Gah! Jessica Simpson & Gerard Butler go on a “date” (Update)

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This junk is crazy. Although not really, because it makes some kind of strange sense to me. According to Page Six, Jessica Simpson and Gerard Butler (NO!) had a “date” Tuesday night. The “date” was apparently a group of friends going out to dinner, but Page Six has a source who notes that Jess and Gerry (cute) sat next to each other and were very, very friendly. Here’s the report:

Jessica Simpson and Gerard Butler had a date at Soho House Tuesday night, with friends including her hair stylist pal, Ken Paves, as chaperones.

“They were at a table with friends, but Jessica and Gerard, who sat next to each other, seemed to only be interested in each other and chatted for hours,” a spy told Page Six. “They were laughing and flirting and eventually left together, along with Ken.”

Publicists for both didn’t return calls.

[From Page Six]

Here’s the thing – I actually like both of them, even though I think Gerard is a horndog love ‘em and leave ‘em womanizer, and I think Jess is a total ditz, they make some kind of sense together, don’t they? Although, I will say, I pay attention to the women Gerard has hooked up with, has rumored to hook up with, or has talked about admiringly, and he does seem to have a type. He tends to like brunettes with great figures. I wouldn’t put it past him to go for Jessica and all of her busty blondeness, though.

As Gerard Butler’s number one fan (and I totally mean that in the creepy Misery way), I give him permission to date/nail Jessica. I think they would be cute together. I’m actually a little turned on. I bet the sex is great between them. Sigh. I wish it was me. With Gerry, not Jess. Although…

UPDATE: People Magazine is even reporting this stuff now, but they included some seriously bitchy quotes in their story that I thought I’d share. One “source” says: “I’m never surprised to hear that Gerard is with someone new. None of those relationships last. Certainly he’s not planning on settling down with Jessica Simpson … Gerard plays the field … and Jessica is lonely … and she lost weight and is looking good. Every time you hear about him out with someone, he’s flirting and ‘cozy’ with them and making googly eyes at them. Maybe that’s just what he does with everyone. Maybe that’s just how he is.” Shut yo’ mouth, “source”! The source sounds like one of Gerry’s bitter exes, doesn’t she? Jessica is not “lonely” – no one can be lonely with their gay BFF around!

Jessica Simpson is shown on 10/13/09. Gerard Butler is shown on 10/19/08. Credit:

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45 Responses to “Gah! Jessica Simpson & Gerard Butler go on a “date” (Update)”

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  1. random says:

    Poor Jessica. I hope she can find true love again. My heart always goes out to her.

  2. Ally says:

    If you like Gerard, you really need to go on a holiday to England. The streets are crawling with guys who look just like this. Celebrity is indeed an aphrodisiac (he was studlified in 300, I grant you).

    I’m glad J.Simp took a chaperone. She does not need to be a notch on some guy’s bedpost.

  3. Dayum! says:

    You’ve found yourself a smart one,eh Gerry?!

  4. Firestarter says:

    Okay, it cannot be much of a “date” if Ken Paves is with them. I swear Paves bugs the hell out of me. He is with her more than a pocket pooch. I wonder if she has a carrier for him and a cute sweater!

  5. Kaiser says:

    Firestarter – Paves is totally her gay BFF – she’s probably closer to him than her family. If you read her Twitter, she and Ken are in constant communication. I actually find it cute – and I think it could still be a “date” with Ken around. At this point, Ken and Jess are the same person.

  6. Firestarter says:

    Kaiser- You make a good point about them maybe being the same person! That made me LOL!

  7. Seven says:

    I like Jessica and im really rooting for her but didnt Gerry make a comment a good while ago about how he digs stupid women or something… That seems to stick out in my mind when i think of this pairing. I wish them luck though if this is true at all..

    EDIT… found the link on CB

  8. j says:

    How many STD’s must this guy have by now?

  9. t says:

    Poor Gerard Butler…by this time tomorrow there is going to be a Joe- Simpson-arranged media blitz to launch the perfume (Fancy Gerard?) and new wig this date inspired.

  10. Sumodo says:

    BAM! That’s the sound of Gerry hittin’ it last night.

  11. Dayum! says:

    @Sumodo: LMAO! uve made my day! 😀

  12. Pont Neuf says:

    Could someone please tell me what is it that women find so attractive about Gerard Butler? He has nice eyes and, a few years ago, was pretty fit but… Well, that’s about it. He is a decent enough actor, but his face has mediocre features dangerously approaching ugliness and he always looks really rough – as in, I had 15 pints of beer and 5 lines of coke last night, and I don’t remember what I did in bed and with whom.

    Also, in interviews, he always behaves like a twelve-year-old child, who desperately wants to become the centre of attention by becoming the class clown. Which is not completely pathetic if you’re 18, but does look rather stupid if you’re in your forties, as he is.

    As for Jessica… God bless her. She used to have an amazing voice that she never learned to control, and is now tabloid fodder of the lowest kind. She seems to be a genuinely nice person but, to be honest, I find it hard to believe that any man would want to put up with a woman whose mental and emotional age is comparable to a toddler’s.

    I must admit, though, that it would make me sad to see Jessica getting all heartbroken because of Mr Crazy Crotch. She doesn’t look like the kind of girl who understands that womanizers only like one night stands, or short terms relationships marked by serial cheating.

  13. UrbanRube says:

    Well, she has a pulse, doesn’t she? So she qualifies.

  14. Syd says:

    He reminds me of Bradley Cooper. They both are getting linked to every famous woman they encounter. Maybe to appear heterosexual since both have gay rumours.

  15. Roma says:

    @Syd, while Cooper I’m unsure about, I think Gerard just likes to sleep around with the ladies. Lots of ladies. Maybe at the same time?

  16. Guest says:

    he is just not cute imo…

  17. birdie says:

    Jessica is the type of person who is always looking for her next true love… and since her relationship with Nick Lachey she looks in all the wrong places and seems absolutely devastated when these relationships don’t work out. Hello – John Mayer = Player, Tony Romo = football Player, Bam Margera = Nuts

    I’m sure Gerard is attracted to her, most of the people who call her fat and rag on her body are other women. To men she is very very attractive, they like her voluptuous figure and her big smile and big hair. It’s obvious, and sometimes men aren’t perceptive enough for subtlety. Obviousness works (especially for Horndogs lol as Kaiser put it).

  18. Sumodo says:

    @Dayum! Right back atcha! Dude bombed so badly last Saturday on SNL that I’m sure the two have a lot in common. They both made easy targets. Hope they used protection.

  19. Firestarter says:

    Birdie- Don’t forget Johnny Knoxville.

  20. Rosalee says:


    If some man told me my frypan is dirty they’d be wearing it as a hat and that includes the lusty hotness of Gerard Butler.

  21. Sumodo says:

    @Firestarter Right, Knoxville. THAT was stupid. Maybe this is Jessica’s way of getting back at her father, sleeping with any old mutt. BTW, Jessica is very nice and polite. I witnessed as she sat in first class on a Tampa to Houston flight, and because she was seated first, she had to say “Hello, how are you?” to everyone on the plane. Handled it with ease. Oh, and Ken Paves was with her. Once she got to Houston/Bush, nobody turned a head as she walked by. Just another Texan girl. That was cool, too. She fit right in.

  22. birdie says:

    @ Firestarter – haha! I forgot she cheated on Nick with Knoxville = Married & Nuts!

    If she had 2 brain cells to rub together maybe she could pick better suitors. Oh well, let’s hope Kaiser’s right and Jess has good sex with all these players while it lasts.

  23. wow says:

    Nothing wrong with Jessica, but uh…she’s not his “type”. 😉

  24. jeannified says:

    Good for her! Gerard is a good “comeback” guy to be with! It would be GREAT if they BOTH REALLY liked each other! THAT would show TOny Romo and John Mayer! 😉

  25. Dayum1 says:

    @Sumodo: On that picture Gerry looks more tired than Amy Winehouse’s liver!

    I don’t know… 😀

  26. bros says:

    im with you pont neuf on butler’s questionable attractiveness. he is a little haggard.

  27. t says:

    Syd may be right. If the date was to quiet gay rumors, though, Gerard could have thought this through a little better. This could just as easily be seen as the date being with Ken and Jessica being the chaperone.

  28. Disco says:

    Can’t wait for the story about how Jessica’s doing Gerard to get back at Jen Aniston & John Mayer. Bet InTouch is working on it as we speak…

  29. Cat says:

    He looks like an alcoholic. I dont’ see the attractivness.

  30. Sumodo says:

    @dayum! He looks like a middle school principal. Right? But, put him in a beard and a tunic and dayum! Seriously, tho, that SNL was soooo bad, I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t see daylight til yesterday. He probably holed up at the hotel with a case of Scotch and the head of housekeeping.

  31. Firestarter says:

    @Cat- maybe his attractive lies in that he looks like an alcoholic? j/k.

  32. Wens says:

    Nooooo please don’t say that – if he’s going to date that dumb trollop what’s wrong with me (apart from the fact I’m married) I’m with you Kaiser, he has two ‘misery’ stalkers.
    And people, are you blind, he is drop dead gorgeous, funny, intelligent, yes a little rough around the edges but who wants Mr Smooth (yuk!) He can be my valentine!

  33. Sigh. says:

    They do have a lot in common — friendly, small dogs, chatty, goofy, desperate to impress, yo-yo dieting, etc.

    He said he likes smart girls, too. So if he wakes up on an INTELLECTUALLY stimulating day, she’s toast (God bless her).

    And I’m sorry, but I dig this dude — goofiness, haggard looks, and all.

  34. TwinkleToes says:

    A middle school principal! That and Mollination’s *Fee Fi Fo Fum* on the Lamar/Kourtney thread. I’m getting my gossip and giggles fix here. Who knew?

  35. andrea says:

    how old is he? he seems too old for her.

  36. Sumodo says:

    @ TwinkleToes We please to aim. Do you have a dog picture to use as an avatar? I’m all about dogs today.

  37. Mari says:

    This is a weird pairing…where on earth could they have met? This reeks of a set up…hmmmm…*puts on thinking cap

  38. Sumodo says:

    @Mari I like your thinking cap
    @TwinkleToes Are you a j-school grad?

  39. meow says:

    There is another senario that is more horrifying than Gerssica. They are going to make a movie together. I do not think there is a kitty litter scoop big enough to scoop that movie-to-be out of the litter box, if that is the case.

  40. Mari says:

    oh my @ Meow, I just cringed. *Shudders
    ok…how weird is this -posted Aug 8, 2009

    Can they also give me next week’s Lotto numbers

  41. Sakota says:

    “This is a weird pairing…where on earth could they have met? This reeks of a set up…hmmmm…*puts on thinking cap”

    Well, Jessica is getting a reputation for going with skeeves. And screwing them. As for a chaperone, that is so silly. This is why she isn’t attracting the superstars she pants for, they don’t want to deal with a child with a curfew.

  42. Goddess711 says:

    Ewwwwwwwwwww that’s just so wrongggggggg!

  43. Camille says:

    I’m with Pont Neuf on this one. GB looked fairly tasty in that Tomb Raider movie he did and in 300, but other than that, yuck! He’s heading the way of Vince Vaughn.
    I do however think these 2 would make a good couple for some weird reason.