Chris Evans is apparently dating a ‘nice, down-to-earth girl’ in Massachusetts

Knives Out red carpet premiere at TIFF 2019

For as long as I’ve paid attention to Chris Evans as a celebrity/actor, several pieces of Chris Evans knowledge have become embedded in my mind, so much so that I just assume everyone else knows this stuff about him too. One, he has a big spread in Massachusetts, close to where he grew up in Concord. Two, he loves dogs. Three, he loves brunettes with big booties. Four, he’s not in love with the Hollywood thing and he’s one of those “I’d rather hang out with my hometown bros” kind of guys. So it’s little surprise to me that Chris is pretty much living permanently in Massachusetts these days. Also not really surprising: he’s dating a non-celebrity local lady. In fact, the only surprising thing is that someone in his camp leaked the exact same information to different tabloids. From OK! Magazine:

Chris Evans is looking to return to Massachusetts and put down roots, a pal tells OK!. Evans, 40, “talks about settling down in the town where he grew up outside Boston,” shares the friend. “It’s a quiet, peaceful little place where he can kick back and spend more time with his family, including his mom, who runs a nearby youth theater where Chris got his start. And no one makes a big fuss over him, which he really appreciates.”

Evans, whose long list of high-profile exes includes Jessica Biel and Minka Kelly, is also ready for a more down-to-earth dating life, adds the pal. “In fact, word is he’s been seeing someone on the East Coast for a few months,” shares the friend. “She’s not in the business and is low-key, which suits Chris just fine. He’s had it with the whole Hollywood scene.”

[From OK! Magazine, print edition]

His last “celebrity” relationship was with Jenny Slate, although that crashed and burned back in early 2018. I would guess that he’s been dating in LA and “on the East Coast” since then. And good for him – this is not a dude who is looking to be one half of a power couple. Speaking of:

Sources tell Star that Chris Evans – already a familiar face around Concord, Mass – has ditched Hollywood to move back to his hometown. “It’s very quiet and peaceful and no one makes a big fuss over him,” says an insider of the quaint burg outside of Boston. “He has a big house on a large piece of land with trees and a garden, and it’s close to his family.”

That’s not all he’s near. The insider confirms that Evans has been low-key seeing a woman from the area. “She’s not in show-business and is just a nice, down-to-earth girl,” continues the source. “His family adores her.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

I wonder what Mystery Massachusetts Girlfriend does for a living. How would their lives have intersected? Friend of a friend? Did they meet at the local dog park? Did his mom introduce him to the cute-but-sassy young teacher who just came to town? Does she love dogs? Honestly all of this sounds like the premise of a pretty charming Netflix romance. Anyway, I hope he’s happy. Truly! And he needs to side-eye his crew or his family because someone is telling his personal stuff to OK! Magazine and Star.

Marvel Studios' 'Avengers: Endgame' Cast Handprint Ceremony

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, IG.

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87 Responses to “Chris Evans is apparently dating a ‘nice, down-to-earth girl’ in Massachusetts”

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  1. KNy says:

    Not surprising. I think he turned 40 and it was a big deal to him. I think he’s talked about wanting a family/kids in interviews a bunch of times.

  2. Darla says:

    I don’t think anyone is selling it, I think he is doing a very slow roll-out. He’s probably decided to marry and have kids, and she is going to be a huge target because quite frankly? His stans are out of their minds. That’s just my hunch.

    • carousel says:

      That’s exactly what I thought reading it. Good for them, I hope his stans don’t make it weird.

    • sunny says:

      This part! And if she is a civilian and not a celebrity it must be frightening to think about being exposed to all the nonsense celebs go through. I hope this roll out strategy works and that with his time at Marvel over the media attention he faces becomes a little less intense and his fans chill a bit.

      • Dena Landon says:

        Yeah, I think friends are leaning on purpose to try to mitigate the inevitable sh*tstorm online when the relationship becomes known. The similarity in the wording says to me that they’ll been told what to say. God help her, because they’re going to make her life hell at the beginning.

    • Mac says:

      No one “down to earth” dates a huge celebrity.

      • Mustang Sally says:

        I respectfully disagree. I have 2 friends that (back in the day – late 80s) dated a rock star and someone that acted (not a huge name, but still an actor) in movies; I dated a NY Islander hockey player. We all grew up in the same area of Long Island and were pretty normal kids, had parents who worked (none of us were rich or anything), and the relationships, while good, did not last long due to the fact that their lives were SO different from ours. Had there been social media and the 24 hour gossip cycle, I think the relationships would have been shorter. We actually had the advantage of a bit of anonymity – People Magazine was a weekly or bi-weekly magazine, and there was no internet (or paps) yet!!

      • Darla says:

        I’d love to know the Islander you dated. I had such a thing for Bossy back in that day. I later met him through a business relationship and he was just a guy. lol. I was a big Rangers fan though.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Sometimes celebs get creeped out when people treat them differently (of course, some celebs demand they get treated differently). But for those that see themselves as normal folks with a unique job, they really appreciate someone who doesn’t coddle them. Know from experience.

    • Christine says:

      Can I just say, I am really happy to be 46 and out of the stage of hormones where I think it is normal to yell at people (via social media) who date the celebrities I crush on? I hope this poor woman is hunkered down.

      Chris Evans appears to be a really nice guy, and he’s certainly fun to look at. If you like him, even remotely, wish love for the man!

  3. Talie says:

    This has been on deuxmoi for a couple months now. They are real weird about her identity being revealed because apparently she does have a typical 9-5.

    • milliemollie says:

      They’re being real weird about it because they get trolled.
      “Very private ” and “a friend of a friend” are key words from Tumblr who’s been spreading false dating rumours about him forever.

      • Silver Charm says:

        This. I said this below but these are all talking points his fandom have been repeating. The quotes above are practically pulled from the DM subreddit.

    • ReginaGeorge says:

      If you see the reaction Sebastian Stan got when he went public with his current GF, I’m not surprised Evans is trying to keep in as quiet as possible if this is true. Their fans are crazy toxic lunatics. And he’s usually pretty private about his personal stuff on social media anyway.

      • Devon says:


        Sebastian Stan and his girlfriend used loopholes to travel thru more vulnerable countries to go vacationing for months during the pandemic. They literally went yachting, clubbing (no masks) used his european citizenship when blocked from entering via USA.

        I don’t know her, or him, personally — but as someone who lost two people to COVID, people like me are understandably upset when ppl like that just don’t care.

        When I commented this in response to a similar comment before, I was told I was jealous & I wanted to be his gf……as a gay woman. The MCU fandoms are toxic, but when you play russian roulette with strangers lives just to jetset while 10000s dying due to same selfishness, the criticism is well deserved. Some people always see it is criticism of an SO – usually the stans…. 👀

      • Oc says:

        I agree that fandoms can be toxic and they go nuts when their fave is dating, but Stan made what his fandom called a “Covid World Tour”, travelling through a lot of countries, right after he criticized people who were doing that. So if criticism without reason happens in fandom, you can imagine what will happen when the fandom has reasons to give a side eye to their fave.

      • fluffy_bunny says:

        Are his fans called Stan stans or do they have another name for them?

  4. cassandra says:

    But what about me 😩?

    Not gonna lie, being the chill normal girl in Massachusetts that Chris Evans falls in love with is one of my go to fantasies…despite not living there haha

    Didn’t someone say last week that they heard a rumor of an upcoming girlfriend roll-out for him?

    • Kilo Tango says:

      Word. I’ve sketched out all the details of this Nora Roberts novel in my head. Just a simple girl and a movie star in a small town…

      • Concern Fae says:

        As someone who lives a town or two over, Concord is very posh. It’s been posh ever since Louisa May Alcott and Ralph Waldo Emerson lived there.

      • North of Boston says:

        Exactly. CF. I lived their for a while years ago … well, technically in West Concord, which some folks I knew in Concord Concord would tease me was really East Maynard.

        It’s a sort of understated New England posh, but it definitely posh.
        I remember going to the grocery store with a friend once, and there was this older woman who was dressed neatly but casually in well worn clothes, who got into a 10 year old Volvo when she left, and my friend said “See that woman? You’d never guess she’s one of the richest people in town, her family has lived here for years and that’s what old money looks like around here”

        There’s also a funny story in my family about one of my younger cousins, from the rich relations side of the family, who played lacrosse for his high school in Darien CT (snobby posh). His team came for a match against Concord Carlisle (CCHS) and as his team bus was driving through Concord he threw a strawberry out of the window, and Concord police pulled the bus over and wrote him a citation. It might look kind of laid back, but it is not.

      • Eurydice says:

        If it were a Hallmark movie, then the movie star will have inherited a small country bed and breakfast from a great aunt who used to feed him chocolate chip cookies. He plans to stay only long enough to sell the place, but meets-cute with the feisty, but not threatening, beauty who runs the local bakery and makes a mean chocolate chip cookie herself. Love blooms, he gives up the false celebrity life, and there’s a dog.

    • Megs283 says:

      Hey, I’m a chill normal girl in Massachusetts, only 20 miles from Concord! (And married for 10 years with three kids but details… 🤣)

      For those who don’t know, Concord is a richhhhh town. So his home must be gorgeous and I wouldn’t be surprised if the gf comes from a wealthy family. Much happiness to them both!

      • fluffy_bunny says:

        I’m sure your husband would give you a hall pass for Captain America. It’s his patriotic duty to allow you to bang Cap.

      • LawyaGal of says:

        He actually lives in Carlisle – he is the neighbor of my friends parents. They are in their 70s and don’t care – but he is apparently seen regularly with his dog.

  5. Silver Charm says:

    These were rumors his fandom made up (initially for April Fools) and then started pushing through deuxmoi who doesn’t fact check anything. Just fyi.

  6. LadyE says:

    “Does she love dogs?” I mean, it’s Chris Evans. And DODGER!!!! I think loving dogs is a given because that’s probably question number 1 from Chris for any prospective partner. Chris is a total doggy dad!

    • fluffy_bunny says:

      It’s actually 2 pronged. She has to love dogs and Dodger has to love her. If Dodger didn’t like her Chris wouldn’t date her. My husband introduced me to his dog on the first date. If the dog didn’t like me there wouldn’t have been a second date.

  7. Cecil says:

    If it helps mitigate the surprise of someone on his team leaking, there have been reports all over Deux Moi about her for a couple of weeks, and some fans have even found the woman’s Insta. So this might be a way to ease the pressure and curiosity a bit.

    • Vivi says:

      The woman’s insta was some random that someone picked and tried to insert on this rumor.

      • milliemollie says:

        WTF?! This whole thing was made up by his fans or at least people who love to troll his fans and now random women get harassed?

  8. EnormousCoat says:

    I have no thoughts on this other than: why can’t she be referred to as a nice, down-to-earth WOMAN? He’s 40 and I’m assuming she hasn’t been a girl in at least several years (I’m sure she’s younger, just not sure by how much).

    • NCDancer says:

      Agree. She is likely a woman even if she is in her 20s. (My assumption is that she is younger.) I am only lukewarm on him (the both sides-ism of him annoys) and this whole notion that he isn’t Hollywood is kind of ridiculous. Dude played Captain America. And decency and goodness is not mutually exclusive with Hollywood.

    • Pamspam says:

      You beat me to it! I, too, assume or at least hope he’s actually dating a woman as opposed to a girl.

  9. milliemollie says:

    The rumour was started by trolls on Deuxmoi. They usually only do it on Tumblr, and they finally made it to Deuxmoi.

    Also someone should tell OK magazine and their source that he’s been living in MA for years now.

    • Stephanie says:

      That’s what I thought. I felt like I read this story a few weeks ago and now I know why. It’s been debunked several times because it was made up.

  10. Darla says:

    So the Bennifer post made me come back to this: “this is not a dude who is looking to be one half of a power couple.”

    Right. Two boston boys, huge stars, so different. But I have to admit I love a power couple. I mean, put Bennifer aside because no one can be rational about them; who’s more interesting to you?

    Evans and his 9-5 gf, or Zendaya and Tom?

    Some romances are legendary and it’s never going to be Matt Damon and his wife, you know? But that’s from my vantage, if I were famous I would probably marry a normal too. I do get that most of HW is totally crazy, I really do. I get it. But for us? Bo-ring.

    • detritus says:

      Power couples all the way.

      I think part of it is because there doesn’t seem to be such a biased power dynamic.

      Famous rich older man takes barely legal or less than half his age wife isn’t a feel good story for me.

    • Nina says:

      He is so basic and his relationship or the rollout of it also seems very basic.

      He seems like basic white bro who wants a wifey and “no drama” woman that checks all the boxes while he builds his career. Someone who will ruffle no feathers for him and just be grateful to be married to him.

      Huge yawn to this

  11. Eurydice says:

    I live in the area and I can confidently report that the woman is not me. *sigh*

  12. Tati says:

    Evan’s team goes to Us Magazine and People, not Ok magazine. Their article is based on posts on Deumoix, who has been trolled by the fandom for months now, since they don’t fact check and post anything they got.

    • milliemollie says:

      My fave deuxmoi post about this nonsense was the one that he and his brother basically screamed all over Disneyworld that he’s got a brand new tattoo of her initials.

  13. Lili says:

    Oh no! i’m sad he is taken Lol. Godd luck to him, i hope all works out for , he comes across as a nice guy

  14. Oc says:

    Considering that Evans has been living for years in Concord and that the “source” don’t get even that right, I don’t believe the rest. Recently there was a post in People’s mag recollecting all his famous exes and stating he was single. That was released right after the first posts in DM.

    • milliemollie says:

      Why believe a story from People who get their info directly from the stars’ teams, if you can get one from OK magazine that writes fanfiction?! I’m pretty sure they had a story about Pitt and Aniston getting married even though he’s legally still married to someone else:D

  15. Kviby says:

    At 40 I hope he’s dating a woman not a girl

  16. Anony83 says:

    There were rumors going around here (I live near Boston too) that he and Aly Raisman were dating and I always thought that would have been a nice fit since she’s kind of semi-famous but, honestly, given how much of his anxiety seems mixed up in the Hollywood scene, buying land out in orchard country up here where most people will give him space in the way that New Englanders do seem like it would be good for him. If the pandemic has proved nothing else, it’s that you can do a lot of stuff remotely. Especially if you’re as famous as Chris is.

    I truly hope he finds happiness and that they keep protecting the identity of whoever this woman is for as long as they can. Because that seems the most likely route to protecting the relationship itself.

    • CourtneyB says:

      Yes, I was hoping that he and Raisman may date. She’s famous enough not to crumple under the spotlight but not in the business. She’s a Massachusetts native who loves dogs. She’s a brunette and knows a lot about mental health and anxiety. (Largely because of her ptsd) She’s younger but not immature and is super accomplished.

      I’m a huge Evans fan and he has talked about wanting to marry and have a ‘real’ life. Live in his big house with a wife and kids and let them grow up in the community theater atmosphere like he did. His family is nearby—I think he wants that whole thing now that he’s older. He really hasn’t been out on the party scene Hollywood style (outside of professional stuff) in years. I hope the rumors he’s dating are true.

    • Lightpurple says:

      It would be nice if it was Aly but apparently, they have known each other most of their lives. Their parents were friends. I hope her pup Mylo is found soon.

      • CourtneyB says:

        Mylo is missing? No! He’s so cute and she loves him so much. As a fellow dog mommy, I hope he’s found safe and sound. 🤞🙏

        Edit— I just googled it. She’s put out info and Chris shared it. She must be frantic. 🙁

      • Anony83 says:

        I’ve checking constantly to see if Mylo has been found yet! The poor pup, the Seaport is a scary part of the city for a dog all the time I’m sure, but with lingering fireworks from the Fourth!

        I’m so worried for Mylo is all I’m saying, but she’s working with Missing Dogs MASS and they are very good.

    • Lizzie says:

      I think he and Aly would make a super cute couple. On paper she seems like the kind of woman he’d want to settle down with, I’m not sure about him for her though and if he’s what she’s looking for. I hope she finds her dog soon, my heart breaks for her

  17. Mel says:

    As long as she loves Dodger, that’s all that matters.

  18. Lily P says:

    um, that puppy is adorable!

    • CourtneyB says:

      Dodger is the real star. That dog has IT. lol And people know it. Scott evans did the Instagram ‘photo with someone more famous than you’ and posted a photo of him with Dodger. I love that he’s a rescue. He had two fairly recent hip surgeries and it turns out it was because of BB pellet damage from when he was on the street. 🤬

  19. Mina_Esq says:

    Sounds like his “light” might be “on”.

    • AMA1977 says:

      My husband and I are a great fit and I am so happy I met him when I did, because his “light” was definitely on then. 16 years, 2 kids, and 1 pandemic later, we still get along great and love (and like!) each other, but I am a big believer in the “taxi” theory of men and marriage.

  20. ClaireB says:

    I don’t think this man will ever love another person as much as he loves his dog.

  21. Oh honey no says:

    OK published this in April

    And he was in LA from then Europe for filming and has been back since beginning of July. So tell me, if OK is a reputable source (it’s not), when did he find this girl on the east coast when he wasn’t even there and was pursuing Ana in April according to them and their very real sources?

    • milliemollie says:

      LMAO,he’s already back in the States? Wasn’t his “girlfriend”” supposed to be with him in Europe until the end of July according to the Deuxmoi’s source who started the rumor?!

      • Oh honey no says:

        I don’t think it came from the original source, it was just one of the anonymous email drops she does.

        I personally was on the side of “yes, I believe this is true” when she first posted because she never posted any news about him so I thought it came from his team. But since then, all the info posted has been fake and there’s just a lot of holes.

        If he is dating someone, I hope he manages to keep it private for a long time and that he’s happy, he deserves it. But I don’t think OK magazine is going to be the place where they start doing a “slow roll out” of the info. So as of now, I’m not buying it. He may not be single but I don’t believe any of the info OK or Star published about said woman.

      • milliemollie says:

        I don’t believe anything that doesn’t come directly from him or People magazine. His fans make up sooo much shit about him, it’s insane!
        I went down the rabbit hole once and there’s a lot of anonymous tea about him and it’s always worded the same. He’s with someone (famous or non-famous, there’s a story for everyone), but they’re very private and it’s already super serious, and they always heard it from a friend or a friend of a friend.
        And now finally a troll made it to Deuxmoi- their “tea” sounds exactly like the same.

    • CourtneyB says:

      No way is he going for Ana. I started looking at her Instagram when they were filming Knives Out and then when they were on the press tour. She was super flirty and he was friendly and polite (going along when she gave him bunny ears filter etc) but no more. I mean pretty much every woman who works with him loves him. I could see them hooking up for fun and they look great together but they’re not on the same page life-wise at all.

  22. Oh honey no says:

    Deuxmoi has been getting trolled since she posted the first “tea” and does not verify anything. Posted that said “nice girl from the east coast” was going to be in Europe with him for the run of July (when the trolls thought that’s where he would be) only for him to wrap filming and fly home beginning of July.

    I don’t know if the initial gf drop with DM was true or not but nothing has been since

  23. bonobochick says:

    big booties seems like… a stretch

    anywho, if true about the girlfriend, mazel tov to him.

  24. Darla says:

    I don’t know if it’s true or not, but the fact that so many know such details about where he was when, what date he flew on, what was said on what subreddit, what was said in DM’s….shows that no matter what you might think, you do NOT want to be the woman he eventually marries. And he will marry. And it won’t be you. So please stop I’m getting queasy reading these comments and I like to read about Evans.

    • CourtneyB says:

      Yeah, I follow him and he’s one of my faves but some of his fans are CRAZY. Maybe he’ll surprise us and reveal he’s dating Yvette Nicole Brown. She LOVES him and ‘proposed’ to him after he posted about sewing up dodger’s favorite toy lion, lol

  25. EOA says:

    He grew up in Sudbury, not Concord. (The towns are close to each other and he was a part of the Concord Youth Theater growing up).

  26. EllieK says:

    I’m in Massachusetts. It should’ve been me! Lol

    • Darla says:

      I wish it was! We would protect you here too. Though we’d have our work cut out for us! lol

  27. Angelina says:

    My god Evans is so obvious: as soon as he hit 40 he went for a young lady (I bet she’s still in her 20s) outside Hollywood.

  28. Yati says:

    I doubt this man is dating one person. I don’t see why his team would do a slow rollout or why he’d willingly state he’s dating someone, that’ll interrupt the flow of his friends he has on call. It’s also not his PR style, at least from what I’ve observed.

  29. candy says:

    It’s probably pretty obvious from my comment history, but I am just not a Chris Evans fan. The fact that he described her as “just a nice, down-to-earth girl” tells me everything I need to know. I hope she doesn’t plan to express any emotions, because clearly he won’t be able to deal with that.

    • Eurydice says:

      I don’t want to change your mind, but the quote isn’t from Chris – it’s OK putting words into the mouth of Chris’ “pal.”

      • Savannah says:

        @Eurydice his team absolutely approved this.

      • milliemollie says:

        No one of his caliber talks to to OK. Ok magazine doesn’t get these kind of exclusives. Lainey doesn’t believe this story because she knows that OK doesn’t have these kind of sources. It’s completely made up. The quotes come from OK itself.

    • The Recluse says:

      Whoever she is, based on the rumors I’ve heard about him, I hope she likes a certain kind of sexual practice or likes it ‘rough’.
      Also, settling down and marrying because you’ve hit a certain age and are panicking about the family you always said you’d have is not necessarily a good way to go into that sort of thing, unless it is someone you have known and trusted for some time.

      • razzles says:

        Mmm. If she doesn’t, I’ll take it!

        Tiny brunette here reporting for for duty, yes please, Cap. Thank you sir!

        I am here for this tea…

  30. Stephanie says:

    As a Californian, I would really recommend to Chris to find a nice down to earth California woman with a solid 9-to-5 – we exist (-:

  31. MAmomof4Cs says:

    I have seen him several times at the gym I go to near my house. It’s usually early like 9 ish. I was on the treadmill and he was using a machine like a foot away from me. And then he stood right behind me to watch the rest of a tennis match in the TV. He was totally checking me out…in my completely delusional, not at all true…If my friends hadn’t told me they have seen him there for years I would never have known it was him. He had a Bruins hat on low and a beard and didn’t stand out at all. He made sure he said goodbye to the staff when he left and they barely looked up!! It was funny bc he would do like 5 reps and then text and move to a different machine and then do the same. Once when I saw him there he was definitely talking/texting with a girl there without making it too obvious. She was very pretty and young. Like early, early 20’s. Very athletic and fit looking. I wanted to snap a pic of him but I was afraid I would fall off the treadmill. 😂🤣