Did Donald Trump wear his pants backwards for his bigly speech in North Carolina?

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Remember when the Senate tried to convict Donald Trump of inciting an insurrection and Senate Republicans were like “but Trump is harmless now, he’s out of office”? Yeah. Trump is not harmless and he learned that he can “get away” with encouraging (“inciting”) his unhinged base to commit acts of violence, terrorism and murder in his name. Gee, I wonder if he’ll try to do it again? Trump was in North Carolina this weekend for the NC GOP Convention. He waddled up to the podium looking massive and paunchy, and his pants were crazy-wrinkled, and because they were so wrinkled, people were like “what is even happening with his pants situation?” When people looked closer, it definitely looked like Trump was wearing his pants backwards. I have no words.

As for Trump’s bigly speech in North Carolina, it was just sad. I read through Politico’s coverage and I’m terribly afraid that they were underselling how unhinged it was. Trump reeled off a greatest hits of lies about how the election was stolen from him (“the evidence is too voluminous to even mention”), that “Indians” were paid to vote, that dead people voted, and that Facebook encouraged liberals to vote (???). He took credit for the Biden administration’s vaccination program, he attacked Dr. Fauci and he demanded China pay us $10 trillion in “reparations.” You literally cannot make any of this up. When his speech ended, “My Heart Will Go On” by Celine Dion played. Let’s call this the Trump Titanic, please.

Update: Snopes fact-checked this and they swear that Trump’s pants are not backwards. I’m not sure I believe them, but I am leaning towards “Trump wore pull-up, elastic waist pants.”

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75 Responses to “Did Donald Trump wear his pants backwards for his bigly speech in North Carolina?”

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  1. Darla says:

    Were they on backwards or is he wearing pull up pants with no zipper? I’m not sure. I guess the easiest explanation is probably the correct one.

    • Arpeggi says:

      They’re likely pull ups (couldn’t blame anyone else, those tend to be more comfortable!) but the leg part still falls weird… Like it would if you wore your pants backwards

      • Darla says:

        I get it, so the answer they’re both. Pull ups that are on backwards. That does make more sense.

      • Robyn says:

        It’s very obvious that he is wearing adult “pull ups” underneath at any rate. He is not a well man by any metric.

      • Golly Gee says:

        It looks like his diaper is full.

      • Arpeggi says:

        My kindest explanation was that he stained himself with some special sauce or something like that right before getting on stage and tried to avoid showing it by putting his pants backwards… But I also simply think he is that cognitively impaired and simply does not remember how to dress and throw tantrums if reminded so his entourage gave up. Would fit with incontinence issues as well

      • Yonati says:

        It looks like they’re elastic waist pants but his butt is in the front.

    • VS says:

      I thought it the weight gain that caused the pants to look so weird…..I dislike him so much that I would rather forget he exists but given the danger he represents for our (US) society, we can’t just ignore his trashy behind

  2. Amy Bee says:

    I think Trump has his pants made like pull ups i.e. elastic in the waist and no zips. It would be really difficult for anyone to put on their pants backwards.

    • The Hench says:

      Yes – very true. However gaga Trump is, actually trying to fasten your trousers up with the button and zip at the BACK would be extremely tricky. You’d notice this trickiness.

      • Golly Gee says:

        Yes, it would be impossible for him. He’s too fat and I doubt he has the flexibility to reach back and zip up pants.

    • KNy says:

      Pull ups make total sense. I have to wear scrubs often and many a morning do I accidentally pull them on backwards (and realize it right way because it is uncomfortably tight at the back and way too baggy on the front).

  3. Southern Fried says:

    He is unbearably grotesque in so many ways. Pooping his pants, not capable of putting his pants on properly, WHERE IS HOPE HICKS?

    • Hell Nah! says:

      Yes, he is unbearably grotesque in ALL ways. Damn – I’ll bet he smells like smoked cheese from head to heel.

    • Korra says:

      She opted not to follow him after exiting the White House. Odd considering the majority of her career has been dependent on working for Trump or the strings he pulls in her favor, but I guess she walked away when it was no longer lucrative to be associated with him.

  4. Persephone says:

    I’m sorry, but insert the GIF “Dis Tew Much” here 😂😂

    • Frobeast says:

      Yes…too much indeed. It’s never good to zoom in on that man’s crotch. Nothing good, no matter how stupid the story makes him look, will come from that.

  5. manda says:

    I hope they didn’t have permission to use “My heart will go on.” This is cheese, maybe, but that has been in me head a lot lately since my dog died in April, because I just love and miss her so much, and the idea that celine dion is a trumper just really makes me sad

    • Robyn says:

      There’s a zero percent chance they had permission to use the song. They’ve been caught doing this over and over and over.

  6. Snazzy says:

    Plus it kind of looks like he’s wearing a diaper

  7. Jan says:

    Hope Hicks was trending, because she is the one that use to steam his pants on him.
    They were saying Jason Miller is falling down on the job.
    Trump maybe trying to use the insanity defense for all the lawsuits filed against him, 31???

  8. J ferber says:

    No, you couldn’t make this up. Even if he wore assless chaps for a speech he’d still be a go for his audience. And the rethuglican fawning, cowardice and opportunism are peaking. How to stop this train wreck that will trash our democracy?

    • Southern Fried says:


    • Golly Gee says:

      Just what I came here to say. He could walk out there with no pants, and it wouldn’t make a bit of difference. Those that support him will continue to support him. He could be diagnosed with dementia and that wouldn’t make a difference either.

  9. Kateeee says:

    There are already articles jumping to disprove, but to me, the fact that it’s completely plausible speaks volumes.

    But if they are on properly… did he pretend to be Santa at the convention? How much lap sitting does it take to get wrinkles that set in that spot? (Ew.)

  10. AmyB says:

    In addition to loathing him for all the damage he did the Office of President, he is simply a grotesque human being UGH!! Stories of him not being able to control his bowels, and having to wear depends….fits him perfectly!! In addition, his mentally deranged obsession of holding on to his lies about the election, and so many other things, would be laughable, if the GOP would simply dismiss this idiot as just that. Not sure if his pants really are on backwards, but I am all for it. Fits his narrative perfectly. He is mentally deranged – no doubt!

    • Coco says:

      There are surely many kind, decent people who, for various reasons, need to wear adult diapers. Trump wearing them could be another indicator that he has a cognitive/degenerative mental problem that makes him increasingly deranged, but in itself is not something that I think people should be mocked for.

      • Lizzie Bathory says:

        You’re right, Coco. There is nothing wrong with someone needing to wear adult diapers. In Trump’s case, he has been incontinent for at least 15 years or so due to decades of stimulant drug abuse. He is constantly intoxicated (they use benzos to moderate the effects of Adderall, cocaine, etc), which is one of many reasons he was unfit to be President.

      • AmyB says:

        @Coco – Yes, I am sorry I should have given the reason for my comment. As @Lizzy Bathory said, the reason for Trump’s need for adult diapers is his excessive use of stimulant drugs (Adderall) over the years. AND yes, another reason he was never fit to be President. But you are correct, decent people should not be mocked for incontinence. Trump is not decent and brought that condition upon himself. Sorry for the confusion in my comment.

    • Eenie Googles says:

      You can hate Donald Trump without resorting to mocking people with incontinence. Not cool.

    • The Recluse says:

      Drug abuse for years and a lousy fast food diet, also for years, will do that to a body. Compare him to Biden. Drumpf can’t even ride a bike and had to ride a golf cart to go several yards at one of those international conferences.

  11. Amy T says:

    He might be mentally deranged, but he’s dangerous and has a slew of what looks from a rational person’s view like mentally deranged followers who will follow him right over a cliff. Which wouldn’t be a problem if they didn’t want to take the rest of us and the country with them.

  12. Erica says:

    I don’t think they are on backwards. I think they are elastic waisted pants. His dementia might be preventing him from being able to button and zip his pants.

  13. B says:

    It could possibly be a combo of elastic-banded/no zipper pants with adult diapers.

    My Dad wore them, as well as a guy I work with, they were/are both overweight so that could exaggerate that backward looking situation. (And no Hope to iron that gross area, lol).

  14. Seraphina says:

    I just can’t – how did someone pick up on this? And because it’s The Don – My brain would never allow my eyes to look below the belt.

  15. Izzy says:

    It certainly looks like he has a full diaper.

  16. Esmom says:

    Daniel Dale, fact checker extraordinaire, confirmed via Snopes that they were not on backwards. And chided people for fixating on that versus the really alarming things about Trump.


    • Seraphina says:

      @Esmom, I have to agree with the Twitter comment on this one.

    • Watson says:

      Yup. This man would willingly throw a Molotov cocktail on American democracy. Are the comments about pants funny? Hell yes! But also don’t ever forget EVERYTHING this demon did during his time in office, and what he’d be willing to do to get power again. He terrifies me.

      • BeanieBean says:

        But you know this will get under his skin–that all people could talk about after his little speech was that they thought he had his pants on backward & that possibly because he was hiding an accident.

  17. Miranda says:

    I’m betting that they’re pull-ups and he accidentally put them on backwards. Someone probably did tell him so, but because he can never, ever admit to mistakes, he tried to claim that he meant to do it. He doesn’t care if something is done the wrong way, as long as it’s done HIS way.. He’ll always blame someone else (or someTHING else, because he thinks that even inanimate objects are plotting against him. Remember when he spent 15 minutes railing against a goddamn ramp that supposedly tripped him up?).

  18. Rare0217 says:

    Even his pants voted against him….

  19. Maxime duCamp says:

    Look, I hate tRump as much as any sane person but according to Snopes, this isn’t true: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-wear-pants-backwards/

  20. Winnie Cooper’s Mom says:

    If a person is too obese to fit into regular, zip-up pants, then they clearly aren’t healthy enough to be President. If his crimes don’t disqualify him this go-round, I would like to see his lack of health keep him out. He’s probably on the verge of a severe heart attack and/or stroke if he keeps up this rapid weight gain.

    • Darla says:

      This is absolutely false.

    • Yonati says:

      What? I guess FDR wasn’t fit to be President either because he was in a wheelchair??? I mean, I despise that man with every fiber of my being, but judging leadership ability based on zipping agility is just ridiculous.

      • Winnie Cooper’s Mom says:

        @yonati – I was not inferring that someone in a wheelchair or with a handicap would be ineffective. To clarify, I meant Trump in particular, whom is obsessed with consuming so much food to the point of being not far from death’s door, should not be entrusted with our country once again. He can hardly hold himself up for long. He’s in no condition to rule a country and I would hope his medical team would start to be truthful with him about how he’s not fit for the job and how the stress could kill him in his current condition.

    • cassandra says:

      There’s a really great podcast called Maintenance Phase, particularly an episode called Anti-Fat Bias, that I think you should listen to.

      But to summarize, size does not equal health.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      I think Trump already had a stoke (or more than one mini-stroke). I’ve been saying it since his mysterious stay in the hospital around November 2019.

    • Billie says:

      This is some fatphobia right here. It is 100% false.

    • Juniper says:

      There are a lot of issues Trump has that deserve ridicule, his size is not one of them. This is a fatphobic comment.

  21. JanetDR says:

    True or not, the fact that we are discussing it says a lot.

  22. Neerr says:

    FUPA. flappy upper peni area.
    Pullons o no.

  23. fani says:

    it was rumoured that due to his use of Adderall, he cannot control his bodily functions. On the Apprentice, apparently there was a guy who carried a bag of supplies. When that guy got the tap on the shoulder, he and Donald would go to a private place where the handler would remove, replace, and then dispose of the soiled diaper. I think he is probably wearing pull on pants made to match the blazer and incontinence briefs. There is absolutely no shame in being incontinent or wearing shields, but there is a shame in mercilessly attacking everyone else’s vulnerabilities while casting yourself as a Super He Man.

  24. Teebee says:

    He’s not making it to 2024…

  25. LightPurple says:

    At this point, I think we all just need to be grateful that the monstrosity is actually wearing pants.

  26. Ann says:

    They were stetchy, no zipper pants on backwards. I read Snopes analysis and I don’t buy it.

  27. Amelie says:

    Well this explains why #Trumppants was trending on Twitter yesterday. I was camping all weekend and had no service until Sunday afternoon so I had no idea he had some kind of rally. Should go off the grid more often, does wonders for my mental health.

  28. mander says:

    I hate the guy, but I thought it was photo shopped when I saw it. Fly area is blurry.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      I know, they intentionally blurred the area to hide what is actually going on.

  29. Jezebeelzebub says:

    I think Snopes got it wrong. I say they’re pull-on pants that are on backwards. I wear scrubs to work every day, and I favor the kind with the stretchy waistband. I have (accidentally) put my pants on backwards before (I was having a hellish morning and was super distracted) and that’s what I looked like in my backwards pants! (I wasnt orange or hideous or anything- I just mean MY backwards pants looked like HIS backwards pants.)

    Also… putting regular, zipper-fly trousers or dress pants on backwards is REALLY hard. You have to prepare for that- you have to get much bigger pants and then pull them on already done up. Unless, of course, you have someone to help you dress. If he had someone to help him dress, though, I feel like they wouldnt allow the backwards thing.

    I hate that fucker so much, I cant believe how invested I’ve gotten in these mysterious pants.

  30. olliesmom says:

    He’s a hot mess whether they were on backwards or not. Does he not own a full length mirror? Apparently not. Does everyone around him hate him? Apparently so. It’s hard to believe that someone who supposedly has so much money wears such ill fitting clothes. But look what they have to work with right?

    And he’s the one that kept saying that Joe Biden wasn’t healthy enough/young enough/whatever to be president. Joe Biden wears the heck out of those trim, well fitting suits and he looks like he could be one of his own Secret Service! And here you have this sloppy schlup. And this sloppy schlup is five years younger than Joe Biden.

    He just needs to shut up and go away. No one outside of his cult cares.

  31. psl says:

    Who knew designer suits come with elastic waistbands?

  32. olliesmom says:

    Doesn’t Hope Hicks work for him any longer? Isn’t that her job to make sure that he looks halfway presentable?

  33. bitchyarchitect says:

    judging by the camel toe/seam riding up his mangina- i think these are on backwards. And they’re pull ups.

  34. why? says:

    Exactly. He and many republicans got away with(and were even allowed to vote on matters concerning the attack and impeachment) inciting the insurrection on January 6, so why not do it again using the AZ, GA, and PA audits as “proof”. Authorities were finally able to track down Mo Brooks and serve him with a lawsuit that Eric S filed against him for inciting the insurrection.

  35. The Recluse says:

    It’s those Depends that he must wear. His pants have always looked odd on him and Noel Casler has pointed out often how Drumpf has no control over his bowels anymore and so must wear adult diapers. I don’t want to imagine how it must be to stand down wind of him when he has one of his accidents.

  36. jferber says:

    It could always be worse. What if the “king” wore no clothes (like in the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale)? That’s surely a sight no one wants to see (not even Melania, probably ever).

  37. PixiePaperdoll says:

    There is ZERO chance this man is tying his own shoes – they’re lace-ups, not loafers – I checked!

    So whoever has that horrible job should also be in charge of the Pants Suituation.

  38. Mina_Esq says:

    Your “i have no words” comment was too perfect lol Yeah, these can only be pull-ups that have been pulled up the wrong way. He absolutely is wearing an adult diaper. If this were any other old man, I’d have no issue. But this is Trump, and I have no issue with people focusing on this and embarrassing him. Maybe he will be too ashamed to show up at a rally again. One can hope.

  39. Saraswatti says:

    Maybe he wore them backwards because he is now so fat he needed the butt space for his oversized middle

  40. KittyB says:

    He’s got a FUPA, an Adult diaper, and ill-fitted pants. His thighs rub together when he walks. It’s a fat, pasty, loudmouth baby who cannot admit his “piss-poor” performance (pun intended)