“George Clooney is Oscar-campaigning hard for Ben Affleck” links

George Clooney is Oscar-campaigning hard for Ben Affleck and his performance in The Tender Bar (which Clooney directed). [LaineyGossip]
A new Chris Evans-girlfriend rumor just dropped. [JustJared]
BTS’s Jimin was hospitalized with appendicitis. [Seriously OMG]
Katy Perry wore Mugler on SNL. [RCFA]
A review of Hulu’s Pam & Tommy. [Pajiba]
Yes, I could see Lady Gaga in these Gaultier pieces. [GFY]
Investigating the unsolved murder of Malcolm X. [Buzzfeed]
HBCUs are receiving tons of bomb threats. Jesus, this timeline. [Towleroad]
I need to speak to Caitriona Balfe’s stylist because they’re doing a bad job! [Tom & Lorenzo]
Snoop Dogg says Uber Eats won’t deliver to his neighborhood. [Dlisted]
Woman who is seven inches taller than her husband describes how people react [Jezebel]

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20 Responses to ““George Clooney is Oscar-campaigning hard for Ben Affleck” links”

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  1. DrPerson says:

    FWIW, Snoop Dog is a paid spokesperson for their competitor Just Eat (here in the UK at least) and is in all of their ads, so I smell something fishy here.

  2. Case says:

    Affleck was better in The Last Duel than The Tender Bar. The Last Duel is being criminally overlooked all around for award season and it’s driving me nuts.

    • LeonsMomma says:

      Totally agree — didnt’ want to see “The Last Duel,” but was at a friend’s house and it was his choice for movie night and I was riveted. THough set way back when, the issues are still relevent (he said/she said, among them) today.
      Also, The Tender Bar is BORING and it was like his “Good Will Hunting” character grown up, different accent.

    • Karisma says:

      I would have love seeing him getting this push for The last duel, his flamboyant performance there was way more Oscar worthy but unfortunately the movie bombing and all the headlines about it condamned it. It’s a shame how overlooked it has been this award season, Jodie Comer also deserves some awards love and The last duel deserves to be a best Picture contender.

    • mariettajones2381 says:

      Well, you can thank Ridley Scott for running his mouth for the absence of nods for any awards for both Ben and Jodie. Which, they were both amazing in that movie, so it’s very sad.

      • Karisma says:

        Yeah Scott’s antics didn’t help their awards chance that’s for sure but I also think it created curiosity because the movie has been doing well on streaming and vod

      • Case says:

        I think it was mostly the poor box office performance that ruined its chances, which is a shame. It was the perfect candidate for streaming versus a theater run. My favorite film I watched last year!

  3. Menlisa says:

    Woah! Chris Evans new girlfriend is super young😬

  4. milliemollie says:

    Is this just another “Chris Evans’s fans give him a new made up girlfriend”-situation?

    If not and this is true, then major yikes.
    Another man in his 40s dating a much younger woman…Groundbreaking…

    • Neverette says:

      Is it surprising though? Most straight men – not all, but most – are more attracted to women in their 20s bc they are at their physical prime (mostly, NOT all!) It’s physical, truly. And when you’re famous? You have more options to date young beautiful women than the average nonfamous dude. It doesn’t surprise ever even though ppl act surprised.

      Unrelated but did anyone see The Rock praising Joe Rohan’s statement in the post’s insta comments….?

      Sometimes I forget how dumb most celebs are, even our favs like The Rock.

    • Remy says:

      Doesn’t seem like a made up situation. They were both in Vegas at the same time. She was pictured with CE’s bro & bff. There are also other instances where they seem to be in the same spot at the same time.

      • milliemollie says:

        Yikes! Well, I guess he’s officially in his midlife crisis.
        16 years younger.,, God, men are trash.

  5. Wendy says:

    The Tender Bar is the first time I have truly enjoyed Batfleck in a movie. The movie itself was plodding and bordered on boring, but I truly liked HIS performance. Usually I watch Ben and think eh, that could have been played by anyone really.

    So I get the Oscar buzz.

  6. Elizabeth says:

    Oh Caitriona Balfe – you are a BEYOND gorgeous woman. Why is your stylist doing this to you. OR why are you allowing it to happen?

  7. jferber says:

    Every chance will be given, every effort be made, to help a white man that has f-cked up innumerable times. Everyone else? Not so much.

  8. vicsy says:

    Celebitchy – can you plz cover the latest with Alice and Bianca Wallace? Was really moved by her MS revelation 🙁

  9. aggie says:

    Celebitchy, can you please cover the Janet Jackson documentary? So many revelations and discussions happening!

  10. MangoAngelesque says:

    It’s seriously creepy how much digging “fans” do to pinpoint celebrities’ locations and movements.

    They seem to think they’re being Sherlocks, when they’re really just being stalkers.

    (Regarding the Chris Evans post, obvs)

  11. Kat says:

    It’s not surprising when a man who is 40 dates a woman who is 24, but it IS disappointing.

    Nothing is confirmed with CE and this woman yet.. his ‘fans’ connected some dots. May be true. May not be. Not surprising if it is, but wow. What a predictable move from 40 year old Chris

  12. Annetommy says:

    My dear friend married a man 18 years older than she was. He wasn’t trash. They were happy for decades until he died. Once again, the last taboo. Have it any which way, as long as it’s not with someone older.