Another Karate Kid movie is coming: awesome or stop rebooting old franchises? (update)

Cobra Kai remains one of Netflix’s top shows for a reason – it’s ridiculous, it’s entertaining and it’s been consistently good, with some minor lulls. So far I’ve seen the first three episodes of season five. It’s rare for shows to hold up past a couple of seasons and Cobra Kai definitely has. So it’s not surprising to hear that a Karate Kid movie is coming sometime in 2024. We’ve already heard that the show’s creators are working on a Ferris Bueller’s Day Off spinoff featuring the valets who went on a joyride with Cameron’s dad’s Ferrari. Now there’s news of a Karate Kid movie. Yes please. There are no details other than a release date.

The series, which just released its fifth season on Netflix, is a spin-off sequel series of the original 1984 movie The Karate Kid. The success and love Cobra Kai has found with viewers has now led to an exciting announcement for all Cobra Kai fans – a new Karate Kid movie is in the works.

The movie has been officially announced by Sony Columbia Pictures and has a release date set for June 7, 2024. However, that’s as far as it goes when it comes to information about the new Karate Kid movie as of yet. No stars, directors or writers have been announced and there are no plot details at this time of writing. The only thing we know is that it is a return to the original Karate Kid franchise.

[From Digital Spy]

Digital Spy reminds us that there have been FIVE other Karate Kid movies. There was the first one in 1984, Part II in 1986, Part III in 1989 and then there was one with Hilary Swank as The Next Karate Kid in 1994! I have zero memory of that. She was trained by Mr. Miyagi and everything, here’s a link the trailer. I need to rent that. There was also the 2010 reboot with Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan.

I know a lot of you are going to groan and say you’re tired of reboots, remakes and decades later sequels. Have you seen Cobra Kai though? It’s phenomenal. Also the Top Gun sequel killed it! They really did that 80s movie justice. I love the fresh takes on my childhood favorites. Some of them definitely fall flat and the reboots are overdone, but the Cobra Kai creators have found the perfect balance between nostalgia, stupid fight scenes and incorporating the next generation while honoring mine.

I haven’t seen more than the original Karate Kid movie and maybe the sequel which I’ve forgotten. Cobra Kai does a great job at weaving in KK flashbacks so you’re not lost when characters come back. I’m sure the movie will do the same so it’s not like we’ll need to know any backstory. Also will it be on Netflix? I would watch it in the theater so I’m not too picky about that.

Update: This isn’t connected to Cobra Kai! It’s not being made by the Cobra Kai creators and I’m sorry for missing that.

Photos credit: Netflix

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14 Responses to “Another Karate Kid movie is coming: awesome or stop rebooting old franchises? (update)”

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  1. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    OMG, you sound like my husband! I hadn’t watched the show because…. Karate Kid. Yes the movies are cheesy as hell but IMHO, that franchise has a cult following with which I am somewhat a part of lol. Anywho, I’ve been wanting Mr. Mabs to watch The Expanse, so his deal was three episodes Expanse if I watch three of Cobra.

    I’m sorry folks, the cheese in this scenario is canned cheese, but dammit if it isn’t catchy and entertaining. But please, watch the movies first. It comes together much better if you actually know the characters.

  2. lucy2 says:

    Cobra Kai is way better and more entertaining than it has any right to be. I wasn’t ever even a huge Karate Kid fan back in the 80s, but the nostalgia of it, and the way they blended the old movie into the series, was really well done. Given the success, I’m not surprised they’re doing another film.
    Part of me does want to see Top Gun while it’s still in the theater, but I don’t want to give any money to Tom Cruise.

  3. Gold Ladder says:

    I’m hoping it’s a victory lap for Cobra Kai. I thought this season nicely resolved a lot of the character arcs and a movie will nicely tie up the one big loose end hanging at the end of season 5

  4. shanaynay says:

    OMG! Enough rebooting of old movies. Can’t people come up with some original ideas when creating movies? Perhaps the writers and producers should be replaced with someone who has an original idea in their heads.

  5. Mia4s says:

    But the creators of Cobra Kai have already said this is separate from them and the series. Neither they or the cast have any involvement. So….meh?

    It’s Sony desperation having nothing to do with Cobra Kai. Reminds me of when Paramount announced a new Star Trek movie with the Pine/Quinto cast…and it was total news to the cast who had no deal! They’re trying to give their shareholders a boost, that’s all, I’m not even a little bit excited.

  6. AnneL says:

    Well, we watched “Top Gun: Maverick” once it started streaming and enjoyed it. It was formulaic but the action scenes were great and it was a nice booster of nostalgia. Yes, I’m middle aged, lol.

    I guess I’d watched a “Karate Kid” remake. I did see parts of the one with Hilary Swank and it wasn’t very good, IMO. Maybe this will be better. Or maybe I’m just more ready for it. My husband LOVED “Karate Kid.” He was the bullied kid. He immigrated to Texas from overseas when he was 13 (rough age), got mocked for his accent and had to fight the bad guys in the school parking lot to gain their respect. He also did Karate.

    I’ve been secretly wondering if they dare remake “Cocktail.” It was hilariously bad and cheesy but I would be up for it anyway.

  7. Lizzie Bathory says:

    I think Cobra Kai is very well done & apparently so is the new Top Gun (I haven’t seen it yet). But if you don’t like reboots, I have some bad news. We’re effectively living in a new studio era, with the streaming services serving in place of the “big 5” from the mid-20th century. Because they create the content & own the means of distribution, they’re vertically integrated, just like when the studios used to own theaters. And the DOJ allowed the Paramount consent decree (prohibiting vertical integration for the big 5, as well as limiting studio control in other areas) to sunset in 2020.

    What does this mean? It means more mining IP, more money for big projects with low risk that can do numbers internationally, less room for new stories or independent projects. And there’s nothing to stop Amazon from buying up theaters, if they wanted.

  8. goofpuff says:

    I’m over the constant appropriation of Asian cultures especially our martial arts. I always found Karate Kid really cringe so did not watch Cobra Kai.

    Granted I am in the martial arts world in the USA and while some are respectful, the movies are not usually. It’s just endless stereotypes.

  9. Jjjj says:

    Disappointed to hear the movie isn’t being done by the creators of Cobra Kai because OMG Cobra Kai is one my favourite shows! It’s so well done while knowing entirely what it is! It’s so light and fun! Ugh love it!

    • Ewissa says:

      Season 6 will be the last one And only one who did not make appearances is Hillary Swank ( I suspect she might be Tory’s sick mum)

  10. Rachel Phelps says:

    Zabka can GET. IT. My husband is aware of this and knows that crush predates our marriage.

  11. rea says:

    It depends on who writes it and who is onboard acting wise. The karate kid movie franchise is a rollercoaster of good & bad. There have been more flops on those movies so I am cautiously optimistic it may turn out good. Cobra Kai on the other hand is a hit and I hope it continues to be so in the future.