On Sunday, the Earl and Countess of Wessex attended a church service in remembrance of Prince Philip, and they ended up speaking on camera about the Duke. Prince Andrew was also there and he didn’t miss the opportunity to also speak on camera. It was a naked attempt to exploit his father’s death to publicly rehabilitate himself. Andrew stepped down from royal duties in late 2019, and he’s spent the past year and a half trying to launch some kind of comeback. The Prince of Wales has managed to block him every time, even though it’s clear that the Queen wants Andrew back in the royal fold. With the Duke of Edinburgh’s passing, it’s also very clear that Andrew believes he’s on the comeback trail and this time it will stick. Dan Wootton at the Daily Mail had a piece about it:
Wootton hears that Andrew is confident he’ll make a big return: I’ve learned that Andrew spoke out as he becomes increasingly confident he will be able to return to some royal duties in the future, believing the public will soften their stance towards him. His supporters hope Brits will feel sympathy as they see Andrew reunited with his family members to grieve at the Duke of Edinburgh’s televised funeral on Saturday.
He’s got a role in funeral preparations: Andrew has insisted on taking a full role during the funeral preparations and intends to use his status as the Queen’s favourite son to support her on a daily basis behind-the-scenes at Windsor Castle as she deals with her grief. However, some senior royal courtiers disagree that there is a way back for the Duke of York. While they acknowledge Andrew has a right to attend his father’s service, they do not think it should provide a springboard back to other high profile ‘Buckingham Palace balcony’ events. Prince Charles is believed to agree with them.
A source close to Prince Andrew revealed: ‘Despite the fact he’s, to all intents and purposes, finished as a working royal, he’s still extremely close to the Queen. He talks to her almost on a daily basis. He will be extremely supportive to her in the coming days, weeks and months. He’s still her favourite son, despite all the problems. He will be right there for her at this darkest hour.’
Ghislaine Maxwell will not call him as a witness: My source added: ‘He still harbours thoughts that he can make a comeback. He genuinely thinks that’s possible. It’s promising that Ghislane doesn’t appear to plan to call him as a witness. He still does believe in his heart of hearts that he can return and that time will be a healer. He thinks he will be able to resume royal duties at some point and save his reputation. He hopes the public, if he’s supporting his mother in this difficult time, might give him the benefit of the doubt. He hopes there is a way back.’
Charles isn’t having it: ‘Prince Andrew might hope that this sad situation changes things, but Prince Charles is adamant there is no way back while allegations hang over him. He spoke on camera in a private capacity because this is a family event. No one can stop him doing that.’
Wootton also said that it’s unlikely Fergie will attend Philip’s funeral, which makes sense because Philip absolutely loathed that woman. As for Wootton’s exclusive… it’s clear that there’s still a significant battle between Charles and Andrew. Andrew keeps reminding everyone – especially Chuck – that he’s mummy’s favorite and mummy wants him back. Charles keeps pushing back. I think Chuck will win here, but I do think Andrew will be seen more with the Queen in a “private capacity,” like… taking her to church, that kind of thing. Stuff which Chuck can’t control.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Getty.
It’s what they deserve.
Well, he can enjoy it while it lasts. The moment his mother dies, his brother is sending him right back into oblivion where he belongs.
Coming soon…Andy in Exile. the only thing keeping him in the mix is that he is his Mother’s favorite.
Yup. He has about 5-6 years tops optimistically.
As an English woman living in England, I cannot see we would ever want Prince Andrew in the public arena again. He wasn’t liked before his friendship with Epstein and his car crash interview but now he’s despised and personally I think he’s loathsome creep. I wish he would go to the US and face the music like ordinary people do. A crime is a crime whatever your station in life.
Sure Andy. Not while Chuck is alive and in power, best try Baldingham if he can outlive his brother.
Yeah, sorry Andrew, you’re done.
I hope he does return to royal duties. *rubs hands*
@Cecilia What I hope for PaedoAndy is unprintable.
@CECILIA Oh yes bring him back. He represents the family and everything it stands for. Since Harry didn’t,he had to leave, right? 😏😈
Look, if the Queen wants Andrew around behind the scenes to keep her company, then let him. I won’t begrudge the woman some companionship.
The rest I don’t care about. If they let Andrew return to public duties, then let the monarchy suffer the consequences. Now that Harry and Meghan are out, I couldn’t care less what they do amongst themselves.
You would think Andrew would be trying to play the long game here and not rile Charles up any further. Unless he’s trying to butter Mummy up to specifically grant him something Charles can’t take away. He’s gotta know this all ends when Petty Betty passes and his bro ascends.
I think you’re on to something. There’s a difference between the titles/funds/properties that automatically pass to the next in line, and Elizabeth’s private fortune. She could decide to leave the bulk of her personal wealth to Andrew, since Charles obviously plans to cut him off from sovereign funds.
Definitely angling for the inheritance. With the way he goes through money, Andrew’s going to need it
I could believe he’d be his mother’s temporary companion in a certain capacity, but how disgusting that he would think sympathy for his father’s passing would erase his rape and sex trafficking of a minor or minors. What a pig. Zero remorse for his actions and the pain he caused.
Especially since we *know* poor Virginia was one of countless many.
As a side note: In context of the fact that Phillip loathed Fergie makes it interesting that she thought it appropriate to give her two cents in the last week
I can absolutely see Andrew becoming Mother’s Helper until she dies, but that doesn’t mean a return to his old life. That’s not happening.
I agree with his assessment. He’ll probably return to public life.
He’s scum and the RF is scum, but they don’t seem to have a bottom, so, yeah.
It says a lot about the Queen. Not for one minute do I believe she doesn’t understand what Andrew did. She has access to govt information. It is not a matter of a mother thinking her son is innocent.
The girls he raped were commoners. Were any even English? So, yeah, she doesn’t care.
So what I get from the dynamics at the BRF
Chuck – the heir
Anne – PP’s favorite
Pedo Andy – TQ’s favorite
Baldward – Just there…?
Mind boggling to be honest.
Anne had special place as the only girl, but Edward was Prince Philip’s fav child.
I know that chuck and PP had no relationship and major conflict
But I didnt know Edward was PP’s fav
I always thought it was Anne
That is what the Crown implied
What a gross family to continually call one child the favorite in public. Andrew is going to push his way up to the front of the family now that Philip is gone so expect a full-blown behind-the-scenes power battle starting Sat. night. Or, it’s probably going on right now.
I think Anne was PP’s fav, but Edward was also very close to his father. Anne was married before Edward turned 10, so I’m sure he had a very close childhood with his father, as much as royals have close relationships with their children.
That’s a good point @Elvie about the age gap. There is a 14 year age gap between Anne and Edward, so while I think Anne was PP’s favorite, I think after she got married and moved out Edward and Philip were probably pretty close and maybe then he became “the favorite.”
I think the age gap was a factor in Andrew’s upbringing as well – not only was he the make-up baby, but there is almost 12 years between him and Charles. The siblings really are divided by a generation with Charles and Anne on one side and Andrew and Edward on the other. So within that second set, Andrew would have taken on the role of “the oldest” esp bc by the time Edward was born Charles would have been mostly out of the day to day life of the royals – boarding school, university, military, etc.
Ah, I see we’re fast approaching the “f*ck around” portion of the timeline… can’t wait til Noncey Drew reaches the “find out.”
THIS….THIS is the funniest thing I’ve read in days. Thank you.
I just collapsed in giggles at “Noncey Drew”
I cannot adequately convey how brilliant and brilliantly snarky this comment is, and I think you have won the internets for the week! 🤣
“As for Wootton’s exclusive”
I think Wootton is making all this up as he has column inches to fill because everyone knows Andrew is finished with being a working Royal.
Wootton has run out of made-up BS leaks on the Meghan & Harry and therefore nothing to write about regarding the Sussexes so he is writing about Andrew.
I want Andrew to return to royal life completely! Because doing so will highlignt the difference between Harry and Andrew in high relief. It will be visible from outer space.
I agree and I wonder at whose behest? Who benefits? Is Charles behind this story? He knows this would upset most people, so is he pushing this story to hide something else?
Andrew is an incredibly dangerous combination of narcissistic and stupid. The Epstein related things get the most press, but he’s done all manner of horrible things. He’s sold government secrets and facilitated illegal arms deals. The dealer was actually at Eugenie’s wedding. Not to mention how he tried to get Harry mixed up with these types when he was dating Cressida. He’s just the literal worst in every possible way.
Dan Wootton’s inside information is tabloid fodder. His inside man is Will’s top man, what does that tell you?! Charles hates Andrew, Andrew is done. There is no comeback. Charles throwing his own sons under the bus has become commonplace for him. And Andrew, in the eyes of Charles is less than commonplace. Wootton is trying to stir the pot. As it was said up above. “Wootton has run out of made-up BS leaks on the Meghan & Harry and therefore nothing to write about regarding the Sussexes so he is writing about Andrew.”
I don’t care if he is at a service for his father, any time he steps in front of a camera the only think a reporter should ask him about is when he will be interviewed by the fbi.
I hope Andy got a bouquet of lilies from Quantico. “Condolences; hope to offer them in person soon.”
Epic comment! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Hello, burn unit?
LMAO A++ top drawer snark Merricat, would laugh again
He raped trafficked girls. THERE IS NO WAY BACK. Filth.
The fact that a rapist, and known jack*ss is Ole’ Queenie’s favorite child speaks volumes about her..cripes..
The queen fell in love with Phillip at 13, according to the stories, so I’m sure the queen thinks her son is not a pedo. Sigh.
I honestly think the Queen doesn’t think Andrew did anything wrong. In her mind, trollops* throw themselves at powerful important men all the time, so who cares if he sampled?
*These women were trafficked, and even if they weren’t, women shouldn’t be defined by their sexual choices, but HM seems like the type to slut shame
I’m just waiting for Maxwell’s trial in July. When she realizes she’s f*cked without a kiss she’ll start spilling. The American media will have no compunction about raking him over the coals, and that means there will be no travel for him as “Airmiles Andy” or he’ll risk being extradited to the US as he does not have sovereign immunity from prosecution. Being mummy’s babysitter for the last few years of her life is all he’s able to do.
Assuming there isn’t a last minute plea deal; I have no doubt there are some serious negotiation attempts going on right now, regardless of what anyone is or isn’t saying. If she flips, he is SCREWED.
I think I said before, but Becky English and Emily Andrews can’t be happy that Wootton is now working for the Daily Mail and invading their territory. Emily has to be pissed, she left the Sun because of he was scooping her.
Eh. Tots and pears. I hope they eat each other alive.
It’s so strange how much they keep talking about him being her favorite. I mean I guess you have to mention once or twice for those who had no idea (I’m brazilian and until I watched the crown I had no idea there even was a prince andrew, I truly thought it was only Charles) but either way it’s just so strange. Can you guys of any other situation when you’re talking about someone and you just go “OH he is his mother’s favorite child”
Yes, but only in dysfunctional families.
Can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m with Charles on this. And since, apparently, he’s already working as a regent behind the scenes, I’m hopefull Andrew will be shut down.
It is interesting that all of Andrew’s siblings resemble Philip and he doesn’t. He seems to resemble his grandfather, George VI more. I wonder if that is also an influence on why he’s mummy’s favorite.
He’s rumored to have a not Prince Philip farther called Porgie. I can’t remember his real name, but he was a Lord and Andrew does look just like him. But a lot of the aristocracy resemble each other because they’re mostly related at this point 😬 (see Prince Phillips companion Penny and how enmeshed she is on all sides)
I think it’s so gross how they keep bringing up Andrew being the favorite. I hope Charles sets him free in the wilderness somewhere where he has no contact with the media or humans.
I think it’s possible that Elizabeth had an affair, and it’s also possible that Andrew is Philip’s son and genetics are not always predictable. If the royals know, no one’s going to say until Elizabeth has died.
I always thought he looked like Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother. Like, shove him in a wig and a dress and he’d be a dead ringer, yeah?
“…that time will be a healer.”
Yes, I hope it is…for the children Andrew raped. The Duke of York can gargle glass with a moonshine chaser before he ever speaks again.
So Anne was phi’s favorite, Andy mummy, Chucky his granny, poor Eddie
Edward is PP’s favorite son. The one you should feel sorry for is Charles as neither parent bothered investing in him.
HAHAHHHAHAAHA, no you f-cking won’t you f-cking idiot. F-ck all the way off.
This man really doesn’t get it. Why doesn’t he just feel incredibly thankful that Harry and his wife have taken the spotlight off him. Now there’s his father’s funeral, which will keep the press busy with historical pieces and look backs for another few weeks at least. He can hide out and lie low, as he has been doing for months on end. It makes me think he’s feeling relieved and ready to reappear, like he’s been given the unofficial green light by a turn in his favour with the Maxwell case.
So the Queen has ordered that they all wear suits. As it always should have been, especially when it’s not a state funeral.