Zendaya’s biggest ‘Virgo thing’ is a fear of ‘messing up, making mistakes, failure’


Zendaya covers the November issue of InStyle to promote Dune and Euphoria. She barely talks about Dune in the interview though, just FYI, although she does refer to Timothee Chalamet as “family.” I still kind of want Timmy and Zendaya to get together, even though I love that Zendaya and Tom Holland are together. It could be an interesting love triangle, but we’ll see. The InStyle editorial is… okay. She’s so beautiful, you could put her in any sack and any wig and she still looks like a movie star, but her styling here isn’t my favorite thing. The interview was nice though, she’s gotten very good at interviews. Some highlights:

She’s been watching the cinematographers on her films & TV show: “I’m a Virgo and I like to be thoughtful of everything. But watching them work inspired me to get more into photography.

She goes dark on IG for weeks at a time: “I haven’t been posting, and my fans probably hate it, which I understand. But I get too overwhelmed with having to post things, and if I think too much about it, I’m not gonna do it. It’s not worth it.

She used to watch a Harry Potter movie every day to decompress: “I haven’t done that as much this past year, but I used to watch them to get through the first season of Euphoria. Some days I just want to go home, cuddle up with my dog, and watch a little Harry Potter. I also love Shrek. That’s another staple in my household when I have heavy days at work.

The psychological jet lag of coming out of the pandemic: “It’s very difficult for me to complain about this time, considering how lucky I have been to get through it. I was healthy. I knew I had a job waiting for me when I got out, which for a lot of people wasn’t the case. I had my rough moments, and it wasn’t easy — I was figuring my sh-t out, trying to understand who I was without my job and finding purpose and meaning.

She struggled having “free time”: “I’ve worked consistently since I was 13 years old. So when I had nothing but free time, I was like, “What do I do with this? What are my hobbies?” I don’t even have hobbies — I do my hobby for a living.

Virgo life: “[I fear] messing up. Making mistakes. Not being the best I can possibly be at something. Failure. Again, that’s a Virgo thing. If something is not perfect or the best, then I feel like I might as well have not even done it. I turn something into being the worst thing, even if it was fine. But it’s not fine to me.

What she’s like as a boss: “I think my biggest flaw as a boss is that I am a procrastinator. I don’t like to answer email or questions; I just want to do the fun, cool stuff. I’m also very detail-oriented and won’t let anything go. Those two things don’t really go hand in hand, so I’m learning how to be better at that.

On Tom Holland: “It’s a lot of pressure — you take on the role of a superhero wherever you go. To the little kid who walks by, you are Spider-Man. I think he handled that so well. And seeing him at work, even though he’s not a Virgo [laughs], he is a perfectionist… he’s a fun time. Very charismatic, can make anybody feel comfortable and have a good laugh and a good chat. A good chat — I sound so British.

[From InStyle]

She often mentions her Virgo-ness as an excuse/explanation for why she is the way she is. Which is also very Virgo, trust me. Whenever I get hyper-focused or too detail-oriented, I have to step back for a moment and just acknowledge that it’s just my Virgo sh-t. The least Virgo thing about her is that she procrastinates as a boss? The truly Virgo thing would be to answer every email as soon as they come in. But yes, Virgos hate making mistakes and we are haunted by that one time we made a typo or we wore something with a small stain or we turned in a project five minutes late. Just typing that out made me want to cry in shame.

Cover & IG courtesy of InStyle.

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22 Responses to “Zendaya’s biggest ‘Virgo thing’ is a fear of ‘messing up, making mistakes, failure’”

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  1. Digital Unicorn says:

    Fellow Virgo here and yes thats me to a tee as well – I fret over stupid things and details which only fuels my anxiety attacks. Am better at dealing with it now but man it used to be bad.

    I saw Dune over the weekend and I can’t wait to see Part 2 and what she does with Chani. I was surprisingly impressed with Timothee as Paul but Rebecca Ferguson as Lady Jessica blew me away. Bonus was seeing Jason Momoa going badass on the Sardauker’s.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      Wow I need to see that then! Never been a fan of the book or the first movie but it seems great from your small review.

      Re the interview, I’m like that too and I am an Aries. So… go figure!

  2. Mrs. Smith says:

    Kaiser—no tears!! I’m always impressed that this blog (and all that writing!) can be posted flawlessly, on time, six days a week! I write promotional copy for a living and, although I love it, it can fry your brain. I often think—how do you do it?! Hats off to you, CB, Oya and Hecate making it look so easy!

  3. Noki says:

    I always found it so interesting reading or listening to people who swear by zodiac signs,atrology and their meanings. To ME its just such an unproven fascination.

    • GandalfTheMeh says:

      Me too. My coworkers are WAY into it and swear by it. I just see it as a bit of harmless fun. It is kinda funny seeing a bunch of pharmacists and technicians freak out about zodiacs though. Lol

      • Noki says:

        Right people who are actually involved in science etc

      • Concern Fae says:

        Perfectionism is seen as a source of procrastination. Basically you get so worried about getting it right, or that you could come up with a better way to do it, that you never get started.

        There are other flavors of procrastination, to be sure, but that is a big one.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Perfectionist, detail-oriented, doesn’t let anything go? That’s me, too. Scorpio.

      • Noki says:

        To me a perfectionist and procrastinator dont really go together.

      • SomeChick says:

        procrastination is totally one of the downsides of perfectionism. people act like being a perfectionist is a good thing, but it can be paralyzing.

      • MarcelMarcel says:

        Zodiacs are an easy shorthand to explain stuff about yourself or others. Or at least that’s my interpretation after years of friendship with zodiac lovers. Mind you, I’m all for Jungian archetypes which are even more esoteric and yet to be proven scientifically. I just love the work of Jungian feminists like Maria Von Franz and Clarissa Pinkola Estés.
        Meanwhile procrastination can definitely be a manifestation of crippling perfectionism instead of just disinterest/ laziness. Once I learnt that I had a way easier time of managing my procrastination. Instead of beating myself up for being lazy I dutifully use a paper planner so I know due dates. And I try mantras like something is better than nothing, better to be on time and mostly good instead of late and perfect, submitting it on time makes life easier for others etc…

      • Monica says:

        I’m a Scorp, too. I have Jupiter in Virgo opposing Mars, i.e. BIG perfectionism opposing my efforts to initiate action.

        Zendaya looks a little like a funeral wreath in that top pic. I like her, though.

  4. Barbie1 says:

    Don’t like how they styled her. Watching Harry Potter is so cute of her.

  5. Chlo says:

    I feel seen. 😭😭

  6. kari says:

    I know I may be in the minority but I love how they styled her lol. She reminds me of Kristen Stewart in that they both have the ability to pull off very different editorial looks.

  7. detritus says:

    She’s gorgeous and smart as always, and I hope she finds her balance. It sounds like she’s running at 110% right now.

    I personally wouldn’t wish Chalamet on her though. I have my reservations about him being a good man.

    • R says:

      “I personally wouldn’t wish Chalamet on her though. I have my reservations about him being a good man.”

      Do tell. Please.

    • Sof says:

      I wouldn’t go as far as saying he is not a good man, but I agree, there’s something off about his over-controlled image.

    • Thirtynine says:

      I agree with this too. After watching his interviews after call me by your name. Can’t understand why people rave about him.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      On the Guardian I read a while ago a comment of a lady who dated him when he was not famous at all and she described him as rude, ego-centric and arrogant. She didn’t say he was bad though, just hugely self involved.

  8. Taylor says:

    When did fear of failure become a concern only for people born during a certain time of the year? It’s embarrassing the lack of logic with such a statement not to mention empathy and compassion for other people and what they might be going through.