Natasia Demetriou of What We Do in the Shadows: ‘Twilight was my jam’

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I know Natasia Demetriou as the amazing Nadja on What We Do in The Shadows. She was also a host on the florist competition show, The Big Flower Fight, on Netflix which I recommend. I’ve heard that she may be a problematic person, however she’s kept that under wraps for the most part and is no longer on social media. Natashia is a British actress whose parents are from Cyprus. She was a guest on Seth Meyers to promote the third season of WWDITS. She talked about her parents, her brother Jamie whom she’s worked with, and her experiences playing a vampire. I wanted to talk about the vampire stuff because that was the most interesting to me. Also I’ve never seen her interviewed before and she has a very dry sense of humor. She was wearing this enormous puffy fuchsia gown which really stood out during her remote interview. Here’s some of what she said and the video is below.

On vampire fans contacting her
Vampires themselves aren’t huge fans as we’re kind of exposing them and we’re quite a secret community. Vampire fans love it. When I had Instagram I’d get a lot of delicious DMs asking me if I’d like to swap blood or send articles of clothing that may be covered in blood. I miss that.

On her vampire knowledge
Twilight was my jam. I inhaled those books. They just became part of me. For me it was just that state of just being so horny [as a teenage girl] and so wanting a boyfriend. The reality of it was just me being a teenager, sat staring at the wall thinking the whole world revolved around me. That’s what those books evoke. They’re heaven.

On playing Natasha
It’s so fun. You don’t have to worry about storyline or narrative. She’s been alive for 700 years. I channeled my Cypriot [side]. My dad’s from Cyprus. Cypriot people are essentially vampires. They just care about sex, gold coins, fire and death.

[From Seth Meyers on YouTube]

After that Natasia explained how serious and dramatic her Greek parents are. She said her parents aren’t impressed by her or her brother Jamie’s job, he’s also an actor, because they only watch competition shows like X-Factor and soaps like Coronation Street. As for her love of Twilight, I wouldn’t have thought she was in her teens in the mid 2000s when that came out. I thought she was in her late 30s as she plays a vampire and wears a lot of makeup. No offense it’s just hard to tell! I couldn’t google her age, but her brother is 33 and is said to be younger than her. Maybe she read them in her later teen years or they evoked that time, as she said. I’m much older than her and I read them all too for that reason! I’m not ashamed of it, I know they were trash, but there was something familiar about them. I watched all the movies too although none of them were as good as the first and they were super campy. I’m seeing a lot of women appreciate Twilight for that reason. It’s like a comfort watch.

Also I haven’t started watching season three of WWDITS yet! Kaiser is watching it and she loves it. There are five episodes available so I know what I’m doing this weekend.

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photos credit: Getty and

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24 Responses to “Natasia Demetriou of What We Do in the Shadows: ‘Twilight was my jam’”

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  1. Joane says:

    This season of what we do in the shadows is 🗣 hysterical, sometimes I catch myself laughing out loud.

  2. Michelle Connolly says:

    If you’re in the UK do yourself a favour and look up Stath Sells Flats, a comedy shop she’s also in with her brother. It’s hilarious and she’s brilliant in it, and he wrote it too. It’s very Phoneshop. And if you haven’t seen that either watch that too!

    • Christina says:

      I wish I could access more of her work from here in the states. Thanks for the tip, Michelle Connelly. I loved her and her brother in Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga. I’d just like to see more of them here.

      • Michelle Connolly says:

        The humour is v British but the jokes will translate. Probably an interesting juxtaposition of the decrepit world of UK real estate here VS the glamour of the US! My partner is in an adjacent industry and he finds it hilarious.

    • PugMama says:

      It’s actually called Stath Lets Flats and it is available stateside on HBO Max. Hilarious!

    • Livvers says:

      Oh I just saw this listed on CBC Gem yesterday, for any Canadians. I will check it out now that I know.

  3. Christina says:

    I LOVE WWDINS!!! Mark Hamill played a vampire. It’s hilarious!

    I love that Guillermo is related to Van Helsing!!!

  4. Jensies says:

    She’s so so funny on there, they all are. This latest season is really good too.

    • josephine says:

      She is fantastic, utterly watchable. It’s an amazing cast, and she’s the very best part of it. Just amazing.

  5. girl_ninja says:

    The first Twilight movie is my favorite. I comfort watch that with no shame. I still haven’t seen all the others all the way through. Catherine Hardwicke should have directed all of the films, she told the story as though it was a fairytale.

    • DogMom says:

      Yes! I love how fun the first Twilight film is and I wish so much that Catherine Hardwicke had been kept on to direct the rest of the series.

  6. Katrina says:

    I watched the first Twilight.. I was teenager around that time but never cared for it. I was ALL about True Blood.. and Eric Northman. Especially season 2 Eric lol.

  7. Snappyfish says:

    I adore this show. A Van Helsing hanging w/vampires is too funny. I wasn’t a big fan of the movie but the show is our Thursday night jam

    • BW says:

      This is one of the few TV shows that are way better than the movie.

      I also think she’s being funny about being a Twilight fan. She’s really playing into droll, dry humor.

  8. lucy2 says:

    I love WWDITS so much. You know a show is great when you try to pick a favorite character, and can’t because you love them all. Nadia trying to say Jeff remains one of my favorite things in the whole series.

  9. CE says:

    I was in college when the twilight movies came out and never read the books, but I actually really enjoy the films. I watched them the first time ironically with a friend, and have watched them several times since when I need a comfort-watch. They are dumb and have several issues in the writing and directing departments but lord do I still enjoy them anyway!

  10. Marlina says:

    I love, love, love What We Do in Shadows! As far as Natasia, I’m like 99% sure her twitter was hacked back in the day cause she liked a lot of leftist tweets before going radio silent for the most part. I think she just stopped using twitter and someone hacked her for a time period.

    The Jackie Daytona episode still makes me laugh whenever I’m down.

  11. Lola says:

    THE BEST show on TV. Hands down laugh out loud funny every time.

  12. Eleonor says:

    And Nadia and Laszlo are my new couple goals immediately after Gomez and Morticia.

  13. LaUnicaAngelina says:

    I love this show!!!

  14. Bread and Circuses says:

    I freakin’ love that show, and all the actors just nail it every week. They’re so good (and so is the writing).

    She looks so cute as a non-vampire! If you’ve watched the show, then you know it’s not really trying to make vampires look good (or smart). 😀