Prince William ‘broke the news’ to George about his royal path last summer

Royal Portrait

Everyone has noticed that we’ve been seeing a lot more of the Cambridge kids over the past year and a half. That’s on purpose, and there are several different reasons for it. One, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge want more of an emphasis on their “happy family” and photogenic kids because they see themselves as the saviors of the monarchy. Two, the British press has outright demanded their pound of flesh from the Cambridges, which includes more outings and sightings of the children. Three, William and Kate are already trying to prepare George for “his future role.” Who’s going to tell them that the British monarchy probably won’t be around for King George VII? Anyway, another excerpt from Robert Lacey’s new & improved Battle of Brothers – apparently, George’s preparations have begun:

Prince William and Kate Middleton told Prince George about his future role as King of England ‘sometime around his seventh birthday’, a royal author has claimed. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge previously held off on discussing their eldest son’s ‘life of future royal service and duty’ to give him a ‘normal family upbringing’. In a new chapter of his updated book Battle of Brothers, released today, royal author Robert Lacey told how William and Kate, both 39, wanted to broach the subject at a ‘controlled moment of their choice’.

‘William has not revealed to the world how and when he broke the big news to his son. Maybe one day George will tell us the story himself. But sometime around the boy’s seventh birthday in the summer of 2020 it is thought that his parents went into more detail about what the little prince’s life of future royal “service and duty” would particularly involve,’ he wrote. ‘William’s aim as a father, the prince stressed, was to give his son “a normal family upbringing”, enabling the monarchy “to stay relevant and keep up with modern times”.’

He added that the couple’s decision to sit their firstborn down and speak frankly at a moment of their choosing reflected ‘William’s unhappiness at the haphazard fashion in which the whole business of his royal destiny had buzzed around his head from the start’.

If the conversation did indeed take place around his seventh birthday, it means Prince George did not know he was a future king when he posed in the ‘Four Monarchs’ photograph of December 2019 alongside the Queen, 95, his father William and grandfather Prince Charles, 72.

This suggestion has previously been made by an insider who discussed the subject with Kensington Palace sources, who declined to confirm or deny its truth.

‘The prince had been placed on a rep-carpeted step in order to bring him up closer to the level of his great-grandmother,’ Lacey reflected in his book about the photograph. ‘What a fascinating and historic image to remind us of the essence of the royal system! The current monarch with three future monarchs. All the living heirs – and not a suggestion of a “spare”. According to insiders, this formal photograph, taken in the Buckingham Palace Throne Room a week before Christmas 2019, was the idea of Prince Charles, anxious to promote his cause of the “slimmed-down monarchy”.’

[From The Daily Mail]

While I don’t doubt that Will and Kate have *tried* to keep George sheltered from a lot of the “future king” stuff, I think George has had some (limited) understanding of who he is in the royal food chain. Kids notice stuff like “why am I being singled out for time with great-granny” and “why am I being treated differently than my brother and sister.” Plus, I think grandma Carole has been coaching him and teaching him about his future job a lot too, just like she has with William (I’m not even joking).

What’s incredibly curious about this story though is that… William and his people really ran straight to Robert Lacey to get “their side” out to him specifically. Lacey is speaking here about some pretty intimate conversations. He got that sh-t straight from the horse’s mouth, so to speak.

Christmas at Buckingham Palace

The Cambridge Family attend a special Christmas Pantomime performance at London's Palladium Theatre

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Avalon Red, Kensington Palace.

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104 Responses to “Prince William ‘broke the news’ to George about his royal path last summer”

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  1. Chaine says:

    it’s all so weird and creepy TBH. Lock him into his role before he hits third grade. Squelch any starry-eyed dreams a normal elementary school kid would have of being a sports star or an astronaut or a truck driver or whatever.

    • (TheOG) Jan90067 says:

      I’m not buying that NO OTHER KID at his school said something on the playground to him. Or that he overheard a parent. Or a relative somewhere. But ESP. CarolE letting something slip. I think George *knew* well before, even though he didn’t understand it all. After all, he hears himself and his his dad called “Prince”… Granny is “Queen”… and in a country that is a monarchy he had *no* idea*? By 7 years old???

      Pull the other one.

    • Jais says:

      Yeah it’s honestly kind of sad. Would hate to tell my kid that. No astronaut dreams etc.

      • GRUEY says:

        @jais it really is sad. Especially considering you’re informing your child that it’s his destiny to be a prop in a Disney play and not actually “king” of much of anything. Pretty grim

      • Jaded1 says:

        Imagine at 7 years old being told that your whole life is planned out for you, down to the nail polish colors for his future wife. Immense wealth, but not really able to enjoy it (no fancy sport cars, exotic trips, luxury home of their style/choosing). Everything has to be protocol, have a connection to a work visit, or be seen as “right” in the public eye. And, really, you’re nothing more than a spokesperson, you don’t actually change anything or do something. Nothing is really yours. I am not jealous of this life.

    • Andrew’s Nemesis says:

      Wasn’t there a creepy story in the Heil about how George was being prepared for his royal duties by his parents, who spoke very seriously about it over the odd bedtime story?

    • GrnieWnie says:

      yup what a miserable way to live. No agency. No choice. The dawning horror that your life will not be replete with the choices that virtually everyone around you talks about. What will you be when you grow up? No choice.

  2. Traci says:

    I still cringe when I see that Peter Pan collar

    • Vesper says:

      What’s cringe about a kid with that collar?

      • MsIam says:

        The kid is not “cringe” but that shirt sure is. Its like they dug it out of the attic. It looks like Queen Elizabeth could have worn it as a child. If they are trying to promote the idea of a forward looking, monarchy that “keeps up with modern times” then don’t dress the kid in a period looking costume.

      • Royalwatcher says:

        IMO it’s cringe because the Cambs (Keen?) do it to try to cosplay or evoke certain emotions or familiar feelings. Like when she dressed George up in HARRY’S old baby clothes. IMO it’s cringe because it’s trying to manipulate people’s emotions, same as when Keen cosplays Diana and Meghan (although that may just be because she has no sense of self or identity…).

      • aang says:

        I see lots of pics of boys in shorts/knee socks/saddle shoes in family photo shoots. Especially around easter time. The younger ones, under five, often have Peter Pan collars and the really young ones have smocking on their shirts. I never got the hate for the kids clothes. It looks like typical formal wear for kids.

      • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

        Oops, this was meant in reference to the comment below lol.

        There’s nothing wrong with gendering kids’ clothing. Jesus. Just like there’s nothing wrong with letting your kid pick something with which they identify. There are still girly girls who crave pink and boys who long to play with Hot Wheels. The problem here is finding a problem.

      • aang says:

        @Mabs and there are boys who like pink and girls who like hot wheels. Toys and clothes do not have a gender and are not only to be used by one gender. Any child can enjoy any toy or wear any clothes. So gendering inanimate objects or saying “this is for boys” and “this is girly” puts up barriers. We should be kind to everyone, especially children. When someone makes an off handed comment about a child’s clothes being for a gender that the commenter assumes is not the gender with which the child identifies that can be harmful to the child. It sends the message to the child that they must always adhere to gender stereotypes and not doing so will subject them to ridicule.

      • JD says:

        It’s 2021.

    • Betsy says:

      I love old fashioned kids’ clothes and kids in formal outfits (I appear to be the only person not bothered by George wearing a suit at the soccer match) but that Peter Pan collar is a bit much.

    • BayTampaBay says:

      I think George’s Peter Pan collar shirt looks like a “little girl’s” blouse. George’s shirt on Charlotte with a skirt the same material as George’s trousers would look adorable IMAO.

      Then again, I am Yank who knows next to nothing about British children’s clothing.

      • christine bessala says:

        I am with you on this one. I knwo the royal fans tend to be older , but those clothes are way out of time! That’s kid going to be tease at school if they keep on dressing up like The Sound of Music! Kids can be very crual, and we are living in a different world now with social media.

      • Jais says:

        I might be in the minority but I love the Peter Pan collars lol. My sister sometimes dresses my nephew in these collars and it’s cute! He’s also 2 not 8 so that maybe makes a difference. At 8, George ideally has some choice. If he like these collars, cool. Not sure how much choice he has though as the fffk? Also boys or girls can wear these collars. Can we not do this is too girly etc.

      • aang says:

        Yikes to gendering kids clothing.

    • Lizzie says:

      I’m not used to seeing this on children who are not toddlers. It looks more like a costume from Victorian England. He is a cute kid.

    • Mel says:

      Ehh… my boys wore those kinds of outfits to church when they were little, after toddlerhood they wore regular shirts. As for dressing up the kids in Harry’s baby clothes, why wouldn’t she leave those for Harry and his wife? Surely William had enough clothes for her to do that. Oh well, whatever….

  3. NCWoman says:

    “He added that the couple’s decision to sit their firstborn down and speak frankly at a moment of their choosing reflected ‘William’s unhappiness at the haphazard fashion in which the whole business of his royal destiny had buzzed around his head from the start’.” So, Will gets to talk about not passing down generational pain and it’s not an attack against Charles and Elizabeth because he does it “anonymously”? These people are a horrifying combination of pathetic and funny.

  4. Emily says:

    >> “William’s aim as a father, the prince stressed, was to give his son “a normal family upbringing”, enabling the monarchy “to stay relevant and keep up with modern times”.’


    • Amelia says:

      wE aRe vERy mUcH nOT a raCIsT faMilYyYYyYYYY!!!!!!!!

    • TeamMeg says:

      Imagine how psychopathically deranging it must be if your entire purpose in life is to remain “relevant” so that you and your progeny can go on enjoying extreme wealth and riches that were largely acquired through despicable means.

  5. taris says:

    i truly feel bad for the cambridge kids. this is no way to grow up.

    somebody on twitter said “in 20 years oprah will be interviewing these kids”.

    • Cecilia says:

      Lmao they are absolutely right. I wouldn’t be surprised if a 18 year old Charlotte would flee london to go live with a certain uncle in montecito.

    • HeyJude says:

      Seriously, such a rigid system is not going to be a comfortable place for anyone with a remotely free spirit to mature in.

      I really wish the best for Charlotte and Louis in particular, I think they’re going to need it. I hope they are treated better than past “spares”. At least among the family in private.

    • lucy2 says:

      I do too.

  6. Merricat says:

    So “normal childhood” ends at age 7?

    • Amy Bee says:

      Normal children don’t have 24 hour security.

    • Dee says:

      Congratulations! You’re a walking anachronism.

    • Jane's Wasted Talent says:

      Seven was traditionally considered ‘the age of reason,’ when children were thought to have developed enough to make decisions. I wonder if that has anything to do with it.

  7. Woke says:

    I just keep wondering what Lacey got in return for agreeing to do this. He was already part of that crowd do it’s not an access thing. It can’t be about money because all books that thrashed the Sussexes didn’t really sell well.

    I think there’s chance William will be king but of a really scaled back monarchy but with Georges it’s really uncertain.

    • Sofia says:

      Access can also be taken away. He wants to stay “in” the circle so he will write what the establishment says to write. And it could also be that William went to him and started talking. If the Sussexes talked to him then maybe he would have written what they said.

      But I think it’s a “I don’t want access taken away” thing.

    • Sunday says:

      The British media abruptly stopped promoting the first edition of his book once they realized it wasn’t just a hit piece on the sussexes and actually had a few non-flattering things to say about the cambridges, so he’s trying to recoup some sales by going all-in on the propaganda.

    • Jais says:

      Does he get paid by the papers each time he shares an excerpt from the book or is it purely promo? I really wonder how much sharing so many excerpts helps with the book selling. Other authors do this too and I wonder why would you buy after all the sharing?

    • Eurydice says:

      Yeah, I posted below that this is Will’s version of an Oprah interview, only in sloooooow motion.

    • Alexandria says:

      Well if The Crown producers hire this fake historian again and somehow they go into today’s timeline, perhaps Willy boy wants The Crown to portray himself in the better light.

      That and more money for selling trash.

  8. Sofia says:

    Kids can be more perspective than people think. He probably did feel that he was being treated differently than other kids (not just with his siblings but in his school) even if he didn’t know it’s because he could/will be King one day

    • Heat says:

      I actually think you could be right. Obviously, George’s classmates (via their own parents) know who he is, or have an idea. He may have been getting teased about it, or left out, and he may have had no clue.
      As parents, W & K may have decided it was in his best interest to just tell George. And, one would hope, that it was explained in a manner that a young boy could understand.
      I can talk smack about a lot of things the Cambridges do, but the way they parent is not really for me to judge.

    • Becks1 says:

      Yeah, maybe he didn’t understand that he is going to be King George, but no way did he think he was just like all the other kids. sure, because all the other kids appear on a balcony to the cheers of thousands. He hears the queen called “your majesty,” he’s called “your royal highness”, he participates in special photo opportunities that his siblings don’t. He goes to thes store or walks down the street and his parents’ pictures or his grandparents pictures are plastered everywhere. He knew he was different. Children pick up on way more than adults realize sometimes.

  9. Snuffles says:

    Question. How did each find out? I think Charles was told from birth. I think Diana tried to shield William for as long as she could but was constantly contradicted by the rest of the family. I think William and Kate kept George completely in the dark until Harry left (if the timing they just stated is accurate).

    I don’t know which way is best or if any way would have been. Being told as a child that your life will no longer be your own is bound to fuck anyone up in the head.

    Maybe George didn’t take it well. Maybe they were hoping to put it off for a lot longer. Maybe Harry pulling himself out threw off EVERYONE’s plans on multiple levels.

    • Royalwatcher says:

      I honestly think Victoria and Daniel of Sweden have done royal parenting the right way. I’m sure it’s also the family dynamics of the parents but Estelle just seems so well-balanced and happy and also easily interacts with the public on ropelines and other official engagements – and has since she was a very young child. And she doesn’t seem damaged or burdened by it (of course, who knows what things are like privately).

    • Becks1 says:

      I do think Charles knew from birth, but his position was slightly different because his mother became queen when he was still very young (he was what, just over 3 when she became queen? He was born in 48 and she became queen in Feb 52).

      I think being honest about it from the get-go is probably best. Is it better to know your end game your whole life (being the monarch), or to think that you have some control and autonomy in your life and you can be whatever you want when you grow up to only find out…..sorry kiddo. Your life is mapped out.

    • HeyJude says:

      William found out at school, IIRC and came home and asked Diana about it. He was not pleased with what his schoolmate had said if my memory serves me right.

      • Tessa says:

        William knew early and would go around telling the other children that he would be in charge According to various biographies I read.

  10. L84Tea says:

    The real question is when will they break the news to Charlotte that she’s the spare?

    • Myra says:

      That part. Imagine your parent telling you on your 7th birthday that your brother will be king and your whole life will have to revolve around him or else…

  11. WintryMix says:

    Without exaggeration, I view the monarchy as child abuse. It is abusive, in 2021, to tell a young child that they have no choice in their own destiny, in their life, their career. This stuff is just horrendous.

    • MaryContrary says:

      I have to say I agree. It’s really awful.

    • Nina says:

      Completely agree, it’s damaging and traumatic

    • Royalwatcher says:

      I think it’s something about the British royals specifically though, because I wouldn’t say the same about Estelle of Sweden and the way she has been raised as the heir. I think the Windsors are just seriously pathological and dysfunctional.

    • Becks1 says:

      I was just thinking as I wrote my above comment – there’s something dysfunctional about just waiting around for your grandmother and father to die so you can become king (in the case of William.) Like “oh you can play at being in the military a little bit but not too much and then you just move to Kensington palace and thats it.” And that’s going to be the path for George. At least Charles created the Prince’s Trust and did some serious work with the duchy in terms of the duchy originals etc. But it still just feels like they’re hanging around waiting for the queen to die.

      Maybe having some sort of actual career would be a lot better while they wait – give them real life experience, interact with actual normal people, etc. IDK. But it’s really “off” to tell a child “you’re going to be king but probably not for 60 years or so, so just hang out until then.”

      • Malika says:

        King William-Alexander of The Netherlands is a good example. He was a commercial airline pilot and had a very active role on the advisory committee of water infrastructure during his crown prince years. I never felt he was hanging around and waiting and therefore wasting my tax-payer money and I am luke-warm about the monarchy at best. I think it has lead to him being a king who seems to have lead an actual real life and also made it easier for him to choose a wife who is not only fabulous but who brings substance to her role. I hope future generations break out of the role of hanging around and taking part in the odd ribbon-cutting ceremony.

    • JanetDR says:

      @WinteryMix, your comment just rings with truth! I had never thought of that from that perspective before.

    • Demi says:

      It’s sad they are deprived of so many things that normal children experience like developing their own interests early on dreaming about becoming a pilot or an astronaut instead they are told that there is a royal protocol, they have to pose for photo op& that they need to comply with the firm rules..

    • lucy2 says:

      I think so too. I’m surprised we don’t see more of them saying they don’t want it and walking away from it, but I guess when that’s all you’ve ever known, and all you’ve ever been told you’ll be, it’s hard.

  12. Over it says:

    So they want to protect his childhood but decided 7 is the magic number? Like is he now ready to pay his own bills and drive the car at 7years? I know he isn’t my child but 7 is young, they could have had this talk at 10. And I hope the whole thing crumbles before baldemort Gets it

    • BayTampaBay says:

      I would think that once you start primary school you would have to be pretty stupid to not to know how close you are to the throne.

  13. BlondieR says:

    Four “monarchs” = 1 queen + 2 assholes + 1 Middleton

  14. Sandra says:

    That photo of them “cooking or baking” still just makes me cringe. How awkward was that for them to be there doing that? The idea that great-granny the queen bakes is hilarious. Doubt she even knows where the kitchen is.. (I can see Charles puttering around the kitchen a bit with his home grown veggies).

    • Celia456 says:

      I suspect they weren’t cooking or baking, but rather doing the traditional stirring the plum pudding. If I recall correctly you give each a stir and make a wish. Brits please correct me if I’m wrong.

  15. Amy Bee says:

    I don’t believe this story. George knew about his future at least when that heirs picture was taken. He would ask why only he was allowed to be in the picture with his Charles, the Queen and William.

    • Tessa says:

      Charlotte probably asked why she was not with her brother helping to stir pudding.

  16. TheOriginalMia says:

    Uh…the Cambridges are the couple who insist on formality even within their home. Yet, I’m supposed to believe George & Charlotte have no idea how special their family is. When you have people curtsying and calling you your highness, your majesty, blah blah blah. GMAFB! This kid knew, especially with his parents and his maternal grandmother constantly making him feel extra special. Do I think he understands the specifics of his role? No. But that he’s special? Yes, I do.

  17. Eurydice says:

    So, what’s all this about “William’s unhappiness at the haphazard fashion…” Seems like Lacey is Will’s version of an Oprah interview, except in painfully slow dribs and drabs every day.

  18. Flying Fish says:

    Is that why he seemed to be snubbing his Mother at last night’s football game?

    • TeamAwesome says:

      Just copying what he hears and sees from his Dad.

      • HeyJude says:

        We both noticed that, eh? That was some shit. Dressed in a matching suit like his bizarre little mini-me.

        The lad couldn’t wear a football shirt like a normal kid, that would have taken away from the “message”.

    • Demi says:

      I noticed he’s more comfortable around his father seems like William is the easy-going parent while kate seems the one who’s fussy about the rules as she was upset about tights& bridesmaids’ dresses!

      • Dee says:

        Because she’s expendable. All she’s got is the “never put a foot wrong” stuff. It won’t save her in the end, but she’ll have older women who take her side for managing dress protocols.

  19. Ainsley7 says:

    I hope to god they didn’t “break the news to him.” I hope they told him about his future in a positive way and William didn’t just hand George all his baggage. Like, it doesn’t just shut doors. It also opens doors. It’s what you do with it. Example: Charles vs William.

  20. MerlinsMom1018 says:

    I mean, probably way in the minority here but I can understand and give credit to W&K “wanting to broach the subject at a controlled moment of their choice”
    I can remember an interview where Charles said he was never really told ( I think) and that it just sort of dawned on him (paraphrasing here) and I don’t ever recall anyone saying when William was told, so kudos to them

  21. SamB says:

    All I can say is Michael Middleton is the future King of England

  22. February-Pisces says:

    Willie and keen have no interest in bringing their kids up to be normal. These two have no life on the outside. Keen has no friends, Willie never mixed outside his aristo bubble. Neither of them have ever cared to be normal.

  23. Emmitt says:

    So…it’s ok and awesome for George to have a normal childhood and upbringing but NOT okay for Archie and Lili to have a normal childhood and upbringing?

  24. Athena says:

    It’sa difficult situation. How do you prepare your child for being King one day and also the possibility that they may not be. It would make a lot of sense to allow not only George but also Charlotte and Louis to have a real career and a life before becoming part of the firm. So George should dream of being a firefighter or race car driver and be able to do that before he has to wear the crown.
    If Kate lives in the real world she would prepare her children for different possible outcomes.

    • Dee says:

      William got to be a part-time helicopter pilot, even though he wouldn’t have qualified under normal rules. So, maybe he told George the perks of getting what you want and bending the rules.

      • Oona says:

        I think you may want to take a look at the splendid career of designer prince Carl Philip of Sweden and then get back to us re William and normal rules.

      • Tessa says:

        William missed shifts and was a co-pilot, And he took his security person with him on the copter. William could “play at” being normal.

  25. SNF says:

    I think telling this kid that he has had a “normal upbringing“ is only going to make him more unable to empathize with actual people who have had “normal upbringings.” Let’s be real, as “normal“ as they have been able to provide, but George has experienced is still an incredibly privileged childhood that only the most upper middle class and rich people would be able to experience. That’s not the experience of the vast majority of people. So if he’s being told that he’s had the “normal upbringing” when he hasn’t, I could totally foresee him being even more unsympathetic and unable to relate to the vast majority of people. I think it would almost be better if they were just like, “look, nothing about how you’ve been raised as normal, and most people don’t experience these privileges.“ Now, I’m not privy to conversations happening between George and his parents, obviously, but if They are telling him or otherwise implying to him that his child has is normal I just think it’s sad that this situation where he’s going to be more unable to empathize with folks because he’s been told but he’s having an experience like theirs when he really really isn’t…

  26. MaryMary says:

    My break up with monarchies has always stumbled on the kids. They’re cute! We see them from when they are babies! They handle their first public interactions in their early teens so well! But they don’t have a choice. Estelle or George or the girls in Netherlands or Spain. Blue Ivy Carter can turn 18 and say thanks Mom & Dad but this public life is not for me.

    It took me some time to get there but: Royal kids are not cute. They are sad.

  27. Gubbinal says:

    What if George decides to opt out? What if all 3 children decide that they want to try their hand at Meghan and Harry style fame? They will, at some point, see the charisma of their Aunt and Uncle Sussex. I would not be totally amazed if opting out becomes a viable possibility. Maybe our next monarch after Charles will be one of Lady Helen Taylor’s children? Or India Hicks? I would be happy to see them all turn their tails and their tales. Or maybe the buck will stop with Lord Severn, who needs to help keep his needy parents in their horse carriages?

  28. Jay says:

    This just highlights how messed up it is to raise someone with the express belief that they are “born” to be king due to their bloodline, which makes them better than those they will rule and also that they have no choice in the matter. It’s not true, George! You can live a meaningful life of service without being king, and you probably shouldn’t assume the monarchy will still exist by the time you are ready to assume it anyway.

    I know there are parents who set out to mold their children into superstar actors, athletes, musicians etc, but we don’t usually commend that sort of behaviour, and it often has negative consequences for the child. I hope George chucks the kingship and either develops a new emissions-free vehicle or competes on Eurovision.

  29. JenJamTx says:

    This does not make sense to me. How can Will be incandescent with rage that his brother said he and Charles are “trapped”, but then have to “break the news” to a 7 year old that he will be King someday. Sounds like Harry was exactly right, they are trapped in generational trauma.

  30. Yonati says:

    “We are very much not a racist family. It’s not like we actually KILL people. Oh. Nevermind. We do kill people. My bad.”

  31. Kelsey says:

    Every time I see that picture of George with the bowl I think of the video, where he was stirring the mixture so hardcore that Queen Elizabeth backed up real quick with her purse, and I bust out laughing.

  32. EllenOlenska says:

    Did anyone explain to Charlotte and Louis their roles as sacrificial lambs yet?

    • Tessa says:

      Or say they were “less important” than the heir. I think they got a clue when Attenborough only brought a present for George.

  33. mosi says:

    The only thing that surprises me in this story is that basically they didn’t blame it on H&M that they had to tell George.

  34. mosi says:

    The only thing that surprises me in this story is that basically they didn’t blame it on H&M that they had to tell George.

  35. jwoolman says:

    I hope they pointed out that his grandfather has been waiting to become king for seven decades, so George may as well prepare to have a day job. Royalling should just be a part-time gig anyway, it’s all ceremonial.

  36. Mina_Esq says:

    You’re not wrong about someone needing to tell Kate and William that there likely won’t be a monarchy by the time George is expected to ascend.

  37. Mia says:

    I wonder how the carnival of experts feel about Lacey getting this scoop. Surely the tabloid people kiss so much ass so they can get scoops and sell ads? But Lacey isn’t a genuflecting sycophant, he’s just a grumpy butthead

    Hm 🤔

  38. Tessa says:

    Grandma Carole probably already had “prepared him” for his future role and told him all about his Importance as future King.

  39. DuchessL says:

    Did they tell him straight up because Charles had covid and then William secretly got covid and I guess he had to tell him??

  40. Tessa says:

    If William lives as long as Philip and there is longevity in that family –it will be many many years before George is monarch. George would be over 60 then.