I’ve been reading the scariest Halloween stories of all, tales of voter suppression and Nazi swarms and fully armed Texans violently harassing Biden-Harris supporters. But let’s be real: every single day under this unhinged dumbass is the scariest day. What else is there? Well, there are these quotes, which are absolutely insane. Donald Trump did a Nazi rally in Michigan, and he decided to riff on the coronavirus and how it was all one big sham, or worse, it’s all one big financial scheme by doctors. Yes, Big Hospital wants 230,000 Americans to die so they can…make more money.
As Donald Trump has made very clear since the start of the pandemic, he takes no responsibility whatsoever for COVID-19 killing nearly 230,000 Americans, despite the fact that (1) he’s the president and (2) it was his own incompetence and lies that allowed the virus to gain a foothold in the country. “I don’t take responsibility at all,” he said defiantly back in March, blaming the situation on, who else, Barack Obama. “I take full responsibility,” he said at the final presidential debate before remembering that no, he doesn’t. “It’s not my fault that it came here. It’s China’s fault.”
China, of course, has most frequently received the blame from Trump. “We built the greatest economy in history, we closed it down because of the China plague,” he said last month. “We must hold accountable the nation which unleashed this plague onto the world: China,” he said in an address to the U.N. General Assembly. Others who’ve been faulted for a situation he presided over include but are not limited to: Democrats, past presidents, the media, governors, and General Motors. Now, with cases surging—on Thursday alone, 90,728 new cases were reported in the U.S. and at least 1,004 Americans died—he’s found a new party to blame: doctors, who he is now falsely and insanely claiming get an extra $2,000 for every patient who dies of COVID-19.
“You know in Germany,” he told a crowd in Waterford Township, Michigan, “if you have a bad heart and you’re ready to die or if you have cancer and you’re going to be dying soon, and you catch COVID, that happens we mark it down to COVID. You know our doctors get more money if somebody dies from COVID, you know that, right. I mean our doctors are very smart people. So what they do is they say is, I’m but you know sorry everybody dies of COVID. But in Germany and other places, if you have a heart attack or you have cancer, you’re terminally ill, you catch COVID, they say you died of cancer, you died of a heart attack. With us, when in doubt, choose COVID. It’s true, no it’s true. No, they’ll say, Oh it’s terrible what he said, but it’s true. It’s like $2,000 more. So you get more money. This could only happen to us.”
Friday wasn’t the first time Trump trotted out his new attack on the medical community—which, y’know, saved his life earlier this month. Over the weekend he accused doctors of padding their coronavirus death counts, saying at a rally in New Hampshire: “Some countries, they report differently. If somebody is sick with a heart problem, and they die of COVID, they say they die of a heart problem…. We report them, and doctors get more money, and hospitals get more money…. This country and their reporting systems are really not doing it right…. We’re gonna start looking at things, because they have things a little bit backwards.”
Clearly, the man is insane, but usually I can sort of follow his stupid train of thought. But I truly have no clue what half-remembered QAnon conspiracy he’s citing here. In this fictional Trump-hallucination, he’s saying that doctors – like, doctors personally?? – get an extra $2000 if they SAY that someone died from coronavirus? In this fictional universe, who is paying? Does the money go directly to the doctors, or to the hospital? Is this his insane way of criticizing the way states are directing emergency funds to lift financial burdens on hospitals and medical staffers who have been dealing with the pandemic for seven months?
"Our doctors get more money if someone dies from Covid. You know that, right? I mean, our doctors are very smart people." — Trump pushes a baseless conspiracy that greedy American health care workers are overcounting coronavirus deaths pic.twitter.com/fsajGTvvN3
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 30, 2020
Barry Obama responded within 24 hours, LMAO.
Obama in Flint: "He's accusing doctors of profiting off this pandemic…[Trump] said doctors are overblowing it because they're going to make money off of it. He cannot fathom, he doesn't understand that somebody would risk their life to save others without trying to make a buck" pic.twitter.com/psKUg3ysmv
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 31, 2020
PS… Trump left his dumbass supporters stranded in the freezing cold yet again last night in Butler, Pennsylvania.
Trump has finished and left, but there’s thousands of supporters who have been let loose into the night with no sign of the shuttles they’ve been told will take them back to parking. People are filling the street, blocking the road for ambulances and police. pic.twitter.com/uMgfvUZ4Jg
— DJ Judd (@DJJudd) October 31, 2020
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.
That insane idiot is doing five superspreader rallies today with the last one in Florida scheduled to start at 11 PM. He won’t be coherent and thousands of old people are going to be stranded somewhere in Florida after midnight.
You know… “I don’t care, do you?”
If those morons are stupid enough to STILL support him, after ALL of the evil things he’s done/said…. even after PROMISING to empty/stop Medicare, Soc. Sec., SSDI…well, then screw them to H#LL and back.
Yeah, I’m in the same boat.
2020 has taken any empathy I had left for Trump supporters. At this point, they deserve what they get. I’m saving my sympathy for the people who didn’t vote for this.
I so love that description “let loose into the night.” though. It sounds like something one does with vermin or pests.
Makes me think of zombie hordes stumbling into the dark like some post-apocalyptic story. Probably moaning.
He really really wants to have blood on his hands – he wants people to die for him, to kill for him. He has NO sense of reality and doesn’t care to get any – this is all a TV show to him.
He also has absolutely NO USE for any of them after they’ve cast their votes for him. Get the ‘rona and get sick on Nov. 4th? F^ck ’em! Doesn’t matter any more!
Like he said…he “… could kill someone on __fill in the alternate street___ and they’d still love me”.
It seems he doesn’t even care about their upcoming votes anymore, just that they appear to fill out a televised rally crowd! After that, they’re disposable. Sick.
@Jay, so agree with you. These are people who will vote for Trump anyway. I also hear they are bringing in supporters so it looks like he has a huge crowd.
My boyfriend tried to say the same thing about hospitals in France. That they were forcing people to stay in beds for Covid to earn more money/receive more aid from the government.
Lo and behold, we’re in a second lockdown and those comments have stopped. I guess more of his friends are reporting that people are sick around them, so it doesn’t sound like a conspiracy anymore.
I really hate Trump, I hate whoever comes up with these stupid theories. I hate Youtube and Facebook for providing a money-making platform to these shameful conspiracy theorists. I hate it all. Burn it to the ground.
That’s because the same conspiracies are present everywhere in the world (which should make it even more obvious that it’s a lie). I too am sick of this BS.
England is going into a 2nd lockdown on Thursday and the fkwits are out in force either bulk buying or saying the will not comply. I hate people sometimes.
Also, reinfections are starting to occur and it seems that it’s much much worse the 2nd time around so more deaths will happen.
Germany is going into the 2nd lockdown tomorrow because cases are exploding and so are hospital admittances. Still hasn’t shut up some conspiracy nuts. It’s the same everywhere in Western countries and it drives me crazy.
I want to burn the whole human race to the ground
Portugal is going into a partial lockdown (some areas of the country that have very scary numbers)
Even mild mannered Dr.Fauci finally had enough of Trump’s lying and bullshit.
This is the 3rd? incident of the trump campaign leaving their supporters stranded. In a week. Surely one would notice a trend and stop. showing. up. Once they’ve fed his ego, he has no further use for them.
Lemmings meet cliff.
The depth of the stupidity is shocking.
They are willing to suffer and possibly die for a barely human creature and his equally awful enablers but the fight is to keep them from taking the rest of us with them.
Ugh. Just ugh. He’s talking about Medical reimbursements hospitals get if deaths are listed as Covid. It’s not individual doctors getting paid and unfortunately his nimwitted supporters are not going to know that.
I know people that really believe this though. I also know others that say they had relatives with chronic illnesses who passed away and the cause of death was listed as Covid, instead of something like Lupus. What they fail to realize is if the person had Covid and died, Covid killed them, not the pre-exhisting condition.
Thanks for explaining it but you’re right, his supporters won’t believe it. Any of it.
He is going to burn the country to the ground with his supporters’ help. The caravans endangering lives. The superspreader events. The poll watchers. He wants chaos and violence to keep him in power and people afraid.
Never has this type of behavior been exhibited by a candidate or his supporters at least in modern times. I’m appalled at the way these people are behaving and I hope others see this is not normal and get to the polls and vote this narcissist out of the Oval Office.
@Busyann, spot on. I texted a friend who is a doctor and joking asked how much he was making per COVID case. He explained just like you did. TY
So, basically this POS is saying a nice F*^K YOU TO ALL THE DOCTORS AND NURSES!!!!! Shame on him!!!!!!!! We need to get this disgraceful animal out of office. He is beyond despicable.
And yet he could still be re-elected. I have been low-level queasy for a couple days but now seeing images of his adoring supporters, at his rallies, running the Biden bus off the road, intimidating voters, has me feeling full on sick. I was feeling flashes of hope but now I’m back in the dark place of full on panic.
Just remember that there are more of us than there are of them. The electoral college is the only reason this monster won. The majority of Americans did not vote for this freak. We outnumber them and they will not win.
Thank you, Chilly. I just went running and feel a little calmer. I do know we outnumber them but the GOP is going full court press with the voter suppression tactics. Sigh. I need to find ways to distract myself. Phone banking to GA later today will hopefully help. 🙂
Thank you ChillyWilly. Praying you are right.
My husband keeps reminding me of this as well – Trump’s die hard supporters are NOT the majority of Americans. It is just getting the rest of us to make the effort to vote Trump out.
There ARE more of us; there were 3 MILLION more of us who voted for Hillary. It didn’t matter shit. It’s then &*&^% up Electoral College, and the way the republiTHUGS plan to steal THOSE votes that gives me sleepless nights!! They’re already saying R controlled state offices are invalidating young/POC area votes, and they will say that they’re tainted, so they’ll give ALL the EC votes to THEIR choice. It makes me shake with rage!!
Oh I know it’s possible they will steal this election. I was more responding to Esmom’s concern about violent Trump supporters attacking Democrats if their Tangerine Jesus loses.
Wait, what?! OG Jan, republican electors are saying they will vote how they want regardless of the outcome because they think the votes are tainted? How do we even stand a chance anymore? I feel hopeless again.
Juls, yes. This is what they said. And as we don’t have a functioning, UNCORRUPTED DOJ, we have no hope of getting this negated. I’ve worked SO HARD with letter writing, calling, texting…and when I heard that, it made me just rage-y.
Esmom, I’m right there with you. I’ve been nauseous all week. I think we have the votes to beat this evil idiot, but I’m convinced the Republicans are going to steal this. God help us all.
Um, no. That’s not how the electoral college works. These times are stressful, and I am just as worried as the next person that something hinky is going to happen, but, the electoral college can’t just decide to go rogue. People vote. The winner of the state gets the electoral votes. When the delegates covene in December they officially pledge their votes for the winner. So it is our vote that determines who wins a state and the electoral college pledges the count to that winner. There was some concern that legislatures could nominate republican friendly delegates but there isnt enough time for that to happen. If anything hinky happens, it will be from Trump or the Supreme Court. I’m more worried about SC to be honest.
I know exactly how you feel.
It is beyond Trump’s comprehension that the majority of medical staff would act with integrity. If Trump could make an extra $2K for claiming someone died from COVID when in fact they died of cancer he would not hesitate to say they died from COVID. Because Trump lacks any form of integrity and will do anything to make money, he simply assumes everyone is just like him.
Hopefully, Trump has now lost the votes of most doctors.
Not likely. There are plenty of medical professionals on the Trump train.
The AMA did denounce this, but like Edna says, he definitely has the support of some doctors and nurses…
Some? Try a lot. Because I’m white, co-workers think I share their views. However, I was taught by Mom and Dad Poison not to talk about sex, religion, or politics at work. It is simply not professional. It’s sad and shocking though, to find out how ignorant some people are. The hate harbored- and 90% of them identify as Christians.
Thanks Edna and Alarmjaguar – I didn’t know that – I would have thought just the opposite!!
I’m blown away, why would they like him? My doctors think he’s an idiot. I thought doctors are smart. oh dear, if he wins I will leave this country. Once, ok, but after the past 4 years want more? NO! What is wrong with all these Americans? I’m scared of what America is becoming.
I’m a doctor and in no way, shape, or form support Trump. But yes, there are many who do simply because of the lies and bullcrap centered around taxes. They happen to be the wealthier specialists.
I used to think, before 2016, as we neared that election that his crazy rhetoric was his way to sabotage his chances of winning because he didn’t want to be POTUS. But I have realized that his crazy rhetoric is really how he feels and thinks.
And PO was spot on and boy do I miss intellect and class in my president.
I guess dying of hypothermia and exposure is still cheap, though. He just imagines everybody is as depraved and greedy as he is.
Seriously, IF people really believed that doctors and other healthcare workers were profiteering from the system in this way, wouldn’t that be an argument in favour of a single payer system?
I couldn’t follow that crazy convoluted train of thought of his either. It made no rational sense. I watched a documentary on Obama last night and I sat there and cried. How did we go from Obama to this idiot. Racism is a helluva disease.
This is when I wish the chief of staff of Johns Hopkins, Mayo Clinic, or even a small, local hospital in a covid red zone would step up and say no, no more, this man is wrong and putting more lives in danger. Explain calmly the Hippocratic Oath, and then share some short but horrifying stats and stories of what Covid deaths look like.
What will it take to wake people up?
Getting sick themselves or having loved ones get sick and die. Like that fool who decided to throw a party and his arrogance killed his husband’s father and grandmother.
It won’t because remember Trump was cured and if their great leader survived it so could they. Angers me to no end.
Showing his ignorance about anything scientific yet again. What a shock. Most scientists think deaths may be under-reported. Determining cause of death and contributing factors is also complicated. He has no knowledge of what it is like to be over-worked trying to save lives either. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-covid-19-deaths-are-counted1/
Of course they’re way underreported. Let’s NEVER forget how many people were told they weren’t “sick enough” to go to the hospital, esp. at the beginning, and died at home, when hospitals were overwhelmed, when the morgues were so full there were refrigerated trucks to hold the bodies, and tents set up in Central Park for the overflow. Those people who died at home, who were too afraid to GO to the hospital. All the people who DID die of their underlying condition, but who never WOULD’VE died from it, it they didn’t catch Covid.
Trump, Atlas, his “semen drinking, voodoo” Pediatrician woman, and ESP.Kushner and Miller… ALL of them in his Admin. who contributed to this can burn for eternity. There is no jail term long enough for all the lives they’ve taken/hastened.
I’m not one to encourage hackers. HOWEVER, if a hacker were feeling industrious enough to take down Fox News’ digital infrastructure for the next oh, IDK, week or so that could really be quite the accomplishment. Starve a fire of oxygen and it quickly dies.
As unpalatable as he may be, his statement, in essence, is a true statement (and I can say this because I work as a CFO in a healthcare facility). All levels of care (hospitals, urgent care, in-patient addiction treatment, etc.) receive additional payments for Medicare & Medicaid (if they take these) and private insurance for COVID-related cases and deaths – the logic (?!?) behind this is the extra expense of the additional resources and protocols needed to keep others safe.
Yea, I’m in the medical field as well. Yes it’s true that hospitals receive payments, but he makes it sound like doctors get a salary increase or something. So it’s based on truth but he says it in a misleading way.
But Cheetolini is saying that doctors are personally getting more money for listing cause of death as Covid. That is not true.
I cannot understand why his freak followers are still willing to trust this man with our country. He can’t even be trusted to give them a ride back from his Nazi rallies! He has obviously pocketed all of the campaign funds and can’t afford to pay shuttles to get these aholes back to their cars. They are so STUPID to keep showing up for him in the freezing cold.
Because he is someone in a position of leadership and authority who is telling them exactly what they want to hear.
I live in a fairly progressive city in Wisconsin (yes, I realize it’s still WI) and I have been hearing this comment from multiple people since summer. I honestly don’t know how to continue any sort of discussion when this sh$t comes up.
I’m curious how many of the 200,000+ that died were healthcare workers and whether their “covid stipend” as alleged by Trump was appreciated by their bereaved families.
The frontline health workers trying to save the sick should be commended rather than condemned. Every day is a new parade of horribles with this asshat and his mindless horde. The Walking Dead, literally.
Disgusting as usual.
Amazing how his followers blocking the road weren’t pepper sprayed for their unlawful assembly disrupting civic concourse, but the marchers in North Carolina were, eh? Right to assembly is one that is increasingly being infringed upon with civil ordinances, and it’s going to be one that really bites us in the ass down the road if we don’t start addressing it.
Of course hospitals aren’t making money. Anybody who works in medicine will tell you how bad the pay is right now since we’ve lost electable surgeries. That’s where hospitals make money. I guarantee you some rural ones will wind up shutting down.
Yep. They are losing money big time bc of Covid. For anyone to suggest this pandemic has been profitable for hospitals is ludicrous. They want this all to end more than anyone.
Ugh… this piece of shit can actually win… terrified
I’ve been hearing this for months from Trumpsters. Everyone has an anecdotal example of this–listening to a nurse spout this to a group of friends who jumped on it. Followed of course by the “99.9% will survive.” Ugh.
I’m guessing this is his response to the Stanford study which showed his past rallies caused 30,000 Americans to get sick with Covid & at least 700 died.
My husband is an emergency department physician and I can assure you that he is bringing home $0 extra for each COVID case he treats. The hospital may get additional reimbursement from the government and insurers for the higher level of care that patient may need if admitted. But falsely coding someone as having COVID when they don’t or if it’s not the reason for their hospitalization or death in order to get a higher level of reimbursement is fraud. Fraud = huge trouble, astronomical fines, and possible loss of their ability to treat Medicare and Medicaid patients. Since the president loves to defraud others, I’m sure the idea of trying to make money off of this is appealing to him. But the isn’t happening and it’s beyond insulting to the people who are putting themselves and their families at risk to care for others. Please do whatever you can to vote this monster out and return some sanity and intelligence to this country.
Well said, Emily’s mom. Please thank your husband for risking his health to save others. It makes me furious that Trump is being so disrespectful to doctors. Especially since they just saved his life!
Thanks for chiming in. I don’t get the logic of dr’s with high salaries they studied long and hard to get risking their careers… so that the hospital can have a bit more money? Like even if some doctors are bad people or cheaters or corrupt, that’s not how they would do it.
Apparently, as we suspected, the data is even worse than imagined. Someone leaked the Covid 19 hospitalization data:
Wow….just wow. Thanks for the link, this is really damning. God please get this menace voted out.
A worried Canadian
My very good friend runs the residency program for ER medicine at UCLA – their pay has been cut by 30%. That happened in June. This is enraging. Trump is such a monumental POS, liar, garbage person.
Trump and his cult followers are determined to kill us all with their irresponsible behavior. We’re in the midst of the second Civil War and it will be decided Tuesday at the ballot box. I’m praying there are enough Union forces to overwhelm and subdue the Confederates. We have to vote their leader and his henchmen out of office.
How is it possible to be this much of an idiot and an a**h*** all at the same time? Very scary… yesterday a group of Trump supporters ran a Biden bus off of the road in Texas and Trump responded by saying “I love Texas”, thus condoning that behavior! Someone could easily have gotten hurt… what is wrong with this man? and anybody would consider voting for him is beyond me!!! Very scary
My little hometown in Canada is raising funds to build a new hospital … we’ve had bake sales, dances etc. I will have to suggest to the committee that COVID itself can be a moneymaker … just kidding! But you all knew that right? You can tell fact from fiction … wish more could!
As if doctors walk around an ER with an itemized price list of maladies to pick and choose who they can charge more. What a maroon. Unlike him, doctors are bound by an ethics code, the first rule of course being “do no harm” (Primum non nocere). Trump’s first rule is harm everyone. He has no ethics and no soul.
He acts like this virus is a choice.
I really dont know why so many people like the orange man. i think hes a moronic asshat!!!!
He is going to be re-elected, isn’t he? SMH
No. I don’t believe he will. These high profile things like trying to run the bus off the road and aggressive commenting are to prevent as many people from voting as they can.
Others have said that hospitals can get reimbursed at a higher rate for COVID and also said that increased funding does not make it to the doctor’s pockets. All correct. You know who did make a lot of money in March and April? Me. As a nurse I earned overtime for my 16 hour days because we didn’t have enough staff to meet the influx and acuity.
But that overtime pay fell well short of adequate compensation for holding a phone to a man’s head so his wife could say good bye. It doesn’t compensate for standing there with a doctor and respiratory therapist hour after hour trying to keep a patient alive. Or standing next to the doctor as she called the death of a patient. It doesn’t compensate for the bone deep exhaustion and the bruises from the PPE or the worry that if my PPE fails (because we wore it all day and reused when we could) I could end up in that newly emptied bed. It doesn’t compensate for the sorrow every day coming on shift and hearing some of my patients from yesterday didn’t make it, knowing they died alone and scared. It doesn’t compensate for not seeing my own family for the entire time because of self quarantine. Ordering groceries and take out, leaving it on the porch until I could scrub down the packages. The fear. The loss of sleep. The loss of connection. The sorrow. The sudden rage when I’d see someone without a mask on.
There is not enough compensation in the world to balance it out. I was lucky, my governor was on top of it (and made plenty of mistakes himself but he didn’t ignore it).
If the president of the United States had shown enough leadership and compassion to even attempt to manage this crisis maybe day after day I wouldn’t have felt like a hamster in a wheel of death.
So yes. I was financially compensated for the hours. Sorry not sorry it doesn’t count like he thinks it should.
Bless you for your hard work, compassion and caring.
HeatherC, I am so sorry you had to endure that hell. People like you on the front lines deserve ALL the money for what you have sacrificed to try to save us. I hope of I am ever in need, I am lucky enough to have a nurse like you to care for me.
45 is lying again.
If the Stanford poll is right, he has infected 23,000 people and killed 700 people with these stupid super spreader rallies. We have a president who is mass murdering his own supporters. I just can’t understand why anyone would still go to see this man. And the fact that it is a tight race is so terrifying.
I suspect the Stanford poll probably underestimated the spread. Idiots who go to a dump rally probably went everywhere after that rally and didn’t control their movement whatsoever.
💯 agree
I feel like I live in Crazytown aka my childhood home. It’s so upsetting to hear these lies. It’s like he’s just trying to prove how powerful he is, that he can say anything and people will believe him. Why people can’t see a comparison with Hitler is beyond me. Dumpster Fire has already been killing people…
I just donated for the 10th time to joe. Have to feel good about it and be hopeful for Tuesday.
HeatherC – THANK YOU for all you’ve done. There’s not enough $ to compensate clinicians for all they’ve done. I’m exhausted by all this. I’m surrounded by idiots – today when I went to pick up our take out I saw a caravan of huge trucks with gigantic Trump flags. And it pissed me off so much that I lost it — and I rolled down my window and flipped all of them off. Yeah, not my finest moment. I am dreading and fearful of Tuesday.
How dare he? I guarantee a large number of these idiots at his super spreader rally will be depending on the very doctors he’s denigrating very soon.
And if you have a heart condition and but are killed in a car crash it was the crash that killed you. I can’t with these morons anymore.