Donald Trump’s lead in Pennsylvania has shrunk & we all know who to thank

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Can I just say? I actually love Pennsylvania! In particular, I love the energy in and around Philadelphia right now and forever. Pennsylvania election officials are methodical AF and they’ve been releasing new numbers every three hours or so, at a steady clip of about 10,000-20,000 votes every so often. Obviously, over the past 24 hours, Trump’s “lead” in the state has shrunk steadily. I’ll let my boo Steve Kornacki explain it all over again:

So the votes right now in Pennsylvania – Trump is at 3,286,193 votes by last count, and Biden is at 3,267,969 votes. The margin between them is less than 19,000 votes, and there are roughly 163,000 ballots left to be counted in the state, “including more than 58,000 in the Democratic bastion of Philadelphia.”

I’ve read some stuff suggesting that Trump knows he’s losing, in Pennsylvania specifically (which is the whole ballgame for him), and right now he’s just encouraging his unhinged Nazi supporters to cause chaos. Local Philly police and the FBI are already investigating out-of-state domestic terrorists coming into Philly, looking to violently disrupt the vote counts.

Meanwhile, Philly residents are UNMATCHED. They are truly God’s chosen people. If I have to pledge allegiance to Gritty and dancing mailbox activists for the next four years, I will.

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49 Responses to “Donald Trump’s lead in Pennsylvania has shrunk & we all know who to thank”

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  1. Nev says:


  2. Snuffles says:

    Alternating between blasting Elton John’s “Philadelphia Freedom” and Ray Charles “Georgia On My Mind” this morning!

  3. Seraphina says:

    Penn election officials have done a great job and they know they have to be methodical AF because of what is at stake and who will throw his pacifier when things don’t go his way. I especially love how when asked when they will have results, no clear answer was given, instead they stated that they want to ensure a fair process. Reports were also told to heck the Penn election’s dashboards. LOVE it.
    And a shout out to Georgia!

  4. Also Ali says:

    The count every vote dance party in Philly is life!

  5. Becks1 says:

    I am loving the Philadelphia energy right now, and all the great twitter memes and quotes about it. But the Nevada memes are also giving me life right now, I’m an equal opportunity meme lover, lol.

    I don’t mind that this is slower than we are used to. That gives me confidence that its being done right.

  6. Sarah says:

    I love this story, I’m finally allowing myself to start feeling hopeful. Thanks for all the coverage, British media are giving us mixed quality but you guys and Pajiba are keeping me going.

    • Lori says:

      Yes! I can only handle Celebitchy and Pajiba coverage without going into a full IBS spiral LOL

  7. Golly Gee says:

    “If PA flips first Gritty should be allowed to personally drag Trump from the White House and throw him directly into hell.”
    But how will we be able to tell them apart?

  8. sa says:

    Just as I was reading this Joe Biden pulled ahead in Pennsylvania. 🙂

  9. Joanna says:

    Love it!

  10. Also Ali says:

    Biden is up in PA!!!!!!!!!

  11. Arpeggi says:

    And it flipped!!!! Yay!
    It makes me even sadder my Philly conference was cancelled this summer

  12. Busyann says:

    He has the lead in PA!!! Come on! Callllll ittttt!

  13. Veronica S. says:

    I’m honestly really proud of my state officials for refusing to bow to Trump and fighting voter suppression every step of the way. Governor Wolf isn’t perfect by any means, but he was wise not to fold to Republicans and agree to start counts early by trading away ballot boxes, and Shapiro has been deflecting lawsuits left and right from Republicans (which is part of why the counts are taking so long).

    Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Harrisburg are the blue strongholds in PA, and I’m hoping we showed us to fix this mess, and more importantly, that we show up in 2022 to flip Toomey’s vacated seat to blue.

    • waitwhat says:

      As a former resident, I too am proud of how this is playing out. Thanks for the additional insight and additional reasons to love PA!

  14. aang says:

    I’ve said it here before, I love Philadelphia. Now I love it even more.

  15. Christin says:

    There is so much poetic justice at work here.

    Joe got the lead in Georgia early this morning, thanks to a county in John Lewis’ district that had overnight counting. And within hours, the tally tips in the state where Joe was born and lived until his father’s job loss forced the family to move.

    Anything else is icing on the beautiful cake, plus two scoops. 😉

    • Chrissy says:

      Sweet Justice. I’d like to think John Lewis is smiling down on Joe today and his family and friends must be so proud. Now all that’s needed is a call. Fingers crossed for you all from Canada.

  16. I pet goat 2 says:


  17. Mar says:

    I love my hometown. They NEVER dissapoint me!

    • Chris says:

      Philly absolutely has the energy that people usually associate with Boston, but maybe more insane. Love it, my whole family is from there. Don’t f— with philly.

      GO IGGLES!

    • pottymouth pup says:

      I’m NE Philly born & bred and I was dying at the memes – they made me so proud of my hometown. That said, as happy as we are with Pennsylvania right now (providing the GOP run state legislature doesn’t do something super shady) if Stacey Abrams magic can help Warnock & Ossoff beat the very corrupt Kelly Loeffler & David Perdue, respectively, on top of the state going Blue for Biden, Georgia will be the state that’s done the most to save the country this year. I would, especially, love for Perdue to be felled by a MOT like Ossoff considering the antisemitic campaign Perdue’s run

  18. Leah says:

    The one thing that I know about Philly and I’m not even from Philly is you don’t mess with Philly. Philly messes with you. It’s almost as if it’s come full circle in getting rid of another autocrat, party in front of Independence Hall anyone?

    The dancing ballot, mailboxes and Gritty warms my heart.

    I’m watching PA and GA from CA with bated breath.

  19. fifee says:

    Go go PA! Im not American but I can tell you Im sitting here nearly in tears due to anxiety over this election. If 2020 does anything right its to kick Trump in the nuts and send him packing.

  20. LindaGiggles says:

    The whole “Gritty will turn you shitheads into scrapple” thread is hilarious. I love my dear Philadelphia. ps. never ask about scrapple ingredients, just enjoy.

    • fluffy_bunny says:

      If they don’t want people to question the ingredients to scrapple they should have come up with a better name for it. In the south it’s called liver pudding or liver mush which is also a horrible name.

    • Catherine says:

      It’s pure joy and happiness!!! PULL THRU PHILLY!!!!

  21. waitwhat says:

    Pittsburgh Penguins fan here…with an irrational love for Gritty! Get ’em Gritty!

  22. ce says:

    I love Philly!!

  23. Nicole H Graves says:

    do mess with Philly. we’re not having it… count every jawn!!!