Here’s an answer to the question no one was asking: yes, Prince Andrew plans to attend the royal Christmas festivities at Sandringham this year. Last year, no one went to Sandringham because of the pandemic. The Queen and Prince Philip stayed at Windsor Castle, and they were visited by three ghosts in the form of Prince Charles, the Countess of Wessex and the Duke of York. I think Anne might have stopped by at some point too (perhaps she’s the Jacob Marley, wearing the chains she forged in life, link by link and yard by yard). The year before that, 2019, Andrew had just stepped down from royal duties, but he still went to Sandringham and spent time with his parents. The same thing will happen this year. As in, he’ll go to Sandringham but he’ll try not to be photographed around anyone, and he’s not going on the Christmas-morning church walk.
Prince Andrew will not join the royal family for the main Christmas day church service at Sandringham, after deciding to “keep a low profile” over the festive period. The Duke of York is planning to attend an early morning service at the St Mary Magdalene church on the estate, as he did a month after his catastrophic BBC Newsnight interview in 2019.
Royal sources have told how Andrew, 61, has “privately displayed a lot of uncertainty over Christmas” and has been “apprehensive” over joining the rest of his family at the Queen’s Norfolk home for the festive season.
A source said: “The Duke doesn’t want to be a distraction, especially as this is the first time the Queen has had her family all together since the start of the pandemic apart from at Prince Philip ’s funeral. Everyone is hoping to have a relaxing and joyful time.”
Sources have claimed Andrew considered hosting his daughters Eugenie and Beatrice and their families at his Royal Lodge home in Windsor, but has agreed to join the family at Sandringham after being personally asked by the Queen.
This sounds like Andrew doesn’t want to get blamed for inviting himself to Sandringham. He’s trying to tell the world, “look, I wanted to just stay home and hide out, but mummy begged me to come!” I believe that too, I think mummy did beg him to come to Sandringham. I also think the Queen has made it clear that she wants the whole family around her this year. I expect we’ll see Beatrice, Eugenie, Jack, Edo and probably Sarah Ferguson too.
Meanwhile, in another Daily Mirror story also published on Tuesday, sources point out that Andrew’s got a major court hearing on January 4th – that hearing will determine whether or not he’ll face a full trial in Virginia Giuffre’s lawsuit. Andrew apparently told his lawyers to cancel their Christmas holidays. This Mirror piece was chockablock full of interesting quotes:
Prince Andrew has ordered his US legal team to “cancel Christmas” and prepare for a key court date in his sexual assault case. The Duke of York has instructed his legal team to “leave no stone unturned” in the lead up to the January 4 hearing, described as his “last ditch attempt” to get allegations he abused a teenage girl thrown out.
Royal sources say he is “totally consumed” with the legal battle and has been staying up into the night to keep in constant conversation with his California-based lawyers. Next Monday they are set to deliver their final submissions to the New York court before a decision is taken in the new year as to whether the Duke will face a full trial.
Sources close to the Duke say he has become “incredibly stressed” in recent weeks after fearing his team’s strategy of not publicly responding to the claims is failing. Insiders also suggest he is extremely worried over the financial burden he has placed on the Queen, who agreed to personally meet his spiralling court costs, which could run into millions. Prince Andrew has denied the claims.
One source close to Andrew said: “The tension in the camp is palpable. No one is really sure what Andrew’s involvement is other than asking a lot of questions, but he spends his days and nights poring over documents. He is totally consumed by it, keeping most irregular working hours so he can be in contact with his team. He was particularly stressed a few days ago and was heard remonstrating with one of the team. The feeling was he was telling them to effectively cancel Christmas and get totally across all the eventualities of what could happen in the case so there are, as he put it, ‘no more surprises’. It’s very much a last ditch attempt to get the case thrown out and if that doesn’t succeed he knows they are all potentially in it for the long haul.”
Oh, the poor human-trafficker prince has his nose to the grindstone, working irregular hours and poring over documents… except his Christmas holiday goes on, because the Queen begged him and because the Queen is paying for all of this. Once again, I do wonder if Andrew wouldn’t simply be better off settling with Virginia out of court? My God.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.
Never trust a family who knowingly invites the pedo uncle to holiday gatherings.
Well, it’s likely the last Christmas that he’ll get to spend with “mummy”…either she will pass away or he’ll be in prison. I’m hoping for the latter.
The hubris of these parasites knows no bounds. I look forward to the day Her Maj is no longer with us. She has wilfully enabled PaedoAndy’s disgusting behaviour.
He won’t be in prison until the queen dies. I don’t think the authorities should bring charges when all it takes is for the queen to say, “he was representing me on that trip to America,” and Andrew will have immunity. I think it’s best to wait until she’s dead, and then roll the dice that Charles won’t protect Andrew. Although one part of me thinks Charles may still protect Andrew *in principle* because he wouldn’t want to set a precedent that authorities can look into their shady business practices or bring charges against a royal.
The queen likes to pretend she’s such a nice old lady in Hermès scarves. She’s a monster who doesn’t care about minor rape. They all are monsters. Imagine having someone like this in the family and papering over it so you can all enjoy a nice Christmas celebration.
I used to feel fairly indifferent to them, but learning about the Irish oppression and now this travesty changed my mind.
How do the other members of that family pretend to like Andrew? Or, do they actually like him, and think the victims are lying or at the very least need to know their place?
Wonder just how low a profile? Pond scum can’t get much lower.
I’m sure by the end of the maxwell trial, which serendipitously ends at the same time as his court hearing, will have him in a blubbering mess. Good, deserves it.
I wonder if he will be photographed walking with the Queen.
Doubt it. She’s *always* been driven, though he HAS been in the car WITH her. I’m not sure they want pics going out of that, OR of trying to get her *out* of the car, and struggling to walk into/out of the church.
There will probably be “private” services for the family, and a strategically taken “candid” of the Cambs and kids on the property (otherwise an edict to not take pics like over the summer when Pedo was there).
No, the Queen hasn’t walked to the service for years now. I don’t think he’ll go to the “big” service at all, or he’ll go to the earlier service like he did in 2019.
I do think Jan is right though about not wanting pictures of the Queen getting into or out of the car, wonder if they’ll drive her around to a side entrance or something.
The christmas walk is really weird if you think about it – like all things royal I suppose – hey you peasants, come and watch while we stroll to the chapel in all our finery before returning to our large manor house where we will feast and be merry and hope you all are handling Brexit and the pandemic well, good luck with all that, see you next year!
Feudal is as feudal does.
And also futile is as futile does!
Archaic and outdated.
Wonder if any evidence from Maxwell’s current criminal trial can be used in the civil one against him? He certainly can’t hide his friendship with sex traffickers now.
Considering there are actual photos of GM & JE at Bea’s big ball party, pics of GM, JE, AND Kevin Spacey SITTING ON THE ACTUAL *THRONES* in the Throne room (and God knows what others are floating around), kinda hard to say he doesn’t/didn’t know them WELL.
Hah. That photo of GM and Spacey on the thrones will never not be funny. An apt metaphor and exactly what the RF deserves.
Willow, I have a feeling that the reason he’s so stressed is because of the testimony by a trafficked teen (in the Maxwell trial) and her rape by Andy. That testimony is in the media in the US although they are protecting the witness by naming her Jane. I don’t know that they would use that in the civil case, but Andy must be terrified that he’ll be arrested. He’d better stick close to mommy, because I doubt his immunity would extend to rape of a trafficked teen.
I hope they all get food poisoning and spend Christmas on the bathroom floor.
Yes I am that petty.
Yet it is a “problem” to some in the media if Harry and Meghan attend with their children but OK if Uncle Andrew goes. Ridiculous.
I will never understand this.
It’s more of a crime to be a black woman in possession of a strong personality than to rape underage girls in that family.
Notice that HE’S not being called a bully for making all those demands on his staff?
Hah, good point! He’s not just a rapist, but a BULLY too. How dare he yell at his legal team and tell them to cancel Christmas!
@ Mrs.Krabapple, I think it’s wise for PedoAndy is going over every document, as I am certain that he has raped another victim at some time, maybe in NYC! Can’t leave any victim undiscovered.
“Monday off, absolutely NOT!!! That’s not what my mummy’s millions are paying for!!”
@Tessa said:
“Yet it is a ‘problem’ to some in the media if Harry and Meghan attend with their children but OK if Uncle Andrew goes. Ridiculous.”
Lots of ridiculousness is going on as perpetrated by the British media and the royal firm’s competing palaces. It pays to filter out the nonsense as best we can, and try to hone in on a clear overview of all that has happened. Take some lessons learned from how M&H have come through and are moving forward in their lives.
M&H are not interested in the Sandringham Xmas morning church pap walk, nor do they relish being around some of Harry’s dreadful relatives. Many of the ‘lesser’ royals (such as Zara & hubby) bailed on that performative Xmas morning icky awkwardness awhile ago. Even W&K tried to skip out when they could by previously brokering an every other year deal regarding the Xmas church pap walk. But once Meghan entered the family and media over-scrutiny ratcheted up, and the smear campaign against Meg got underway, lots of things changed (especially re media demands for visibility of royal principals).
It may help to gain a deeper understanding of the biographical and historical trajectory of the British royal family. Andrew’s shenanigans have been going on for a very long time. He was never reined in by anyone, just as Wills/TOB has never been reined in to control his problematic, adverse behavior. It has always been about sweeping the unpleasantness, personal secrets, and problematic behaviors under the rug. However, a series of karmic events and reckonings are underway for Britain and for the British monarchy.
Of course, Andrew is the visible scapegoat in the Epstein matter in part due to his stupidity, and to his temptations and poor behavior leading him into criminal territory. Andrew is not the first British prince or royal family relative to engage in licentious activities. But in this modern age, and due to Andrew’s own stupidity in not coming clean sooner and striking a monetary deal years ago, he now serves as the culpable scapegoat for some powerful, hidden men whose ties to Epstein and criminal acts behind closed doors, can not be as easily proven.
Didn’t he skip the last Christmas walk the family had? Andrew’s been told to keep a low profile so that he won’t distract from the Queen on that day. That’s all.
Yup, apparently Charles and he attended church earlier in the day (before the family walk) but I don’t think there were even any photographs of that.
There is a picture, with a Town & Country article that’s still available. Remembered the picture from the time, possibly CB had a piece on it…
I doubt the queen will be walking that day. We haven’t heard anything about her of late, so who knows her health status at this time? We may not even see her at all.
The Queen hasn’t walked on Christmas in years. She is driven after everyone has done the big walk.
@Becks1 – thank you. I wasn’t aware of that.
He absolutely should settle. He should say he was unaware that anything he was doing was wrong (lies), he should not require Virginia to sign an NDA (she wouldn’t anyway), he should have her agree not to pursue or cooperate with any criminal charges (she might), and he should live out the rest of his days living in the lap of his mommy’s luxury, free to travel the world. Otherwise, it’s Salty Island lockdown for him—and even one maybe two fewer U.K. countries to visit if/when they head toward independence. And much is mummy’s fault for not being a better monarchy and being a crummy mummy to all her kids (parenting at polar ends of the spectrum, never measured in between).
You’d think those royals would have a brain cell between them, but I guess generations of inbreeding kind of does that.
Exactly. Everything you said, he should have done two years ago (ideally fifteen years ago). He must heave some medieval sense of being above the law.
@ThatsNotOkay said:
“And much is mummy’s fault for not being a better monarchy and being a crummy mummy to all her kids (parenting at polar ends of the spectrum, never measured in between).”
For sure, but maybe the sad trajectory of this entire institution might be better understood through recognizing that the Queen herself was raised by stiff, Neanderthal, Victorian-era, emotionally repressed yet superiorly entitled grandparents, and by old-fashioned, xenophobic, entitled and overly upper-class sheltered parents who did not believe being academically educated was important for their two daughters (the eldest of whom was destined to become Queen)!
The sad, karmic history of the current royal family can be traced to Elizabeth inheriting the throne in her early 20s, very early in her marriage. Philip paid the price by having his prized naval career ended, and by suffering as he termed it ‘bloody emasculation,’ in being disallowed from passing on his surname to his own progeny. In the early 1960s, Elizabeth relented slightly by declaring that her & Philip’s heirs who were not in direct line to the throne would take the surname Mountbatten-Windsor.
I say all this to point out that the Queen has never really been in charge. She’s always been a dutiful figurehead. She was always beholden to government advisors, and to palace operatives (the gray men). And, having been raised to place a strong (almost obsessive) sense of duty to the crown above her own personal needs and desires, she’s likely emotionally stunted in some important aspects of her adult development.
One of the personal desires Elizabeth did achieve, was marrying Philip. Ironically, while it was Elizabeth’s future position as Queen which won not Philip’s love, but his deep regard and affection, it was Elizabeth actually becoming Queen at age 25, which nearly destroyed their marriage.
Elizabeth’s marital reconciliation with Philip resulted in the birth of Andrew, and later Edward, her final offspring with whom she was able to spend more time with when they were young. This is the genesis then, of Elizabeth’s constant and unwavering devotion for Andrew, who was obviously spoiled rotten by her. Moreover, Andrew has always been none too bright.
Elizabeth ceded control of family affairs and estate management to Philip, as another way of making him feel more manly and useful during her reign. Although, Philip was said to rule domestic affairs with an iron fist, that wasn’t always the best approach, and he wasn’t always right in his dictates. Plus, once again, Andrew was always ‘Mommy’s little boy.’
By this point in her waning life, the Queen’s devotion to her favorite son, and her unyielding desire to protect him, is not going to change.
Seems a settlement to prevent further distress to the Queen’s pocketbook is on the horizon, say maybe by Jan. 6?
Charles would be extra pissed off at any settlement coming out of his giant inheritance.
Of course he’s going to Sandringham and of course he’s not going to go on the Christmas walk. That’s what happened in 2019 and its what we’ll see (or not see) this year.
I am sort of surprised that B&E are going to Sandringham, its their first christmases as parents and staying at Royal Lodge or somewhere sounds more fun to me (Andrew aside….) but I bet they are probably figuring the kids won’t remember this year (since they’re so young) and if its the Queen’s last Christmas they want to be there. (who knows with that one though.)
Every Christmas has been Betty’s “last Christmas” for how many years now? I’m tired!
Great way to hold your family hostage.
Telling his lawyers to cancel Christmas isn’t a good look, very Ebenezer Scrooge vibes. Meanwhile, he’ll still be attending Christmas at sandringham. Um okay?
It’s not a good look but also…..its not necessary? If his lawyers are good, they’re going to know that they need to work and that they can’t take two weeks off at christmas or whatever. They don’t need Andrew to tell them to look for every possible avenue to defend him or whatever. That’s why Andrew (ahem the Queen) is paying them the big bucks. They know they need to work right now.
Telling them to cancel Christmas fits, though. Remember last year when Betty thought that the Sandringham staff should give up their Christmas with their families to be quarantined for two weeks so that they could wait on her ungrateful self for Christmas? What a family. No one matters but them. The rest of the world is there only to bask in their reflected glory and grovel at their feet.
And yet Meghan is a bully for asking her staff to work (not on Christmas) where is the outcry? Crickets….
“Constant communication” with his lawyers is costing a fortune. Unless there’s a different agreement, his being charged every time he picks up the phone. He should settle but these Windsors don’t understand the term “cut your losses”.
Lol, no lawyer would take Andrew on for a fixed fee.
Amendment: “Constant communication” with his lawyers is costing THE TAXPAYERS a fortune.
Honestly I don’t buy Andrew is that stressed. Worried yes but not the “stay up all night” type worried. He seems to be the type to just tell his legal team “get me out of it” while barely cooperating with them other than the basics.
My thoughts as well. He’s not stressed at all, maybe a little irritated but mummy was chosen by God so what harm can come to her favorite? He is entitled not to worry, that’s what mummy pays the peons to do.
Yup, he is worried how much this interfere with his travel plans, nothing more. PedoAndy hasn’t a care except his earnings once him mummy is gone and how he will be treated in foreign countries, besides CW countries. He doesn’t think he has done anything wrong, never has. VG was “offered” to him, and he took it. It’s not like his ex wife when she was caught selling access to family, ie him.
No, none of them think that they are beholden to the same rules of law and/or decency.
Plus, TQ will probably live another 5 years too!!
Makes me think he has seen some or most of the evidence against him that the public has yet to see and he is panicked. Then you have his name coming up in the Maxwell trial right from the start and it isn’t looking good for him at all. The only chance he has is to find a technicality to weasel out of it.
I highly doubt this will work, and Virginia deserves justice and since the criminal courts didn’t come through I pray the civil one will.
I have read everywhere and cannot find the answer; why is Virginia not giving testimony? I thought she would be on the list.
I would imagine she’s been down this road so many times that it’s traumatizing for her and her family. She has 3 young kids and doesn’t want to leave her family for that length of time, or possibly expose them to the ravenous media. She’ll be providing daily briefings on the trial from her home in Australia and in constant contact with her team of lawyers.
Virginia is not giving testimony because her account is problematic from a legal strategy point of view. Over the years, her story has changed due to imperfect memory– the various inconsistencies are in public record and Maxwell’s defense counsel would use it as an opportunity to weaken the prosecution’s case.
To be perfectly clear: no one is stating that Virginia is lying regarding what happened to her. However, for the purposes trial, whether civil or criminal, you always want to assemble the absolute best case to be tried before the jury; this means the witnesses should ideally be airtight, with little to no room to call their testimony into question.
“The Queen and Prince Philip stayed at Windsor Castle, and they were visited by three ghosts in the form of Prince Charles, the Countess of Wessex and the Duke of York. I think Anne might have stopped by at some point too (perhaps she’s the Jacob Marley, wearing the chains she forged in life, link by link and yard by yard).”
I don’t know why, but this has me rolling with laughter! Thanks for the laugh this morning, Kaiser. I needed it. 🙂
That was gold but honestly they’re all Jacob Marleys!
I see Harry as the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come!
The receding chin will help with that. What a pile of sh!t.
There was never going to be a settlement. Virginia wants her day in court & Andrew was never going to settle with mummy’s money, thereby admitting guilt.
I do think he’s stressing about it & bugging his lawyers, but I suspect he’s the kind of client who is just obsessed with the case & asking questions just to relieve his anxiety. It becomes more of a nuisance than anything, but at least they can bill for the time. I’m sure their strategy (driven by Andrew) in January will be to slut-shame Virginia & claim she’s looking for a payday. It will fail & Andrew will see himself dragged into court to face the truth.
I looked at Virginia’s opposition to Andrew’s MTD and her brief cites to 92 cases. Andrew managed 41. He also requested judicial notice for the Daily Mail articles which… I mean… I guess they had to try? Lol.
Poor, poor sausage…can you just imagine the stress, the strain, the sheer agony he must be going through???? have none of you no feelings on how this must be affecting him????
(sarcasm, y’all. Lots and lots of sarcasm)
Yeah, he’s way too stupid and arrogant to be capable of feeling stress.
IDK, Pedrew doesn’t come across as intelligent or studious at all: Can anyone picture him studiously poring over documents pertaining to his case?! I can see him delegating this to others and ordering his lawyers to work overtime, but I can’t see him actually putting in a effort where he needs to read.
He strikes me as the sort who would have a hard time understanding the instruction: ‘do not iron clothes while on body’.
I don’t think Andrew is worried or stressed. I think he’s quite confident mummy will make this distasteful incident disappear.
And as for Andrew not wanting to be a distraction on Xmas day? What a load of crap. He only thinks of himself, just like the rest of them.
I can definitely see Andrew having a massive tantrum and screaming at his lawyers over the phone. Fits right in with Charles and William.
But yeah, he’s too morally lost and pampered to feel shame or worry.
He’s going to wear a corgi costume in hopes he’ll blend into the background.
Took a look at the docket– it’s not quite true that January 4 determines whether Virginia’s case goes to trial or not. January 4 is the hearing date for oral argument on Andrew’s Motion to Dismiss. There’s a lot of different possible outcomes. If Virginia’s case survives the Motion to Dismiss, then it’ll go into discovery. Once discovery is closed, the parties still have a chance to file for summary judgment. Then, depending on the outcome of summary judgment, the case may go to trial.
A lot of stuff happens before parties ever go to trial and parties can settle anytime during the process. Cannot tell you how many times we’re gearing up to go to trial and the client settles right before the trial starts.
Also, “cancelling Christmas” is not unreasonable in Big Law, where corporations are fighting about millions of dollars and they’re paying their lawyers $1000 per hour. The hearing for Motion to Dismiss is a big deal; attorneys often have mock hearings so that their oral argument can be shredded to pieces before they go before the judge (who will shred the argument to pieces).
But I’m not sure exactly how much prep can go into Andrew’s arguments? 1.5 weeks seems kind of excessive. Andrew literally cannot contribute anything to the hearing– he’s not going to be giving testimony, he doesn’t know the points of law. His lawyer can’t just go before the judge and say, “Your Honor, Ms. Guiffre is a promiscuous gold digger trying to take advantage of my client and that’s why her case has no merit.” The judge will be “I don’t care, what are the points of law that support your argument to dismiss this case?”
So yeah. I figure it’s just Andrew being an overbearing nightmare.
Thank you for this information and analysis.
Andrew has the resources to drag this thing out for years. I dont think he will settle. He has attorneys who are known knife fighters. Discovery is going to be a doozy.
He’s looking positively anemic these days.
Thanks to LaraW for the great explanations!
Have a great and relaxing time? Let’s see: have to go to mommy’ house for Xmas every year even though you are a senior citizen? Check. Get weighed when you arrive and leave? Check. Your kids are banished to the nursery for the duration and can’t eat with you? Check. Have to change your clothes 4 times a day? Check. Have to go to church on Xmas morning then do the perp walk while citizens stare at you and cameras click? Check. Have to play silly parlour games? Check. Have to be delighted with silly cheap gifts? Check. Have to watch the Queens speech? Check.Wow, sounds like a relaxing and fun time to me….🙄