  18. Mumbles says:

    The Dems were convinced suburban white women would be disgusted by Trump in 2016. Not enough were and in fact most weren’t. Let’s see if Karen and Becky have learned anything.

  19. Boo says:

    I’d sooner lick a public toilet seat.

  20. Leah says:

    As a suburban woman I have to say:

    I wouldn’t spit on trump if he was on fire.

    /his begging is pathetic. He wants to destroy our rights by appointing someone to scotus who wants to take women’s rights back to the dark ages yet he still wants our vote. Hell no.

  21. Teresa says:

    Virginian suburban white women here. Donald I couldn’t hate you more than if you were Satan himself. You are bile. You are filth. You are evil. Please fuck off for all eternity. I pray that every day you would be removed in ways that only God can accomplish.

  22. Ginger says:


  23. Rapunzel says:

    I’ve mentioned how my CA town is full of Trumpsters and threw a “rally” last Sunday. Well, last night, the woman responsible for said rally went on a FB rant about she was “annoyed” that she was being accused of being a racist homophobe. “I have gay friends” she screamed. “I have family members that are part black!” she also whined. Then went on to say “Trump’s done more for black folks than Obama and if you dont see that it’s cause you’re only getting your information from the news” (wtf?).

    She then went to say that those accusing her of racism and homophobia were the real problem. Not her supporting our President. And can’t we all be good Christians and love rather than hate?

    This, y’all is the real female demographic that supports Trump: not educated suburban woman, but uneducated or minimally educated small town white women. Church going ladies who can’t afford to live in the suburbs or can afford but would rather be rich in a small town than average in the suburbs.

    These are the ladies to worry about. Bible quoting, Walmart shopping Karen’s who wish Trump would “save” their towns like he saved the suburbs they’ve never lived in. The ones that “aren’t racist,” and just want lower taxes and no abortions.

    Trump is really appealing to those folks.

    • bluemoonhorse says:

      I agree. The rural vote (or rural mentality) is for Trump. Cities are generally Blue. And if anyone would look at the stats for 2016 it was protestants and white, not other religions and white.

  24. Leigh says:

    No. This suburban housewife in the South can’t wait to vote against him.

  25. AnnaKist says:

    He’s such a wank. “Yes, fuckwit, you most certainly can just sit in the basement and… That’s it. Just sit in the basement. It’s ok, we’ll lock the door for you. That way, no one can see or hear you, and you can’t spread any more if your filth around.”

    I saw him on our national news channel a couple of times today. He was slurring his words, amd he looks ill, not that I care about his health. I want him to run himself into the ground, but not so much that he garners votes of sympathy. It’s getting scary now: your ejection is really only days away.

  26. Zachmom says:

    You didn’t save sh*t, Donnie. Now STFU and go away, please.

  27. Maida says:

    Illinois suburban woman here who cannot WAIT to vote early next week for Biden. One thing Trump has done successfully is really motivate a lot of women to get out the vote — mail-in voting has been huge in our state this year, and it looks like early in-person voting will be too.

  28. bluemoonhorse says:

    White Woman in deep Red Oklahoma didn’t vote for you in 2016, nor did I vote 3rd party – instead I spent three months, boots-on-the-ground campaigning for Democrats. Fat lot of good that did for me because this state will always vote against its best interests.

    The only place I want to see you Donny is bankrupt in prison. The grave wouldn’t be a bad place either.

  29. Stacy Dresden says:

    Suburban housewife here. In the immortal words of YG, F*** Donald Trump

  30. aang says:

    As if! I don’t get how presidents dress today. I mean, come on, it looks like he just fell out of bed, but on some baggy pants, and his hair – ew….

    • Lady D says:

      I’m sorry, but have you seen pictures of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson? If you were to look up disheveled in the dictionary, it would have Bojo’s picture. I can’t believe a man that looks/dresses like him, is running a country as prestigious as Britain. It continually baffles me. He looks like a homeless person.

  31. Esmom says:

    I recently moved from the suburbs back to the city but before I did I saw quite a large number of Biden/Harris signs (especially compared to Hillary signs in 2016) and zero Trump signs, not even on the house that had a huge Trump banner in 2016. I don’t doubt that some people are still quietly voting for him but I really want to believe that people really are over him and his unhinged antics.

  32. judith A reeder says:

    Sorry. no can do you monster!!

  33. LA says:

    Is he…predicting how he’s going to steal the election? By FAKING votes from suburban women?

  34. Liz version 700 says:

    The crowd in Florida 2 days ago almost made me cry. There were so many older wheelchairs bound folks with oxygen tanks and other ambulatory older folks. A lot of really obese people too. All of these are issues that can affect your risk for Covid. Non ambulatory, obese, older vulnerable people cheering for the man who could get them sick or dead without caring one whit if they die. It made me so sad. But half of those folks would tell me to F$$$ my feelings.

    • Christin says:

      He is literally helping eliminate his voting base. It’s sad that there are people who think any pampered politician or celebrity is worth putting themselves at risk.

  35. SJ Knows says:

    Hey, I live in the suburbs in Minnesota, a traditionally Blue/Dem state and I freely reject Trump!
    I’m 59 and I’ve already mailed in my vote Biden.

    My neighborhood has an alarming number of Trump signs.
    I’m mentally keeping track to not speak to those neighbors, just wave and keep moving.

  36. Valerie says:

    Projection, projection, projection. And he’s losing. 🙂

  37. emu says:

    SAVED YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD?????? from what? mmhmmm

  38. Jack says:

    Suburban mom here and proudly cast my early vote for Biden/Harris this morning!!! Doing my part to turn Texas blue. Also voted for MJ Hegar to replace Senator John Cornyn.

    Trump, Miss Lindsay, John C, McTurtle, Pence, Mel, Trump spawn, Mother, Barr, etc…. can all go F**k themselves.

  39. velvet72 says:

    I’m a white woman who lives in an upper middle class suburb and I am most definitely not voting for him nor are any of my friends in this area. Even people who lean “fiscally conservative” are voting Biden around here. Now, I do worry about the people who have local republican signs up but no presidential candidate signs, but I’m in Connecticut and we are a solid Blue State so it doesn’t really matter much. I’m just hoping it’s this way across the country in more traditionally conservative areas.

  40. Josie Bean says:

    Spent 6 years in a Denver suburb but left for UK several months ago. I didn’t realize that Trump “saved” our suburb – didn’t realize that it even needed saving.

    Our 2 absentee election ballots were sent in 2 weeks ago – all Democrat (hopefully Cory Gardner is voted out). My husband and I made damn sure our ballots were filled out properly and we have now received word that they have been accepted and added for counting!!

  41. M4lificent says:

    Speaking for suburban women:
    We do not want you in a poll
    We do not want you on a roll
    We do not want you in a booth
    We do not want your mail-in too

  42. Katie says:

    Suburban white millennial PA woman (whew that’s a lot of descriptors!) The Trump signs are still in full force here in suburbs, I actually called a landscaper to plant large trees to block my neighbors house (the Trump signs were the last straw), but way more Biden signs than any Hillary signs, so I’m cautiously optimistic.

    As to central PA, it is as red as I hope Trumps face will be when he loses, however there is always a tiny blue dot in the center, where I grew up, in State College. And it’s not just because of the college students there, I was home a few times this summer and saw not one Trump sign. Makes me want to move back some days.

  43. G. says:

    Why would you support Biden what has he done for this country if he wins we will be the new Venezuela.

    • Sparky says:

      My sister and I had a discussion this am about the election— she’s voting for Trump. (We live in VERY blue state so obvs not going to affect the Electoral College.) One of her concerns is the way a change in tax laws will affect our 92 yo dad’s investments. That is a fair discussion to have as it is based on reality. Trump’s throw out lines which are factually incorrect? Not so much.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      You’ve been consuming too much propaganda from the Trump campaign. Biden is no where near socialist, and your comment is very troll-ish.

    • Leah says:


      I am concerned with the “now”, not future assumptions or tinhat theories. Biden isn’t a socialist, he’s about as middle of the road political as you can get.

      We are living in the trash fire of today. Trump has made it impossible to live in this country and no other country wants us (not even Canada who loves everyone). He’s turned us into that country that govt travel advisories from other countries give huge red flag warnings about. He’s closed us off from the rest of the world. He’s killing us with a virus that could have been stopped but no he refused to stop it hoping it would kill the blue states. He’s encouraging and trying to mobilize an armed civilian militia to use against unarmed civilians who don’t agree with him. He told his militias to stand down and stand by in the debate with Biden. He wants them to intimidate voters at polling stations. He’s a total monster.

    • says:

      You need to take this argument somewhere else. Everyone knows how centrist Biden is — it’s been known for decades. To try and paint him as some radical leftist is frankly ridiculous.

  44. Dss says:

    As a suburban female Pennsylvanian, I looking forward to the day after future President Biden is sworn in when the NY attorney general arrests Trump’s lard ass for pedophelia, human trafficking and international money laundering. Hopefully Interpol will also get involved and Ghislaine Maxwell lives long enough to sing like a bird.

  45. Baity and Switchy says:

    I live in a large U.S. city, but I’ve been sheltering in place in small town Wisconsin since March.

    Trump signs are EVERYWHERE. There’s also been a noticeable shift in how my partner and I are treated (we’re probably the only Brown people within a 40 minute drive). People used to be initially suspicious, but they warmed to us quickly. Now? Overt staring and silence. It’s a palpable shift since the protests.

    2016 should have shown us polls mean nothing. I firmly believe Trump is getting re-elected and that my partner and I will be quietly pushed to leave our new little town.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Sending much love and support to you and your partner. I’m sorry people are being hostile towards you.

    • Joanna says:

      I’m sorry that’s happening to you honey. Some people are GD racist idiots.

  46. Mary says:

    62 year old sub-urbaner here.
    Nothing trump could do could make me like him let alone vote for him.

  47. Meli-cali says:

    66yr old California girl here,,, I am in the process of moving to Cumberland. MD,,,no vote here,,,for pres dump*,,,piss off you lying murderer….

  48. Meli-cali says:

    66yr old California girl here,,, I am in the process of moving to Cumberland. MD,,,no vote here,,,for pres dump*,,,piss off you lying murderer….

  49. Isa says:

    “Please clap”

  50. Jezebeelzebub says:

    I’m worried about Texas. I know a Dem can still get in the White House without Texas, but…. I’m just scared, yall. (Brace for Handmaid’s Tale reference) My daughter is 17 and I dont *want* her to be a brood sow! I dont *want* to be given back to my first husband, I fucking hate that guy! I’m gonna have to go on antidepressants if worse comes to worst. I cant live with this much fear and dread, this never-ending sense of impending doom. I HATE LIVING IN THE DARKEST TIMELINE.

  51. gg says:

    I live in the Kentucky part of Pennsylvania, and I agree with the assessment of PA overall. So many trumpers and confederate flags out here. I’m always like, these people know that if the South does indeed rise again, they will want no part of the northern state of PA, right? Morons.

  52. Bread and Circuses says:

    You could tell from his tone of voice how ticked off he was that women weren’t falling into line for him.

    This is a guy who very definitely thinks women should be subservient.