Jennifer Lopez: ‘I feel so lucky and happy and proud to be with’ Ben Affleck

Marry Me comes out on February 12th, right before Valentine’s Day and right in the middle of what was supposed to be an exciting awards season (almost every awards show was pushed back). We were supposed to be knee-deep in cute red carpet photos of Jennifer Lopez supporting Ben Affleck as he stormed the awards shows, picking up trophies for Best Supporting Actor for The Tender Bar. But here we are – a different kind of promotional tour, but J.Lo can adapt. She appears on the cover of this week’s People Magazine and she really went old-school confessional about her relationship. Good for her! Life’s too short to be coy. J.Lo knows her fans are rooting for her, so she’s giving us what we want. Some highlights from the interview:

Her inner peace: “I’ve never been better. It’s just that we’re all in a very beautiful moment.”

Ben Affleck is the reason for her joy: “I feel so lucky and happy and proud to be with him,” she says, reflecting on their rekindled romance from the sun-drenched room in her house that’s become Affleck’s office when he’s there. “It’s a beautiful love story that we got a second chance.”

Reconnecting with an old lover, and how it’s different now: They “had a little bit of fear,” says Lopez, acknowledging the circus that surrounded them the first time around. “Before we kind of put [our relationship] out there and we were naïve and it got a little trampled.” This time, she says, “We both were like, ‘Wow, we’re so happy and we don’t want any of that to come into play again.’ We’re older now, we’re smarter, we have more experience, we’re at different places in our lives, we have kids now, and we have to be very conscious of those things. We’re so protective because it is such a beautiful time for all of us. I just feel very happy and lucky to be in a relationship that’s happy and loving, and I want to do everything I can to protect that and keep it safe. It deserves that, it really does. … We hold it sacred.”

More on what’s different with Ben now: “It’s beautiful the way it feels very different than it was years ago. … There’s more of an appreciation and a celebration for it, which is nice,” says Lopez, who treasures their second chance at love. “When you find somebody and you really, really love them and you get a second chance at that? That is a really rare, precious, beautiful thing and we don’t take it for granted.”

On their kids: While she agrees it can be delicate bringing kids into any new relationship, she says, “I honestly believe that love rules all. Love always conquers everything — relationships, kids, work, work relationships. It’s all about how loving, open and accepting you can be. Not having an ego about things and just embracing all the good, always looking at the positive. When you’re in a good, healthy relationship, everybody benefits from that. Everybody.”

Ben has put in the work on himself: “I’m so proud of the him, I’m so proud of the man he’s become that I’ve watched from afar. Being honest with each other, being loving, that’s just the basis of everything. I feel like he’s at a place in his life where — just like how I feel about myself — it’s been a journey of learning yourself and figuring yourself out, getting to a place where you feel really good on your own and who you are so you can be in a happy, healthy relationship. To see the person, the human being, the man that he is today, the father that he is today, the partner that he is — he is so everything I always knew he was and wanted to be.”

Real-life fairy tales: Real-life fairy tales can be “a tricky thing,” Lopez allows, but she’s still a believer. “What I can teach my children is that real love exists. Some things can be forever, but it doesn’t mean they just have a straight line.”

What the future holds: “I just want my future to be full of love and happiness, with my children and my partner. I think everybody just wants to be happy, with somebody to go on the journey with and grow old with, and I feel good about that right now.”

[From People]

I don’t believe love conquers all, but I believe that J.Lo is truly happy right now and that she’s all-in with Ben, so much so that she can barely see straight. The way she’s embiggening him too! LOL, I love her. She could fall for the most problematic scrub in the world and she would still be this effusive and positive. She always had love-blinders in every relationship, but with Ben, she really couldn’t see anything bad in him, ever. I also appreciate that she’s largely side-stepping the engagement/marriage questions – this interview is completely on her terms, and she consciously chose to refer to him as her “partner” – not boyfriend, not fiance. In her mind, they’re really in it for the long haul. We’ll see, J.Lovers.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, cover courtesy of People.

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71 Responses to “Jennifer Lopez: ‘I feel so lucky and happy and proud to be with’ Ben Affleck”

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  1. K says:

    The fiiiiiinaallll countdowwwnn do do dooo

  2. Noki says:

    I am shocked no one not even Leah Remini has ever told her to knock off that open mouth sultry pose she does so much.

    • Jules says:

      Along with the frosted lipstick, so bad. I didn’t even recognize her on that cover photo.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        I know. Though the partial open mouth was a dead giveaway that it is indeed JLo!

        Someone please talk to her about her partial open mouth permanent stance. She thinks it’s sexy but it’s not.

  3. Mina_Esq says:

    Can we talk about how great the fabric of that dress is?! LOVE!

    • BothSidesNow says:

      Yes, the dress is gorgeous and it fits JLo like a glove! Though she has never been one to shy away from daring or spectacular for a majority of her career, but has certainly has tumbles along the way.

    • Sue E Generis says:

      Yess! I love the dress, it’s gorgeous.

  4. Karisma says:

    I knew she wouldn’t be able to keep this we skipping questions about each other thing for long!lol
    Jlo is always so extra and need to scream it from the top of her lungs when she’s in love. That was a very sweet interview though. I wish them the best.

  5. Julia K says:

    This dress is awesome on so many levels, the design, fabric, draping, fit, and it looks great on her. I’m really not a fan of her fashion choices at times but I can see this as a win.

  6. AA says:

    Jennifer Garner’s like…good luck, girl.

  7. Barbie1 says:

    Her gushing about Ben makes me gag. She is making a fool out of herself. He dumped her the first time because he didn’t like the press making fun of him. He has no character. As was proven by his Garner comments.

    • Noki says:

      Right, i never thought you could be this giddy at 50+ , its sweet that she cant help it. But she is dealing with Ben she should keep the gushing to a minimum because the inevitable WILL happen.

    • Jules says:

      It sounds like she spent half the interview talking about HIM. Girl, get some self esteem.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        With a dash of therapy with your codependent issues! I don’t think that she has been single during her entire career. It’s been one relationship after another. With her history , I can only surmise, she doesn’t like to be alone OR her relationships strengthens her success. I am baffled.

        I hope that she is happy and that no matter who she wants to be with doesn’t blow up in her face.

    • shanaynay says:


  8. Amy Bee says:

    What I got out of this JLo never got over Ben. I’m glad they get a second chance at love and I think they will get married but not anytime soon.

    • Nan says:

      I agree, Amy Bee – I think this is the guy who is the real love of her life. Hope he’s not going to be shady and that she gets her dream of happily growing old together.

  9. kelleybelle says:

    Sorry, but I take these two about as seriously as I do Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson.

    • atorontogal says:

      I’m with you. How could you be this much in love with someone so soon after breaking off a freaking engagement? How do these people fall in and out of love so damn quickly?

      • kelleybelle says:

        God, who knows. It doesn’t help that I don’t like him, either. And all the partners/husbands she’s had? Hard pass. At least Kim and Pete are just dating and having fun.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        I don’t think she was ever in love with A-Roid, and I don’t think she ever fell OUT of love with Affleck.

      • kelleybelle says:

        @ WhatWHAT, you could be right. Time will tell, eh? I just can’t get what he said to that female reporter. “Get them titties out.” He’s a pig. And poor sausage was “trapped” by Jennifer Garner. Ugh.

  10. Chisey says:

    I’m glad that she is so happy with him! Does he deserve all the grace she is just pouring into him? Probably not, but that’s love I think. You see the person you love as their best possible self, and they make you feel like your best possible self. I think being able to love someone in such an all-in way even though her heart has been through it speaks to JLo’s optimism and view of the world, which is nice

  11. Erin says:

    She’s more reflective than I thought she would be. What she says about ego and being open and accepting is spot on, even though this is a pretty flowery, gushy interview otherwise. Why does her face look different/more narrow here? Weird.

  12. whatWHAT? says:

    who’s that person on the cover of People? the one that kind of looks like Jennifer Lopez?

    I f*cking hate photoshop.

    • pandie says:

      I didn’t know who that was until I saw the name

    • Beth says:

      That was my thought as well.
      I did a side by of the People cover and other photos of her and they definitely elongated her face and slimmed it. Something looks off around her nose as well but that could be makeup/lighting.

  13. canichangemyname says:

    I mean, she’s in love with being in love, and even my bitter a$$ can’t be mad at that. She’s not dependent – she’s made her own money, made her own name. But she’s apparently someone who is happiest in a relationship. So if this is making her happy, I wish them the best! (I’m gonna be so mad at him if her hurts her again tho LOL)

  14. margot says:

    So much second hand embarrassment. And Marry Me looks horrible.

  15. DiegoInSF says:

    I loved this interview and cover story! I totally get what she’s saying, I really feel they’re IT for each other.
    Can’t wait for Marry Me, can’t get the Marry me Marry me song out of my head, it’s so catchy.

  16. Beech says:

    I like the pretty dress fabric, very spring time, Laura Ashleyish, suitable for curtains and sofas and People magazine covers.

  17. Linda says:

    Ben is definitely the most handsome guy in Hollywood.

    • serena says:


    • Simmons_YL says:

      When he was in his prime, he was really handsome. Out of the 90s A lister sex gods: Cruise, Pitt, he actually is the most sexually attractive. Cruise is conventionally handsome, but I don’t know, he just doesn’t oose sex. Pitt’s look is rather over-rated. But Ben, he just oozes male pheromon. Kevin Smith once said succintly: he’s just such a man. I also think he shouldn’t have done Batman, not least professionally it did him more harm, but also the bulk-up messed his face. But there is a cache in it, with the ageing and the torture of the past several years, along with alcoholism, his face is finally changed enough that he can do more character works, instead of the conventional handsome leading man role that Hollywood tried hard to frame him.

  18. Lena says:

    To whoever said they didn’t think she as ever in love with ARod – nobody knows what goes on in a relationship except the two people in it and you can’t really make that comment about people you don’t know or even DO know. This excerpt sounds exactly like when she was talking about husband 1,2,3 and boyfriends 1,2,3… she always gushes. She’s sounds proud of his “ growth” like a Mother would be proud. And he needs a mommy. I wondered how she would maneuver publicity around a movie that sounds like it was ripped out of her recent history / about to be married then finding out he was cheating with an assistant then jumps in & falls in love with the next guy she sees. Just don’t talk about the movie at all.

    • Simmons_YL says:

      Lena, listen to her tracks and study the accompanied lyrics and MV: Medicine, or Dinero, or Pa’ Ti + Lonely, or In the Morning. They are all about Ben.
      1. The young male model just has a semlance of Ben’s signature looks: hair, mustache (ARod never has facial hair in the first place);
      2. There are symbolic callbacks in the videos to her 2003 album This is Me … Then, which we all know it’s about Ben (The working class girl in I’m Glad persona, the flash dance inspiration, the locked up jail symbolising her locked up heart, the Jersey Girl iconography, the mermaid fairy tale reflecting her and Garner to Ben, etc);
      3. Dinero (money in English) publicly declared that she went out with Arod for money, and she even used Yankees baseball shirt to trigger Ben, which we all know Yankee is Boston Ben’s sworn enemy.
      There are just too many clues in her discography.

  19. Lena says:

    To whoever said they didn’t think she as ever in love with ARod – nobody knows what goes on in a relationship except the two people in it and you can’t ever make that comment about people you don’t know or even DO know. This excerpt sounds exactly like her talking about husband 1,2,3 and boyfriends 1,2,3…(yes read how she talked about ARod) she always gushes. She’s sounds proud of his “ growth” like a Mother would be proud. And he needs a mommy. I wondered how she would maneuver publicity around a movie that sounds like it was ripped out of her recent history / about to be married then finding out he was cheating with an assistant then jumps in & falls in love with the next guy she sees. Just don’t talk about the movie at all.

  20. Linda says:

    The first time around Jennifer stole Ben off Nicole.

    • DiegoInSF says:

      People can’t be stolen, they’re not inanimate objects with no agency!

    • Simmons_YL says:

      Who’s Nicole? I don’t think Ben ever went out with Nicole Kidman. Ben actually had a very casual fling with Britney Spears in 2001, then he met JLo on the Gigli set and the rest is history as they say.

  21. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Is she elongated in that pic? So weird. And that mouth; wish something would fly in.

  22. Paige says:

    ‘it’s been a journey of learning yourself and figuring yourself out, getting to a place where you feel really good on your own and who you are so you can be in a happy, healthy relationship.’

    WHEN was this supposed time where she was able to “feel really good on your own’?
    Was there ANY time between Arod and Ben-??

  23. Nyro says:

    I see she’s entering her ungraceful aging stage. So much photoshop, she’s barely recognizable. Also, I’m over hearing about their relationship and I’m annoyed by the fact that she’s over 50 yet STILL has to tie a man into almost everything she does. Why can’t she promote her work without also promoting her relationship? It’s,always been like that but she’s too grown for this mess.

  24. Fabi says:

    🤣🤣 That cover!!! When has she NOT been in love??? All I hear when I read what she says is Joey Trebiani “ And the love that they give and have is shared and received. And through this having and giving and sharing and receiving, we too can share and love and have… and receive”

  25. Dora says:

    Good luck

  26. serena says:

    God lord, I hate when she goes all saccharine about her (very problematic) partners in interviews, it just sounds fake.
    “He is so everything I always knew he was and wanted to be” .. well, that’s sad then.

  27. Jaded says:

    I’m in a “second time around” relationship. First time around was in the late 70s. He dumped me for someone who was far more gorgeous, charismatic, exciting, and a well-known singer in the LA music scene. She love-bombed him and hero-worshiped him and he fell for it, hook line and sinker. Fast forward to 2014, he looked me up after a long but very problematic marriage and ugly divorce. She broke him — financially, mentally and emotionally. She was childish, neurotic, self-obsessed, lazy and deceitful — hey, marry in haste repent at leisure. After a sincere apology and a few come-to-Jesus heart-to-hearts, we started spending time together and I eventually gave him a second chance. Seven years later we are blissfully happy.

    We are all human, we make mistakes, we make wrong relationship choices based on the initial euphoria we feel, not on what we need to know about a person before making a decision as important as choosing a life partner.

    I hope this works out for both of them — I am neither a J-Lo nor a Ben stan but I am living proof that second times around can be wonderful.

  28. Al says:

    Rooting for them

    • DiegoInSF says:

      Same! Can’t understand why people would root against two people loving each other. I love them together!

    • whatWHAT? says:

      honestly, I am too. not sure why and I’m not a huge fan of either, but they do look so happy together.

      • Lena says:

        Me too FP! I wouldn’t just get over someone cancelling a wedding 2 days before (can you imagine -I’d be hysterical) or dumping me for someone flashier. I would be nursing that grudge! But everyone is different and I’m glad you’re happy Jaded.

  29. april says:

    She definitely looks stunning.

  30. CrazyCat says:

    Ben is an a$$ but I get why she’s so attracted to him. They do complement each other with different strengths. He’s never looked better either, so I hope he’s sober and she’s having a positive affect on him in that way. She really looks incredible.

  31. Glossoph says:

    I’m glad he’s not dating some 20-year old. Maybe it’s just me, but to me, he projects contentment and confidence when he’s with her. They look very happy together and I hope they last.

  32. Michele O says:

    I really hope they just elope privately and keep it secret for a good long spell so they can enjoy it without the press hounding them. If they get engaged/married with a bunch of hoopla, I won’t believe either of them have learned from the past.

  33. jferber says:

    Her face really looks elongated and I don’t know how/why. Photoshop? But this doesn’t look good. I don’t get it.

  34. Simmons_YL says:

    I also would like to point out that I think she’s trying to use guilt trip to control him again. I read quite a few tabloid articles OK magazines, Gossip Cops, etc: she pressured him to get up 4:30 every morning so that he can work out with her, simply because it is her morning routine; or held weekly couple therapy sessions; or demand Facetime each night when they are away. I particularly don’t like the first one as she knew Ben never was a morning person, and yet she demanded him to work on her schedule. Why can’t she be compromised? I suspect that is part of the reason why Ben’s defence got worn down during that 2.5 hours talk on Howard Stern and he blabbed and let his competitors and industry detractors take advantage during crucial awards campaign season. I also noticed he seems deliberately baked his facial complexion to a darker shade to match hers. Remember the first time round, she got him to wear bronze, and he was laughed at. This time, she got him baked all because she likes wearing bronze herself and wanted his complexion to match hers.
    There is too much power imbalance between the two. It’s like a ticking time bomb. I just hope she can relax and not always wants to gain upper hand in the relationship. Garner tried this tactic in their marriage and he rebelled. And she’s doing the same thing. I don’t know how long he can tolerate such manipulation.

  35. Karisma says:

    You giving way too much credit to those low tiers tabloids when it was proved multiples times that they’re making stuff up 99% of the time. Aniston and Brad pitt would be at their 12th children and 13 marriages if you took them as Bible. OK mag was literally announcing the engagement of a celebrity couple instead that couple announced their break up days later. You can’t do all all those affirmations about Ben and Jlo’s relationship based on low tiers gossip mags

  36. candy says:

    I don’t see this working out, but I don’t fault them for trying to be happy.

  37. Linda says:

    Since he likes Jennifers there’s Jennifer Aniston and Jennifer Jason Leigh.