Jon Gosselin vaguely threatens crazy, tacky, sexin’ nanny with lawsuit

At this point, I have zero desire to do any kind of background on the sleazy saga, the epic stupidity of the neverending Gosselin drama. If you like reading about them, then you’ve been following their shenanigans. If not, this will all be a pleasant, bewildering surprise to you.

Yesterday, CB reported on In Touch Weekly cover story this week – a piece called “Nanny Admits Affair With John”. The nanny is Stephanie Santoro, and she claimed Jon “seduced” her shortly after he returned from his Paris trip with Hailey Glassman. The basic gist of her tell-all was that they slept together nine times, it wasn’t very good, his seduction technique sucked, and after showing some interest in her for a few days, he then got douchey and paranoid, and treated her like crap. Shocking!

Well, it took Jon less than a day to respond to In Touch’s story, and his lawyer sent his statement (it’s in legalese) to Us Weekly. It’s not really a denial. I think in publicity terms, this is called the “non-denial denial” – that’s where you deny some specific part of a report without actually calling a report total bullsh-t. In this case, Jon calls Santoro’s story “shocking” (my addition: “…and true!”) and then the rest of it is just a threat that Jon is going to sue the hell out of Santoro:

Jon Gosselin’s lawyer is slamming a tabloid story that claims his former nanny Stephanie Santoro slept with Jon nine times at his Pennsylvania home while the kids were sleeping.
“The content of the story is shocking, especially in light of the fact that a non-disclosure agreement purportedly prepared by the production company had been signed by the nanny before she started working with the Gosselin family,” Gosselin’s attorney, Mark J. Heller, tells of Santoro’s claims to In Touch.

Santoro says Gosselin asked her for a massage while she was working as a nanny at his home, and the two ended up in a hot tub. According to Santoro, Gosselin told her: “Whatever you do, don’t fall in love with me … because it’s going to be impossible for me not to fall in love with you.”

Us Weekly reported earlier that Gosselin met Santoro when she was a “shooters girl” selling $2 shots at local Pennsylvania hangout Legends Lounge. The two had a sexy sleepover in August.

Santoro isn’t the only woman Gosselin has been linked to since announcing his split from Kate in June.

He recently called Hailey Glassman — the daughter of the plastic surgeon who performed Kate’s free tummy tuck — his “soul mate.” He has also been linked to third grade teacher Deanna Hummel and former tabloid reporter Kate Major.

[From Us Weekly]

I doubt the vague lawsuit threat will ever go anywhere. I mean, I have no problem believing Jon is a big enough a–hole to sue a woman he slept with, who then sold her story. But! I think in the grand scheme of the Gosselin drama, this story isn’t that huge. That being said, the hits keep coming. Stephanie Santoro’s mom Marci gave another interview to Radar, and she’s revealing even more about her daughter’s tryst with Jon (sidenote: if my mom ever gave an interview about my sex life, I would absolutely kill her). Mama Santoro says that Jon told Stephanie she didn’t have to worry about getting pregnant because he had gotten a vasectomy. Mama Santoro says: “I said, ‘Stephanie you don’t need to get pregnant’ and she told me ‘Mom you don’t have to worry about that, he told me he after the sextuplets were born he’d had a vasectomy so I didn’t need to worry about that.’”

Mama Santoro also reveals that after Jon dumped Stephanie, Mama went to Kate Gosselin for a “mom to mom” chat. Gross. Barf. Mama: “She said to me, ‘I’m pretty sure you’re daughter’s a nice girl,’” Santoro recalls of speaking to Kate. “I’m sure she’s not the monster people are making her out to be, but welcome to my world. Anyone who gets involved with Jon Gosselin, this is what happens.’ That’s exactly what she said to me.” Okay, now… I don’t mean to be harsh, but the Santoro women are crazy, yes? Granted, they may be telling the truth, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t batsh-t insane.


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45 Responses to “Jon Gosselin vaguely threatens crazy, tacky, sexin’ nanny with lawsuit”

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  1. meow says:

    He is gross and will not go away. I feel bad for the kids. I saw yesterday that he is giving their dogs away.

  2. Firestarter says:

    I want to punch his face so badly!

  3. BiggieShortie says:

    TOO cheezy for words. I can only shake my head that this loser is still getting face time at all. WHEN are him and Possum Head gonna fall in to an empty well and never assault my eyes and brain again?

  4. crab says:

    Yuk he’s so gross who the hell would want to sleep with him??

  5. Madelyn Miles says:

    I don’t blame Jon for trying to find happiness with someone. Kate has always treated him disrespectfully on the show. She is the controlling, annoying one who wants lots of publicity for herself and doesn’t care how she gets it.

  6. eric p says:

    This is what so-called reality TV brings us: Sleeze, sleeze, and more sleeze. Why does anyone care anymore? The sooner their show is cancelled, the sooner the rest of us can go on with our lives. I prefer my TV fake and scripted. I don’t need ‘surprises’ and ‘revelations’ like this.

  7. eric p says:


    I just don’t understand women like you. The man slept with his nanny, while he was still married. He’s a cheater. No matter how badly he was treated by his now ex-wife, that doesn’t excuse his behavior. And if he is looking for ‘love’, why are all his ‘girlfriends’ a decade or more younger than him? Why not find a nice woman his age? Because that is not what he wants. He wants to party and be young again, the way he was before he got married and before he had all those kids. It is the most public mid-life crisis I have ever seen. I just don’t understand how any woman can see the way he treats the women in his life and think he is still a decent human being.

    EDIT: I stand corrected. He cheated on his younger girlfriend with the nanny, not on the wife. I am not sure that makes it better, but in fairness, I was wrong about that.

  8. LakeErie says:

    Their both big time publicity hounds. But their no different people then millions of other couples who marriage end in shambles only the tabloids won’t let them die. Their kids like millions of others will survive no doubt with absent mother and fathers so bunk about poor kids, cause the difference about these brats and the other millions of poor kids is the Gosselins have made lots of money and will continue because of people who support them but watching this brow beaker wife and family unlike many other struggleing divorced parents who barely can provide for the kids.

  9. DoMaJoReMc says:

    @ Meow: I saw yesterday that he is giving their dogs away.

    Are you SERIOUS? Anything for the kids, right? Well, not only did they lose their A-hole father to the sleaze-fest-dating-scene and their mother to fame-whore-pageantry, but now they are losing their beloved family pets (which, by the way, they will probably miss the most). Now I am REALLY upset.

    These poor kids. Maybe they will eventually go on to divorce both of their A-hole parents and live a happy life and maybe even get to meet, and have a relationship with, KHate’s family.

  10. LakeErie says:

    Madelyn yes it does make a difference. His wife slowly but surely chased him into the arms of another women. Always remember use don’t abuise. I always said if you don’t treat your mate right there will always be someone who will.

  11. Nicole says:

    LakeErie – PLEASE learn how to spell! And PLEASE use the correct form of they’re/their/there! It makes the point you’re trying to make a lot clearer.

  12. Jennifer L says:

    The Gosselins need to grow up and get their act together. Their kids are going to be mortified when they grow up and start reading all the crap he and his not any better than him wife/ex-wife are doing. They’re both immature and publicity whores. I just want to kick Jon in his pudgy orange face and kick that ugly hair do off of Kate’s head.

  13. DoMaJoReMc says:

    @ Nicole
    While I am anal about grammar and spelling, I do believe LakeErie used the correct form of ‘there’.

    THEIR is a possesive, THEY’RE is ‘they are’, and THERE is the correct form (at least in the sentence in question).

    So, I’m going to jump down from my soap box and move on with my day! Have a good one! 😉

  14. DoMaJoReMc says:

    @ Nicole (again)

    Sorry! I didn’t see LakeErie’s earlier post. OK, LakeErie, you are on your own!

  15. vickster says:

    eeeeeeeewwwwwwww…….who would sleep with that?

  16. Melvin says:

    The Nanny is p’od cause he slept with the teacher …. Come on … what he does in his personal life is his buisness — she just wants to get her name in it all and make him look WORSE , Kate has NO ROOM TO TALK — she wants to ” look like the loving mother ” , and make Jon look like dirt , He loves his kids too , AND she should Thank the doctor who took off the extra skin — no wonder they didn’t have a love life — she was a flabber with a cute face !
    She yelled & yelled at him — who would take that in a relationship when that’s all there is ?????

  17. Danielle says:

    I used to be addicted to this show…before all this drama started. As soon as it did, I watched the first episode of the most recent season and immediately decided I would not watch it again…and I haven’t. Jon is guilty for acting like an idiot, but Kate is just as guilty because they both are continuing the show. These stupid people are ruining the lives of their children. They are constantly in the tabloids and their children are right in the midst of all the drama. Those babies made them rich. And now, when they grow up, they will have to see all the mess both of their parents created. The minute they decided to divorce, they should have ended the show for the kids’s sake, but they didn’t. They continue the show because they are greedy and their new lifestyles couldn’t continue without the money they are bringing in from the show. Its dispicable. They need to end the show and allow their poor children to live a normal life.

  18. Sarah says:

    Hello people……….it all is what it is….Jon’s behavior speaks for him..

  19. Susan says:

    The tabloids are not going to leave this family alone even if they do quit doing the show. They’ll lose a great deal of income, be unable to afford security guards & be at the mercy of the media. Quitting the show now would be the worst thing they could do. I hope Kate finds a good man & I hope that Jon grows up very soon and starts acting like a man instead of a horny teenager.

  20. Dan Iovacchini says:

    I gotta tell you these people,when they started out looked in love and comitted to each other.My opinion is they had a fair shot@ a successful marriage before TV cameras were allowed to infiltrate their life. If it failed doubtless it would’ve been a lot less “Soap Opera” then it is now. Their mistake(& very human..we’d all have made) was looking at how the “Money” would help them raise their kids.It’s sad but every viewer has responsiblity for the demise of their marriage to some extant. It certainly was more glamourous and tempting with all the headlines and sad for those kids is the the harshness their lives will undoubtedly be filled with in the years to come…Yay maybe court TV’s viewership will increase with the Jon&Kate+8 fans jumping onboard and then we can see celebrity Re-Hab in yrs. to come with each Parent and most likely their extracarricular partners,then the kids’ll be old enough to go all Danny Bonaducie(?) all over the place. God help us all life is great with RealiTV for the next 10-15 yrs. HOMERUN! I hope they as parents get smart enough to actually put the kids best interest 1st. before it’s too late for 8….

  21. gg says:

    They’re not divorced yet, right? That means he’s cheating on Kate with multiple women and lying to all of them. He’s just a really busy philanderer with a gross excess of skeeve factored in. nasty. I hope he’s not having unprotected sex with all his whores.

  22. The Domestic Goddess says:

    Kate is as responsible for what is going on as Jon is. She may not be having an affair, at least with a human … her’s is with MONEY! As for her claims that she works so hard to ensure her children are looked after, bollocks. If they haven’t made enough by now, then maybe she needs to sell that house, get real, and start living like the real people! I saw her on the View – someone needs to tell her to stop shaking her foot, and distracting people when they’re trying to watch and listen to a true star! Taylor Swift. And please oh please God, no talk show for Kate!!

  23. ! says:

    Ugh, I hate cheating apologists. There is no excuse for not being an adult and speaking up when your relationship starts to go south. In fact, if you don’t talk about every single problem as it arises, you’re pretty much doomed. Being too scared or selfish to do so does not give you a free pants on playing hide the salami with every fugly coed in town.

  24. tori says:

    I for one continue to believe this nanny is a liar and in it for the money like everyone else is. For someone with 8 kids whose filmed 24/7 it’s amazing the women coming out of the woodwork looking to cash in and say they slept with Jon(when could he possibly find the time?) He admits to one woman after he and Kate split and he’s still with her and I believe him. I don’t agree with having a relationship with someone when your not divorced but it’s ridiculous to believe that this guy has had all this time to carry on all these sexual liasions. I wouldn’t be surprised that Kates hand isn’t in this somewhere trying to smear his name and I don’t believe for one second she’s miss innocent with her bodyguard. She’s the one that didn’t want to go for counseling to save the marriage and has put money and fame before all else. Anyone feeling sorry for her is blind,deaf and you know the rest.

  25. yae says:

    Because we can’t stand him……is why he will be shoved in our faces for years.

    Hollywood loves to force on everyone the grossness of their own lowly fantasies.

    This explains why reason why Howard Stern is still around.

  26. butterfly says:

    OMgosh. “!’s” comment (Sept 17, 11:18 am) is SOOOOOO dead on!! Jon and Kate are both responsible for the demise of the marriage in some way. However the issue of Jon’s passivity (not dealing with issues as they arise…explaining how he feels…setting healthy boundaries)…that is NOT Kate’s fault. Yes…Kate may have been overbearing…but Jon was too passive and “blaming”. If Jon would have set fair personal boundaries for himself with Kate’s “overbearingness”(instead of blaming, blaming, blaming…acting like a passive martyr…taking no responsibility for himself or working to keeping the marriage union) the divorce may not have happened. There is NO excuse for Jon’s hiding in “passivity”. If you love someone…you speak your heart..PERIOD. If the other wants to work it out with you…great. If they leave you…well then…they leave you. No matter how difficult Kate may have been…if Jon truly loved her…he would have set healthy boundaries and worked hard to “make the marriage work”. He did not…and he cannot blame Kate for that.

  27. Jamie says:

    Just because her PR people are smart enough to keep her out of the news that does NOT mean she has gotten any better and is still not the disgusting person she has always been. Why do people have such short memories? That woman is a wretched shrew. Her stories are just as bad. He is giving the dog away? Yes, because did you see how SHE treats them? HE loves them and obviously the animal rights people were not going to be quiet on her abuse of them. They had to get rid of them! It is her fault! Did you see any episodes other than when she pretended to fawn over a puppy for 2 seconds? She hates dogs! He needs to stay out of the “news”, but she is an awful excuse for a mother! Don’t forget!

  28. annie says:

    Waaa, Waaaa, Waaaaa if i hear one more time that Kate was a big old meanie to Jon during the marrige i will scream. In the words of one of those tv judges let him put on his big boy pants and start acting like the adult he is. In other words get over it. she treated him like the child he behaved like. And if you ever actually watched the show he gave as good as he got. he was just as mean to her at times.What ever problem they had during the marrige dont explain why he has become a sex crazed teenager now. pouncing on anything that has a pulse , i wouldnt be suprsed if the nannys mother said he pounced on her a few times too. that man has the morals of a slug.( i make my apologies to all slugs for that comment, i just coundlt think of anything slimmier that crawled that low to the ground) but what truely baffles me is are these woman blind ? hes a freakin garden gnome for gods sake. i have to wonder if they make him wear a bag over his head when they actually sleep with him

  29. Michelle says:

    Does anyone ever think that alot of that money they are making from the show goes into a trust fund for those kids? I believe it does. If I’n not mistaken Kate does make money on her own to support her family. Writing books does make money!!! What does Jon do???? Absolutely nothing. Now he is the one that is spending all the money. I realize that Kate was a B…otch on the show, but look at what Jon did. Oh thats right he didn’t do anything. He wanted Kate to do everything. I’m totally on Kate’s side here, he’s really making him self look bad.

  30. Alyssa says:

    ew he is so ugly. He is a father and is still going out to partys with young girls. What a tool

  31. Rachel says:

    Well he needs the money.

  32. CD says:

    He is giving away the dogs??? NOT OK!!!

  33. Alan says:

    I Dont Like jon.Idont like kate.she yelled at me.i would be with the nanny nicole.what is your pont?you are a better at speiling then most of your a hater.why are you here?lakeerie (there’.)was corrent,grammer is good.if not i still know what you were saying.this is a test.nicole hit on my speiling &grammar then go hate in other place please.

  34. Nanamurphy says:

    I totally agree with “annie” description of Jon. He is the most useless, egotistical & immature man I’ve ever heard of. He is acting like a sex crazed teenage boy with absolutely no morals. I hope Kate gets her own Talk Show and any monies she makes she will Not have to share with Jon. Give them a couple of years and Jon will fade away, will have spent all the money from his share of the Jon & Kate show and Kate will be a big star. How is Jon ever going to support himself and pay child support -he is a useless wimp.

  35. Maryann says:

    I loved the description “freakin garden gnome” for Dapper Dan, Jon. lolol

  36. Goddess711 says:

    Yes, Stephanie. Don’t go trashing Jon’s reputation – he can do it all by himself. Could you help him with his zipper, though, he seems to be a little drunk and suicidal.
    Betcha he does it; he’s a self-absorbed goof.

  37. dkneff says:

    People say Jon and Kate should have just canceled the show after the divorce, but I can’t help but think that it still would have been a very public media frenzy.

    I also don’t completely understand why people call Kate a publicity whore. She is conducting interviews, but I see her mostly promoting for the show-which I hate to say is her JOB. I have yet to see her just voluntarily talk about the Jon drama, but yet assure the public of the status of her kids, and promote her show/books. You can’t blame the woman for trying to make a buck. And even if she is a publicity whore, we made her that way. If everyone was so sick of seeing her then they would just simply stop. I can’t believe that anyone who took the time to write about it on this board can honestly say they are sick of it as evident by their actions.

    My last question is this: what kind of women are still dating Jon? Whoever they are, please stop. You are making us all look bad. Everyone wants their fifteen minutes I guess, but aren’t there any other ways?

  38. MeToo says:

    I really hope J&K read these comments. They need to see how ridiculous they have become, whether the comments speak for or against either or both of them.
    There is no denying, though, Jon Gosselin is ugly as sin and from what we’ve seen he attracts sleazy trashy girl/women. Next thing you know, he’ll be hooking up with Brooke or Linda Hogan.

  39. Aim says:

    Can anyone explain to me why his jackass couldn’t wait for his divorce to be finalized before jumping into a media circus?! He bitches about Kate being self-absorbed(all true), but I believe his partner hopping isn’t exactly wonderful for his kids’ well-being. He’s passive aggressive, immature and just plain stupid.

  40. jane says:

    Enough with these two idiots. Who cares!!!!!!! Both are very selfish. I think we have more important things going on in this world, than these very selfish people. Stop tuning into the show and maybe they will go away. Like I said, WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!

  41. Linda k says:

    Madeline; Jon didn’t cheat, Kate had thrown him to the curb over a year before tabloids started accusing him of cheating. He was not living in the house because Kate had already asked for a divorce. Was he suppose to remain celibate because Kate was the mother of his kids? Get real. Even Kate was getting some strange on the side. I think the only reason Jon is getting the negative remarks is because he is a man and not pretending to be something he’s not. OH, i just read an article on the Yale grad murder and the police said he was a control freak. Made me think of Kate!

  42. sheree says:

    if everybody would just let them do what need to be done, by everybody talking about them they might be able to work thing out, all the talking hurt the there life.

  43. diane Collis says:

    I don’t care about either one of them. Fake people but god help those poor kids. I am an english teacher. Lake Erie you used the word there correctly. Give away the dogs?? Why don’t they call the ASPCA for cruelty to the kids?? Jerks

  44. Jennifer L says:

    Seriosuly how could any of you “choose a side?” This is a family, a broken, dysfunctional family. BOTH of them are at fault for various reasons. She’s a belittling shrew with an overbearing b*tchy personality. He’s a lazy, lackluster, unambitious dunce. They made money off the fact that they’re litter of children survived. They both need to fade out of the spotlight and focus on those 8 children.

    He needs to stop putting his penis in dark unknown crevices and start acting like a grown up. She needs to stop blaming him and look at herself and fix her own issues.

    I hope that the media stops dragging out his random f-buddies and telling their “stories.” There are no stories unless they’re going to talk about their walk of shame. They also just need to forget that this couple, who are both a**holes, exist.

  45. robbin says:

    Anyone seen the clip where Jon is putt
    ing the twins in his car from shopping at
    staples. A reporter asks his advise for pregnant Kortney Kardassian. He says
    Only have one kid. I think the girls could hear him. Good dad.