Scott Disick is still really upset that Kourtney Kardashian is with Travis now

It’s funny to me that whenever we discuss any of the Kardashian-Jenners, there’s always a huge contingent of haters who reject the notion that any of the KJs should be discussed whatsoever. Like… that time has passed, they are legitimate celebrities and legitimate gossip subjects at this point, in the year of our lord Beyonce 2022. I bring this up because despite millions of people making a vow to never kontribute to the Kardashians, as soon as their Hulu series premiered, suddenly “Kourtney” (out of all of them!!) is trending on Twitter. For why?? Because even Kourtney is a celebrity and subject of gossip. Which brings me to this – apparently, on the series premiere, there’s a lot of talk about Kourtney and Travis Barker’s relationship and engagement, and how much they adore each other and how they’re constantly making out like teenagers. Apparently, Scott Disick is still in his feelings about all of it.

Scott Disick is still trying to figure out his place in the Kardashian family after his split from Kourtney Kardashian. During the premiere episode of the new Hulu series The Kardashians, Scott opened up about the status of his relationship with Kourtney — and how he’s coping with her romance with now-fiancé Travis Barker.

“Now that Kourtney’s got her life with Travis, as hard as it is, it does give me a place to finally be able to move on,” he said while talking to Khloé Kardashian. But while Scott has come to terms with losing Kourtney in a romantic sense, he said he’s still struggling with feeling “left out” by the rest of the family. When he wasn’t invited to the family barbeque, Khloé said she thought it would be easier for Scott to stay home than to have to see Kourtney and Travis’ relationship on full display.

“Feeling left out and not being told anything is super hurtful, especially when I don’t have another family to go to,” he said. (Scott’s mother died in late 2013; his father died three months later.) “I’d rather be around [Kourtney and Travis] and be around my family than not at all.”

Scott said he is also mourning the friendship he once had with Kourtney, as they haven’t been as close since she became serious with Travis. “It was a huge adjustment losing Kourtney romantically, but now it’s becoming a huge adjustment losing her as a best friend. Now we’re really just more co-parenters. I’d say it’s probably one of the more difficult things in my life.”

At the end of the day though, Scott said he just wants Kourtney to do whatever will make her happy. “I understand what the bigger picture is,” he said. “She’s in a real thing and I believe that’s true.”

When it comes to his own love life, Scott admitted that once he’s ready to settle down, he will have to switch up his dating habits. “If I want to find somebody real, and serious, and somebody I’m going to actually spend my life with, it would have to be somebody more…”

“More age-appropriate,” Khloe interjected.

“Yeah,” he replied. “When you’re with an equal, you have to go back and forth. That’s a big step for me. But not over 30 — whatever, 30, I don’t care. If I love somebody, it doesn’t matter their age.”

[From People]

The thing about Scott is that he actually is well-liked and well-loved by the rest of the family? Like, Khloe adores him and they’re incredibly close. Kris Jenner is basically his surrogate mother. Doesn’t he get along well with Rob too? I understand that he expected Kourtney to wait around for him forever, but jeez, man. Figure out something else! Kourtney and Scott broke up for good in 2015 too, it’s not like Travis is some rebound. Kourtney sat idly by while Scott dated a series of barely legal teenagers too. Anyway, I’m happy that Kourtney and Travis are happy together. I think so much of Kourtney’s unhappiness for so many years is that she was trying to “make it work” with Scott, a guy she never even liked or loved.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Instar or Backgrid.

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15 Responses to “Scott Disick is still really upset that Kourtney Kardashian is with Travis now”

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  1. Ceej says:

    So he fully admits he is only dating young women because he wants the power over the relationship and doesn’t see or treat them as an equal.

    What. A. Catch.

    • equality says:

      He was actually coming across fairly sympathetic until that and the “not over 30” stuff.

  2. Oh_Hey says:

    Kourtney has my favorite of them all because she seems the most over it and doesn’t seem to mess with her face or body as much as the rest. She is the lesser of several evils in that clan.

    Also Scott sucks.A succession of barely legal girls and a drug problem do not a good partner make. He only stuck around that long because of the “same dad” rule that she seems willing to break now.

    • Elizabeth says:

      I agree. Scott had a terrible alcohol problem while he was with Kourtney and he has tried to humiliate her by dating a succession of barely legal teenagers. If I recall correctly he also assaulted a waiter on a Vegas trip, while drunk of course. They have three kids together so the family wants to stay on good terms with him, but he didn’t always (or really ever) make it easy. Scott is a conflicted individual and I have sympathy for his childhood issues, but he really seems to need some intense therapy. It’s been five or seven years since they divorced? Why does he care so much if she remarries? I guess he needs a story line.

  3. María says:

    Unrelated to Scott and Kourtney, but I watched the first episode of the new show and I don’t understand why they keep doing it if:
    1. They were allegedly so tired and over it.
    2. Most of their income comes from other deals.

    Were they just saying they were past it and then got scared that maybe people would forget about them? Kendall and Kylie seem especially uninterested and Kourtney has expressed how unhappy she was during the last couple of seasons.

    • ME says:

      The ratings were low. They wanted to re-negotiate their contract with E but E was like “naww you’re not worth that much anymore”. HULU made an offer, so they jumped on over to their streaming service. This family will never want to stop filming. They love the attention too much.

  4. Nicegirl says:

    Move on, Scott. Fixate on yourself.

    I love how you always ‘the year of our Lord Beyoncé’ and adored the recent ‘the year of our Lord Elton John’ it’s so much fun

  5. ME says:

    I think Scott’s issue is more about being left out of the only family he has. He lost both his parents. He only has the Kardashians but he’s being left out/not invited to their celebrations and he is hurt. It’s understandable.

  6. Murphy says:

    He’s not upset that Kourtney is with Travis, he’s just upset that he wasn’t invited to the afternoon trip to DisneyLand.

  7. Mina_Esq says:

    Scott made his bed.

  8. Lonnietinks says:

    He looks sick, right? Why are his eyes so sunken in? There is something wrong here.

  9. JJ says:

    Think of all the angry Scott storylines they’ll get out of this on Hulu

  10. Vespernite says:

    Just a random thought…BUT what if Scott and Khloe ended up together! LOL! Now that would be a story!