Joe Biden is optimistic about his chances with millions of votes left to be counted

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We wanted two things out of this election: victory for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and a complete repudiation of Donald Trump and Trumpism. We’re not getting the repudiation, but we may yet get the win. As I’m writing this, there are millions of votes in crucial swing states left to be counted, states like Georgia, Pennsylvania, Ohio (which will likely go to Trump), North Carolina, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada and Arizona. Many of the votes left to be counted come from absentee ballots, which were widely used like never before because of the pandemic.

Still, there’s panic and dread setting in, because this is just so much closer than anyone thought it would be. It’s more than possible that Biden pulls out a slim win in the Electoral College, just as it’s possible that Trump will sweep the Rust Belt by larger margins than he had in 2016, when about 200,000 votes decided the election over three states.

Joe Biden spoke in the early hours of Wednesday morning, urging calm and confidence. He says that he believes that they’re on track to win the election, but every vote must be counted.

I’m not going to put Donald Trump’s comments in this post. We need to discuss that separately. But right now, I’m feeling… the bargaining phase of grief. I want Biden to win but I also wanted millions and millions of Americans in crucial states to tell Trump to go to hell. That’s not happening.

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90 Responses to “Joe Biden is optimistic about his chances with millions of votes left to be counted”

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  1. Sofia says:

    Come on America…

    • Ash says:

      Even if Biden becomes President, this is an appalling indictment of the country. If someone like Trump can still get such a massive portion of the votes, I have very little hope for the future of the US. It may sound alarmist, but I stand by it.

      • MapleAngel says:

        That’s my take away, too (as a Canadian).
        Seriously? Last time was about hating women. This time, well, it just seems like you all really like this revolting gorilla.

      • Darla says:

        It’s not alarmist. I am so devastated for the millions of Covid unemployed. With McConnell keeping the majority, there is no relief coming. Not ever. So many will suffer. And climate change action is dead. I fear for LGBTQ rights. The list goes on. We are in big trouble even if Joe squeaks it out.

      • LadyMTL says:

        Another Canadian here, I was actually talking with my father about this on Friday past. I figured the first time he won was because people either couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Hillary Clinton / for a woman, or because they – for some reason – liked the orange one’s rhetoric and MAGA bullspit.

        I really really hope he loses this time, but my gut feeling is that he might eke out another victory…never underestimate the power of stupid people doing stupid things, even when it’s not in their best interests (present company excepted, of course! I know the folks here are not stupid.)

        Big hugs to everyone and fingers crossed that I am wrong.

      • MrsW says:

        I am observing the US elections from Poland and thinking how those two far away countries became similarily sad. Exactly the same thing is happening in my country and I still cannot believe how people can choose government who keeps destroying the county, it seemS like they don’t want to see that. I keep my fingers crossed for Americans, I hope you get the sensible and rational president this time, because we got the same joke as a president the second time around and it just got so nad in Poland that I moved to another country with my family.

      • Anna says:

        @Ash You’re absolutely right. This country was founded on such hate and destruction. We are seeing the evil fruit of that clearly now. I am so scared right now but also afraid for what’s to come, whether four more years of horror and its effects around the world including our precious planet which only has a hope if Biden-Harris are elected, or whether the clean-up that Biden-Harris will have to undertake when they win as well as 45 supporters violence in losing.

      • Anna says:

        @MapleAngel Please don’t lump us all in the same category. White people and white-adjacent people like him = maintenance of white supremacist systems that are the foundation of Amerikkka. Please remember , there are millions of BIPOC and others who have worked tirelessly to support Biden-Harris.

      • (TheOG) Jan90067 says:

        It’s not alarmist. I just woke up and put on the news (after scanning the phone). I am flabbergasted that it’s this close! HOW??? HOW CAN PEOPLE HAVE VOTED FOR THIS MOLDY @$$WIPE AFTER THESE LAST 8 MONTHS, KILLING 230 THOUSAND PEOPLE! His draining the treasury to the tune of MILLIONS for his golf weekends, that WE pay for?? His grifting family… all on OUR dime… this is OK with them??? THIS PIECE OF MOLDY ORANGE WITH THE PUS ON TOP HAS SAID HE’LL GUT THEIR SOC. SEC. AND MEDICARE (“It’ll be fun to tackle”, he said..HE SAID IT OUT LOUD!), AND THEY CHEER???? Sigh… I give up. I’m just too tired to fight it anymore.

      • Sigmund says:

        Just want to say that Biden is currently leading the popular vote by 2.6 million and that is expected to grow. The electoral college unfortunately makes it look like the loud, racist minority is larger than they are.

      • lucy2 says:

        Unfortunately I agree.
        Biden is going to win, and that’s a VERY GOOD thing. He can undo a lot of horrific policies that trump enacted, and we will have competent, experienced people leading us in every cabinet and department again for at least 4 years. Considering everything we’re up against, that’s crucial.
        No big structural change without the Senate though, and I will forever be disgusted that millions and millions of people voted for trump, after everything.

  2. Pommom says:

    Who can believe the race is this close? Trying to stay optimistic here. Of course, no one is surprised DT is trying to claim victory early. The race is far from over. As the news coverage continues, even Republicans are dismayed by Dim Donny’s false claims.

    • Laura says:

      I’m sure Stormy Daniels can tell us all a thing or two about Trump’s propensity for premature reactions

  3. Léna says:

    I have no words. I’m not american and I always said that America is not the great country they believe they are. The support for Trump again and again is one more proof. What the hell.

    In france a guy was fired from the Assembly because he ate too much lobster with public money (to make it short) and Republicans can’t see how trump has been playing them over and over? I’m truly shocked. Or maybe they are complicit and don’t care?

    I said months ago that Trump would be reelected but I sincerely hoped to be proved wrong when I woke up 5h ago. It’s not going into that direction and it’s mind-blowing

    • ItReallyIsYou,NotMe k8 says:

      Sorry, but it bothers me when other countries forget that the U.S. is a country with 250 million people and about half of those people voted for Biden. Because of the electoral college, Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 but still won the election. He won Florida last night because of 400,000 votes in a state where 12 million votes were cast. Support for Biden in Central Florida was crazy high – every time I drove by the early voting station there was a 1 hour line out the door. You can’t paint all Americans with a broad brush when we have states that are larger than most European countries.

      • equality says:

        It’s time to do away with the electoral college or, at the very least, make states divide the electoral votes by percentages.

      • Ash says:

        Hi @ItReallyIsYou,NotMe: As someone from another country who works in a job that is directly affected by US foreign policy, we don’t forget US demographics. Nor do we forget at how badly they are failing the rest of the world. This may be an unfair position, but the US spent decades putting itself in (and benefiting from) its position of “world police” – and here we are now.

        As it stands, it looks like just over half the people who voted (not half the people who *could have voted*, as you mentioned, as the US has historically been near the end of the list of developed countries in voter turnout) voted for Biden – but just under half those people voted for Trump. This is a massive, massive problem even if Biden becomes President.

        The excuse to not paint Americans with a broad brush no longer stands when it looks like around 70 million people voted for someone with a record (and personality) like Trump. The electoral college is a part of it, yes, but I respectfully think you’re excusing some more systemic issues that are affecting a significant portion of your fellow countrymen.

      • Léna says:

        Thank you @Ash for answering better than I ever could!

      • mrsBump says:

        Nearly 1 in 2 people voted Trump. Sorry this is my only take of this pathetic election.

        50% of the American population watched the shit show that was the last 4 years and signed up for more.
        The impact this asshole has had on the world cannot be underestimated, he single handedly revived nationalists , white supremacists and racists everywhere. Most of the conspiracy theories polluting the internet originate from the US, we now live in the post-truth world and why? Well because 50% Americans care more about paying less taxes than they care about doing what is right.

        It feels like America has finally come full circle. After decades of destroying other countries in the name of freedom (but really pursuing economic gains), America is now destroying itself using these very same arguments.

        Even if Biden wins, how does the US pick itself up after this?

      • Chinoiserie says:

        Even if Biden has a lot of support it doesn’t change the fact US is divided and people supporting Trump are about half of the country and not a minority. And unlike 2016 we can now tell it’s not protest voting and hating Clinton because of dislike of political dynasties or because she is a woman or because who she is as a person. This is just what half of the country is (and people who don’t vote are fine with status quo and can’t be considered be really on any camp).

      • Oh-Dear says:

        @itreallyisyou – the majority of eligible voters do not care about enough about the decency of the leader of the US to show up for Biden. A *relatively* small portion of Americans voted for Hillary and the same for Biden.

        Americans as a collective are creating this narrative and identity all by themselves. We (other countries) are not basing these perceptions on ignorance, but on the dialogue and photos that have emerged from the US. Diverse voices are overwhelmingly suppressed (even Democratic candidates are called out for lack of engagement with Black communities, see Ice Cube et al), underrepresented (see all the Black candidates who have lost, see Abrams, Harrison, you have to much older white men running for the presidency), and the Supreme Court is overwhelmingly white, Christian and conservative and not enough people cared to show up and make sure the courts couldn’t be stacked.

        As much as many Americans don’t want to hear it, you have a huge problem with white privilege, Christian evangelism, and American exceptionalism.

      • Myra says:

        Léna is right. After everything that has taken place over the past four years, Trump has received too many votes in his favour. This election should have been a clear rejection of Trumpism but that is not the case. Don’t get me wrong, we will celebrate a Biden win no matter how small the margin, but its with the recognition of a bigger underlying problem. American voters did not outright say no to Trumpism and have left open the door for other Trump-like candidates in the future. This is not a good news for the rest of the world and (traditional) US allies.

      • BnLurkN4eva says:

        I am sorry you will need to get over it because what is said is the truth. We as Americans need to learn to hear and recognize the truth about our country and stop trying, but not all of us our way out of acknowledging the truth.

  4. Lemons says:

    Kaiser, thank you so much for posting this early.

    I’m a nervous wreck, have been nauseous for hours and have now started crying because this is NOT the election we had hoped for. Still have hope for Joe, but it’s going to be so much harder without the Senate and House sweep the polls had predicted.

    America is truly broken…

    • Emma33 says:

      Hugs from Australia. I was following 538 in the run up and it seemed like even with polling error, Joe should have won pretty easily. I am just flabbergasted- Trump has overseen the deathS of more than 200K Americans, and he STILL might get to keep his job?! I just can’t understand why swing voters, in particular, would side with him. (I get some people are ride or die GOP, but what about the swing voters?! Why are they siding with a lying narcissist?)

      • Lemons says:

        Thanks! I need a hug. I work from home and still want to call out sick. I tried to play some video games this morning to take my mind off of things, but I can’t focus on anything.

        As most Americans, I feel betrayed by my education. I feel betrayed by the American values that were supposed to be sacred. I feel betrayed for the lives lost for democracy and liberty. It’s been a long scam in the making.

      • Chris says:

        Joe may still win with the polling error. The idea was that he’d still win but by a razor thin margin.

        I truly hope though that the way polling is done is reevaluated. I understand likelihood, but if the thing that is super unlikely keeps happening, it can’t be as unlikely as you’re saying.

      • Betsy says:

        This is what I’m saying: I do not believe there were “polling errors.” That’s clucking bullsnit. A dozen pollsters doing their best to oversample whites without college degrees, to be as accurate as possible?

        Nope. Sorry. No. That dog don’t hunt. This election’s results have been manipulated, probably again by the GOP working in concert with Russia.

    • denisemich says:

      I am numb. We are truly a divided county. Where one side is okay with a president being racist, crooked and dumb.

      I really don’t know how you fix this because if it ends with 4 more years of trump. I am not sure who America will be at the end of that. But definitely not great and probably not even mediocre

  5. Edna says:

    This country has shown the world is true character: AmeriKKKa. White supremacy is a terrible illness.

  6. Josie Bean says:

    I hope to god there are millions of votes left to count and states can get on with counting them. I don’t get how Obama won so many more states, not once but twice, yet those same states now prefer Trump??? God almighty – I despair.

    • Genessee says:

      THIS. I don’t understand how Obama won twice and this orange cheeto managed to win his states?

    • Diana says:

      Yes! I pray to God we keep counting…. it’s not over yet right???? Have they finished counting in in Michigan, Wisconsin or PA yet?

      • Josie Bean says:

        No, it is not over yet and I am getting hopeful. PA may be a lost cause but I have hopes for MI and WI. If Biden can get AZ, NV, WI, MI and ME with what he already has, I think that will give him the win. I hope.

      • Anna says:

        I’m afraid for MI. I have family there who are evangelical christians and vote as they’re told by the church. It’s a big stronghold. Praying that they are defeated by blue.

    • Darla says:

      The only thing I can think is that a lot of white people didn’t vote those years. Trump excited the racism in them. He got them out. I don’t know what all else it could be.

      • SnowQueenM says:

        Hispanics turning R did a huge number in Florida and Texas, as well. Biden narrowly won counties that had gone 30, 60+ points for Hillary.

      • Betsy says:

        @SnowQueenM – but does that really make sense that the Latino vote would tip so hard for Trump? I know that those who are here legally or who have been here for centuries (what’s that line that Abraham Quintanilla says in “Selena”? “I didn’t cross the border, the border crossed me!”) feel different from those who are coming newly or seeking asylum or who are here without papers, but COME ON. Does no one else see something totally freakishly bizarre about this?


        And no, I’m not saying there’s not a huge racist underbelly to America. I’ll say loud: America is a hugely racist country with lots and lots of people dedicated to supporting the power structure that favors white people. This is not me saying this. This is me saying these numbers are fishy as hell.

  7. Noodle says:

    I’m heartsick. I’m disappointed in my countrymen and women. Why would you vote for this “two-bit dictator” (Obama, 2020)? He has done nothing for our country apart from weaken environmental regulations, allow the pandemic to fester uncontrolled, line the pockets of his buddies and progeny, and humiliate us in the world stage. His hatred for women, minorities, BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, the list goes on. I just don’t understand. This isn’t like 2016 where we should give him a chance. He had a chance and he royally, ROYALLY effed it up.

  8. sa says:

    He’s shown no concern for the over 230,000 Americans who have died of Covid and still has no plan to contain it, he’s fighting to take away protections for preexisting conditions, he’s openly racist and sexist, profits off the Presidency, uses the military against Americans exercising their constitutional rights, uses the Attorney General as his personal consigliere, and is not shy about demanding loyalty to him over loyalty to country, and this is what half of America wants in a President? I will never understand.

  9. Giddy says:

    I’m so afraid. I’ve been so depressed these last four years with Trump as President, but I held on with hopes for this election. Now I’ve slept about 4 hours. I’ve tried to do something else…read a book, watch a movie, etc…but I find myself back watching the results. Please don’t let this be the death of my hopes.

  10. Moxylady says:

    This can’t be happening. He’s never even broken into above 50% support. He hovers in the 30-40%. What is happening?!?

  11. Mowie says:

    The horror is amplified by the thought that the Republicans took the Senate. So even if Biden manages to squeak by, McConnell will refuse to let him do anything of significance and will continue to pack the judiciary.

  12. lemonylips says:

    Guys, Biden has probably gotten Wisconsin. Michigan come on! There’s hope, so much hope!

    • Eurorirl70 says:

      Trump’s vote tally of 70k + ahead of Biden just reduced to 2k ahead of Biden and still counting votes from Dem leaning metro areas/counties in Michigan

      • lemonylips says:

        Gosh, this is all so insane. I can’t wait to see color changes on the USA map. If Biden wins these two, looks like Pennsylvania too… it’s a total game changer. Finger crossed from another Eurogirl 🙂

    • Josie Bean says:

      I am excited for WI and MI (and AZ, NV and ME). I have to have some more hours of hope left before I become despondent.

      • lemonylips says:

        Stay on the positive train. Change is coming. I can feel it.

      • Chris says:

        This is a super weird electoral map. I’m not super positive about PA, but if Biden wins NV, AZ, MI, and WI he doesn’t even need PA. It’s also so bizarre that geogia and NC are still really close and apparently the outstanding ballots are from dem strongholds so it could make a difference or trump may win those states by the skin of his teeth. I really wish the news would stop calling states when we truly don’t know how it’s going to go.

  13. Nic919 says:

    The votes that aren’t yet counted from Michigan are Wayne County which is Detroit. They will be dem. The city of Detroit is majority African American and that city has been democrat for many decades. I say this as someone who grew up on the other side of the border and they have been consistent for every election.

    Wisconsin has started to look much better too.

    This is closer than is should be, but way better than 2016

  14. Veronica S. says:

    I’m not positive. We likely lost the legislative branch. There’s nothing we can do at this point. Even if Biden wins, he’s a lame duck over the next four years as McConnell wrecks the functionality of Congress. It tells me these same voters won’t show up in 2022 either to fix this situation.

    I don’t see any hope for the viability of the union in the long run, to be brutally honest.

    • Hellohello says:

      I agree. I feel like the American experiment is over. These returns are not surprising to me at all and I’m frankly surprised by all the dems who are surprised that it’s so tight. Regardless of the outcome, it’s clear that our systems are fundamentally broken on multiple levels. The republicans are finally seeing the results of their strategies that have been in play since the 1980’s.

      • Veronica S. says:

        I knew it would be tighter than the polls suggested and didn’t trust them, but I am little surprised the polls were THAT badly off. White America just won’t be moved, I suppose, and are too cowardly to say it out loud when asked.

        It does however to solidify my decision to consider grad school outside the country and possibly immigrate. If not that, then I’m moving to the West Coast or upper Northeast. I won’t risk my life in a state without firm state legal protections for women and LGBT+.

      • Chinoiserie says:

        @Veronica I believe among white women Trump has lost support but has grown it among the other demographics.

    • Poisonella says:

      I agree, I would have been happy having a senate and house majority. Whatever happens- it will not impact my life all that much regarding the financial aspects of it. I’m afraid though I won’t be able to get over the fact there are so many haters out there. Who knew?

      • Veronica S. says:

        Susanne Collins is the one that gets me. Who the hell voted to keep that woman in a state that went otherwise blue? What is wrong with them? There’s no hope for us, really.

  15. heygingersnaps says:

    Arizona went blue! My friends who live there are happy to vote for Biden and the Democrats!
    This was one of his replies to me. “Doubtful in my lifetime I’ll ever vote conservative, I cannot forgive the republican party for supporting such an evil loudmouth racist foul person. I feel the same way towards individuals (family friends family included) who stood by Trump, I have strong feelings about this. I knew Trump was worthless years ago, he never should of been considered electable.”

  16. OriginalLala says:

    Watching this in utter despair from Canada – how is this not a landslide for Biden??? Come on America, you are better than this…

    • sa says:

      Apparently we’re not.

    • BnLurkN4eva says:

      No we are not and 2016 should have showed the world that. Now everyone knows and I will continue side eyeing people who continue to support Trump. The cheek of asking me, why we don’t hang out anymore after the 2016 election when they gleefully declared happiness over Trump winning when I had expressed alarm at such a man in the office of the presidency.

  17. Rapunzel says:

    I think the thing to be optimistic about is that Trump wants voting stopped. That means he’s pretty sure Biden will win.

    As for the GOP doing well enough to keep the Senate, remember that Trump is the scorched earth type. If he loses, he may reveal a few things about the GOP that harm them long term.

    Also, have y’all seen McConnell’s hands? I think he’s ill and possibly not long for the world.

    • Darla says:

      They always got another McConnell in their pockets. His demise won’t matter, other than 48 hours of me smiling over it.

  18. Darla says:

    The other thing is, if Biden squeaks by, and he very well may, there will be no prosecuting any Trumps. That’s not going to happen. Only a landslide could have made that happen. Frankly I believe any lawmaker who tried, and I include NY in this, would be assassinated.

    • sa says:

      I know this is far from the most important concern about prosecuting Trump, but I’m so curious about how it would work with his secret service. Would they necessitate house arrest rather than prison? Or would they have to do their shifts at the prison? I really want to know how it would work.

    • Eurorirl70 says:

      But Darla the states will prosecute him. He cannot slip through state charges.

    • Rapunzel says:

      Darla- possibly true, but a lot of things could happen. If Trump loses, he could very well nuke the Repubs on his way out. Or Russia could release some of the dirt they got hacking the RNC. That might make it easier to prosecute.

      Plus, Trump owes like a billion dollars. How’s he paying that? Deutsche Bank is severing ties due to the bad publicity. He’s liable to be treated to an “accident” by someone if he can’t pay up.

      And he very well may run. That could be the only thing that turns public opinion. Or Putin could decide Trump has no more value, and release his dirt on Trump.

      I’m just saying there’s a lot of potential scenarios and we have to just see which plays out. Trump and Co go unpunished is not a given.

  19. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    America has let me down. My fellow Americans completely disgust me.

  20. Snuffles says:

    I am optimistic that Biden will squeak by and win this. As much we all wanted Trump to be crushed, I’m realistic knowing that there are people that will vote Republican no matter what.

    With that said, Biden winning is the first step in the right direction. And Trump and his crazy ass being gone will make a difference. There are a LOT of Republicans that are sick of his shit and want him gone because he’s dangerous.

    The FIRST thing we need to do is get Coronavirus under control. And my hope is that with crazy gone we will get more partisan cooperation in doing what needs to be done to get it under control. More testing, more contact tracing, more PPE and equipment, better treatments and finally a vaccine that will be properly deployed.

    As for the rest, there is no telling what will happen. Like others said, who knows who Trump will take down with him as he’s dragged out of office.

  21. Snuffles says:

    I am optimistic that Biden will squeak by and win this. As much we all wanted Trump to be crushed, I’m realistic knowing that there are people that will vote Republican no matter what.

    With that said, Biden winning is the first step in the right direction. And Trump and his crazy ass being gone will make a difference. There are a LOT of Republicans that are sick of his shit and secretly want him gone because he’s dangerous. And they have gotten everything they want with the courts, so he’s no longer useful.

    The FIRST thing we need to do is get Coronavirus under control. And my hope is that with crazy gone we will get more partisan cooperation in doing what needs to be done to get it under control. More testing, more contact tracing, more PPE and equipment, better treatments and finally a vaccine that will be properly deployed.

    As for the rest, there is no telling what will happen. Like others said, who knows who Trump will take down with him as he’s dragged out of office.

    Also, it heartening to see that more people are finally voting and paying attention to government and their role in it.

  22. Rapunzel says:

    Another thing to be optimistic about: A Biden win means a new admin. We may not have the Senate, but a more competent admin can only be good for America, and those departments Trump has been ruining. As an educator, for example, I’m super happy at the thought of replacing DeVos. And it will be nice to have a cabinet that knows what it’s doing.

    • Anna says:

      @Rapunzel Yes to all of this! The admin has been decimated. Biden-Harris will bring it back.

    • Snuffles says:

      Yes!! A competent administration once again!! It will make a HUGE difference to no longer have unqualified, criminal sycophants at the helm.

    • LightPurple says:

      Social Security Administration
      Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services
      Internal Revenue Services
      The State Department
      The Veterans Administration

      All have been decimated by Trump.

    • lucy2 says:

      We aren’t going to get big structural change without the Senate, but every other aspect of government is going to drastically improve from the rock bottom it’s at now.

    • Deering24 says:

      Just to see Carson kicked out of HUD is worth the price of my vote alone. And Biden’s win will stop the hemorrhaging of career civil servants who were leaving in droves to escape Trump’s sorry minions.

  23. Lunasf17 says:

    I’m a fellow broken hearted American. So many of us are so stupid and need to be told who to vote for and who to hate by churches and other cults like the Trump cult. They simply can’t think for themselves! I don’t get it! I truly thought we were better than this but all we care about is ourselves and greed. I’m sorry rest of the world and embarrassed that this is my country.

  24. Aurora says:

    At the very least a Biden presidency will restore a baseline level of civility back to the White House. I’m just exhausted by Trump’s gaslighting and excessive negativity that has trickled down into the nation’s discourse.

  25. alexc says:

    The Dems had better run better candidates to have any chance in the future. Even if the orange garbage dump is sent packing Trumpism isn’t going away. This is the pathetic reality:

    According to the early exit polls, Trump did better in 2020 with every race and gender except white men
    Change from 2016:

    White Men -5
    White Women +2
    Black Men +4
    Black Women +4
    Latino Men +3
    Latino Women +3
    Other +5

  26. MeghanNotMarkle says:

    I am nervous as hell but a tiny ray of hope is starting to break through.

  27. Eugh says:

    It’s hopeful that McCain and Lewis’ legacies are not in vain. Hoping the best for AZ and GA.

  28. Betsy says:

    At the risk of spamming the thread: COME ON!! Does no one else think it’s effing bizarre that polls were off by this amount, that suddenly so many people came out for Trump? Think of the Trump voters you know in your life: are they remotely reticent about it? Shy at all? Or are they in your face and usually pretty cruel about it, because that’s my experience.

    I. Do. Not. Believe. That. This. Election. Was. Honest.

    I am going to be calling my rep and sens and letting them know – as should we all. Trump got away with it in 2016; this outcome should be a clear repudiation of Trump. We always just roll over and say, oh well, later. Or some channel their experiences at the butt end of white supremacy and say, this is who America is. Yes, but. BUT the youth vote? The seniors who didn’t want to be sacrificed on the altar of the economy. Lines and lines and lines and lines of people – that kind of passion isn’t cold, quiet, shy racism. It’s people charged up to take back their country. So no. I don’t believe.

  29. Emerald Crystal says:

    I have become a weird conspiracy theorist when it comes to the things that Trump and the Republicans will do to keep their power. First Trump hires his longtime supporter/donor to be the new Postmaster General. Suddenly, right before the election the PG decides that in order to save money, he needs to layoff workers and remove sorting machines. This has been slowing the mail down considerably. The Republicans knew that a lot of people would be voting by mail due to the pandemic. Then at the frenzy of rallies, Trump has been stressing to his supporters that the mail in ballots are fraudulent and they need to vote in person on election day, no matter @ the coronavirus. Then, he was going to declare himself reelected when the polls closed. His intention was to deliberately ignore the votes that were mailed. I’m pretty sure that this was McConnell’s idea or Super Jared. Maybe, even the sneaky snake, Stephen Miller who is supposedly the Trump Whisperer. Apparently, he’s the only one who can calm down Trump when he has a hissy fit. My other conspiracy theory is a bit more out there, but I don’t think it’s an impossibility. Putin has obviously benefited from his “useful idiot” and I wouldn’t be surprised if his very talented hackers found a way to get into our electronic voting machines. They have entire universities in Russia dedicated to training expert hackers. I don’t understand why Trump has been so close in this race. Maybe, it’s the VP choice. It’s a woman who is not white, so for mysigynist racists, that’s a double whammy. I have never been really proud of how American politics and the redneck ignorant people who live in my state of Florida. This is the worst state when it comes to politics. I’m still angry at Gore for giving up so easily. Those stupid chads on the voting cards and the hanging chads, etc. When your brother is the governor of the state that will decide the next president, everything should have been double checked and some areas should have had a revote. I think that Biden is going to be in the White House and Trump will whine and moan. He may face charges and I hope that he is not pardoned of anything. People will see the real Trump when he doesn’t get his way. Or when he gets angry at his first wife and then pulls her hair out from the scalp because he wanted her to feel the pain he felt when he went to a hair Dr. that she recommended.