“Shailene Woodley dumped Aaron Rodgers again, for the last time?” links

Shailene Woodley & Aaron Rodgers got back together, but now she’s dumped him (again) because she realizes that he won’t change. [LaineyGossip]
Cate Blanchett in black sequins and big shoulder buttons. [Go Fug Yourself]
Lizzo looks happy & hot with her boyfriend. [Just Jared]
Jameela Jamil is Jameela Jamil-ing. [Dlisted]
Review of AppleTV’s Roar. [Pajiba]
Jeff Bezos has been online a lot lately & he has some reading recommendations. [Gawker]
Russia keeps talking about World War III. [Towleroad]
Bill Hader talks about why he won’t do the Stefon character for a while (because he worries it might be seen as homophobic). [OMG Blog]
Gigi Hadid is making bikinis now. [Egotastic]
Si, Bad Bunny is coming to the MCU. [Buzzfeed]
Julianne Moore has been a working actress for so long! [Seriously OMG]
Olivia Wilde wore a blue velvet suit, eh. [RCFA]

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28 Responses to ““Shailene Woodley dumped Aaron Rodgers again, for the last time?” links”

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  1. ME says:

    Bad Bunny just has that “it” factor. Dude is going far, not just with his singing career, but with acting, and even wrestling !

  2. girl_ninja says:

    I don’t think if you get back together with your boyfriend who has shown himself to be an anti-vaxx, Joe Rogan fan boy who blames the woke public/media for all of his trouble you can be taken seriously. And I do not take Shailene Woodley seriously or really respect her all that much.

    Jameela Jamil is so exhausting. She tries to hard to be everything accepting and all loving and she comes off as smug and entitled. I cannot.

  3. Eurydice says:

    Pointy shoulder pads, giant buttons and shiny sequins – how soon will it be before we see it remade in “Diana blue” for Duchess Kate?

  4. Jo says:

    I am always a bit panicky when I come across a sketch with the Stefon character although I find Hader hilarious. Sometimes it’s ok, and most times I cringe.

    • ME says:

      It’s a character he should never do again. It’s offensive. Just like Mike Meyers better never do that Guru character again…extremely offensive, brown face and all !

  5. SpankyB says:

    I remember watching Julianne Moore in As the World Turns when my son was a baby/toddler, so around 1985. She and Marisa Tomei’s characters were friends.

  6. Lila says:

    Olivia’s blue suit was super cute. Unfortunately her makeup and styling didn’t really add anything.

    • minx says:

      Loved that blue pantsuit! But she looks exhausted and/or sick.

      • Wiglet Watcher says:

        I thought it was the styling too, but I think it’s poor lighting mixed with how she really looks. We see celebrities in full makeup so often when they’re casual they look sickly.

      • tuille says:

        Dark blue is not a good color with olive-skin color, Olivia is pale but definitely has an olive (green) undertone.

  7. minx says:

    Woodley and Rodgers are so tiresome.

  8. Katie says:

    “Everything was on his terms and nothing was going to change” — Does that mean selfish and career focused, a crazy conspiracy theorist, or both?

    • Victoria says:

      Sounds like a Scorpio! Jk. My ex was the same as you described. And a Scorpio. No idea what sign Aaron is

  9. bettyrose says:

    Are we all just living in denial right now that we could be on the verge of WWIII? Like, is living in North American or Western Europe far enough detached from this possibility, our lives not overly impacted by Russian aggression just now, that we don’t really think about it day to day? Should we be a lot more scared?

    • Merricat says:

      I’m terrified. I do come to Celebitchy to distract myself from it.

    • Twin Falls says:

      I’m in denial so I can get through the days doing all the things I need to do but when I read last night they’d pulled gas from Poland and Bulgaria my stomach dropped again. This is not going away, not going to end well. Putin is a psychopath.

    • Bettyrose says:

      Merricat & Twin Falls. – I realized too late that since we come here for escapism it’s probably not the place to bring it up, but I saw the article above and shivered. *hugs*

    • Truthiness says:

      BettyRose, I can only speak for myself but I read far more Ukraine news than any other. I appreciate the escapism here but I also treasured every last bit of mockery of our ex president here in this space. Between the war, the pandemic (the US is about to hit 1 million deaths) and the assault on our voting rights, it’s pretty bleak. Saboteurs in Russia and Belarus in the last 2 weeks are some of most heartening stories of the year, vive la Resistance.

  10. Gobo says:

    Jameela dig seems a bit unnecessary.

    • SomeChick says:

      I agree. I know some people find her annoying, but I find her earnest and good hearted. at least she cares about more than serving lewks and getting papped.

  11. The Recluse says:

    I loved the Stefon character. I never viewed him as a kind gay stereotype, but more like a character designed to have fun with the whole urban hipster scene – those off the wall clubs he would describe. When they did that skit earlier this year on SNL with Onassis and Rami Malek (and Daniel Craig) performing an eccentric act at a nightclub, it looked like the exact sort of act Stefon would have promoted in his segments.

  12. Eve says:

    I agree with your take. Never ever I’ve perceived it as homophobic. Or perhaps I’m just not *that* overly sensitive.

    And I absolutely love the character. Can you tell?

  13. HeyKay says:

    Aaron Rodgers is never, ever going to change about anything. Correct! 100%+

    Rodgers is a white, multi-millionaire, NFL starting QB. He has good career history with his team and is currently still the best QB they can get. He rules in Packer Land. (Many family members are over the moon NFL fans, they eat, breathe and sleep NFL)
    In his world, IMO, damn near everyone he comes in contact with adores/super fans him.

    See also, Tom Brady.

    In my area of Minnesota, this NFL culture is Deep!
    People decorate their garages and yards with 5′ inflatable MN Vikings and Golden Gopher players. During NFL season on game days the grocery store clerks are dressed in Viking uniform tshirts, hats, sweats, etc. Not at all unusual for kids entire bedrooms to be decorated in Vikings items. Sheets, curtains, posters, etc.

    Yeah, even after he retires from NFL he will still be “OMG! Aaron Rodgers, he is Ex-NFL player”

    • BeanieBean says:

      Very similar to my experience living near Athens, Georgia. All football, all the time, GO DAWGS! etc., etc.

  14. Ariel says:

    I’m so glad Lizzo finally has a boyfriend. She’s so talented and deserves to be happy… And also I’m hoping that having a love in her life mellows her a bit. She doesn’t need to lean in quite as hard as she does, and sometimes I’ve wondered if it’s just loneliness that gives her that at-times trying-too-hard vibe.

    (I might be projecting)

  15. B says:

    Shailene seems like one of those doormat types who has a hard time quitting a toxic relationship. They’ll probably get back together (again, if they even really broke up) because he needs a beard and she needs f*ck you money. Match made in Hollyweird h*ll.

  16. JFerber says:

    If they never actually spend time together except for photo ops, then I don’t see being a “doormat” as a problem for her. I would fault her, though, for not finding a better employer.