We recently learned that Nick Cannon will soon be welcoming his eighth child, by a fifth mother, when photos came out of him hosting a gender reveal party with model Bre Tiesi over the weekend. Nick had opened up late last year that he was planning on being celibate until the new year. I speculated that the celibacy may have been brought on by news of Bre’s pregnancy, which was correct. Nick said, in a discussion with Angela Ye on his talk show, that his decision to be celibate was prompted by his therapist (something he’s mentioned before) after he opened up about impregnating yet another woman. He’s not ruling out more children though, and it sounds like it’s only a matter of time. Here’s a summary of what he said, via US Magazine, and the video is below.
“My therapist was one of the [people] who said that I should probably be celibate because I had shared that news, that Bre [Tiesi] was pregnant,” the Masked Singer host, 41, explained during a conversation with Angela Yee on his talk show on Monday, January 31. “That was the reason why I started my celibacy journey back then. … I was [celibate] because I was dealing with [this].”
Cannon continued: “I felt like my life was out of control. And honestly, the celibacy did help me through the journey of getting one with myself and dealing with this.”
Though [Nick] confessed that having so many children is “a challenge,” he’s not ruling out expanding his family even further in the future. “I just want to have as many children as I can … provide for and be a good father to,” Cannon said. “I want to be the best father that I could possibly be, but I’m not counting out never having more children.”
Nick said that Bre is close to 20 weeks along, meaning he didn’t break his celibacy vow when he got her pregnant. He “almost” made it to the new year. He told Angela Ye that his virility is due to how healthy he is, which includes taking oregano oil and drinking cold-pressed juices. “You put life in and life comes out.” He really said that! He also said that he didn’t have a number of children he wants in mind.
Mariah Carey, the mother of Nick’s two oldest children, 10-year-old twins Moroccan and Monroe, is said to be happy for him in light of this news. US reports that they have a good co-parenting relationship.
Alyssa Scott, who sadly lost her five-month-old son Zen with Nick to brain cancer in December, has spoken out about people speculating about how she’s dealing with this. She wrote “It is painful having my son be part of conversations that aren’t in alignment with his light and legacy. It isn’t something I chose for him or myself. It’s important for me to let you all know…I am centered, I am at peace.” That’s really beautiful and touching. She has a way with words and you can tell that she’s a spiritual person. I hope she has friends and family around her.
Nick’s pregnant girlfriend, model Bre Tiesi, did not want these pictures of her gender reveal party to come out. She wrote an Instagram Story about how the news broke, saying that she’s “over the moon” about her pregnancy but that she was trying to keep it private. I “am horrified that this precious moment was exploited and plastered all over TMZ. This was not how I’d hope to share this news.”
Nick learned about ten years ago that he has lupus. He’s mentioned that he’s intentionally having this many children and that it’s prompted by a fear of dying, essentially. He told Howard Stern in 2017 “I’m probably gonna die sooner than most people… So why wear condoms? I might not be here tomorrow!” As I mentioned in the last story about him, at least he’s in therapy and it sounds like these women know what they’re getting into when they have Octodad’s children. Whether he’s there for them or not is for Nick and the respective moms to work out I guess.
Photos credit: Instar and via Instagram
Even with siblings there’s jealousy that arise when a child feels like he isn’t the sole focus of a parent attention or that a parent has a preference so I can’t imagine with step siblings in different household I hope the mothers and him are prepared to deal with that. Being able to provide isn’t the sign of good parenting.
I have two young kids and I know that I if I were to have a third I wouldn’t have enough time in a day to give everyone the attention they need/deserve. I don’t think it’s possible for him to give physical attention and be as present as kids need you to be having this many.
Props to people who have 3, 4, 5 etc. kids but I know that I couldn’t do it.
Purely based on logistics and the hours available in each day I suggest that he’s conflating the ‘providing for’ and ‘being a good father to’ parts of that statement.
Having the $$$ to give them materially comfortable lives is not the same as being a fully engaged parent. Not that you need two parents to have a happy and healthy child but he seems to be skating over that part about how much of a parent he can be to all these children in favour of going on this self appointed mission to procreate.
i dont get his logic, i have lupus, i take oregeno oil and cold pressed juices but i will activily procreate indiscrimnately, where is the quality over quantity. all i can say is good luck to him
Welp, clearly he has some kind of whopping fear of death so he’s gonna impregnate thing going on. And I guess everyone’s aware and consenting, so.
But I will say that if he needs to pay child support for seven kids, and at some point if he’s at least somewhat likely to lose his ability to work, that’s….concerning. Like digging himself a hole he can’t get his future self out of.
This whole situation is horrible. I feel for Alyssa tremendously. All these women are aware of the situation but one could never imagine that a child would pass away. Bre’s shower does not seem to be one of a woman wanting to keep her pregnancy on the dl.
So he wants to have five children less than he has right now? Giving money to the mom doesn’t make someone a good father.
I’m sorry, but it’s impossible to be the father the kids need you to be if you have to split your time between 5-6 households.
It’s hard enough parenting that many kids under one roof without one feeling neglected at times, now add the seperate homes and his busy career and what is you get is a father who will never be able to be there for all kids equally or as much as they need him to.
It’s “easy” now where most of them are infants, but once they’re all in school and involved in sports or other hobbies, he’ll find what you can and cannot do in 24hrs.
This, 1000%. Give him a weekend with two kids in soccer tournaments, one with a track meet, one in orchestra solo & ensemble, one in a gymnastics exhibition, and one with a birthday and he will know the meaning of “spread thin.”
Is he in a relationship with each of his kids’ mothers? That video makes it look like they are romantically involved. I don’t get it.
His logic makes no sense. I’m going to die young so how about I make as many kids as I can fatherless.
I’ve seen more than a few commenters in difference blogs/Twitter saying it’s like he’s building his own little army of “donors” because of his health (in the same way some people have another child for the bone marrow to save one that’s ill). I hope to God that’s not the case here!
It’s a survival thing and not calculated but instinctive. I dated a guy who wanted to donate his sperm because he “has good genes.” (Those were his words.) I think he was super insecure as a person, very competitive in personality, (but also narcissistic to some extent) and instinctively wanted to pass on his own genes to cheat death in a sense (though he had no conditions that reduced his life expectancy).
What a selfish man. He knows he’s going to die sooner than others so… Create a whole bunch of children he’ll leave behind just as soon?
And how can you split your time between five different households? Even having all of his children with him at the same time means he’s splitting his attention between (currently) seven children while they’re there. They’re having their father in fractions at that point. They will see their bus driver more than their father. They’ll see the UPS person more than their father.
And the mothers who willingly sign up to be a part of this? They’re just as selfish in giving their children not just a part-time father, but also siblings they might never get to know because of the logistics involved.
It is not physically possible for him to be a good father with so many children in separate households. Nick will be starving his children of true affection, love and a good base of relationship between father and child. These kids are going to need a lot of therapy. They will all grow up to have father issues. Unless he has all of the kids come to him when he has time, love to be a fly on the wall to see the interactions, Nick will not be able to work, have time for himself AND be a father to so many children. It’s also incredibly selfish on Nick to excuse his behavior based on his health issues with Lupus. That’s purely a cop-out, nothing more! And how will these mothers support their children once he’s gone? Hope Nick is saving his $$$ for their future!!
@ DAISYFLY Totally agree. So selfish and irresponsible. His health will suffer from all the stress, pressure to be there for all his kids, the mammas fighting amongst themselves over him, his hectic work schedule. It’s a shame not even therapy can make him see the light. The mammas willingness to go along is equally disturbing.
Eew is right. “Why wear condoms?” Because you’re … you. Having sex indiscriminately (as long as they’re light/white women) with so many different people is just plain gross.
Octodad? I love it! 🤣
I do too!! It’s so fitting!
I think most kids would rather have your time than gifts. In my experience I know that my kids love language is quality time. I don’t think money can replace making your child feel important and loved by your presence.
I mean, great that he’s supporting them all financially but children don’t see that and they need your time.
So, he’s essentially pretending to want a bunch of kids because he knows he can financially support them simply because he doesn’t want to wear a condom? because that’s what it sounds like to me. I mean his statement boils down to “I don’t want to wear a condom because I might die tomorrow.” That’s not really the same as wanting to create a bunch of children because he might die tomorrow. That’s just a side effect of not wearing condoms.
Do these people realize that pregnancy isn’t the only possible end result, from sex with multiple partners without condoms? Something tells me he isn’t asking for a full panel before jumping in either. Just all around irresponsible, and these women defy explanation.
This is entire situation is very disturbing
Very disturbing.
Mariah has her own money so of course she’s supportive, but I wonder about the others who rely on his financial assistance. Do they feel the same?
I would side-eye TF out of my husband if we were to divorce and he embarked on this kind of foolery, regardless of the status of my finances. I think Mariah knows she’s in the public eye and will not say anything disparaging publicly, but I would imagine she is less than pleased in her private life. How could you not be??
If he’s busy with all these other children and mothers, maybe he doesn’t have time to hassle her and I can see someone being happy with that 🙂
If you want to provide for children who NEED it, adopt. Stop creating more children just because you can afford it.
He needs some help dealing with his illness. This behavior is a sign that he hasn’t dealt with it, having lupus doesn’t mean you’re necessarily going to die early.
Does someone know his address? I would like to send a box of condoms.
Big man. Collects babies. It doesn’t make this show off a real father or “manly”. Poor babes.
OK, “ew” on a multitude of levels, but there’s also a thinking person on the other side of the equation. It doesn’t look like these women are becoming accidentally pregnant. When a famous guy says on the record that he wants a zillion children and won’t wear a condom, then getting involved with him pretty much guarantees the result. Ok, so I imagine Mariah and the next couple thought “this time it’s different,” but after a point, Nick is just a sperm donor with deep pockets.
Crikey!!! Is this tool that wealthy that all these Moms will get nice chunks of child support?? The whole story makes me ill.
I feel like he’s incorrectly dealing with his own issues by having lots of kids with lots of partners. It makes me sad for his kids – you can’t have a meaningful relationship when you’re spread so thin.
On another note, I recognized Bre because she was once engaged to former football player and all-around mess Johnny Manziel. I am an Aggie so I follow him on Insta. I don’t know what happened to them (or what he’s doing work-wise now, if anything!) but it looks like she traded up on the celebrity scale!
Aggie here too! I read she’s his ex wife? Is she the one who he slapped in the ear and burst her ear drum?
Just checked his Insta, he looks like he’s still a mess.
Ok, I looked it up, they married in 2018, she filed for divorce in 2019, and if I’m reading this right, it was finalized end of November 2021. Supposedly had a “crazy divorce party”, but based on how popped she is in these honeymoon pics, she would’ve been pregnant then? Maybe not showing yet? It’s a NY Post article with pics from her insta.
Now I’m more confused.
Nick needs to watch Sister Wives. It’s a testament to the fact that a people can only stretch themselves so thin before children start falling through the cracks. And regardless of how much it isn’t their fault, children internalize those lessons. Sad.
The over-the-top gender reveal when he lost a baby two months ago just seems sociopathic. I completely get that people act irrationally when they’re grieving, but the smug look on Bre’s face in the video just makes this so weird to me that she went along with it. I think I would feel TERRIBLE about the mother who lost her son.
I’ve always liked Nick and despite this foolery he’s going through now, I do wish him peace and mental health and I wish all his extended families well.
If you are trying to keep something quiet do you hire a helicopter to fly over trailing blue smoke?
Does he actually care at all about his kids? Does he really love them. There seems to be a disconnect between father’s like this and their kids.