Duchess Camilla won’t ‘ever forgive Meghan for what she’s done’ to Charles

Buckingham Palace garden party

The Duchess of Cornwall stayed out of the overwhelming majority of royal Sussexit drama in the past two years. Camilla just did what she’s always done: stayed loyal to Charles alone, kept quiet and didn’t push a shady narrative in the press. She knows that Charles will not rest until British people “accept” Camilla as their Queen Consort, so she doesn’t have to do much on that front. She’s never publicly interfered with Harry and William’s lives and she just seems like a woman who would rather be curled up at home with a bottle of wine, her dogs and her grandchildren. Recently, Charles let it be known that he was and is dreadfully worried that Harry would criticize Camilla in his memoir. It felt like that story came out of nowhere, because Harry and Meghan have never even mentioned Camilla once. But maybe, just maybe, she’s trying to get ahead of… something. The Telegraph had an odd piece about how Camilla has won the heart of the nation, 50 years after she first met Charles. Via the Daily Beast:

The ever-loyal Telegraph makes a determined stab at arguing Camilla Parker Bowles has “finally won over the nation” citing as evidence of this remarkable rehabilitation data showing that she “is now the 10th most popular member of the royal family, with a higher approval rating than Harry and Meghan.”

Another way of describing her position in YouGov’s rankings would be “below Prince Edward and above Princess Beatrice.” More prosaically, the polling firm says, she has a mere 36% popularity rating. This score is calculated, YouGov says, “by taking the proportion of people who view something positively and showing it as a percentage of all of the people who have given any opinion about that thing.” So this means that…well, you do the math.

Intriguingly, for a woman so urgently in need of public understanding, she apparently has little for Meghan. One source tells the Telegraph: “I don’t think the Duchess will ever forgive Meghan for what she’s done to the Prince of Wales.”

[From The Daily Beast]

That quote didn’t come out of nowhere – within the article, there was a discussion about how Camilla has been Charles’ “rock” throughout his life, but especially in recent years when Chaz was dealing with the Sussexit. A source is quoted as saying “It was really hard for him” and then “I don’t think the Duchess will ever forgive Meghan for what she’s done to the Prince of Wales.” Yes. Apparently, Meghan alone did something hurtful to Charles. And Camilla thinks she’s in the position to cut off Meghan and never forgive her. Meanwhile, Meghan is like “Camilla who?”

Camilla appeared on a television show last Friday, Gardeners’ World, where she showed off the garden at Highgrove. Charles was the one who mostly planned out the Highgrove garden, but I guess Camilla has put her stamp on it too, because she also loves to garden. She actually described gardening as “spiritual experience” and revealed her desire to build up her woodland garden and “have a proper wildflower meadow.” Camilla also said: “I think gardens got people through Covid. They realised how special a garden was and what they could do with it, they could become inventive, even if they hadn’t before they could start growing vegetables.” I bet a lot of people enjoyed gardening during the pandemic.

Buckingham Palace garden party

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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187 Responses to “Duchess Camilla won’t ‘ever forgive Meghan for what she’s done’ to Charles”

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  1. Aud says:

    Oh no

    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      WOW! The tampon harbourer briefs the press. Clarence House needs to call their attack dogs off. It will not end well.

    • DuchessL says:

      Camilla is no one to talk. She and Charles are the worst when in comes to relationship and Diana we have not forgotten. Is she the racist one? +her speech about gardening with Monty Don sounds off and condescending: she speaks about gardening with “they” as if she was not included, as if all of that she knew already and is apart from it, superior to it. Read it again, I tell ya, i’m rolling my eyes like a lottery machine. Pfffffff

      • Aud says:

        Maybe she should have told Charles to be a better father and grandfather. Then Meg and Harry and the kids might still be in the UK, serving the crown.

    • Lorelei says:

      Right? Millions of people all over the world (myself included and every royal fan I know here in the US) will never forgive her for her part in what was done to Diana, so. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  2. Maria says:

    IF this is true, the irony is so deep I can taste blood.

    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      The one thing royals and royal adjacents lack is a sense of irony. That the public is silent does not mean the public accepts. Meghan has more chance of being ‘forgiven’ after 20 years than Mrs Parker-Bowles.

    • Carmen says:

      Isn’t it? I won’t ever forgive that b*tch for what she did to Diana.

      • H says:

        Me either. Diana was naive girl when she married Charles. Camilla was not. I’ve always found Camilla vile.

    • Elle says:

      I’m having trouble computing this AND Tony Blair having an opinion on Afghanistan in the same bloody week.

  3. girl_ninja says:

    I know Camilla is not talking about forgiving transgressions. She should forever keep her head down for how she contributed to Lady Diana’s heartache and embarrassment. I cannot stand that woman and her weak willed husband.

    • Lady D says:

      It seems there are an awful lot of weak-willed Windsors in that family, except for Ann who seems to enjoy being known as brash. There is no doubt Harry got his iron will and guts from Diana.

    • Voominvava says:

      So true! And I still believe it was her that said something about the baby’s skin colour. I just think it would be the type of thing she’d say, to get a laugh but also make a point. She’s the oldest of British old schoolers IMO.

    • Lorelei says:

      You are not alone!

  4. Noki says:

    Doesnt seem like her style and if true, she would have a lot of nerve to judge anybodys actions.

    • Mac says:

      Especially when that “anybody” did absolutely nothing to harm Charles even as his racist courtiers were smearing her in the press.

    • Selene says:

      I agree, this doesn’t seem like Camilla. For all her transgressions, she seems like a person who minds her business and who actively tries to minimize drama. But then again, she joined the most dramatic family in the world, so…

    • Betsy says:

      It doesn’t sound like her at all, no. This just strikes me as more made up quotes; it’s not like various royal reporters don’t do that all the time for everyone.

      • 809Matriarch says:

        Yep. Let’s not forget how Camel Tomaine poison lied blatantly “quoting a lie” Meghan told about Archie being a voracious reader. When Meghan actually said Archie has a voracious appetite for BOOKS and always says AGAIN, AGAIN when being READ TO.

    • Maria says:

      The idea that Camilla tries to minimize drama seems like another effort of Charles’s PR.

      If she were a woman that wanted to minimize drama she wouldn’t have played a role in one of the biggest royal scandals of all time, lol.
      She may be more relaxed now, I guess. I’m skeptical. Her sneer at the 2018 Royal Wedding was pretty telling to me.

      • Noki says:

        @ Maria…which part did she sneer? What i found so strange about the wedding is the royal family( whose Matriach is the head of the Commonwealth) are suppossed to be so cultured and have access to learn about other people looked so glaringly uncomfortable at a black preacher and choir.

      • Maria says:

        During Reverend Curry’s speech. The rest of them smirked, Camilla looked almost disgusted, and looked over to Kate with the “what the hell?” expression.

      • Selene says:

        For that precise reason, because she doesn’t have leverage of any kind, because she’s massively disliked and because she knows the lengths that the Firm goes to to cause division. She knows she’s been at the mercy of Charles’ love for her to be included and defended. I think Camilla’s role is that of a soundboard, someone who cushions the blows and a comforter.

      • Maria says:

        His PR campaign worked for the most part though. She had emerged from a period of not being that massively disliked when The Crown Season 4 came out which is partially why it infuriated them (hell, people were even starting to be *more* sympathetic to her after Season 3, with the made up narrative of her being Charles’s true love that he lost). I have no doubt she leaks things and bears grudges same as the rest.

      • Debbie says:

        @Noki, re various members of the royal family acting uncouth during some parts of H & M’s wedding: Maybe when the royals go on tour to predominantly Black commonwealth countries, they manage to control themselves because they are guests on their best behavior, & they’ve been prepped for what ceremonies will take place, AND it’s easier to control your facial reactions when you occupy the seat of honor and are being feted by that country’s dignitaries (they think it’s all about them). Whereas, at H & M’s wedding, the royals were among 100s of guests, not the central figures, unprepared for, and unfamiliar w/, what would take place, & too rude to control themselves or show respect for the customs of others. In other words, the world got to see the real them.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Maria ITA. I wouldn’t believe it based on this one article quoting what a source “thinks,” but never liked Camilla in the first place.

        I don’t remember exactly when this was, but remember that one time where she was asked, on camera, something about the Sussexes, and her response/expression came across as snarky? I know at the time others agreed that she came across as quite petty…maybe it was the look on her face? There was just something about it that rubbed a lot of us the wrong way. And she was certainly never supportive of Harry and Meghan. At least not publicly.

    • Amy Bee says:

      @Noki: It is her. Charles PR efforts have worked wonders over the years but that she harbours ill-will towards Meghan rings very true to me.

      • Tessa says:

        Charles PR has not worked for everybody to say the least.

      • Jaded says:

        True. And let’s not forget when she weighed in on Harry and Meghan’s decision to step down from royal duties. While she was visiting Prospect Hospice in Swindon, a reporter asked her if she would miss Harry and Meghan. She smirked and simply said “course.”

    • Kalana says:

      Yes, I don’t think this is Camilla. This is KP repeating tiara-gate when they made it seem like the Yorks were messing with the Sussexes when now we know it was Kate and William working with Angela Kelly.

      They’re trying to make Camilla the story to take focus off Incandescent William and KKKate.

      Don’t get me wrong, Camilla is self-interested, racist trash. I don’t think she cares about Meghan at all but it’s very unusual for her to push her opinion attached to her name forward like this instead of just trashing the other person.

      Will and Kate are on vacation and keeping people focused on the other family members.

      • Nic919 says:

        I agree with this. Camilla’s general PR for the last few decades has been to lay low and show support to Charles. The gardening thing is the type of thing she has focused on in the media and discussing controversial topics is not what she does openly. Even if Meghan is not as liked in certain aristo circles, I cannot see Camilla making herself a target like this because she knows the affair will always be used against her. I can certainly see William turning his people on Camilla to take some blame.

        And of all the people to speak of Meghan, only Camilla publicly said complimentary things, something William and Kate have never been able to do.

        I also think W and K and doing this so that people don’t notice they are not spending the summer together. Every other royal has been spotted and commented on but not these two. It is more than unusual for this to happen for close to two months.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Nic – that’s where I am too. I don’t think Camilla is a saint and I’m sure she has plenty of things to say behind the scenes. But I don’t see her inserting her name into the narrative like this so blatantly, and in a way that is just going to make people say (like many on here are saying and I don’t blame them) “who does she think she is? She carried on an affair with Charles for decades!” I can see William and Kate doing it though because it shifts focus back to Camilla and Charles as the villains in the Windsor saga, and William and Kate are nowhere to be seen.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Nic if it was the Sussexes who had completely disappeared for two months+ when they were still working royals, we’d be hearing about it every fcking day. There would probably be a giant red banner on the Fail’s homepage, keeping count — like “It’s been 68 days since we’ve seen the greedy, lazy Sussexes!”

  5. Layla says:

    Oh here we go again! Guess the “let’s wreck Meghan because we have nothing else to do with our lives” train has left the station 🙄🙄🙄

    And why are these people so keen (lol) to see themselves referred to as “rocks”? It’s not doing any of them any favours

    • twinkle says:

      well they’ve been expertly grey-rocked by H&M, perhaps they’re trying to assimilate??

    • Lorelei says:

      They really do have a small list of words & descriptions that they use over and over and over. Kate “never putting a foot wrong” is the most obnoxious one imo.

      Also, I think that EVERY SINGLE TIME that Kate has spoken publicly or for a video or whatever, she’s said, “I’ve seen time and time again…” ffs we get it. It’s like she recycles the same exact script. When I think of Harry’s or Meghan’s speeches, there isn’t any word or phrase that automatically comes to mind because they actually write and believe what they’re saying (imo), and each speech is different because they’re tailored to whatever event they’re at. They don’t repeat the same damn thing every time they speak. Kate just robotically says the same nonsense over and over.

  6. FHMom says:

    All I’ve got is Huh? I mean, does anyone really care what Camilla thinks?

    • Mac says:

      I guess we need to know that every member of the family is a racist who blames the Black woman they abused for Harry leaving the nest of vipers.

  7. Jegede says:

    There have LONG been rumours about Camilla’s feelings towards Meghan.

    The rota made a point of asking Camo at an engagement whether she’ll miss Meghan and they appeared to laugh at her ‘unenthusiastic’ response.

    I always thought it was the rota rats pulling something, but now I believe they were actively being fed this story.😶😶

    • Kalana says:

      Snide comments and looks are how Camilla expresses herself. That story sounds way more like her. An article like this doesn’t seem like something she would do.

    • Nic919 says:

      I saw that clip and it looked more like she was laughing at their dumb questions in a “as if I am going to answer that” way.
      I’m not saying that Camilla loves Meghan, but I just don’t see her changing her PR style that she has maintained for decades.

  8. Roserose says:

    The fact that family members are ranked in terms of popularity has got to create such a weird and pathological atmosphere and interpersonal relationships. It’s probably at the heart of a lot of what’s gone on in that family, as well as abandonment and attachment difficulties.

    Thank goodness I’m a pleb that no one cares about but the people who love me!

    • MY3CENTS says:

      Let her enjoy that 30% approval rating, when the next session of The Crown drops so does that number.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        Add to the fact that she is less popular than the Pedophile in the family. What a twisted country that has a higher regard for a pedo than a conniving, adulterer that worked behind the scenes to make Diana miserable in addition to Chaz!

        The only one that they should be considering who will never forgive is Meghan for the way that the entire family, the Firm, BP, CH and the Lamebridhes treated her. In addition to the royal rats who Men in Grey that spearheaded a constant smear campaign against Meghan. May they all get their dues, sooner rather than latter please!

    • Lorelei says:

      Right?! They are absolutely obsessed with these idiotic popularity polls. We hear about them like once a week. First of all, I highly doubt they’re accurate, and second of all, it makes them sound like a bunch of middle schoolers, caring and talking so much about “popularity.” I mean FFS!

  9. SarahLee says:

    I really don’t think Meghan is the reason that Charles’ – and by extension Camilla’s – reputations have taken a hit. The reminders of their past actions with respect to Diana have done them in. The sweet irony is that QEII seems to be in good health. Charles is looking a little stressed and ruddy. The old bat may just outlive him. Then watch William treat Camilla as a modern-day Wallis Simpson.

    • Snuffles says:

      Yup. Charles and Camilla have 2 more seasons of The Crown and Harry’s memoir to look forward to.

    • Noki says:

      i always think Charles certainly didnt inherit his parents fitness. He has always been slightly dumpy and never shown much energy or enthusiasm for anything. He looks awful now,he is so red and bloated.

      • Jaded says:

        He was amazingly fit when he was younger, google pics of him surfing, playing polo, etc. He was very active so no, he’s never been dumpy and had lots of energy for the usual royal sports. I think he suffers from rosacea which causes redness and rashes on the face. He also may be on medication to control things like carpal tunnel syndrome, scleroderma, arthritis, etc. which can cause swelling.

      • (The OG) Jan90067 says:

        Actually, back in “the day”, Prince Tampon had a hard, fit body; he was very athletic. He was the true definition of a “Butter Face” back then. As he aged, he’s gotten more dumpy, but then again, as most of us age, and lose our “youth hormones (estrogen/testosterone), we do tend to gain weight. Couple that with his “enjoyment” of his cocktail, and whatever health ailments (I’m thinking something heart related, considering the edema in his hands), well… there you have Charles.

      • Feeshalori says:

        He certainly cut a fine figure in his polo playing days.

    • Becks1 says:

      I think Oprah and the Crown were kind of a 1-2 punch for Charles and Camilla. The Crown reminded people of what happened with Diana, since it has been so glossed over as part of Camilla’s rebranding, and the Oprah interview let us all know that not much has changed. There’s still jealousy, backstabbing, Charles is still obsessed with control, etc.

      As for this story – I can see Camilla not being happy that Charles is being “attacked” (because I’m sure he feels that way, how dare Harry tell people that he pulled security from them etc), but I also can see her just sort of buckling down with her books and her wine and horses and gardens and grandkids. This is different from Diana because with Diana, Camilla’s status was being threatened, and Diana was a direct rival for Charles (I mean she was his wife….) Camilla had something to gain by bringing Diana down in the press and by actively leaking stories about her etc.

      I don’t think Camilla gains anything by leaking that she’s pissed that Meghan dared to breathe the same air as her.

      • Becks1 says:

        To add – if I were Camilla, Kate would bother me way more than Meghan, especially with the endless stories about Kate being “the future queen” etc.

      • Lady D says:

        Maybe Charles isn’t the only one who has long-term revenge planned for when they get the crown. Camilla might turn out to be just as petty as Charles, once crowned and with some actual power. It will be up to Camilla to decide what jewels Kate wears, or if she even gets an invite to a soiree, right? She might also have a lot of influence over where the Cambridges are sent as ambassadors. It’s well known that Camilla doesn’t fly well, so guess who’s getting the trips?

      • Becks1 says:

        @LadyD – yup, my thoughts are similar. And we know Camilla LOVES bling. I feel like the Queen in recent years has just stuck to her usual favorites for tiaras and the like (although her brooch collection is incredible and she does change those up, wonder if all of those will go to Camilla?) I think when Camilla is running the show – well first off Angela Kelly will be long gone – but I think we’re going to see some pieces that we haven’t seen in quite some time, and they’ll be BIG, significant pieces. She’s not going to let Kate compete with that.

      • Maria says:

        I’ll say this for Charles, he gifts great jewelry, whether they are new pieces or inherited. A trait his son does not manifest….

      • Feeshalori says:

        It’s always been reported that Charles loves to lavish jewels on Camilla, a trait parsimonious William hasn’t picked up from his father.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      @ SarahLee, Yes, TOBB would exile her so fast she wouldn’t have time to pack!!

    • Lorelei says:

      @SaraLee I swear to god, sometimes it seems like she’s determined to outlive him based on pure spite!

      @Becks it is AMAZING to me how many articles and publications constantly refer to William and Kate as the Future Monarchs, without a mention of Chuck and Camilla. They act like C&C don’t even exist.

      If I wasn’t a royal watcher, and didn’t pay much attention to anyone in the BRF, but merely glanced at magazine covers at the grocery store, I’d totally assume William and Kate are up right after the Queen. I mean I get that most people care about the younger royals; C&C won’t sell magazines or generate clicks, so it will always be the Cambridges and the Sussexes until William’s children are old enough for them to torment. But they never even mention Charles’s existence!

      It’s absolutely bizarre and probably infuriates Charles.

  10. hindulovegod says:

    Camilla needs to keep her mouth shut or The Crown could include how Charles dropped her for other mistresses when she was pregnant. Wouldn’t it be fun to see Charles’s carefully crafted PR fiction about her unravel? Could Tiggy resurface? Let’s dredge it all up!

    • BayTampaBay says:

      One of those mistresses was a person named Eva O’Neill. Eva O’Neil is the mother of Christopher O’Neill.

      I do not think Chucky III ever had an affair with Tiggy as I do not see Tiggy as his type.

      • A Guest says:

        Christopher O’Neil, as in Princess Madeline’s husband? Oh the mess…

      • 809Matriarch says:

        Well there was a long standing one named Dale “Kanga” Tryon. Charles allegedly oscillated between Kanga and Camilla during their pregnancies. Kanga lost Chuckie by being a little to mouthy with the press. There was a great deal about her on YouTube until just recently most of the documentary stuff has now been scrubbed.

      • Tessa says:

        Tiggy confessed to a crush on Charles. Charles was photographed with Tiggy being “tactile” (hugging and kissing) with her something that would be criticized in this day and age IMO.

    • AnneSurely says:

      This is the interesting part. Most people have no idea that Camilla herself is a PR fix. My co-worker’s family is fancy and his mother ran in Diana’s sisters’ circle back in the day. According to her, the whole set was like musical chairs with everyone trading partners until the pressure from their parents dictated that they get married- and it was to whomever they were dating at the time. But after all of the marriages, they just continued the way they had always been with the musical chairs. Charles had a whole rotation and the only reason that we got the ‘Camilla is the real love of bis life’ scandal is bc the ‘Charles has a coterie of mistresses’ scandal would have been far more devastating. This story is a Cambridge plant to generate a flurry of Camilla Should Know her Place Is and Will Always Be the Gutter.

      • Snuffles says:

        I dunno. There is ample evidence that Camila was his favorite. She was the only one who inserted herself into Charles marriage and gaslit Diana from day one. None of the others did that. I think with Camila, Charles viewed her as a good friend as well as a mistress.

      • Maria says:

        Charles himself called Kanga Tryon “the only woman who ever understood me”. Diana at one point sided with her to try to drive Camilla out. Camilla played the role of Kate, in clinging on. The “great love” story is inaccurate. Even now they live in separate houses.

      • Nic919 says:

        I agree this screams of Cambridge, likely William involvement. Camilla wouldn’t expose herself to this criticism after years of keeping a low profile. She’s not this dumb.

      • Tessa says:

        Camilla outmaneuvered IMO rather than being necessarily Charles’ favorite. Traditional royal mistresses never undermined the wife. Camilla even sat in Diana’s chair as hostess at Highgrove in Diana’s absence (pre separation). Janet Jenkins was involved on and off with Charles during the “Camilla years.” And there are letters to prove it plus Jenkins’ own interviews.

      • Christine says:

        This is so fascinating to me!

  11. Snuffles says:

    Trying to start a rumor I see. Hoping it will gain traction with people wondering what Meghan did to Charles. Except no one cares enough for Charles to be outraged for him.

    • Lorelei says:

      So, as usual, the public (mostly idiotic Sussex detractors who read and believe tabloids, but it’s the principle of it) will come away from it thinking more poorly of Meghan — and meanwhile, we know that in reality, Camilla is probably irritated with *William* since she’ll likely guess pretty quickly where this came from.

  12. ReginaGeorge says:

    After watching The Windsors on Netflix , I can no longer unsee Camila as the actress who plays her on the show, and think of her actively sabotaging everyone. LOL

    • OriginalLala says:

      that show NAILED Camilla! she is my favorite!

    • AmelieOriginal says:

      That’s EXACTLY what I was going to say! I also see Camilla as actively sabotaging and trying to murder everyone just to get Charles on the throne lol.

      This whole article made me think of the way Camilla is portrayed on The Windsors. The actress who plays her is one of my favorite parts of the show. I’m really surprised Celebitchy hasn’t done a podcast about it or talked about that show more (I mean, we bring up The Crown ALL the time), because interestingly, the show suggested Harry and Meghan moving to the US before the Sussexes officially made that announcement. It’s obviously a huge satire but some of the storylines on that show have weirdly turned out to be real.

    • I just watched some of The Windsors, never having seen it, and was screaming with laughter the whole time! It was brilliant. Thanks for the recommendation!

      • Becks1 says:

        It is SO good. I didn’t like how they first introduced Meghan, but Meghan in season 3 is fantastic. and they do have them moving to California before it was announced (by the time it aired it was at least announced they were stepping back but still in canada, but it was obviously written before that. I think once it hit Netflix here in the US they were in California so it worked out perfectly, I’m sure they were grateful to H&M, ha.)

        But they do get some of the storylines really accurate, they’re not afraid to skewer all of the royals. Philip just sends letters all the time, Kate and William get into a dispute with their contractor about moving the driveway and tennis court at Anmer etc, William is desperate to be a Middleton, it really hits the nail on the head, its an excellent satire.

        so excellent, in fact, that when I made a comment to my husband in a bar about Casamigos and was like “look, that’s Jack, Eugenie’s husband, tequila brand that he works for” my husband said “wait, that wasn’t a joke? I assumed that was a fake storyline?” nope. lol.

  13. Rita says:

    Oh, shut up homewrecker!

  14. Amy Bee says:

    It’s not true that Camilla stayed out of the Harry and Meghan situation. Very soon after Harry and Meghan left, it was reported in the Mail on Sunday that Camilla gave advice to Meghan and that she didn’t take it. The piece was written in such a way that Camilla was offended that Meghan didn’t listen to her. As for this piece, Camilla can eff off. Her husband was part of a smear campaign that led to Harry and Meghan leaving and then after they left he did everything in his power to make their lives a living hell and for them to fail. Charles is not the victim here.

  15. Matthew says:

    Maybe Camilla actually is pissed at Meghan but maybe some random courtier is using her as a proxy like they do with all of the royals. “Blah blah is pissed and might never forgive Meghan”. No dude, YOU’RE pissed at Meghan and using a bold face name to launder your own feelings into the press. I actually think she’s sort of smart enough, been around long enough and also has way bigger fish to fry than Harry and Meghan to not bother with any of this. Kate on the other hand….does not.

    • lanne says:

      I think this is shit stirring by courtiers and ratchets. My guess is that Camilla stays out of it all. She knows her position with the public is tenuous, and that she’ll always be judged by how everything went down with Diana. I think this is someone throwing Camilla under the bus as a way to jerk Charles’s chain. The Sussex fans don’t have any love for any of the royals, and I’m sure Camilla doesn’t want to be a target of both the Diana freaks and the Sussex fans.

      The royal family: a wretched hive of scum and villainy.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        @Ianne – Agree with you. This seems to me to be the Royal Ratchets trying to jerk Chucky’s chain.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Agree @lanne @BTB. This sounds like another one of Syke’s creative articles. Next up- The Corgis are mad too.

      • Tessa says:

        I think that people even lukewarm to Diana were negative about Camilla and reminded about her seeing Season 4 of the Crown. They did not have to be “fanatics.” Some people may have had a Camilla in their own lives.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Tessa, that’s a really good point. My father cheated on my mother when I was little so I absolutely cannot abide adulterers. I did love Diana, but the infidelity is probably why I couldn’t stand Camilla from the day I knew who she was. You’re so right that a lot of people probably have a Camilla in their own lives, so they were never going to like her no matter how many years or
        £ Charles spends trying to “rehabilitate” her image.

        @Lanne I’m so amused at the fact that all you needed to say was “ratchets” and I immediately knew exactly the people you’re referring to.
        I wonder how the ratchets will feel when they’re much older and they look back, each realizing that their entire legacy will be that they were cruel, petty racists who spent their careers tormenting Harry and Meghan and trying to make their lives a living hell every single day, even after they were driven out of the damn country.

  16. Over it says:

    Kaiser are you taking a gardening dig at Willy in your last statement? You really are my hero. I love your Whitt. Lololol.

  17. Amy Bee says:

    I’ll add that 20 years of PR has made some people think Camilla is just a sweet and kind lady. Let’s remember that she befriended Diana knowing she was having an affair with Charles and then proceeded to gaslight her for many years after until Diana confronted her about the affair. She’s as bad as Charles.

    • Tessa says:

      Stuart Higgins of the Sun said Camilla would call him every week during the Wales’ marriage in the eighties. She gave “her side.” Camilla is far from being sweet and kind if she were she’d have sent Charles packing when he got engaged to Diana and never looked back.

    • Lorelei says:

      @AmyBee, my guess would be that many of the people who see her as a nice old lady only started paying attention to the royals when W&K got married, or when Meghan came on the scene. They’ve likely just seen a few photos of her in group shots and never gave her much thought (IMO).

      Those of us who’ve been following them for a lot longer will never forget her cruelty toward Diana. And no amount of Chuck’s pricey, decades-long “rebranding” will change how we view her.

  18. Jegede says:


    😃😃 at fonts saying this isn’t Camilla’s style. The 20 year rebranding obviously worked.

    The Torygraph is one of the most pro-Camo outlets and she’s worked with Tominey – who wrote this story – for years!

    • Nic919 says:

      Tominey also works with the Middletons and making Camilla a larger target in the discussion would be something that William and Kate would do.

  19. Over it says:

    Not even going down the Camilla hole, because garden variety home wreckers don’t have a branch to stand on when it comes to family and loyalty

  20. Ainsley7 says:

    So, does the telegraph actually say what Meghan did? I’m assuming it’s something to do with like manipulating Harry into leaving or forcing Harry to give interviews where he talks about his relationship with his Dad. I mean, Meghan hasn’t said anything about Charles specifically. I mean, there were some possible insinuations made about who she told about her mental health and who discussed changing the rules around the kid’s titles, but nothing direct. In context, even when she said someone higher up, I kind of assumed she meant a courtier even though some interpreted it as a member of the family. So, is Camilla just confirming that Charles had been involved in one or both of these issues? Otherwise, it’s been all Harry’s decisions that effected Charles.

  21. Nancy says:

    This ridiculousness aside, I can not think of the Highgrove garden in any other context than that scene in the Crown where “Charles” is explaining his garden vision to “the Queen” and she totally cuts him down. 😂😂😂

    • RoyalBlue says:

      When I hear Highgrove, I think of the Crown and how anytime Charles wanted to get away from Diana he ran off to Highgrove where he would canoodle with you know who.

  22. GR says:

    I love how Camilla seems to assume that everybody has access to a garden. No Camz, lots of us don’t have money or we live in apartments in cities.

  23. Scorpion says:

    The shade the DB article is throwing at Campax has me dying of laughter 😁😂🤣

    I’m sure Harry will never forgive you Campax for usurping his mother and breaking up his family.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      @ Scorpion, let’s not forget how Chaz played a role in his treatment of his mother as well!! The fact that he had a bracelet made for Cam on the eve of his wedding makes me angry beyond words. Poor Diana never had a chance with that awful family!!

      I am glad though that Harry is very much his mother and will keep a stead course of his life. He is truly a man of great compassion and empathy.

    • Lorelei says:

      @Scorpion omg this is the first time I’ve seen her referred to as “Campax” and it’s so perfect I’m dying 😭

  24. Steph says:

    This comment is based off the title alone. I’ll edit if need be.

    Oh shut the f*ck up, Camilla.

  25. Here4Tea says:

    I think this is total fabrication. Camilla is not popular, all attempts at rehabilitation have taken big hits recently due to controversy surrounding Diana’s interview with BBC ( it reminded everyone of just how badly treated she was) and the popularity of Netflix’s “The Crown.”

    • Lorelei says:

      I feel like the opposite is also possible— she knows how disliked she is, and the Sussexes are the only ones in the family who she thinks she can feel “superior” to.

  26. superashes says:

    Is it possible all this press is because Camilla is the one who asked about Archie’s skin color?

    • Amy Bee says:

      I think it’s was more than one senior royal who had concerns about Archie’s skin colour.

    • Here4Tea says:

      I think if she was THE ONE, William would have leaked it by now. Anything that damages Charles is a baldy bonus.

      • Becks1 says:

        Yeah, I think if it was anyone besides Charles or William, it would have leaked by now. We did get that one story about it being Anne but I don’t think anyone believed it.

      • Christine says:

        I completely agree with you. If it’s Kate, we’ll know as soon as Wills decides to sell her down another river. Other than the queen, the only person William can’t afford to sell out in the media is Charles.

  27. ABritGuest says:

    I hope this isn’t really from Camilla & is just press nonsense because it would be some audacity if not. Let’s not forget that Diana’s son Harry stuck up for Camilla- saying in an interview the public should feel sorry for Camilla, how she’s not a wicked stepmother & him& William loved her loads & she makes Charles happy. Also Meghan didn’t name any royal in the Oprah interview except Kate when clarifying the tears story. So idea Camilla would be upset with Meghan only for Oprah is ridiculous.

    I can see Camilla being the one to give Meghan advice about the press & laying low etc as the press always compares Meghan & Camilla’s treatment. Difference is Camilla got bad press for something she actually did- having the affair (not excusing attacks on her looks etc) whereas Meghan was doing attacked for who she was.

    Also Camilla got her side out through editors even when Diana was alive, people like Penny Junor & Mark Boland’s aggressive PR campaign which involved throwing leaking on Charles’ sons so not like she just kept her head down like they were apparently advising Meghan.

    The press clearly wanted the Cambridges & Sussexes to engage in a briefing war like Charles/Camilla and Diana’s camp were doing so that’s why Camilla Tominey was telling Meghan to call her back in 2019. But Harry made clear didn’t want to play the game

    • Selene says:

      I agree 10,000%, this is exactly what I meant.

    • Tessa says:

      I think Harry did this for her father rather than Camilla. To placate him. I don’t think he likes her but is polite and courteous. I think Charles is a lot more difficult behind closed doors and he may have “suggested” Harry say something nice about her.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Tessa that’s sort of what I was thinking…it might be true only because Charles seems like the type who is always sullen, angry, feeling victimized, etc. If she’s had to put up with Charles being in a vile mood for months on end, making both of their lives miserable, I can see her blaming the Sussexes for creating all of the “drama” that’s upset Charles.

        We always say here that William seems like he’d be difficult to live with, and I think Charles is the same. He’s probably been either sulking or totally enraged for months now. He doesn’t strike me as the type who can compartmentalize the different issues in his life and mentally set them aside at night so he can kick back and enjoy time with Camilla.

        William and Harry both seem to tolerate her, at least in public, but I can’t imagine that either one of them will ever forgive and forget the way she treated their mother.

  28. corralee says:

    “ I think gardens got people through Covid.”

    Is Camilla aware that the majority of people on this planet don’t have access to, or room for, a garden?

    • Amy Bee says:

      No, she doesn’t.

    • Here4Tea says:

      To be fair, I think she is referring to the British public and there was a gardening boom and general love for green space during lockdown. There were loads of articles regarding the mental-health benefits and such like

      • Amy Bee says:

        @Here4tea: Not everybody in the UK has access to a garden. It would seem Camilla doesn’t know that.

    • Miss Jupitero says:

      I’m not a fan of the RF, but I’m a huge fan of Gardeners World and one of the things I love about that show (a d about the British attitude toward gardens) is that if you really want a garden, you can have some sort of a garden.

      Their show has profiled people who have filled their homes with potted plants, people who created innovative window boxes, people whose gardens are a simple allotment space outside the city. I remember one episode that featured someone who turned a guestroom into a mini greenhouse. Another episode featured so done who turned an alley way into a haven for tropical plants.

      All my life I have always had some sort of a garden– sometimes it has been only some houseplants, one summer in the city it was a wee window ox that I filled with morning glories which ended up climbing all the way up my building.

      I loathe the RF, but I have to give chuck and cam credit with their gardening enthusiasms. It’s real, and is probably the nicest thing about them.

      • Miss Jupitero says:

        Omg, my typos…. *headdesk*

        I am also going to toss this is: If the majority of people do not have gardens it is probably because they have no interest. And that’s cool. I get it. I know I am a fanatic and you will take my trowel from my cold dead hands.

        But if anyone has any interest and even just a little time, you would be amazed at what you can grow in whatever space you happen to have. If nothing else, you can certainly take an afternoon to appreciate the many public gardens and amazing spaces people have made. This is especially the case in Britain where the gardening culture is… wow, epic. I have been gobsmacked at what people have been able to do with the even tiniest strips of space next to their houses. The optimism, inventiveness, and love that gardening inspires has been especially valuable during the pandemic.

        Ol’ Chuck has shown what he can do with his abundant funds and a staff of hot and cold running expert gardeners (big whoop… how often does he actually dirty his own hands?) I personally am way more impressed by the small children featured in GW who created a wall of strawberries in this bare scrap of land next to their house.

        I’ll get off my soapbox now….. Sorry, I can be a raving lunatic on this topic….

      • Feeshalori says:

        Miss Jupiter, l went crazy with growing figs in containers as my pandemic hobby. It’s become my addiction now.

      • Lady D says:

        Every place I’ve lived I’ve grown flowers for the bees, and berries for the birds. I used to think I was growing the berries for myself, but apparently I can be taught because I now grow them for the birds. I had very fat blueberries for them this year. I hope they liked them.
        (never been much of a fan of birds)

      • Maria says:

        Aww Lady D…that is so pure! 🥰

      • Miss Jupitero says:

        Any berry i grow is for the birds. Haha! I am at peace with that.

    • RoyalBlue says:

      She is clearly not aware that there are people living in the projects or high rises.

      Her head is in the clouds.

  29. Sofia says:

    Meghan did what to Charles? If Camilla wants to be mad, she needs to direct that to Harry. He’s the one that’s been speaking out the most about Charles. Meghan really hasn’t said much about him.

    • Tessa says:

      That’s right, Meghan never put down her father in law. Harry was upset that his father took away security and did not return his calls. I don’t blame him. If I recall correctly, Charles housed Camilla and gave her security well before they got engaged. He even housed his future
      father in law at Clarence House. Yet he could not offer security to his own son.

    • MsIam says:

      I think she blames Meghan for not taking the abuse so that Harry would stick around. So much for dear Camilla being an “advocate” for abused women. But just because she’s happy to eat dog biscuits for the sake of her “man” doesn’t mean someone else should feel the same. Plus I’m sure she was hoping Meghan would be there to take the heat from the press.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Msiam, if that’s true (and I totally agree with you that it could be), it only shows how little she actually knows Harry because it was his decision to leave, not Meghan’s — hasn’t he stated that a few times now? No one in the BRF ever truly listens to Harry or takes him seriously, and they all continue to underestimate him.

  30. Catherine says:

    Camilla has never stayed out of things. Though disliked by the public. She was always embraced by Charles friends. She was always a firm part of his circle. IMO. She is by all accounts Charles’a closest confidante. She participated is the emotional undermining and torment of Diana. She happily went along with Charles selling out his sons (mostly Harry) in order to get good press for herself. She had not been a passive side chick in Charles treachery. Throughout the smear campaign against the Sussexes Camilla would pop up with exclusives for various tabloids. She is part of the deal. The tabloids are firmly a part of the rehabilitation of her image. She’s not getting that without her cooperation with them. Putting out a story with her “disapproval” of Meghan is then trying to position her in a positive light. Note they didn’t state any opinions she might have of Harry or his actions. They know they can’t have her criticizing Diana’s son but Meghan of course is fair game.

    • Jegede says:


    • Here4Tea says:

      One of her biographers is Caroline Graham aka Thomas Markle’s handler.

      • Scorpion says:

        @here4tea, really now?

      • Lorelei says:

        @Here4Tea: Seriously? So Camilla works with Thomas Markle’s handler and Charles writes exclusive articles for the Daily Mail, knowing full well how they mistreated and tormented (and continue to) his son and DIL on a daily basis for years now? Lovely family. JFC

    • Cessily says:

      So The duchess of Sussex is somehow needing forgiveness, for what? I would suggest the family currently embracing and hiding someone accused of raping a trafficked minor(s) should really pick their battles.

    • Tessa says:

      Camilla also considered Lady Dale Tryon a rival and was happy when Tryon was seen off. She apparently saw Anna Wallace one of Charles girlfriends as a threat. And stopped playing the safe married friend in front of Anna and danced the night away with Charles while Anna seethed. Anna had enough and left the party saying to Charles nobody treats me like that not even you. Penny Junor and Camilla are friends and even took vacations together. Junor said she consulted Camilla and Charles in writings including her book about Camilla the Duchess which was a worshipful account of Camilla with a lot of put downs of Diana. Camilla IMO is also aware that she must cater to William and be pleasant with him though I think there is no love lost between William and Camilla. I am so glad Harry and Meghan and family got away from that environment.

    • Pat says:

      The sooner Harry realizes that him having the same blood line as is family truly means nothing to those fruit loops. The heir’s to the crown(1-2 are most important in that family. Harry should simply ignore them Allan don’t keep doing what they want no some dam will of the queen. She doesn’t care about husk children like that. When she kicks the bucket I hope the whole truth comes out and black commonwealth countries drop their ass.

  31. JW says:

    Although I have serious doubts about the story, if true, my reaction may be summed up as:

    Ohhhhh, I wish a bitch WOULD.

  32. Amy Bee says:

    It may seem that Camilla was not active in the smear campaign against Meghan and Harry but she was a participant. Meghan was attacked by the press and CH for posting on Instagram about her visit to the National Theatre on the same day Camilla did a speech on domestic violence. So she’s no innocent here.

    • Sure says:

      I find it hypocritical and abhorrent that while Camilla’s charity work highlights domestic violence, she seems to have contributed to and supported the abuse of both Diana and Meghan by the UK media. I also wonder whether it was something she said that prompted Meghan to famously say “..rude and racist are not the same.”

      • Amy Bee says:

        @Sure: I don’t take Camilla’s work in domestic violence seriously either. I think she’s one of the royals who told Meghan to stay of the spotlight. This worked for Camilla because she got the press on her side at the expense of Harry but she was once again gaslighting Meghan as CH was actively working with the press to smear her.

      • Tessa says:

        Charles according to witnesses like Jephson put down Diana in public. I saw a film clip of Charles and Diana in 1983 in Canada and he was giving a speech saying he needed “two wives” and DIana visibly cringed. Camilla also in a letter told Charles to “ignore her” and called DIana ‘that ridiculous creature.” She is not one to represent domestic violence. Charles was emotionally distant and later it was worse with public put downs. Camilla also was smirking at Meghan’s wedding at the sermon.

      • Lorelei says:

        They’re hypocritical in every way. Just this week, Harry was trashed for flying in a private jet when his father does it ALL THE TIME, and certainly far more than Harry. But we haven’t heard a peep about that, and how hypocritical “eco-warrior” Charles is.

  33. Cat C says:

    I’d love to see the pool they polled to see about this love of Camilla. Not that I know whole of their nation but none of my British friends care for her & they are quite vocal about it. Maybe it’s just a particular age group that’s finally accepting of her?

  34. Pork chops & Apple sauce says:

    Do any of us truly give a sh*t what ‘Milla the Mistress will or will not forgive?! As always, the hypocrisy is hilariously bad.

    • Tessa says:

      I doubt Diana forgave Camilla. Camilla would do well just to keep quiet and going about the appearances with stray dogs and puttering around gardens.

  35. Murphy says:

    Whatever, Camilla doesn’t care. This has Fergie written all over it, she’s known for putting out puff pieces about Camilla to butter up to Charles. (obviously it never works but Sarah is stupid)

    • Here4Tea says:

      Agreed. Camilla doesn’t give a toss what anyone thinks. The only thing she that affects her is whether she is named Queen Consort or not. That’s Charles’ bugbear not Camilla ‘s. It’s only in the last few years that the prospect of her becoming QC has even been discussed, as Charles believed that their image had been successfully rebooted (it hadn’t).

      Anyway, the Firm’s inability to read the room with regards to the outrage over Andrew means that Charles is unlikely to get his way in naming Camilla QC. It may seem strange to us now, but when Victoria was queen most of her subjects probably believed she was anointed by God. Who believes that of Elizabeth, Charles or William. All monarchies appear to be unassailable until the moment they fall.

    • Tessa says:

      I think Camilla DOES care and she wants to be Queen. I hope Charles does not start double downing on the Diana gaslighting (again) through Penny Junor et al. It did not work as well as he thinks, IMO, considering the huge impact of Season 4 of the Crown.

      • Murphy says:

        No she doesn’t, she didn’t want to marry him in 1973 and she didn’t want to marry him in 2005 either but he insisted once his grandmother had passed.

    • Sofia says:

      She does? First I’m hearing of it.

  36. Scrambled Eggs says:

    The gaslighting with this family is so exhausting. The whole, “Calling me out on my racism is more insidious bullying than me being racist toward YOU!” Cue tears. And a good part of Britain and really, the world, BUYS it. But man, I admire the Sussex game here–they know the only way to slow the abuse (bc it won’t ever stop) is to starve them out of content as much as possible and to pretend like none of them exist.

  37. Red Weather Tiger says:

    Cams, the lushy Anti-Peacemaker.

  38. nicki says:

    The idiot courtiers are running out of people to be upset and offended at Meghan so they’ve trotted out Camilla. Meeanwhile in Montecito, it’s all a big shrug.

  39. XoXo says:

    I think this piece is from W&K’s camp as well as the piece of Charles being worried about Harry dissing Camilla.
    Charles wants his wife to be queen when he ascends the throne. On this front, William holds the card, because he knows he is popular with the British public and Charles isn’t, let alone Camilla.
    Over the past several years, Charles’s been leading a PR offensive for his wife to become the future queen, and lately, it seemed worked. Camilla’s approval rating improved and the public started to taking a like of her. Then about a year or maybe 2 years ago when Meghan drama started to brood, there was a piece on Daily Mail with royal biographers or some journalist starting to agitate Diana v Camilla narrative again, and how William and Harry were suffered. And all of a sudden, it seemed the public was against Camilla again.
    I remember the piece was really odd. Largely it’s because of the timing. The Daily Mail was all about the Meghan drama around the time (which has been always) and out of all these, a Camilla v Diana narrative piece was inserted in the middle of it. It was not Diana’s memorial day or any other significant date. The timing was really suspicious.
    And around the time, I begin to pay attention to the mechanisms of the power play of the royal drama, and not just the gossips. I’ve been noticing William’s shady side ever since Harry began to take a shine on his own and cast a shadow for his big brother.
    I suspect William was playing the foul here by pitying his father and stepmother against the public. I think Charles was trying to intervene and this was William’s warning move for him to stay out of the sibling feud he had with Harry. I think Harry was really hurt about this.
    I’ve noticed W is really vindicative and holds a long grudge.

    • Tessa says:

      I actually don’t believe William and Kate are as popular as their PR would indicate. I think there is some negativity to them, how much I cannot say. But to me he is getting more and more like his father. Camilla ought to worry because I don’t think William will be nice to her after his father passes away. But Charles probably put together an iron clad legal document so William would not control her finances. I don’t think William really cares that much for Camilla and vice versa. I don’t think Camilla cares for Kate and vice versa but they are using each other.

      • Nic919 says:

        The covid choo choo tour affected their popularity much more than they realize. It was tone deaf and confirmed that the “young royals” really aren’t more in touch than the older ones. And you can be sure that whenever there is another referendum in Scotland that these two twits will be brought up. The arrogance in travelling there despite a pandemic and without any real precautions just confirmed them for the fools they are.

  40. Melly says:

    Who cares what this horse faced side piece thinks of Meghan? The Queen, who I am not a fan of but on which I agree in her assessment of Camilla, once referred to her as “that wicked woman”

    Nasty piece of work who participated in the manipulation and gaslighting of a teenager. Camilla has achieved nothing of note or worth. Even her own late brother called her the laziest woman in England. Back to your stable woman and leave Meghan’s name out of your mouth!

    • Tessa says:

      Would that Camilla had such a great interest in gardening that she let Diana be. It is on record through letters that she disliked Diana calling her that ‘ridiculous creature’ in a letter to Charles.

    • Kfg says:

      I hope the crown discusses Kanga in addition to Camilla.

  41. Tessa says:

    Charles should have looked out for Harry and Meghan and their family, Considering all with Camilla, it is not the best idea to talk that way. I don’t think even William is that close to her since his children are mostly with his in-laws. Camilla would be advised to keep quiet. One writer said that Camilla was “wise” not to interfere with William and Harry and for a while she did. Charles treated his sons’ mother horribly but he never believed apparently he is to blame for any of this.

  42. Eurydice says:

    Wow, 20 years of rehabilitation got her up to “10th Most Popular Royal.” Congrats – does she get a medal for that?

    • Tessa says:

      I’m wondering who voted in that survey. Just saying.

    • StartupSpouse says:

      HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I know, right? A 20 year “successful” PR campaign buys you 10th Most Popular Royal? Charles, honey, get your money back.

  43. Mooney says:

    Heard of glass houses, KAMIlla?

    Btw, can anyone explain me something? Before Meghan, I bought in that they’re star-crossed lovers PR. But I learnt the reality here. Why then,he married her when she was just one of his many mistresses? Why is so obsessed with rehabilitating of her image? Why is the self obsessed Chuck so mindful of his second wife’s image more than his first?

    • Lionel says:

      I think he does love her, to the extent that he is capable of loving anybody. They are certainly better suited to each other temperamentally than Charles and Diana seem to have been. But, more importantly, rehabilitating Camilla’s image rehabilitates Charles’ image. Looking at it that way, it’s easy to see why he’s so invested in it.

      • Tessa says:

        Diana was right for Charles in a sense he wanted her for being the mother of his heirs. She was of royal blood and from an old British Family whose kin included Winston Churchill. She had no experience, was attractive, and fertile. I doubt Charles even considered Camilla for that role especially since when he first met her and she had not yet married Parker Bowles he moved on and later told his biographer he was “too young” to marry then and he never told Camilla to wait for him. Diana could have been good for him and she wanted to be but he had Camilla around and she was going to stay around meeting him at foxhunts and other social occasions. If Charles DID love her he would have been like his great uncle and not looked at another woman after he met her, much less married someone else. If Diana had said no or Charles had moved on he would not have chosen Camilla to marry. She became the influential married mistress. She was married to another man and Charles also had another married mistress. Diana wanted to be suited to Charles but IMO Camilla would not allow it.

    • Jaded says:

      Because she mothers him — she gives him the coddling mother love he never got from QE.

  44. Emma says:

    Just like with Kate, this is just weaponizing white femininity. The core conflict is probably father and son, but they’re displacing it onto the wives because sexism/racism/classism. Can we all stop pretending Camilla is a nice person or someone you’d like to drink with. She wouldn’t give you the time of day.

  45. Liz version 700 says:

    That’s OK Camilla, I will never forget what you did to Diana either. I do have some minor compassion, being married to Charles of many tantrums cannot be easy.

  46. Tessa says:

    Stuart Higgins of the Sun.

  47. Lizzie says:

    Of course the once most HATED woman in the empire would love to look down on another woman. And oh look, here is a black lady that the country won’t mind me talking about.

  48. L4frimaire says:

    I just think of her as a person with no self- respect. Shady AF. The Crown keeps reminding us how shady she is.

  49. Margaret says:

    Camilla is a throw a rock and hide her hand witch, full stop. She was in touch with meghans father on a frequent basis. It was reported that harry told Charles. I truly believe she was involved with meghans family to try and break up the marriage before it took place. She is a snake. There is nothing innocent about her. I hope harry outs her involvement with the pathetic markle gang.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Okay, that Camilla/Thomas Markle story is bullsh#t. There is zero chance Camilla would have been talking to Meghan’s father. Jason Knauf was Tom’s good friend. That whole Camilla/TM story came out of Australia’s New Idea…same magazine that had the Sussexes splitting up the same day it was announced Meghan was pregnant again. Kate was reported to be having twins a number of times. Nicole & Keith have split up a million times by now.

  50. Margaret says:

    Oh and let’s not forget the part about the wedding reception meal, and cammie substituting vegan dishes with meat dishes, and Katie telling cammie she shouldn’t do that, what a mean girls joke the two harpies were playing. These articles were out there and down played. Also reported the York girls were Rudely saying their weddings would be bigger and better than meghans. All of these things took place per report during the wedding rehearsal.

  51. Angie says:

    OMG OMG OMG!!! I won’t be able to sleep for weeks now………..GEEEZZZZ

    • L4frimaire says:

      Seriously, no one cares what she thinks. Give her a glass of gin and a sugar cube, and she’ll be fine.

      • lolalola3 says:

        My thoughts exactly. She’ll sit on the couch under another hideous hat and wait til it’s time to totter home.

  52. Catherine says:

    This tramp has no moral authority to forgive or judge anyone in the family that she destroyed. The gall.

  53. t'otter says:

    Oh, these poor sad pathetic little royal boys who are all so pussywhipped : (


  54. Susan says:

    Am I the only one that sees what blatant MISOGYNY this crappy piece of “journalism” is?? And I like how “camilla” is mad at “Meghan” (does harry have no agency?) for what “she” did to poor innocent Charles?? BARF, JUST BARF.

  55. Cee says:

    Does she really want to go back to being the next Princess Consort? Because it will blow up in her face.

  56. The Recluse says:

    I could care less about Camilla. She’s a non-entity to me, but gardening….!

    Folks, all of us with the yard space could make a huge difference for our birds and pollinators. We could help save them, so work on those back/front yard gardens with all the plants that will help them survive. Back yard gardeners of the world, unite!

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      United in the gardening. Catmint (not catnip) has been very popular this year with the bumbles.

  57. Keltilass says:

    I wonder if she realizes, may will never forgive what she and Charles did to Diana or Meghan?

  58. blunt talker says:

    Charles the tampon future king needs to talk to his leather-faced wife to stay out of this family problems-What Camilla did to Diana’s sons was disgusting and vile-She started shit before the wedding, during the wedding, and after the wedding-She probably has not asked forgiveness for these sins-God will deal with her and it won’t be a kind experience-You reap what you sow.