Remember when the British media was obsessed with the idea that Prince Harry would “have to get a job” and there were all of those “jokes” about how he’s just a dumb prince who would have to work in fast food? Yeah. The salt was plentiful in those days. Then Harry and Meghan signed deals with Netflix and Spotify and suddenly the British media was freaked out about how much money they were making and how dreadful it all was. As it turns out, Harry is the clever brother, which pains them to no end. And now Harry has gotten yet another job: he will be the chief impact officer for BetterUp, a tech start-up focusing on coaching and mental health. Harry “is expected to have input into initiatives such as product strategy decisions and charitable contributions, and advocate publicly on topics related to mental health.” The position was confirmed by Harry and he made some brief comments to the Wall Street Journal, which broke the news (and the article is paywalled).
Prince Harry has reportedly taken on a new job as an executive of a Silicon Valley startup. The recently outspoken royal confirmed to the Wall Street Journal that he will become chief impact officer of BetterUp Inc., an online coaching and mental health firm.
“I intend to help create impact in people’s lives,” Harry, 36, told the paper about the job, which is expected to be officially announced Tuesday. “Proactive coaching provides endless possibilities for personal development, increased awareness, and an all-round better life.”
Harry said he has personally been using BetterUp’s app and a coach for a couple of months.
“I was matched with my coach who, quite frankly, is truly awesome and has always given me sound advice and a fresh perspective, which is so valuable,” he told the WSJ.
BetterUp CEO Alexi Robichaux refused to reveal details of Harry’s employment agreement nor how he was getting compensated, the WSJ said. But “it’s a meaningful and meaty role,” Robichaux told the paper of the the prince joining the company’s leadership team as an “officer of the corporation.”
“He’s synonymous with this approach of mental fitness and really investing in yourself,” Robichaux said. “It was not a hard internal sale.”
Harry is expected to have input into initiatives including product strategy decisions and charitable contributions, and advocate publicly on topics related to mental health. Harry is eventually expected to spend time in the company’s San Francisco headquarters, attend all-hands meetings and be a special guest at company events, Robichaux said.
Let’s be real: whatever BetterUp is paying Harry, it’s completely worth it. Just the fact that Harry is on the record saying that he uses the app and has a coach is worth millions in publicity. With Harry as part of the team, they’ll actually improve the product, give the product a huge amount of publicity, and they’re employing someone who actually gives a sh-t and wants to be a part of the team. It’s a wonder that no other company (along these lines) has realized Harry’s potential as this kind of brand-officer before now. Or maybe they have and Harry turned down those offers.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
Imagine being the life coach for Prince Harry though!
Heh but in all seriousness Harry just left a cult so I’m not surprised a life coach helped. Harry is humble enough to seek guidance because he doesn’t know all the answers.
Left a cult is exactly right.
And it was probably exactly what he needed! He just left a completely toxic environment, hasn’t had any job except the military… veterans often need help transitioning to civilian life and I hope they put some focus on that.
Imagine how William feels! Right on the cusp of his ridiculous puff piece in the Times. Overshadowed again. The timing is sweet. Also, Harry can speak for himself now. All William can do is leak,
The Better Brother for BetterUp. Excellent choice.
Love what you did there.
I got Better Brother from another CB poster. I think it’s apt.
OMG yes the better brother, and the other brother. 😂😂😂
Ha ha! The Other Brother will be jealous
The Sussexes are going to make so much money simply by doing good by their Brand and working with ethical companies. And you’re right, William will be so jealous. I predict many other companies will seek them out as well. I love how Harry isn’t just a figure head for BetterUp, but just watch the British media claim that he is being used because of his Royal connections.
I’ve been watching BetterUp’s Twitter follower numbers go up steadily since the announcement. I’ll bet their website engagement skyrockets this week.
How’s it going over at Heads Together, Willileaks? Do you even remember you’re still patron?
Do they remember the last time you sat down with them? LOL.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t W&K make a stink about them getting to keep Heads Together when Harry left (despite Harry being the one who did all the work putting it together)? I honestly can’t remember.
I think he will be brilliant. He has led men in battle. I’ve hired worse. His is keen, self aware and willing to learn. Good luck to him.
Not to mention that he sort of has experience in the field. Invictus offers mental health tools for veterans and he was one of the people behind HeadFit, something he worked on with the UK ministry of defence.
I wonder if his salary will be open public knowledge or not. I don’t need to know it, but I especially don’t want anyone across the pond knowing either. Depending on the amount, it will either be “too little” for them to berate him for with or “too much” for them to berate him. I hope they just don’t know, period, so they can sit and stew in their desperate curiosity.
Betterup is reportedly heading towards an IPO….so his compensation could come out then.
This may be a non salaried consultant type position. The word “hired” was not used in the official news release.
When the company goes to IPO i think it probably will come out but not sure when that will happen. I doubt his actual salary will be that large; execs usually make the bulk of their money from equity and stock options which is where the big money is. The company’s already worth more than $1 billion so he’ll definitely ve fine.
Go on Duke!
Wow. Good for Harry! He would be a remarkable life coach, and I knew there would be a company smart enough to hire him and harness his instincts.
Man, the royals are really dumb to have cut him loose and assume he’d fail. And an infinite amount of life coaching will never dislodge their generational narcissism and entitlement.
Good for him, but i do wonder how skilled these younger royals are( ofcourse in their palaces they had PAs and everything done for them) but can they hack it in the real world with basic administrative skills.
Harry has created very successful organizations from scratch and by all accounts has been very hands on with each of them. The other royals might be useless but Harry has PLENTY of related experience. I’m sure he is more than qualified.
I wonder if he gets health insurance with this job. 😛
I hope he does get health insurance. And not some high deductible plan like I’m stuck with. I miss the days of my no out of pocket costs insurance.
As a citizen, he can go back to the UK and use NHS right?
Harry has ten years’ military experience as an officer including active service in a war zone. That’s a real world job.
Yes ofcourse i know thats why i did generalise and say the younger royals. Ofcourse Meghan doesnt count as she even worked in an embassy. I just meant how much actual practical work do they do,i cant picture William creating a fancy power point presentation alone.😂
Uhhh, well, Meghan had the Tig and they seem to be doing fairly well, so I’m going to go with the kids are alright. Also, they too have staff to help them out. Now, if we were talking about Willnot and Cannot, then I’d say all bets were off.
Harry’s last year in the army he took a desk job working on veteran rehabilitation and event planning and was apparently extremely hands on during the launch of the initial Invictus Games and is still involved in decisions made at the Invictus Games Foundation so I’d wager he does have the skills for a more normal job. The work he’s done in particular around using online platforms for mental wellness(see We Are Invictus, Headfit, and Peak State) make this seem like a good fit for him.
Harry’s new role will not require him to do any administrative work. People at that level barely type their own email. As long as he is a strategic thinker, a visionary and a very good orator, that is all that is required of him. When you look at Invictus Games alone, Harry actually has an impressive track record.
Could the older royals hack it in the real world? With any job people have to learn even if they have university training.
Harry was in the Army for ten years and rose to the level of Captain and have the real badge, not one of those honoree medals that his petty grandma took back.
And he earned it, by putting in the hard work.
Meghan was working, some type of job from 13, even in college she worked.
I would assume they wouldn’t have any basic admin skills. Can you ask these guys to put together an Excel spreadsheet? Probably not.
BUT, Harry is proof of being able to acquire skills, and his 10 years in the army gave him really good socializing. Except Sophie, I think the rest of them are pretty hopeless in a work environment, and none of them can pick up any work-related skills.
He’s an exec though, he doesn’t need administrative skills.
Excel spreadsheet is easy. Just need somebody to show you once. At many software companies, everybody does their own administrative stuff except for the big people at the very top, who have assistants. You learn very fast.
And Harry has proven he’s a fast learner
I can’t wait to see what these two are capable of post pandemic (ie giving talks I can attend!)
I LOvE this for him. Thee Executive Prince🤴 Ayyyeee!
I would argue that Harry’s relatively extensive military experience exposed him to the real world and workplace. He thus learned some valuable life skills and gained perspective that he would’ve otherwise lacked had he wandered through life a brainless twit of a royal.
Indeed. Not to mention he’s the founder of the Invictus Games and not just a face that fronts it. He’s a very capable human with a top education and wild life experience. Maybe he doesn’t know how to do his own taxes (who does?) but he is certainly capable.
This looks promising and right in the Sussex wheelhouse, and it’s tangible rather than “plans to eventually be keen”.
Sounds like Harry is doing well and taking good advice. Maybe he can get some discount codes to send to family members?
@Jay “maybe he can get some discount codes to send to family members?”
😂🤣 🙌👏
Ha, as if any of them feel like they need it. Self awareness isn’t exactly common among that bunch.
Or maybe he can refer his family members to his headhunter, so they can get jobs too….
I know PH & MM are your favorites, but can the stories stop focusing so much on them while not addressing things like David Dobrik’s stuff that’s going on…
Maybe because nobody had heard of Dobrik?
Try CNN, or Faux.
I had to google David Dobrik. He’s a dorky youtuber/vlogger who posted a video on youtube of his female assistant and a male “vlog squad” member having sex, which she said wasn’t consensual because she was dead drunk at the time. Dobrik sounds like a nasty little predator. No thanks, I’d rather read happy news, there’s enough bad sh*t going around.
The CEO said they were working on this deal, since Autumn, I’m not sure if Harry is use to his business not being leaked before the deal is done.
There is a funny gif on Twitter, about Harry having three jobs, another of was of Meghan telling Harry get out of his grandmother’s house and find their own house.
I find that WSJ break most of Sussexes business deals, strange because it’s a Murdock rag, it use to be respectable before he bought it.
Youtube celebrities get a very specific following, even the ones that manage to net millions of followers. No one really takes them seriously besides their fans and the companies trying to appeal to those fans.
Good for BetterUp. He’s going to bring a lot of publicity for them.
BetterUp just posted a blog from Harry where he goes into his goals for his work in the position and it seems like a good fit for him. Interestingly he’s already linked BetterUp with Peak State which is a mental wellness platform run by David Wiseman who was involved in the launch of the Invictus Games with Harry and seeved as Captain for Britain’s IG team at one point. Harry also recently supported Peak State a few months ago with a statement when they got a contract with Australia to support first responders.
Here’s the blog post:
Thanks for the link Chelsea!
An excellent summary of Prince Harry’s intention for teaming up with Betterup. Their speaker lineup is amazing.
That’s great for Harry! But I made the mistake of checking out the tweets announcing this and it’s full of hateful idiots going on about how Harry couldn’t help his wife and child and is unqualified. They must be bots because they say the same lines. It’s so ridiculous.
There are ALWAYS hateful comments on any Harry and Meghan story. These same people also didn’t believe Meghan had any mental health problems. And these same trolls and bots praise Will and Kate. How interesting.
Harry and Meghan even warned the Teenage Therapy podcast crew that they would receive a ton of hateful messages because of them, and they were right. A bunch of trolls were leaving hateful messages to teenagers.
Dollars to donuts the friend who connected Harry with Better Up was Mr. Serena Williams, another 5-star husband. This is a great fit; it dovetails beautifully with Archewell’s mission and Harry’s personal story, and will directly improve people’s lives. I wonder if he will spearhead a collaboration with that Teenage Therapy group he and Meghan did the podcast with? Well done, Harry! Meghan must be so proud.
Incandescent just lit up all of Kensington when he heard this news, keep going Harry, we got your back. Rot in hell Willy.
On the bright side (no pun intended, lol!) look at how much energy he’s saving Kensington Palace by not having to turn on the lights. If he continues to stay incandescent they’ll never have to buy another light bulb again. 🙂
He’s in line to win his own Earth Shot prize.
I love that! It’s been a long day and that giggle was needed.
I LOVE it. I hope with each day that passes and each new announcement like this, the BRF will sink into even greater despair, realizing just how badly they miscalculated and that the ramifications of their poor decision-making will haunt them forever. And that their regret becomes paralyzing over time 🥰
(I swear I’m not this petty IRL!)
Cosign all of this…and I AM that petty IRL. 😀
[x2] I am this petty IRL.
This is awesome! But I do wonder why Harry seems to get a pass for the nazi outfit. While Alexi Mccamond doesn’t? Not attacking a Harry just genuinely curious as to why some things for the past are ok and not others? Both seem offensive
Maybe because Harry did the work, rather than a performative apology.
Okay thanks for the reply. He was also given the time to do the work. I look forward to seeing how she can prove that she’s learned.
I think part of the debacle with McCammond is the timing with the murders in Atlanta. People are feeling very raw and her anti- Asian tweets, as stupid and immature as they are, are coming up at a really bad time. Now apparently an Asian staffer at CondéNast who wanted her fired has her own racist problematic tweets with the N- word, so this comes across a score settling and more then just surface level outrage. Also, she was costing the company a $7mil advertising contract, so that’s what probably decided it. Also, McCammonds boyfriend, WH deputy press Secretary, just left the Biden administration because he threatened a reporter who was asking about his relationship with her. They started dating while McCammond was covering Biden’s campaign, so there seemed to be a target on her back. It’s really messy. At some point Harry should just address the Nazi costume directly, because it will keep coming up. McCammond is a separate story that deserves its own write up.
@L4frimaire He has. Twice several years apart I believe. Doing it again won’t make any difference.
Harry gets a pass because that was 16 years ago, he’s apologized for it and has more than made up for the mistake with his extensive military and charitable work. Let it go.
I really am just trying to see how everyone feels about it? I enjoy the comment section here and feel it often is able to discuss topics in a open way.
her tweets were 11 years ago. It feels like he gets a pass because he is white, male, and privileged. While a young BIPOC is held to different standards. Yes- her apology wasn’t the best but I feel like it’s always a harder battle for the women.
But Harry really didn’t get a pass, he was criticized then, and criticized for the other stupid stuff that he did, even just a few years ago. And he’s still being criticized for them.
Harry also has made a choice to work on not being that person anymore.
McCammond may have also been ‘just’ a teenager and has made repeated apologies. Which were not enough for the staff she was to supervise. Nor for the advertisers.
@lele: Young people do dumb things. It’s called growing up. Can you honestly say that you’ve never done or said anything insensitive, thoughtless, uncaring, even hurtful? What’s important isn’t the actual “doing”, it’s showing remorse, admitting you f*cked up, and working to make yourself a better person. All of which Harry has done and continues to do. In my eyes McCammond did the right thing by stepping away from her position and no, I don’t think she got shamed or given a harder time because she’s a bi-racial woman, she simply did a thoughtless, ill-thought out thing and like Harry, it caught up with her.
He doesn’t get a pass though. Every time he mentions anything regarding race in the last five years, the costume he wore to Prince William’s “Native and Colonials” party is mentioned (where William dressed as a Zulu chief, with animal skins and black tights). How is that a “pass”?
As far as the former Teen Vogue editor? The point in which she stopped being a d!ck (and owned up to her biases), she should have deleted her Twitter account and started over. There have been entirely too many people in the last decade whose Twitter antics have come back to bite them. Maybe she thought no one would check. Either way, he didn’t do a deep clean when she should have.
Different companies, different situations, timing of events? It does look like they could have found her a less high profile job at least.
Harry doesn’t get a pass for anything. He’s made mistakes in his past, acknowledged them and, beyond that, has done the work to initiate positive change, both in himself and in the projects and initiatives he supports and has supported for years.
The difference between that and the teen vogue sh*tshow is that I must have missed when she did anything to concretely help lift up the communities she disparaged in any real way aside from lip service done in direct response to her trying to get a job. Her apology was entirely self-serving and therefore meaningless. The internet was around when I was a teenager and yet magically I’ve never posted any hateful, racist garbage. Imagine that. There are plenty of qualified people who have never thought that making a racist joke was a good idea. That’s not to say that people can never change for the better (i.e., Harry), but you have to actually put in real, impactful work instead of just vomiting up some word salad apology when it suits your own pursuits. Actions speak louder than words, and just saying “I’m Sorry” is nowhere near good enough to warrant a position where you would be directly in charge of editorial direction for an outlet geared towards shaping young minds.
Also, it is disingenuous to judge Harry in a vacuum when we know that the media surrounding he and his brother has been orchestrated since they were children to make Harry look as bad as possible with the aim of lifting up his brother. I’m sure we cannot imagine the emotional and psychological toll that would take on a young boy on a global stage, and how that would influence one’s own sense of self-worth and thereby one’s motivations in decision making or leanings towards self-destructive versus self-actualizing behavior. I think a whopping grain of salt is very much needed in any incidents and resulting coverage of Harry because of that.
Harry got a pass at 21 because he was entrenched in a powerful and racist family including his brother, the FFK Prince William, who showed up at to that party in a black bodysuit and two different animal skins. This was only two years after William’s own racist birthday party.
Back then Harry benefited and was protected by the same racism that fifteen years later nearly drove his wife to hurt herself and exposed Harry, Meghan, and Archie to harrasement and their physical safety being threatened.
Harry chose to walk away from his racist birth family and a lot of his privilege to protect his wife and child so people see him differently now.
Alexi McCammond does not have the backing of any powerful people and could have cost Teen Vogue an advertising contract with Ulta. And her tweets were disgusting. I don’t have to support her racism against Asian people just because she isn’t white or she’s a woman. How does someone forget they tweeted that?
@Lola. Do you support her or think she should be given a pass?
No, I don’t thing anyone deserves a pass. But as I mentioned below Harry got caught in my anger towards men today. I feel stuck in a constant uphill battle.
Okay. Because in your other post when you mentioned Sarah Everhard, I was thinking what about the women who were murdered in Atlanta or the general rise in hate crimes against Asian people.
Harry is from extreme privilege and it will never be okay that he put on that costume and I’m fine with it being pointed out but he’s not a guy who wore a Nazi costume 15 years ago and never did anything else. This same family pulled his security when he chose to step back to protect his wife and child. There are people in prison for targeting Harry as a “race traitor.” His safety genuinely has been threatened for the choices he’s made.
@Kalana I did mention Atlanta below. As I mentioned below I’m upset at men and the state of the world right now. I mention Atlanta, Boulder, the fact that my cousin got a breast reduction in order to be seen as “more professional”. I apologized for Harry getting the brunt- I’ve feeling weirdly protective of women and as I said earlier I could pick out something wrong with every man right now. I’m feeling the effects of the uphill battle right now and see now that this is not the safest comment section for me right now. I but
Where has he had a pass for the Nazi uniform. Everyday someone brings it up. So much so that I’ve even taken up defending him.
Harry will never live down that uniform or the Paki or discharge slurs.
Harry never ran away from his mistakes, I would hope that is the difference between him and the other person you mentioned.
Harry didn’t get a pass, the media was all over it, he apologized for it and also for calling a Pakistani a Paki and his naked billiards behavior in Las Vegas, these are the three things, that they’re trying to hold over his head.
His brother laughed at the hysteria over Covid-19 and the thought of the delivery guy (Pakistani/Indian) getting frisked out side, no wonder over the last week he appearing next to black people.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.
What? What pass did he get? He was definitely dragged over the costume (which he 100% deserved) for years tbh. Heck, some people (even in the British Media) still bring it up.
I know it seems like he’s been given a pass but he wasn’t.
Ok thank you all for the replies. I’m much younger so I do not remember the media being all over him. I searched for an apology when I recently saw the photo and was shocked. I didn’t find one. Of course I am proud that once he saw how his family was being treated he was able to walk away and protect them. I just often see with people like Alexi that everyone comments this should never been forgiven/she should’ve known better. I am trying my best here to learn.
But Harry isn’t responsible for the Alexei situation is he? He’s not the one saying “she should never be forgiven”. I can see your point but I think you’re taking it out on a singular man instead of addressing and talking to the wider society about it.
Yes Sofia. You are right..I realize now I am just taking it out on a single man..but only in this question. I am more mad at society as a whole and not trying to use just Harry as an example. It just happened to be the post I commented on. So for that, I do apologize. This caught me on a day where I am mad at the men of the world. Atlanta, Boulder, ect. So I just wanted to vent out and Harry ended up getting my brunt.
Just one word answer to you question Lola: Grace
Sorry if my question was read the wrong way. Im in no way trying to prove that Harry is terrible or needs to be dragged more. I guess in light of the world today and still mad about Sarah Everad… I’m just feeling extra defensive of women in general. Probably not the place to express it.
Are you sure this is not Camilla cameltoe posing as as Lola/Elle?
She could not find Harry’s apology from 12 years.
I also wonder if that’s more about Condi Nast in general than Mccamond herself, especially the way it ended. Her apology seems a little insincere, but I think the timing of the start (with the attacks on Atlanta just last week), Condi Nast REALLY needed to do the work to show they aren’t -ist in any way, they had to ask her to step down. Teen Vogue has been doing literally the only good work of Condi recently, so the standards are ridiculously high.
Harry is in a different place because he literally only can go up, and he isn’t a brand that’s being held accountable to anyone. I bet if you said, “Yes, let’s make Prince Harry EiC of Teen Vogue, or any CN publication, the pushback would be the same, if not worse.
As I said I’m much younger- no I don’t remember him being dragged out the apology. I mentioned im just mad at the world and men ( I can find something today to complain about all of them) Thank you to everyone who replied in a nice way and helped me understand the situation better.
This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I’m not sure that it’s entirely fair that Alexi McCammond lost her job solely due to the tweets she posted as a teenager. As disgusting as the tweets were, it was a long time ago and there’s nothing in her record as an adult and/or professional to suggest that she still feels that way. I don’t think it’s right to equate her with people like Piers Morgan and Sharon Osborne who have been doubling down on their racism for years. I also side eye Condé Nast for taking such a hard line against Alexi (whose history they were fully aware of when they hired her) but giving a pass to Anna Wintour and other high ranking people who have been there for decades and have done nothing to promote equality and inclusion within their inclusion.
Also, Elaine Welteroth (former Teen Vogue Editor) was one of the loudest voices in the call for Alexi to step down, so I hope that she has also told CBS that she will not work with Sharon Osbourne again.
@OriginalLeigh. That’s absolutely about power and connections. Anna Wintour needs to go as well. What happened at Bon Appetit shows Conde Nast’s corporate culture and how can they clean that up with someone like Anna Wintour still there?
As far as I know Harry’s the only one of his family to ever apologize for anything.
Alexi was not apologetic. She issued a self centered faux apology and then right after liked a bunch of tweets that belied her faux apology.
The Nazi outfit was a huge outcry at the time, it made the international papers and the Simon Wiesenthal Center condemned it. He was not given a free pass and raked over the coals when it happened and his initial weak apology was not accepted. Some even suggested his acceptance to Sandhurst Military Academy be rescinded. Also, if you read some of the news articles from the time period, the royal family response is still very typical of what they are doing now and there was a lot of criticism of their response to the incident and how out of touch they are. A lot of focus in this was on Charles and how little control he had of his sons, little mention of the fact that William was right there, casual dismissal of the bigotry of the aristocratic set they hung out with. The royal communications was dismal as well, with not wanting to address it directly. Make some lukewarm apology, avoid the issue, and pretend it didn’t happen. I think Harry has moved along a lot since then, both by choice and by circumstances. He certainly knows what racism and gaslighting looks like now, by how his wife and child are being treated. Even now, they drag Meghan and those same bigoted people try to leave him out of it, then get outraged that he defends his wife and tries to confront his own racism and assumptions. It’s interesting how before his marriage to Meghan , everyone was seemed to forget and forgive this Nazi costume incident, but now that he actually has to deal with racism directly in his own world and family, all of a sudden these same haters acts like he’s out parading with the Proud Boys.
I wonder why you need to bring up the Nazi uniform after all this time. Some of the responses here today have been very weird. I wonder …
Yes, it’s trollish, isn’t it? Names that I have never seen voicing suspect opinions . Lol, silly trolls.
User can’t even hold on to one user name, let alone one narrative…
This is both trollish and concern-trolling. Seems to be a pattern to derail threads by bringing in unrelated topics.
Good G*D, please let there be no scandals at this company!
It’s Silicon Valley,of course there will be something. The whole culture is a sausage factory and not exactly a bastion of diversity. Let’s hope they get ahead of it and address any issues that may come up. Look at the stuff with Google, Facebook and Uber.
I think a life coaching app/company is a totally different beast than any social media app/site or a ride share app?!? Seriously I do not follow your train of thought at all?!? Silicone valley I promise you the new employers and employees of H & M will not be “sources close to”.. also diversity?? Have you been to that area??? Praying these two accomplish their goals, the world will be a better place for it.
Having a male who is ex military involved in this kind project is so important. I hope it helps a lot of people, but especially those hard-to-reach men that are afraid of the stigma that comes with having mental health struggles. What a great way for Harry to use his platform.
Excellent point!
Looks like Harry has something in common with the likes of Dakota Johnson and Jennifer Aniston among other high profile actresses turned creative directors and/or assuming other similar roles at companies. It’s all the rage now (there was a recent Fashionista article about it). Interesting.
Harry is not a figure head type, he will put in the work.
On Harry’s resume, he left off HeadFit, so I guess Cain and Unable are holding on to it, Cain tried to hold on to Invictus Games saying it was formed under the royal foundation, but was rebuffed.
@Yoyo, did William try to hold on to the Invictus Games, truly? Wow I didn’t know that. How awful, ugh my opinion of William keeps getting lower
🙄 lily rose, you seem to lack reading comprehension. Graduate of the Middleton school of attempted spin, I guess.
If it already isn’t apparent, the contrast in work ethic and passion between the Sussexes and the Cambs is so apparent. It’s hysterical, a prince got a job. My initial reaction was that the Sussexes are taking on too much, I’d be less surprised if Harry was taking on a board or advisory role. But I assume they know what they are doing. It’s probably not a typical 9 to 5
That’s why they are getting the Foundation more staff, to do the day to day running of it.
They both need to earn a living, so needs must.
Harry has exited the beaten path and is on unchartered grounds. Harry welcome to America! Welcome to a world where your life isn’t planned out for you from the moment of birth to the moment of your last breath. 100% certain this path will be more enjoyable! Lets call this what it really is. Harry decided not to take the crumbs fallen from Williams table of plenty. Good for him and I wish him success.
Some of the saltiness online is laughable. Never seen so many hyper conservative people upset about a white man getting a job. Anyway, seems like something in his wheelhouse and a lot is happening in the Archewell sphere as well.
Sometimes I side eye the whole life coaching industry as it can seem a bit scammy but this sounds legit and I think it’s a good fit! And f the British media for making fun of people who work in fast few or any other job. There is nothing wrong with working at Wal Mart or McDonalds or anything like that. That’s just classist hate toward people who earn a living.
I used to side-eye the industry, too, until a dear friend got a life coach to help her deal with the loss of her job, her mother, and a long-term relationship, all in the space of a couple of months. My friend was sinking fast, crying constantly and floundering. I was astonished by how her coach was able to help her pull herself out of her tailspin and forge a new path forward. I’ve never felt like I needed one, but if I ever change my mind, I’ll be calling that coach myself.
What about the mental health of the people who were well qualified for this job but maybe didnt get it because they arent famous. A lot of people need jobs. Again I say when is enough, enough.
It’s a private company, they can hire who ever they want.
Harry needs a job, so because he is famous, they should not hire him.
Why not go complain to the company, this is a gossip website.
Maybe apply somewhere else or for another position? Do you worry this much if you get a job and others have to apply elsewhere?
Why do you say he’s not qualified? His job is to help publicize the app and the topic of mental fitness and how the app can help. Isn’t that what patrons do only they aren’t compensated? Harry has been doing something similar for years with his other organizations. This sounds like it’s right in his wheelhouse.
So…a company should hire everyone that applies because it may be upsetting to their mental health? I’ve applied and interviewed for jobs I was well qualified for. They chose someone else. I had a glass of wine and applied somewhere else the next day.
Sorry to break it to you but this is how the world works. Famous people get amazing opportunities due to being famous and this role actual is helped by Harry being famous. He’s actually qualified, see the breaking news worldwide and the kind of PR money can’t buy. There’s not some other high profile person out there who missed out on this exec role and is going to starve because of Harry taking this job. It was clearly created for him.
Weird you are not complaining about the royals who are the living embodiment of getting opportunities they don’t deserve. Harry actually has to produce results for this job unlike the royals who have no accountability.
Lol. Yeah, Harry getting this job means some poor working stiff will not be able to pay their mortgage next month.
Do you even hear yourself?
Linda, interesting perspective. I guess you missed the fact that what H&M are doing through Archewell is CREATING jobs for lots of people. Their Netflix deal alone will do that. You obviously think that anyone can do the job that Harry has been chosen to do. Okay, now I see your perspective. You obviously know nothing of the previous work he has done. Perhaps you should do a little research and see what that is. When combined with his military service, he is more than capable of being the Chief Impact Officer and I expect him to develop some really worthwhile things. I can’t decide whether you are not knowledgeable, or just here to say disparaging things against Harry. Either way, you need to be better informed.
As with many, if not for this announcement I would probably never heard of this company. I admit I looked it up, how many others have done exactly that because of the Prince Harry announcement? I personally was impressed with the site and will visit again, more in-depth in the future.
Pretty sure the Addition of Harry already was worth any salary he negotiated.
Just a side note but since the interview, the “angry and upset” words seem to be in every article coming from “sources” quoting Prince William.
I don’t see H&M anger..I see a husband/father who does what every husband should, put his wife and children’s mental and physical well being first. (Of course a wife/mother should do the same and she did).
I for one applaud their successes, I look forward to many more..
@LindaS, Damn! I love how salty some people get at the success of the Sussexes. He started Invictus and Sentebale from the ground up and has ten years of practical military experience. Guy is more than qualified and his name/brand recognition is the clincher. It’s hilarious to see that his continued success distresses you so.
I guess you prefer people to live off of tax payer money and hardly work.
How many life coaches do they have onboard that specialize in Post Royal Life Traumatic Stress Disorder? Or maybe Harry just asked for someone who was good at Raging Relative Recovery? Harry continues to live his best life, providing for Little Archie and Little Ariel.
They better not name that child Ariel or Harriet/ Henrietta ( also name of Charles I daughter/ Louis XIV SIL). Those two are so corny, lol. Can’t believe how much press this job announcement is getting. You’d think he’d been appointed to the Biden administration or the UN or something.
Ariel 😂😅, you’re too much Harper.
That name was not on the list of names, Spencer and Francis are often mentioned.
Name her Frances and call her Frankie. Archie and Frankie!!
This may have already been addressed on this site and maybe I took her latest post the wrong way, but I found Lainey Lui’s take on Prince Harry’s new role to be a bit dismissive and condescending.
Harry has already had a “so-called” real job when he was in the military for ten years. And that’s just part of his professional career, IMO.
Say if the the Crown’s ever thinking of doing a season post Sussexit , I would pay a truck load of money watching Harry and Meghan marching into Buckingham Palace with shopping bags filled to the brim with wads of cash, jewels, and tiaras and get all up in enraged Baldy and Weakest link Chuckie’s faces Pretty Woman style like “Big mistake. Huge!”
Pretty sure Harry’s brother is incandescent with rage somewhere in the U.K. Clearly, Harry made this public only to downplay his brother’s cute outing with Duchess Catty… DM readers went wild with over 9k comments to Harry’s story vs. way fewer on the Cambridge’s. 🤣
Congratulations Harry! I like this for him. Be happy and glorious Meghan’s husband.
For my selfish reasons I was hoping they would launch a social media platform like facebook, so I can finally sign up for a social media account. I also wanted him to have a talk show like Phil Donahue did 20 years ago. Phil Donahue talk show covered serious and frivolous issues. Donahue was great at it, I felt Prince Harry would be great in that arena too.