Eco-avenger Julia Roberts is pissed with Julia Stiles’ eco-parody

Last week we covered a really hilarious parody Julia Stiles did in the name of fashion, the environment, and good-humored people everywhere. Julia launched her parody eco-clothing line on her parody site, “Julia Stiles Styles”. The fake fashion included: a shirt called “Save the Last Shants” (“Ever been wearing a shirt and thought ‘I sure wish I could also wear these as pants.’ Now you can with this trendy one-piece that can cover either your top or bottoms halves. Save time and money, for when your shirt is dirty you can wear it as pants! $470”) and “10 Shirts I love about you” (“How much do I love this shirt? Let me count the ways. Comprised from the fabrics of 10 other vintage shirts, this piece is sure to make passersby say “wow.” Perfect for pool parties, dance parties, or any kind of party. Be the envy of all those around you whose shirts come from only one source. $340”). To make the whole thing even better, when anyone tried to “buy” one of the fashions (I was tempted by the shants), you were directed to a donation page for the Lunchbox Fund, an organization that feeds impoverished school kids in South Africa.

It was all done in good fun, and Julia didn’t call out any particular “eco-celebrity”. But that hasn’t stopped self-proclaimed eco-celebrity Julia Roberts from getting mad, according to the Enquirer. According to a source, Roberts was mildly miffed, because Julia Roberts takes the whole environmental thing seriously now! Look, she buys flushable diapers and appears on the cover of Vanity Fair’s bloated “Green Issue”! Roberts thinks Stiles should get serious:

Julia Roberts – a famously eco-conscious mother of three who uses flushable diapers, drove a Toyota Prius and even helped invent a “green” household cleaner – isn’t laughing at her former Mona Lisa Smile’s co-star’s joke.

“While Julia thinks Julia Stiles’ heart is in the right place, she shouldn’t make fun of others who are trying to help the environment,” said the source.

“Julia thinks her former co-star would be better off directing her humor at people who are trying to destroy the planet… not those helping it!”

[From the National Enquirer, print edition, September 14 2009]

Eh… it’s like Julia Roberts didn’t get the joke. It wasn’t even like Stiles was only mocking the eco trend – she was mocking the faux-earnestness that so many celebrities bring to their cause du jour, as well as mocking fashion in general, specifically celebrity fashion lines. And if Julia Roberts was so miffed by the whole thing, why doesn’t she get off her high horse and make a parody video about SUVs or the oil industry or whatever?

Here’s Julia Roberts in Rome shooting ”Eat, Pray, Love” yesterday. Images thanks to Fame Pictures .

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56 Responses to “Eco-avenger Julia Roberts is pissed with Julia Stiles’ eco-parody”

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  1. mollination says:

    Julia Roberts is so serius about the environment that she didn’t even bother googling her prius before she made the purchase to find out how much more damage the making of hybrids has on the eco-system than the making of regular cars do.

  2. mollination says:

    and I can’t spell or use proper grammar. woohoo.

  3. fizXgirl314 says:

    wow, how appalingly pretentious is this bitch… once again, these celebrities are pretending like they are saving the world… STFU.. who do you think ivented flushable diapers, priuses and did research on global warming? scientists… not fucking celebrities. If it weren’t for scientists, she’d be wiping her ass with leaves still…

    and learn to take a joke… I hope she chokes on her pretentiousness 🙂

  4. SickofCelebs says:

    I’m so sick of all these self-righeous celebrities and their cause of the moment. Give me a break. They are all overpaid and they want to force their causes and their politics down everyone’s throats. Julia Roberts should go back to making movies and STFU.

  5. Firestarter says:


    Roberts is another bitch who needs to STFU! Has she nothing better to do with her precious time than police what other people are doing or saying.

    I hate these self righteous celebrities that think thay are so above it all. If Roberts was so truly committed to the environment, she wouldn’t be driving a car period, or using anything but cloth diapers, or even making movies, when we all know that movie sets, special effects and machinery harm the environment. Ah, but that is how she makes her living, so it is perfectly okay.

  6. Jaxon says:

    If she would take the time to get her kids potty trained before the age of five she wouldn’t use so damn many diapers.

  7. ferdis says:

    Team Stiles in this one.
    And why J.Roberts is so so so pale in this cover? Photoshop didnt work well?

  8. Anna says:

    Julia Stiles is hilarious, smart and someone who knows what she’s doing and talking about. Julia Roberts needs to lighten up.

    Plus: what is up with her looking like an anorexic, whiter shade of pale corpse on that cover? Did they photoshop that, thinking it was pretty? She looks so much better in her paparazzi pics.

  9. nonok says:

    ok, (A) Anna- Julia needs to lighten up/ she is so pale? Laughing at the unintentional joke hidden in your comment. (at least i think it was unintentional…)

    (B) missed the original Stiles post, but it was hilarious! She should do more, in general.

  10. binc says:

    this story sounds fake as hell

  11. Baby says:

    team Stiles (or Styles)! I am a life long fan of hers for that. Get over it Roberts. It was funny. Wonder what the “environmental impact” of your multiple homes, private jet, luxury lifestyle et al. is. More than my SUV and air conditioning for 1000 square feet that’s for damn sure.

  12. Anna says:

    @nonok LOL yes, that was completely unintentional, I totally didn’t realise!

  13. lrm says:

    Yes,clooney and roberts are the typical celebrity stars of the moment,being used for whatever issue the government wants to promote at the time…
    Screen legends of past were all used for the same reason: to influence the public.
    Roberts is obnoxious and Clooney is just meh…Self righteous and pretentious is right.
    What do you expect from Vanity Fair?
    Sure,they have ‘long articles’…oooooooooh,that’s SO intellectual.
    But it’s all fabrication to promote the elite agenda of the moment.
    Hence al gore and kennedy.
    don’t get me started.
    sure,air pollution is an issue,and pollution and consumption and waste are for sure…and global warming might be a problem…But watch how the issue will be used to distract us from other real issues,and laugh at how corporations can ‘buy’ offsets-
    I mean,seriously,who is doing this?
    What a joke!!!!
    Your money goes to some fund or other that goes to paying these celebs to do promotional education work for them.
    But does nothing to ‘offset’ the actual damage.
    people are stupid. sorry.

  14. MDD says:

    Julia, you are full of sh#$…


  15. ogechi says:

    @Binc…thanx for ur observation….fake story,envious responses…idleness is a disease.

  16. maddie says:

    According to a source, Roberts was mildly miffed, because Julia Roberts takes the whole environmental thing seriously now!

    Too bad she didn’t take Danny and Vera’s WEDDING VOWS seriously.

    She should check her self.

  17. Vee says:

    I hate Julia Roberts! Never liked this bit*h. She made one good movie 20 yrs ago and people still carry on about her like she’s Meryl Streep. Go away, Julia!

  18. Firestarter says:

    Give me a break, because I don’t agree with Roberts or edon’t like her, I am envious? Please! I have never been envious of a celebrity in my life. Ridiculous statement.

  19. Dianne says:

    Global Warming is a scam, and Julia needs to get over herself.

    Anyone here remember in the 70’s when everyone was freaking out about Global COOLING? Good Lord!

  20. The Nightmare says:

    Dianne: That’s why you never hear the term global warming anymore. Its called climate change nowadays. Too many people wised up.

  21. oh my says:

    if Julia Roberts really took her environmental activism so seriously (and had a friggen brain in her head) she’d be applauding Stiles send up of the celebrity hypocrites. if she’s miffed it’s only because she is one of those overbearing hypocrites

  22. Lucinda says:

    If the story is true, she clearly didn’t get the joke which says more about her than Julia Stiles.

  23. Really? says:

    I have not seen one Roberts movie in a theater, so I’m not a fan, but from what I’ve seen in interviews, she SEEMS a bit smarter than this.

    Seperate but same topic: Weren’t Stiles and her in a movie together?

  24. Vermithrax says:

    <3 Stiles.

  25. Giz says:

    I’d like to see the likes of Clooney, Roberts,Gore and Kennedy lobby to make these eco-friendy products affordable for the rest of us. Since they are so big on promoting the concept.

  26. Sakota says:

    “scientists… not fucking celebrities. If it weren’t for scientists, she’d be wiping her ass with leaves still…”

    Of course, no one thinks in these magazines to actually interview scientists. Not glamorous enough I guess, although scientists are highly dedicated and would likely not bother with a magazine interview anyway. Adn if they did and explained that the whole global warming crisis is exaggerated then it would pop the bubble of hysteria these stupid celebs promote.

    Of course it never occured for anyone to ask that whether or not we really ARE overpopulated. Celebs shriek about how each second an African dies so isn’t that keeping it in proportion to how many people are born a MINUTE? Zero consistency or sense yet they are worshiped for their Holy Environmental Gospel.

  27. xxxx says:

    Are you guys crazy?This article from the national enquirer and completely untrue.Julia Roberts doing a movie called eat pray love now she’s in rome(new york) I think she has no idea about this…

    by the way you think julia roberts care what julia stiles doing?*

  28. leesa says:

    The Vanity Fair cover should be titled ‘Four Self Involved Twitts’.
    But the the name Vanity says it all, does it not?

  29. crash2GO2 says:

    Every time that woman opens her mouth, she becomes more unbearable. Oh, just go away Julia. You peaked at Pretty Woman and we forgave you a lot of stuff back then. You don’t have that kind of pull anymore. Nice photoshop job btw – they make her look down right sylph-like when in reality she is more of gal with good child bearin’ hips.

  30. AMA says:

    I’m not even a Julia Stiles fan but good for her! Julia Roberts and her private jets; Matt Damon and his MULTIPLE $20 million residences – including an apt in NY with a full-length basketball court and on whose exterior walls he advertises his own movies? Anjelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and George Clooney with all their assorted crapware. Try checking the $$ that ACTUALLY goes to charity from all the BS “EVENTS” taking place at the Toronto Film Festival this month.

  31. lb says:

    Here is an illuminating experience–quiz yourself on your resource footprint.

    And yes, I agree with most of the posters, the stars are simply posing to care about these ‘issues.’ In general, the do not change their habits enough to make an impact.Also, they pick issues that are diffiicult to disagree with and will enhance their image instead of put them in a maelstrom of bad press. Really, who can disagree with starving children or katrina victims or the environment? But you notice they never get direct with the political forces–they hide from conflict so they can collect their oversized paychecks.

  32. girl says:

    I know about those flushable diapers that she is talking about. They leak horribly. I wonder if she factored in all the extra laundry one has to do because of that.

    Might as well use plain old cloth diapers. I have rarely purchased a cloth diaper that has anywhere near the leak problem the gdiapers do.

  33. ccoop says:

    Wait, FLUSHABLE DIAPERS are eco-friendly? Not out in the country in Septic Tank Land. (Does Julia still live on that ranch in NM?)

  34. karsan says:

    You wrote “why doesn’t she get off her high horse and make a parody video about SUVs”

    Because Julia Roberts owns and drives an SUV.

  35. fizXgirl314 says:

    i kinda like her shabby sheek attire in the pap pics though…

  36. Gistine says:

    She looks like poop on that cover.

  37. TheSmallLebowski says:

    It looks like they’re going to war – in camouflage fatigues and what not. This could be a poster for a really long war movie.

  38. Shanny says:

    Blech, I can’t stand JRobert. Stiles is the much better Julia.

  39. barneslr says:

    Good God…when are people going to get their heads out of their hineys and educate themselves? Global warming is not real. It is not occuring. It just is not. The science is not there. Lots of junk science, yes, but the facts are that the earth goes through natural warming and cooling cycles and we do not have any control over that either way.

    It was just a couple of weeks ago that some “green” organization tried to hide their OWN data that they thought would “prove” global warming…except that it actually proved otherwise. They placed thermometers in various locations in the world’s oceans and tracked the data for a period of time. They thought it would show warming water and therefore prove the theory. Except that the water actually COOLED a couple of degrees during the study time. Since it didn’t prove their theory they tried to hide the results, but someone leaked them. Ooops! Seems like this happens all the time!

    I am all for recycling, for being good to the environment, to cutting down on pollution, etc. We all should be. But these scare tactics over an unproven-and now disproven-theory of global warming are inappropriate and should stop. It’s a huge scam, and the Al Gore’s of the world are laughing their asses off at the rest of us, all the way to the bank.

  40. patty phee says:

    i agree with barneslr

    global warming is a natural thing. the hype is just to make money out of it.

    it’s like swine flu…pharma industries make a lot of money…causing panic…just because a regular flu.

  41. dewclaw says:

    Al Gore … oh where do I start. I’ll just make a blanket comment because I can’t be bothered: Al Gore, stfu, you are a dunce and they’ve put you on too many meds.

    As far as that VF cover, it looks to me like they have styled it as one of those Victorian fairy pictures. I think it’s beautiful except for the dumbass guys sitting there like fish out of water.

  42. Linz says:

    @barneslr: AMEN! Finally someone with some brains on here! Plus this article is just utter bullshit, I cant believe all the people commenting on it and believing everything they read. When did Julia Roberts says anything about this? Are there quote marks of what Julia actuall said? No. Just the media trying to stir shit so that people like you have got something to piss and moan about instead of looking at your own lives.

  43. TaylorB says:

    Please remember when you call something ‘junk science’ that for every article backing up that hypothesis, there are probably three that dispute it, and vice versa. Science is not perfect mostly due to the human factor, and from time to time reports are parsed and used by non-scientists to ‘prove’ their own predetermined beliefs, for example folks like Mr Limbaugh and Michael Crichton to one extreme and folks like Mr Gore to the other. While this is an issue that concerns us all, it is probably best to allow actual scientists (who are not on the payroll of some special interest group on either side of the issue) sort out the data.

  44. TaylorB says:

    Patty Phee,

    The flu virus (Swine or otherwise) generally does not respond well in humid conditions, which is why it is seen more predominantly in the cooler/drier months, that may explain in part the recent ramp up of concern/conversations with the winter months approaching.
    I do agree with the ‘fear factor’ to a certain extent, the 24 hour news folks thrive on latching onto a story and freaking people the hell out.

  45. fizXgirl314 says:

    I didn’t know this was a debate about global warmning… The theory is based on a basic premise, we kill the ozone layer, introduce more UV light onto the planet and there WILL be implications… Not to say that this is happening now… in fact, pollutants have reduced considerably since the 90’s in the US.

    Nonethess, you don’t want to mess with the ozone considering the purpose of its existence. and if an overall warming or cooling of the planet is occurring, it would take a long long time, like hundreds of years… not a week or a few years…

    and yes, we know the planet heats and cools in phases… it’s called seasons… in order to do an actual analysis of whether there were any overall changes to the climate of the planet, you would have to take massive amounts of data over many many years and then look at whether there was a rising trend… not some random fluctuationg… what study puts a thermometer in the ocean and bases a conclusion on that? that’s seriously silly…and I would be seriously surprised if the ocean cooled a couple of degrees… however, i don’t know how long this data was taken though.. oceans tend to have a fairly steady temperature due to the high specific heat of water…

    point is, whatever you wanna call it, we don’t want to mess with the ozone layer…

  46. posterboy says:

    Global warming, what a crock of shit!

  47. TaylorB says:

    Fix girl wrote: “and if an overall warming or cooling of the planet is occurring, it would take a long long time, like hundreds of years… not a week or a few years…”

    While you are correct about the taking hundreds of years if not longer for a visually tangible impact, even the slightest of changes, slightly longer summers, higher precipitation, will likely impact vector-borne diseases (malaria, Lyme, SLE and other forms of encephalitis, etc.) While the conferences I have attended on the subject were obviously focused on vector-borne zoonotic ramifications, it is logical to follow the conclusion that it will impact humans in the same geographic distribution considering arthropods aren’t too picky about which kind of mammal they ‘bite’.

  48. filthycute says:

    flushable diapers? I don’t know what those are exactly, but they don’t *sound* friendly . . .

  49. Hieronymus Grex says:

    While Julia thinks Julia Stiles’ heart is in the right place, she shouldn’t make fun of others who are trying to help the environment.

    Anyone who takes themselves so seriously that they believe they are somehow above mockery- deserves even more mockery than usual.

  50. TaylorB says:

    Oh, and Julia R. needs to get a sense of humor fast. As do many others. StilesStyles was not suggesting we don’t respect the environment, just pointing out how stupid it looks when Heather Mills types debut a ‘eco friendly’ clothing line, that is not only useless as no one would wear that silly looking garbage (much like most of the runway couture BS) but it still costs a fortune.

    Though, if I had the $$$$ to blow, I might buy that mind bending black, bell bottomed, capri, camel toe enhancing, jumpsuit thingy Heather Mills debuted, for Halloween or to dress Speidi in for an episode of ‘Punked: Fashion Week’.

  51. patty phee says:

    @TaylorB: thank you, I’ve appreciated your answer to my comment. (bad englisch, sorry..i’ve got problems with the tenses)

  52. fizXgirl314 says:

    wtf was I thinking when I spelled “sheek” (chic)…? brain fart? I’m usually a gud spellar :-p

  53. Michelle says:

    The irony of “green” issues of magazines never ceases to amaze me.

    How many trees…

  54. gg says:

    😆 fizXgirl! Heehee! We all have our days.

  55. Green Is Good says:

    Julia Roberts needs a lot of booze to kill the bug that’s crawled up her ass.

  56. spiceh says:

    lmao at Green is Good. I agreed that Julia Roberts should STFU and go away.

    This is unrelated to the story, but once I went to see Broadway show called Cats on a hot tin roof (loved it), and Julia Stiles was sitting behind me in between 2 (possibly gay) guys friends. I thought it would be rude to look directly or stare at her, so I was pretending to scan the room around. She seemed very normal, low key and at ease. The guy in front of me whispered to his wife “is that Julia Stiles?” I wanted to lean over and said yes, that is Julia Stiles lol. And when the show was over, I was walking right behind her, I wanted to reach out my arm and told her that I like her for not being a celebrity.