Jon Gosselin sends TLC letter to stop filming on his property (update)

Get off my lawn!
I know a lot of you want to call a moratorium on Gosselin stories, and we hear you and will definitely work on cutting down. (As I explained in an earlier story on Jennifer Garner, sometimes it’s easier to go for the low-hanging fruit on slow news days.) This one is a real doozy though, and I really want to cover this, so you’re excused if you’ve reached Gosselin saturation and please don’t yell at me: Jon Gosselin’s lawyer has sent a letter to TLC threatening them that they must shut down all production of the show on his property! He sent this letter after TLC announced that Jon would no longer have more than an occasional role in the show, which would be named simply “Kate Plus 8.” This is obvious payback. Jon initially tried to win over TLC with a lame legal filing attempting to delay the divorce for 90 days, but when that didn’t work he ended up acting like the petty douche that he is.

I agree that this show needs to end, at least in its current capacity with the children being filmed constantly, but Jon is going for revenge and isn’t just out to protect his kids. Of course he says otherwise, but it sounds like he’s mad because he got shut out:

Jon Gosselin has struck back. After TLC removed his name from the title of the reality show, Jon & Kate Plus 8 Tuesday, the 32-year-old reality TV dad, via his attorney Mark J. Heller, sent the cable network a pair of letters stating all filming and production crews are heretofore banned from his family’s Wernersville, Pennsylvania home.

“Effective immediately, no production crews are to enter Jon’s family home for any reason. In the event that anyone enters the marital property, Jon Gosselin will notify the local authorities to effectuate police action against any trespassers,” his lawyer Mark J. Heller wrote to TLC.

Jon states that both he and Kate both own the property where the show is being shot, that he has joint custody of the kids and that he is able to make decisions about their welfare. The story was first reported by The Insider.

The letters from Jon’s attorney to TLC were dated Tuesday, the same day the network announced it was minimizing his role on the show and changing the name to Kate Plus 8.

Jon now says he believes it is not in the best interest of the children’s welfare to continue with production of the show.

He also says he found out about the show’s name change by reading about it in the press and that he has been in discussion for weeks with the network about pulling the plug on the show.The father-of-eight is currently in Los Angeles for a press tour which starts Thursday, when he will be a guest on Larry King Live.

Kate Plus 8 airs Mondays at 9/8c on TLC.

[From Radar]

So Johnny boy will be on Larry King Live tonight, and he probably timed this announcement for maximum publicity ahead of the interview. I bet we’ll hear more pitiful “why me” comments from the manwhore, in which he paints himself as the hapless victim in all of this. Meanwhile there’s news from Fox’s 411 blog that Jon’s scheme to make a reality show with Michael Lohan is moving forward. I kind of doubt this story, or we would have seen those two idiots out at some paparazzi hot spots in the past couple months. I think they had a falling out and don’t talk. It’s been a while since we’ve heard bigmouth Lohan talk about how poor Jon is coping.

Update: TLC has fired back at Jon, and calls his behavior “erratic” and “opportunistic.” They also make it clear that there’s no way he can do another reality show without their approval, reminding him that he’s “under an exclusive contract”:

TLC has come out swinging, calling Jon Gosselin’s antics “opportunistic.” Ya think so?

Gosselin has found God after getting dumped from “Jon & Kate Plus 8” and is now demanding that TLC stop production for the sake of his kids.

TLC says it is “deeply disappointed” at Jon’s “erratic behavior,” calling Jon’s latest salvo “grossly inaccurate, without merit and…clearly opportunistic.”

TLC adds, “Despite Jon Gosselin’s repeated self-destructive and unprofessional actions, he remains under an exclusive contract with TLC.”

But Jon may have TLC over a barrel, because it has suspended production while they hash it out with the concerned father of 8.

[From TMZ]

Jon Gosselin is shown in Beverly Hills yesterday. Credit: Fame Pictures

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87 Responses to “Jon Gosselin sends TLC letter to stop filming on his property (update)”

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  1. stacy says:

    what a douche. He is so freakin pathetic.

  2. Kevin says:

    Well if you’re not getting paid anymore at least he should be left alone.

  3. Birdie says:

    I dont understand how they could share property after a divorce. Who is going to pay the taxes, the maintenance, the utilities… Every bill will be a fight. It’s a disaster waiting to happen.

  4. Green Is Good says:

    Kate is going hit the ceiling!

  5. Just a Poster says:

    AAAACCCKKK! Scary Man, Scary Man!!

    *throws things at the computer*

    *cats are freaked out and running around*

    soooooo need mental bleach for my poor brain having to see this picture :/

  6. Ash says:

    Nice sunglasses, ass face.

  7. Kolby says:

    What’s he so pissed about? I’m assuming he’s going to get paid by Macy’s when they suspend him over the Thanksgiving Day Parade next month, right? What more can he ask for?

  8. Obvious says:

    Well, nobody can disagree that he’s a douche. HOwever by stopping filming he is taking the kids out of the spotlight which can only help them-especially during al the crap that’s going on.

    to sum it up. John is a douche, kids need to stop being filmed. .end scene.

  9. Joe says:

    Who cares what skank Jon wants. All Kate has to do is move and then the house will have to be sold she gets half of that money. Haha. It’s just a minor holdup. I guess the idiot Jon will have to get an actual job now. LMAO!

  10. RobN says:

    So he gets a say about what happens to the kids when they are under Kate’s contol, but if she worries about a babysitter while they are under his control then he calls the cops on her? This argument is going nowhere.

  11. Judy says:

    I don’t blame Jon ONE BIT. Good for him! That property is 1/2 his. I’m so sick of his bitch of a wife having everything handed to her and not being expected to live up to the same standards TLC has required of Jon.

  12. Ana says:

    Now it’s getting interesting.
    The show is about to crash and burn.
    Although Jon forgets that Kate is smarter than him.
    They won’t quit filming the show, they will just yank the kids out of the home for more “trips.”
    Or TLC will build them a new home to film in.

  13. ! says:

    Oh please, Judy. You’re operating under the assumption that he did this for something OTHER than pure petty spite. Which it is, btw. He never gave a damn about the cameras in the kids faces until he couldn’t get a paycheck for it anymore.

    And you know what, that property probably ISN’T half his. It probably technically belongs to the show. And even if it doesn’t, calling it “half his” is an insult when you consider they got the house for free simply because they decided to be greedy baby machines.

  14. Linda says:

    It may come across as a horrible thing to do – but the end result is the best thing that could happen to and for these children. So GO Jon!!!!

    I realize his motives are very underhanded – but this will benefit the children – so he has my full support! Those kids have no business “filming” a reality show while their family is falling apart and these parents should have put their interests first. If Katezilla wants to pursue her “celebrity” – go for it – but leave the kids out of it.

    TLC can do a show with Kate without involving these kids. GO JON GO!!! Get that show cancelled!

  15. herbelmom says:

    He is an idiot. Wait until the kids google.They will get to see all the stunts he pulled and understand why college is a dream and why they are living in a shelter on Food Stamps!

  16. boo says:

    I like reading about the Jon and Kate drama so I hope CB keeps up with the coverage. I think people should just not read about them if they’re sick of them. I’m curious to see if Jon’s new PR campaign turns his image around.

  17. ! says:

    Oh and Judy, on the “bitch wife having everything handed to her”…as I recall, Jon got fired from his job because he spent all of his time browsing the web for free stuff for his children, and early complaints about the two, pre-show, were that Jon was too pushy and ungrateful in trying to get free things for the kids.

    Also, I’m with herbelmom. Won’t it be nice for the kids one day to find out that Daddy stopped the emotionally traumatizing gravy train because he threw a tantrum when TLC fired him for his douchey, middle age crisis antics. I know I’d be pissed at my Dad if that were the case. I mean, if you’re gonna put them through the hell in the first place, you might as well make sure their entire lives are provided for, as a result.

  18. The Domestic Goddess says:

    Jon has every right to stop the filming. He did spend 10 years with that woman, who verbally and emotionally abused him. I’m not excusing his behavior of the past several months however I think he can be forgiven for being an idiot. Kate on the other hand is nothing but a manipulating cow. Sell that damn house, which was never for the children I don’t care what they say. I hope Jon is successful with this. Kate needs to be stopped in her tracks, given a smart slap of reality and get back to raising her children, which is something she doesn’t appear to be spending alot of time doing, given all the appearances she’s been making. It’s laughable really … all the money is going to go to the lawyers!

  19. The Domestic Goddess says:

    Re Robyn: He didn’t call the police – she did.

  20. Nicole says:

    They can’t just film elsewhere, in Jon’s thing he’s stating that the children are not being properly paid for being on the show as well, and that TLC is violating children work laws. Also, without Jon’s permission the children can’t legally be filmed for the show ANYWHERE! Both of them have to agree to it.

  21. The Domestic Goddess says:

    Sorry – RobN. 🙂

  22. princess pea says:

    Dudes, hate him or not… the divorce isn’t final yet and it is still at least half his house. You’re all telling me that you’d be cool with your ex and your kids filming a show where she takes every opportunity to bad mouth you IN YOUR OWN HOUSE? When you were systematically dumped by that same production team because your shrew of a wife kicked you out? You can bet my lawyers would be on that.

  23. Judy says:

    herbelmom, GET REAL…they have millions and millions of dollars–they are NEVER going to be in a shelter or on food stamps. Let’s save that kind of sympathy for someone who needs and deserves it.

  24. Lee says:

    Mr. Fatty McButterpants needs to lose weight

  25. dawn says:

    He is the biggest douchbag alive, now he’s taking the money out of his childrens mouth. I hope Kate stops eing so nice and takes him for everything. Then he’ll want spousal support. She is lucky she got out when she did

  26. Catherine says:

    I guess you can say that this will benefit the kids, which always is a good thing, but you know it is more of a case of him being a jerkoff and getting at Kate. The guy is an immature ass and this just proves it.

    Good idea, Jon… take away Kate’s income so that your kids can thrive off of your whoring around instead.

  27. Cristina says:

    He must be shooting for a dual title: worlds biggest duche & most hated man

  28. Judy says:

    If the sign on the Gosselin’s property came from Jon’s attorney, the attorney needs a new assistant. Jonathan is spelled “Johnathan” and penalty is spelled “penelty.” PATHETIC.

  29. Guest says:

    no show = no coin. now what?

  30. Heavenbound says:

    It is amazing that the only reason Pork-sselin is halting all the reality show tapings is because he is out of the show, and not because of his children’s wellbeing. That goes to show how greedy these two jerks are.

  31. bros says:

    exactly princess pea. EXACTLY. im glad he hung that sign. it’s his offspring TLC is making money off, so he has every right to tell them to get the F off his property and quit filming his kids. I hope he takes this to court like charlie sheen did Denise Richards. He has the ability to get a court to issue some sort of stop order on this BS. so who cares if its out of revenge or out of a genuine need to end the charade being conducted on his 1/2 property. ends, means, justified. period. and catherine, he and kate can be responsible for supporting their kids, like all other parents. these kids shouldnt be responsible for supporting themselves, which they are. if kate and jon want to whore themselves out and make cash with their own time and work, fine. but they should stop living off their kids. its sick.

  32. princess pea says:

    Really, ladies? BIGGEST DOUCHE IN THE WORLD?

    Bigger than… pasty white has-been Marylin Manson? Attention-seeker Kanye West? Prostitute-lover Elliot Spitzer? Dog-killer Michael Vick? Child-raper Roman Polanski?

    Put things in perspective: this is not the first divorce in the world. These are not the only children whose father hooked up with a younger woman shortly after a separation. These people are not special. The tabloids are treating them like they are, but man, there is better scandal all over the place. (I know, I know, I’m a total Jon-apologist. I just always liked him, and Kate is an utter hater)

  33. Juice says:

    Im totally agreeing with most of u guys, I feel that Jon is a complete a-hole! I love Kate & I think she is a wonderful mom! She deserves to have the show to herslf. Jon really needs to jus move on & go bac to his high school girls he’s running around with.

    *I heart Kate*

  34. Just a Poster says:

    Okay seriously, I am NOW supposed to believe that he is doing this for the well being of his kids?




    Self implode here we come!

  35. RubyKaur says:

    ooooooo – its getting good! lol

  36. danielle says:

    Ahem. I totally called this yesterday in a comment on the last Gosselin post. So. Predictable.

  37. Moore says:

    He’s not doing it to better his children. He’s doing it cause his crappy apology got him nowhere. Now he’s mad that his wife will have a paycheck and he wont. What he needs to think about is that if neither of them is making near what they used to to support their family, his behind will have to give up all the time he spends standing around and go get a real man’s job.
    I would love for this family to go take care of themselves in private but at least be correct in your motives, Jon, instead of all of a sudden citing that your children need an out when you just lot your job.

    Fixed it for you, princess pea: Jon is one of the BIGGEST DOUCHEs IN THE WORLD. I see nothing wrong with that statement.

  38. Susette says:

    I don’t watch the show and gossip sites are the only way I even know about them, but I’d kind of like to see it happen this way: The show is cancelled, so the kids have some chance at having a normal life. Kate gets that talk show with Paula Deen, so she gets to stay in the spotlight and keep making college tuition money. Jon is left by the side of the road with his Ed Hardy wardrobe.

  39. DonnaInMichigan says:

    I’m telling ya…their “REAL LIFE DRAMA”, is more entertaining then their “REEL LIFE DRAMA”.

  40. Shelly says:

    He really stops with that lip thing trying to look all cool and stuff. My TWELVE year old does that because she thinks it looks cool. It looks stupid when she does it and it looks IGNORANT on Jon. Why didn’t he do this a few seasons ago when he said he was sick of the cameras? Oh that’s right, because he was making a butt load of money…..he’s a waste of good oxygen. AND check out the incorrect spelling of his NAME (I’ve always seen it as Jonathan) and penAlty. HA – this just keeps getting better. Hold your head high, Kate. He’s self-destructing in 3, 2, 1 – BOOM.

  41. Mrs. Kalifornia says:

    Good for him for playing hard ball. He has been cut out of the TLC contract, so he needs to strong arm them for more money using the tools he has available: custody and community property. These are the same tools starter wives have used for, well, forever when their midlife crisis lawyer husbands marry their secretaries. Why are you all so mad and/or surprised because the tables are turned?

  42. cara says:


    and why did I think the house was actually bought and had the deed held in a trust?

    Had this tool tried to axe the show months ago, it would of been sincere, however…he has a mortgage in NYC to think of, Hailie’s car payments to think of and I’m sure cc bills up the wazoo!!

    **** I’m so sick of women bashing Kate and saying he was mistreated. The guy has lost the best thing he could ever of hoped for, all the while he thought HE was too good for her. And if you watch the old shows, he certainly degrades her AND her parenting. All she comes off as is a women trying to keep it all together. Kids, house clean etc. That’s not an easy task with three kids let alone EIGHT!!!!! Women need to come together or else keep tools like J Grossling fed and om your couch!

    p.s. I was going to say that pic above is even sicker then the one of him flashing his belly, but then I realized that every pic of him is a crime to my eyes. God he is a Grossthing.

  43. Judy says:

    Great post, Mrs. Kalifornia. And, just for the record, when I divorced, I got literally nothing from my ex-husband, yet I totally support Jon Gosselin. Jon’s behavior is not something I approve of, but at least he’s not a fraud like his pious wife who sleeps with her MARRIED bodyguard.

  44. Linda says:

    bros – you are right – the majority of people really supported Charlie Sheen when he did the right thing by going to court and demanding that Denise NOT include the kids in her reality show.

    I don’t care how it happens – just that it happens and the kids no longer take part in the filming. I feel so sorry for those kids.

  45. Taya says:

    Jon may be a douche but if this stops exploiting 8 innocent kids, I say, Go Jon!

  46. alibeebee says:

    blegh the gosselins suck, he’s so gross how can haley stand to look at him and kate well she married him gross he is a slimy creepy douche and his famewhoreness got the better of him. so LAME

  47. Madchen says:

    OMG! Fat Elvis. “Where’s your sparkly white suit?”

  48. MSat says:

    Translation: “No one’s gonna exploit and profit from my kids except me, dammit!”

  49. ! says:

    Um Judy, Jon started those rumors and they are just that, rumors. You certainly seem to have a bug up your ass about Kate, so much that you’re a douche apologist. hey I got an idea, why don’t you head out to PA and tour the bars? Sooner or later you’ll run into Jon and then you can finally sleep with him and save him from that dreadful Kate. Seems about your MO. In fact you sound hauntingly like a self hating woman.

  50. Judy says:

    ! (No Name poster): I am educated, well-read, and know of what I speak. I can’t stand liars and/or manipulators. Yes, I want to expose Kate for what she is. Jon may be a sleazeball, but he’s not covering it up and pretending to be something he’s not. It is time for them both to go away. And, by the way, I have not personally attacked you, so quit attacking me.

  51. Mairead says:

    *hums* There’s a guy down at the chip shop who swears he’s Elvis. .

  52. TaylorB says:

    Dear Jon,

    Throw away those stupid sunglasses right away, they look horrid on you.

  53. bros says:

    right on mrs kalifornia. how sick is it that TLC feels the right to profit off these kids and cut the dad out of the contract when they are HIS kids and he was always part of the show. he is their dad. who the F cares how he was acting-it has nothing to do with TLC’s filming and airing of the show. TLC is really sickening the way they feel they have the right to be slicing and dicing this family. id be very interested to know how TLC legally can continue to film the kids and make $$ off them when the parents do not agree on this. I definitely see a legal battle. and by that time, KATE will be proven to be the money-grubbing harpie she truly is, because you know she will be fighting to pimp her kids out forever so she can buy clothes. if not, let the show die and let these 2 massive douches make their own money and support their kids for a change.

  54. Mrs. Kalifornia says:

    Just read that kids on Jon & k8 have been complaining about the filming. If this is true, the fact that they continue to film despite this is wrong. Those kids need a Guardian ad Litem to protect them and their interests as the parents have obviously lost sight of what is truly important; as they often do in Hollywood.

  55. Linda says:

    Mrs. Kalifonia – you make a very valid point – I am surprised that the State of PA hasn’t done that already.

    Kate’s going to be screaming because if she losses this gig, who will pay for all the nannies and housekeepers and without nannies how will she ever manage to get to the spa??? WHO will do her hair and makeup???? My goodness, she may have to clean her house???

  56. *Lee* says:

    I like Susettes suggestion that Kate pursue a show separate from her children. For one thing, she has shown she’s willing to work for it. It also keeps the kids out of the spotlight, and Jon has no right to any of that income. Everybody’s a winner all around!

    Jon is pondscum. I’m not saying Kate is wonderful by any means, but the comparisons are a joke. She’s working or home, either one, for the most part. He’s either in a bar, or in a club, or partying in Vegas….etcetc. The few times he seems to be around his children, he’s too busy having sex with their caregivers or giving away their pets to notice them.

  57. dawn says:

    first from what I know Denise Richards was allowed by the courts to film her kids, Jon is an opportunist who now will never get a job that he wanted with divorced dads because TLC has the contract and good for him. Again he is the biggest douche of this century. He had numerous affairs already and isnt it funny its never his fault or he didn’t do it BS. I hope Kate gets the house. Maybe Hailey broke up with him and thats why hes destroying what little respect he had left

  58. Squirtle says:

    So funny that just months ago he was saying that he was sick of being on the show and he wanted no part of it. Be careful what you wish for….

    Does he really think he can go up against TLC? With all the horrible media coverage about him lately he doesn’t have a leg to stand on, even without that he still would have no chance. Good luck with that Jon! hahaha!

  59. Ron says:

    If this ass was that concerned about his childrens welfare he would have done something about it years ago. If he was that concerned he wouldn’t have been galavanting around all this year with any ho who would ride him. He was out in LA last night, I saw him. If his thought his kids were in danger, why was he here? I don;t care if he has “press” to do? He is a GIGANTIC liar. I used to think that Kate treated him like shit and gave him a bit of a pass. But NO WONDER she bit his balls off every chance she got. What a pathetic scum bag. It must make those kids feel so wonderful to be used as pawns.

  60. nanster says:

    Sheesh! Don’t these idiots realize that when the show goes, so does the money? No one is going to be interested in anything the Gosselins do once their show ends. Bye, bye gravy train.
    I, for one, think it would be good riddance.
    And nice man-boobs, Jon. I wonder how many women will really be “interested” in him once he is broke.

  61. bros says:

    he doesnt need a leg to stand on if he doesnt want to continue to let his kids be filmed. i dont see how they can have it both ways, telling him he is simultaneously off the show, yet, still under contract. bizarre. TLC is really generating bad publicity for themselves as they continue to F with this family in the middle of a very public divorce and family crisis. they shouldnt be filming now as it is-opportunistic describes them as well.

  62. Lindsay says:

    Birdie – the divorce isn’t final yet so they are probably still working on dividing up assets. But the unique custody agreement where they both live in the house and the crazy idea “the house belongs to the kids” So working it out will be harder whoever owns the house could kid the person out even on days they have custody. The would still have the kids but would have to vacate the house. The easiest thing for them to do as far as bills go would be to both put money in an account and let a money manager pay the bills. Then they don’t have to argue over every bill.

    At least the kids will probably get a break. I wonder how this will end, if his rights to the property will trump their rights to keep filming due to a contract.

  63. yadira says:

    I thought I had already read something about how these kids were violating child labor laws from working so many hours on the show?

    as for the sunglasses, WTF? First the Gucci shoes and now the sunglasses? All he is missing now is the fedora and the goatee

  64. Maritza says:

    People like to bash Kate because she would put him down but why did’nt he defend himself? By his inapropriate behaviour he has only proved that she was right to treat him like she did. So now if TLC decides to take the show off the air, he will have to see what he’s going to do to pay child support. Kate can always go back to being a nurse but what will he do? No one wants to see this talentless loser in a show about divorced men.

  65. Judy says:

    Maritza, Kate will never go back to being a nurse. She’s already a multi-millionaire. Do any of you read anything? She has another show with Paula Deen. (Ugh). And if Kate makes more money than Jon, she will be paying child support. The lack of knowledge about the law is mind-boggling.

  66. Kelly says:

    Ever notice how the first comment on posts about him is usually, “what a douche”?

  67. Team John says:

    I have to say I’m “Team John” in this reality-fiasco.

    I sort of watched the show a couple times with a friend of mine, and Kate definitely always put him down, belittled him, laughed at him, etc. And then she’d be like, “Oh, just kidding honey!” Like, WTF?

    Whether or not the stories about Kate putting John on a contract in order to keep up the appearances of a good marriage are true– I have no idea. But it seems plausible, considering her yen for control and public Mommyhood.

    Seriously, go back and watch some older episodes. It’s very, very clear that Kate is super pissed at John all the time, but they just put on a saccharine front for the cameras.

    And TLC is clearly in Kate’s corner, so you know, what is John supposed to do– roll over and play dead?

  68. Iggles says:

    Jon is petty, but I agree — TEAM JOHN!

    Kate is shrill and someone should stop her from cashing in on the kids — even if for the wrong reasons.

  69. MSat says:

    I’m baffled by folks who still defend Jon after all the disgusting behavior he has exhibited – around his children, no less. He was caught having an affair by the tabloids back in March, and even had the little tramp at his house for some nude sunbathing while his wife and kids were out of town. His response was to fabricate lies to his wife, which she seemed to believe at the time.He’s slept with a babysitter for their children at least once, took up with his wife’s plastic surgeon’s daughter, told media that he “despises” his wife, has allegedly slept with at least two other women, including a tabloid reporter, and lets not forget how he was ready to sell his own kids out for a junior douchey kidswear line with Audigier, too. And on top of all of that, he decided that a swinging bachelor pad in NYC was the way to go, taking him even further away from his kids. He is gross, he is a liar, he is an opportunist, a lazy womanizer, a narcissist, and an absentee father at best. Is the hatred for his wife that blinding? The guy is a complete and total creep. Period.

  70. OXA says:

    TLC forgot that they are not part of this family and should never have taken sides in the divorce. TLC knew that the marriage was over last year and covered it up so they could make more episodes and money from the kids.
    Jon is the kids other parent , not TLC who tried to destroy him, kicked him to the curb while holding onto his balls and denying him the right to do other shows, yet allowing, encouraging, even prepping kate to do every show possible while providing bodyguards, transportations and support staff. That is not fair play, I heard weeks ago that he was working to get ouot of the contract and off the show TLC made a choice this week regarding him and his his kids that he found intolerable so he stood up to them.

  71. jennifer says:

    MSat & Ron – couldn’t have said it any better! Bravo! 😉

    P.S. I thought the banner pic of Jon was the douchiest thing I’d ever seen in my life, but then I saw the limo picture :O
    I can’t even look at him, it’s inhumane to subject people to that mess…*rocking & crying in corner*

  72. Sunnyjyl says:


  73. Jessie says:

    Let me make it clear–I am by no means a fan of Kate Gosselin. However, she does take care of the kids and she makes the money to keep them in the lifestyle they are accustomed. If TLC cancelled this show, the worst thing that could happen to her would be she’d be out a few paychecks before her show with Paula Deen starts, and that someone slaps her in the face for acting like a biatch one too many times. The kids would definitely benefit from being off the show–they deserve a normal childhood after what these two poor excuses for parents have put them through. As for the walking talking skidmark that is Jon, he’s shooting himself in the foot with this obvious attention grabbing ploy. By the time this is over, his kids will hate him and he’ll be broke as a joke.

    Judging by the photo, though, he could get into Elvis impersonations for some extra cash so he could get his Ed Hardy fix?

  74. Ana says:

    I don’t understand why people keep talking about how they are going to be broke?
    Yea maybe if they blow through money like Lindsay Lohan. In which case it would be their own fault.
    These people made $75,000 an episode. If I just did a few episodes my family would be set for life. I know they have 8 kids but people live on less everywhere.

  75. Aspie says:

    Personally, I can’t get enough coverage of the selfish antics of Jon and Kate. I say, please keep it coming! And for those of you who can’t stand reading another story about these two ding dongs, then simply don’t read the stories. But please don’t deprive the rest of us who want to read more about them.

    Also, Jon is totally doing this purely for selfish reasons and doesn’t give a damn about his kid’s welfare. It’s funny how he wasn’t so concerned about their welfare when he was still on the show and getting a paycheck. Good luck to them and good riddance to the show (we can hope!)

  76. texasmom says:

    It is amazing how he went from “family man” to “bloated late-career Elvis” in under a year.

  77. Ana says:

    No one should be profiting off the children. Children should be allowed to be children.
    What makes me sad is that Kate claims to check in with the children to make sure they still want to do the show. Well of course they do, it’s all they know.
    I wouldn’t put it past her or the producers asking them if they wanted to quit but reminding them that they wouldn’t get freebies anymore or that Mommy and Daddy would no longer have a job.
    Parents are there to look out for a child’s best interest. Instead they are looking out for the money and ignoring the problems.
    They have plenty of money already. It shouldn’t be an issue.
    How many kids would like to have their parents divorce on air? Really? They’re just too young to understand.
    I know a lot of posters talk about them googling their parents later, but I imagine they will get a reality check sooner rather than later.
    How long before another child at their school tells one “My mommy thinks your daddy is a douche.” Or something along the lines.
    It’s a shame they can’t have a guardian ad litem.

    I don’t mind the Jon and Kate stories when it’s something crazy like this. But for a while there I got burnt out on the ho hum “filler” articles. Slow news day and such.

    But I love CB no matter what! It’s been a lot better with no Speidi crap around. If only Lindsay Lohan would finally fade away.

  78. Merridith says:

    I thought TLC bought the house for Jon and Kate and the family??!!??!!
    Is Jon a bigger ass than Kanye, maybe he is, it is a pretty close race for biggest asshole in the world.

  79. Merridith says:

    Judy you are pretty ill informed or mental, or mayvbe you are just jon’s latest booty call???

  80. Judy says:

    Merridith, you obviously haven’t done much reading on this matter. And you haven’t comprehended what I’m saying. I can’t stand either one of these losers, but Kate’s diva antics are deplorable and she’s a liar to boot. Jon, at least, admits to being the sleaze he is.

  81. T Warrick says:

    All I can say is that TLC made 186 million last quarter off these children. The most they have made off any of their shows. I think TLC is very upset about losing their money train…you don’t have to be a very smart person to see how it would effect TLC’s bottom line…the viewers are smart enough to know that Kate and TLC will do anything, say anything to make their show work, those children are a money machine, THE HECK WITH THE FATHER WHO HAS GIVEN US NOTHING BUT A GLIMPSE OF WHAT A REAL FATHER LOOKS LIKE IN THESE EPISODES.

    I agree with Jon, “Stop the Insanity!”

  82. Judy says:

    Well said T Warrick, and I agree with every word you wrote.

  83. T Warrick says:

    TLC is mad at Jon because they’re going to lose money. Jon stopped them…because…the network never secured permits to film the children nor have the children been compensated.Not nice TLC!

    If TLC made 186 million this quarter, I guess they are banking on making more next. And the children got nothing??? That is WRONG!

    Maybe it is a little bit too late for Jon to realize that he was acting irrational but one has to admit he took it up the wha-zing so many times in front of the American audience, she made him look like a whipped puppy!

    I, honestly, am glad he finally stood up and told her to leave…good for him!

  84. Merridith says:

    What has Kate lied about??
    Jon has been caught in umpteen lies.
    Also no Jon doesn’t realize he is sleezey scum, he thinks he is a good dad and a good person, he thinks people are just picking on him. He could have played his cards right in this whole divorce but he didn’t. he made all the wrong moves because he is stupid. Kate is def the brains in the family.
    You seem overly into this story Judy, I think you ARE Jon’s newest booty call.

  85. Hooligan says:

    This guy is so obtuse. Its almost like he thinks he will get fired from being himself if he stops acting like the douchiest douche from Doucheville.
    Jon – YOU are destroying your children. Go dig a hole and hide in it for the next decade or so.

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