Tori Spelling denies that her husband said she looks like a horse


I have a confession to make. I kinda feel badly for Tori Spelling. In the last year or so she’s really grown on me. I used to feel sorta badly for her in the “oh you’re pathetic and that makes me sad for you” way. But I’m not even sure why but I really genuinely honestly like her. And I feel like I tend to error on the side of caution and dislike celebs until proven otherwise. At best I’m neutral. So I don’t feel like I’m being misled here… I don’t think. Frankly I think she’s a lot more likable now that she’s never associated (at least in a positive way) with her mother. I mean isn’t Candy Spelling known at the biggest bitch in Hollywood? Haven’t people been making jokes about her gift wrapping room since the early nineties? And she just has such a harsh, fugly face.

I remember the only time I ever heard my dad say something clearly derogatory about a stranger’s appearance was about how he couldn’t even stand to look at Tori Spelling’s face. And he said it with this tone of anger. At the time it was pretty funny, but now I think maybe that’s part of why I like her. She’s relatable. Um, not that I have a bug face, mind you. But she’s just a little off from gorgeous. And let me be clear, I still think she’s beautiful – but in Hollywood if you’re less than 100% you’re nothing at all.

So Star did this big story about how Dean doesn’t love Tori because of her looks, and kissing her is like making out with Mister Ed or whatever. I can’t put my finger on it – maybe it’s the bug thing – but I’ve always thought if Tori looked like anything, it’s a ladybug. And that’s obviously not an insult, and is somehow the most apt description to me. Anyway, while I’m assuming the story obviously hurt Tori’s feelings a lot – I mean she’s human, how could it not? – she’s handled it with grace. Ahhh, grace. That’s why I like her now – she’s handled a lot of drama with class and graciousness, and she seems to give that out more than she gets it back. So Tori did the same thing about Star’s story and Tweeted about how she just laughed it off.

Tori Spelling isn’t taking the latest nasty tabloid tale about her sitting down. No, she’s grabbing her BlackBerry and telling her Twitter followers to ignore the “lies” contained in a new Star magazine article about her marriage to Dean McDermott.

In the article, Michael Olifiers, a “friend” of McDermott’s claims Dean is only with Tori “for the money and the fame” and sees her as a “ticket” to attaining Hollywood comforts. He also says Mr. Spelling shudders at Tori’s appearance, often saying: “I can’t believe I have to kiss her. She looks like a horse!” In a series of Tweets, Spelling spells out her feelings on the matter.”

[From Popeater]

Here are the actual Tweets:

LayingN bed w/myhubby&Liam asleep b/tw us. I’m reading2Dean all the amazing comments our tweet family have sent. Thnx4all the love&support!
9:52 PM Sep 2nd from TwitterBerry

@DENISE_RICHARDS thank you my friend! I know you know first hand the lies that are written. Happiness is the best revenge on the haters!
9:47 PM Sep 2nd from TwitterBerry

Dean&I read STAR 2gthr&were grossed out@uncreative lies but made us appreciateR life&love more&made us sad4those tht spread lies.Bad Mo Jo!

Just got word tht STAR Mag WillB running a story tomorrow about my “Loveless Marriage” R they kiddin? DON’T believe! Uggh.Hate tabloid lies!
2:09 PM Sep 1st from TwitterBerry

[From Tori Spelling’s Twitter]

I do agree with Tori that the best revenge is a life well lived. But not even in the revenge sense – it’s just about not letting drama and negativity affect your life. It shows loser people (or H8ers, since we’re being all Twitter about this) how little they matter. I’m sure the stuff with her mom does hurt. But whatever went down between them, Tori’s an adult, and she seems to have built a happy life for herself. Just because she’s THE child doesn’t mean she’s A child. And considering how despicably Candy has behaved publicly, it’s pretty clear who’s got the better head on her shoulders. I have no idea how celebs manage not to let this stuff consume them, but huge credit to Tori for having bigger and better things going on in her life.

Here are some cute pictures Tori’s posted on her Twitter in the last three days.

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61 Responses to “Tori Spelling denies that her husband said she looks like a horse”

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  1. ha says:

    this is just mean.

  2. lala says:

    INDEED…. Agree..

    she is Mr. Ed’s forgotten daughter!!!!!!!

  3. patty phee says:

    don#t be so mean, lala. everyone is different…so is tori…just because she is a celeb it#s not okay to make fun of peoples looks like in school.

  4. sandi says:

    Notice that it says Tori isn’t taking it sitting down, not Tori and Dean or even Dean. Why is she denying the statement? Shouldn’t Dean be denying it? The fact that she is making all the noise about the comment makes it even more obvious that he said it and that things are not as rosey as she keeps trying to portray.

  5. Firestarter says:

    @Sandi- How do you know things are not so rosey in their marrige? I mean a tabloid says something so it has to be gospel? IMO, the more one goes about denying things, the more it looks like people are covering up.

  6. Wasted Energy says:

    Wow, harsh about your dad. It’s not like Tori, or other people, asked to look a certain way. How do you change the shape of your head? And if she did change it, people would harsh her for that.

    A male celebrity wouldn’t be put through this.

    Not defending Spelling because agreed with writer that most celebs are obnoxious until proven otherwise (which is rare,) but this kind of cruelty occurs generally in life, not just with celebs.

    Most people don’t have the money and privileged life to cushion the pain, in answer to the writer’s question about how celebs deal with it. They are paid well and have pampered lives, and even the most trashed ones still get accolades. Don’t feel too sorry for them. If it were really that hard, they’d get out of the spotlight. Yet, as much as they complain about gossip and all, they never get out of the spotlight. That should tell you they have it pretty good and are just being whiny.

    The commenter who said it’s odd the husband isn’t denying it has a point. It sounds plausible that he called her a horse and said nasty things before they met because unfortunately that’s how most people are. He doesn’t seem to be the most thoughtful or classy dude.

    Also notice they are not specifically addressing the “friend” who said these things, like “he’s not even a friend” or “he has an axe to grind,” etc.

    Perhaps the marriage is a fake, at least at this point, in order to keep money coming in because that show does well and the success of her books are based on being a happy family.

  7. fud says:

    Some say the mom could be stirring things up. That would be really dark.

  8. Tina says:

    tori spelling may get on my nerves sometimes but i know how much it hurts to be made fun of because of your looks. dont take it to heart tori- they just want to sell a mazagine.

  9. Really? says:

    I doubt Tori has never heard the remarks about her “unusual” looks.

    The problem is that this time it’s supposedly coming from her OWN HUSBAND’S mouth. That makes it a different game.

    I do agree that it’s curious that HE hasn’t came out, but I guess he only has to answer to her about it…

  10. the original kate says:

    well, if the feed sack fits…

  11. sandi says:

    When a couple has to keep constantty telling people that they are in love or doing things to show people that they are in love(ie-tattoos, telling people that he shaves her, etc…), then more than likely things are not as rosey as they portray it. Besides, just because he is nice to her on a camera doesn’t mean that he is nice to her when the cameras have been turned off or when they are out of the frame of the camera/mics. This is a reality TV show, no matter what they say or try to portray on the camera, things are not always as they seem. Let’s not forget about Jessica S and Nick L; Peter Andre and his wife, Jon and Kate . Reality TV show, act like they are in love, DIVORCED/SEPARATED.

  12. Tazina says:

    The tabloids are going to extreme headlines these days. This is because sales are down and they are desperately trying to get people to buy them and are hoping salacious headlines will do the trick.

  13. Annicka says:

    I’ve always thought she looked like a horse. How funny her husband supposedly said the same!

  14. Aimee says:

    I think she does look horse like. (SORRY) I’ve thought this since I first saw her. Her eyes are buldgin, her face is SUPER long and her nose is massive. All of this and to believe she’s already had a lot of plastic surgery. Well, I guess money can’t buy you everything. Without makeup, to be honest I couldn’t tell her from a guy or not.

  15. Aimee says:

    Just from a website I read: “Her father Aaron Spelling has been dead for six months and still is substantially better looking.” LOL. Just thought I would share it.

  16. Deanna says:

    I have to say if this is a loveless marriage it definitely was NOT during her pregnancy with Liam. The way Dean took care of EVERYTHING at the B&B and had her rest and doted on her, cameras or not I don’t feel those emotions can be faked. Some men don’t even think to do some of the things he has done for her, I honestly think it is done out of love. Now where it may be possible doing this reality show has put a strain on their marriage, who’s marriage wouldn’t suffer?, I still believe they are in love and will put their Family First. I Love Tori, she is a wonderful caring woman and mother. Dean seems to be a good father and husband and I can understand him needing his own “non-Tori” outlet like scuba diving and motorcycles. I don’t think any of those things point to a failing marriage. I wish you Tori and Dean a long and happy marriage, everytime you feel a gap growing between you just watch your wedding video.. you’ll be instantly back head over heels.

  17. Valensi says:

    I’m sure that looking like a piece of rubbish is just given when you’re a homewrecker.
    And I love how EVERYONE overlooks that little detail.

  18. boo says:

    I really like Tori and I think this stuff about her and Dean is BS.

  19. susan sauer says:

    naaaay, naaaay, whinny, whinny. snort…

  20. Spooge says:

    Saying she looks like a horse is a real insult.

    TO THE HORSE!!! bwa ha ha!!!

  21. posterboy says:

    The headline pic of her is one of the few I’ve seen where I think she actually looks pretty. But I’ve always liked her, she seems like a sweet person.

  22. hunnybe says:

    @20 Tori does actually look pretty in that picture.I would be so hurt if I was on a magazine cover in the grocery store.Imagine that.

  23. minx says:

    I just don’t understand why people (particularly celebrities) want to expose their private matters on Twitter.. they constantly complain about the tabloids/paps invading their lifes and yet they choose to give the public the most intimate details (minute by minute) of their lives on Twitter. Exhibitionism at its finest.

  24. Alexa says:

    I’m fed up with people being so mean to Tori. Wtf?!! ENOUGH already!

  25. happymom says:

    I totally agree with Minx. Why put your life completely out there and complain when things are published that you don’t like?

  26. Raven says:

    Dean told the truth. I do believe he said to a friend that Tori looks like a horse. Tori is hurt, but she married a wrong person.

  27. gilly says:

    some best pal that is , with friends like that she certainly dont want any enemys

  28. koolcat says:

    why doesn’t he deny that he say she looks like a horse. i feel so sorry for tori always having to defend her looks. She must feel awful even if it isn’t true, it is out there.

  29. YT says:

    I have always considered Tori very attractive, and her face is much more interesting than those that come from the plastic surgery assembly line.

    As far as her personality and character, I have nothing to say only because I don’t know her, and I don’t watch her show.

  30. Firestarter says:

    Funny how Tori is a homewrecker and LeAnn is a homewrecker, but Angelina is a lovely, wonderful , caring humanitarian who has NEVER done anything untoward.

  31. CYANN says:


  32. Hieronymus Grex says:

    He’d never compare Tori to a horse. Horses are graceful strong elegant high-bred animals.

  33. Ro says:

    Ok, I think the horse comment is just mean and maybe it was said and maybe not but we are all missing the main point here. Tori and Dean are both fame hungry and hurt the people who were in their lives, and had their children, to be with each other. Who cares is someone says she looks like a horse, there are people in their lives who were treated with much less dignity than that.

  34. Jojo says:

    Please Tori, fix your nose! It would make such a difference!

  35. maddie says:

    Is it true that his “friend” gave up the ghost to STAR Mag? Does Tori even deny that Dean knows this guy?

    Why like everyone says in Dean so silent on the whole matter.

    And for those who shout “with friends like these” statement if this is true why should Deans friend hide this lie for Dean, if it’s true.

    Your friends are there for you not there to continue a LIE for you, that’s not friend ship that’s enabling a friend in his dishonesty.

    Even though I hate how these two got together I think it’s mean for STAR to go there.

    This Tori burden to bear, cheating on your ex-husband with your now husband and wondering when the next SHE is going to fall out of the closet is the priced you paid for your choices.

    And I do agree with if everything is hunky dory in Tori/Dean ville she would not have to be so vocal, because when you are truly content you go on with your life and pay no mind to those who wish you ill.

  36. Jills says:

    Dean seems like the male version of a gold digger. But what he wants is money and fame, and he knows he needs to hitch onto someone’s else coat tails to get it. He really is a strange looking guy. You can see the greed twinkling in his eyes $ $. He’s done pretty good so far at profiting from their relationship.

  37. Giz says:

    Why would she even address this?

    People just get meaner and meaner. Or have people just gotten ballsier and yet more cowardly in their overt insults because of the web? This isn’t even constructive.

  38. dd says:

    Dean reminds me of Larry Birkhead. They are male gold-diggers, failed actors wanna be Hollywood stars. Dean left his wife and child in order to be with Tori, and Birkhead impregnated drug addict on purpose, in order to become famous.

  39. Tazina says:

    See it for what it is, two married people in love who have two beautiful children. All this speculation about male gold-diggers, failed actors and name calling is just a bunch of BS. Also, ridiculing someone’s appearance is really a shallow and immature thing to do.

  40. MymaJane says:

    I like Tori. I have to admit that I used to not care for her, but after I started paying more attention to her it seems like she’s a really genuine person. Obviously I don’t know her personally, but from what I see she just seems like a really lovely person with a lovely family.

  41. Erin says:

    I really like Tori and Dean and I don’t think she looks like a horse or any bug. I really don’t know if Dean said those things or not. My gut feeling from the beginning is that this sounds like something Candi would have done. Whose to say she didn’t pay Dean’s “friend” to say those things? It’s not like she loves Dean or that she can’t pay for something so disgusting. Maybe she thinks she can still hurt Tori because she still wants to control her. I wouldn’t put it past Candi to create something like this. It’s just my gut feelings. Take it for what it is. Who is the real Celebitchy in that family? My answer is Candi

  42. anon1000 says:

    Tori and LeAnn are the true definition of a homewrecker. They seperated men from their wives and children.

  43. Willis Long says:

    I agree with a few of you and wondering why Tori is doing all the talking and Dean is not denying it. I believe the friend be/c the story states he said it right before he went to do the movie w/tori. He was not married to her at the time of the horse comment. Funny how he said that and the next day he is in bed with her in Canada (according to her book). Funny how it’s also ok for Tori to wirte a tell all and spill all the dirty secrets of her former 90210 co-stars but not ok for someone to write about Dean’s secret. She needs to leave this gold digger. Candy realized he was a gold digger and probably removed Tori from any inheritance.

  44. amanda says:

    I don’t think Dean is that great looking either. Umm, his eyes are like little rats eyes, incredibly close together. And then a huge jaw. So, they both have their imperfections- who cares.

  45. RubyKaur says:

    anon1000 – no woman can make a man leave his wife unless there is a weak link somewhere. I think its funny the way women call other women “husband stealers, home wreackers, etc,”…if a man wants to stray, he will do it all by himself – no one ever has to put a gun to his head.

  46. CB Rawks says:

    “Just because she’s THE child doesn’t mean she’s A child. And considering how despicably Candy has behaved publicly, it’s pretty clear who’s got the better head on her shoulders.”

    Damn straight! Very well said!

  47. sandi says:

    “if a man wants to stray, he will do it all by himself – no one ever has to put a gun to his head. ”

    That’s not true. If a man/woman strays he/she is most certainly not doing it all on his/her own or without the encouragement from a third party. She may not have put a gun to his head, but she encouraged him to dishonor his vows and the fact that she slept with him the first day proves this. What would have happened had she told him “no”? So the weak link is the man who didn’t have the decency to honor his vows and the woman who didn’t have the decency to tell him no even though she knew that he was married(and the same goes for Dean). Why do people always assume that a person cheats because there is a “weak link” in their marriage? Just because a person may be having problems in their marriage it doesn’t give a man/woman the right to insert themselves into that marriage or to have an affair. If the marriage is that bad that they feel the need to cheat, then why not end the first relationship BEFORE jumping into bed with the second person?

    If the defintion of stealing is taking something that doesn’t belong to you and you are not the LEGAL wife/husband (the names listed on the marriage license)of the man/woman of that person, then yes you are putting yourself where you don’t belong and therefore stealing/wrecking a home.

  48. 4Real says:

    Hey maybe Dean is into Pony Girls.

  49. nnn says:

    If the defintion of stealing is taking something that doesn’t belong to you and you are not the LEGAL wife/husband (the names listed on the marriage license)of the man/woman of that person, then yes you are putting yourself where you don’t belong and therefore stealing/wrecking a home.

    Fact is a human being who is an adult belongs to him/her and is not a thing ! It’s so true that he can even change his/her name and ignore his parents from fresh and blood.

    So to steal an adult human being you have to dehumanize him/her first, like in history they did it with the slaves. That’s why i find it despicable the whole stealing thing because it implies that the stolen one who is of course a man (that definition only applied to them, never to the stolen woman) is considered as an inanimated object, a subhuman. He was fully human when he decided to marry but then, puff, he is becoming an pbject when he decided to end this marriage or throw his vows.

    Nobody can steal anyone. When someone decide to go with someone, he has his own points and his own reasons, sometimes it isn’t even valid reason but nonetheless it his his reasons and so when he end it, it’s the same.

    You can’t have it both ways.

  50. niki39 says:

    I think Tori is pretty, its a different type of pretty.She doesn’t look like most plastic girls in hollywood.

  51. filthycute says:

    It’s err on the side of caution, not error. 😉

  52. Shannon says:

    On a side note, check out pic #3: where the heck are her kids swimming? It looks like a trailer park – chainlink fence, no grass, etc.

  53. Shannon says:

    My opinion re: homewrecking women is that they are like an accessory to a crime. They might not be as culpable as the guy who broke his commitment, but they helped commit the crime, and they both are going to jail for it(albeit for different sentences).

    There is definitely the assumption out there, though, that men have a harder time keeping it in their pants than women. We women are supposed to have better control of our libidos, so when a woman does something despicable in that arena (ie cheats or homewrecks) she is indeed judged more harshly than a man. Them’s the breaks, kid.

  54. Harhar says:

    Hey nnn, feeling a little defensive about all the husbands you’ve been dating lately? Keep telling yourself you did nothing wrong…

  55. barneslr says:

    “Haven’t people been making jokes about her gift wrapping room since the early nineties?”

    To set the record straight, she had 3 gift wrapping rooms!

    I confess that I read her book, just out of curiosity. I did get it from the library, though. I wouldn’t buy a book like that and contribute further to her fortune. Read it sometime and you’ll be shocked about just how over the top she is. Far beyond what you read in the tabloids.

  56. BW says:

    Star Magazine is a master at throwing random quotes together and making up their own new, untrue story, just for the drama. I remember when Tori and Dean got together, making that movie, and his ex said something to the effect that she should have expected it, he always had the hots for Tori. I’d consider the source, and not let The Star’s story bother me.

  57. Nicole says:

    While I was unemployed I started watching her reality show, and she seems so sweet! It totally changed my opinion of her as just another silver spoon snob. Personally I find her attractive but I think she got a bit too thin. And she piles on the make-up too heavily, kinda like a drag queen. She looks better when she’s got no make-up and her hair in a ponytail. But enough about her looks! People are so cruel to her.

  58. Quinton says:

    Michael Olifiers is quoted as saying that his own wife, Debbie, looks like a horse’s ass. Much worse than a horseface.

  59. Bambi says:

    I remember the only time I ever heard my dad say something clearly derogatory about a stranger’s appearance was about how he couldn’t even stand to look at Tori Spelling’s face.

    * * * * *
    That’s funny, because I feel exactly the same way as your dad. There’s something about this woman’s face that just offends me. Some people are gorgeous, some cute, some average, some odd-looking, some people are even born with facial deformities– but Tori’s face is just WRONG. It’s beyond ugly, it’s like a crime against nature. The fact that she’s spent her life trying to broadcast it across America is truly bizarre. But not as bizarre as the face itself.

  60. donna dot says:

    she wasn’t that bad looking before her plastic surgeries

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