Pierce Brosnan and Keely Shaye Smith, together 29 years, say they’re best friends

Pierce Brosnan and Keely Shaye Smith, who also goes by Keely Shay Brosnan, have been together for 29 years. They’ve been married for 21 years and have two sons together, in addition to Pierce’s two other kids from his first marriage. They’ve been through some stuff (more on that below) and yet, they are one of the strongest couples in Hollywood. Naturally, people want to know what makes their relationship work. Pierce and Keely say it’s because they are best friends.

Pierce Brosnan is as much of a “superhero at home” with his wife Keely Shaye Brosnan as he is on the big screen in Black Adam.

Brosnan and Keely, who tied the knot in 2001 after initially meeting in 1994, share thespian backgrounds, as she worked as an actress across TV and film roles in the 1980s. However, Brosnan said Wednesday that Keely does not help him rehearse for his roles.

“No, no. I don’t let anyone do that. I do that all by myself,” he told PEOPLE. “Keely does have a hand in it, of course, but to practice, to rehearse, I rehearse alone.”

The couple, who share sons Dylan, 25, and Paris, 21, agreed that being each other’s friend is the secret ingredient for a wonderful marriage.

“Solving problems day in, year after year, liking each other, getting on with each other,” Brosnan told PEOPLE of keeping his marriage healthy.

“Being best friends,” Keely added.

[From People]

When I mentioned that Pierce and Keely have been through some stuff, they’ve had some real sadness befall them. I think most of you know that Pierce lost his first wife, Cassandra Harris, to ovarian cancer. Pierce and Cassandra had a son, Sean, but Cassandra had two kids, Chris and Charlotte, from her first marriage. Pierce adopted them when their father died in 1986. Sean and Chris have both had serious issues with drugs. Sean is clean now but Chris may still be struggling and is estranged from the family. Charlotte died in 2013 from the same cancer that killed her mother. Pierce has repeatedly said Keely was there for him when he slumped into some very dark depressions during these times. And those kinds of experiences can really forge a bond with best friends and lovers. Not that a couple needs this level of tragedy to test their relationship, of course. I’m reminded of when we were doing the required pre-wedding counseling with our rector and his first question was “why do you want to get married?” We both spat out lists of the other’s good qualities. The rector laughed and said it’s kind of a trick question because nobody ever says, “Because I love him/her.” I think about that all the time because like Pierce said above, honestly, liking my partner is why I stay here.

I love the way Pierce and Keely love each other. I like that they remain wrapped up in each other and that they are comfortable talking about how much their relationship means to them and all the things they do to celebrate it – most of the time. I don’t get this latest one, though. The outlets are making a big deal that Pierce made a point to wear his own wedding band in Black Adam, in which he plays Dr. Fate. Granted, I’m not a romantic but, come on – he wore his own jewelry for a film. Oh well, whatever makes them happy, I guess.

Photo credit: Avalon Red and Instagram

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25 Responses to “Pierce Brosnan and Keely Shaye Smith, together 29 years, say they’re best friends”

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  1. The Hench says:

    Aww. In the midst of all the crap going down in the world right now, this is a real palate cleanser. I wish them many more happy years together.

  2. sparrow says:

    I don’t know anything about her but the way he talks about life in general makes me think that he is likely a lovely husband. I recently watched this bit of fluff put out by GQ where a celebrity talks thru the objects they hold dear and of course it reveals a lot about their character in turn. He sounded genuine and just “nice”, and you can see how these qualities would have played out in both marriages. He is also still completely gorgeous.

  3. littlegossipboy says:

    I love that he adopted the other children too. He seems like a real one.

  4. MJ! says:

    They are a lovely couple! I celebrated 27 years married this year.

    • sparrow says:

      Congrats, MJ!

    • NotSoSocialB says:

      Congratulations! This year was our 27th anniversary, as well! I realized this past year that he is my best friend and told him so- now we often say, “You’re my bestie” like a couple of kids.I love spending time with him and giddily anticipate his retirement. I can’t bear to think that one day I may not have his presence, emotional strength and humor alongside me every day.

  5. MtlExPat says:

    Have liked him since the Remington Steele days!

  6. Flower says:

    I think people in the media do not want to believe this relationship can work bc of Keely’s weight. The media would have us believe that women have no value or are not loveable above a certain weight.

    These two seem happy despite their very serious challenges in this life. I wish them nothing but the best.

    • Pointillist says:

      Yes and how she gained weight too.

      She is beautiful and I wish them every happiness.

    • C-Shell says:

      And not only did PB stand by her when gossip outlets (not this one!) were dragging her for her weight, he publicly showed and spoke about how much he loves and lusts for her. What a man! What a friend! What a lover!

      He’s been my celebrity crush forever, and that will never end.

      • Petra (Brazen Archtyped Phenomenal Woman) says:

        I love their love. It’s so sad Pierce felt that he needed to defend Keely to the public. They are part of the 3 couples that would cause me sadness if they break up.

      • ciotogista says:

        Petra, who are the other 2?

    • Eleonor says:

      Women age.
      She was beautiful when she was young, she is a beautiful lady today.
      Eventually things will change one day, but I am not too confident.

  7. SAS says:

    My heart honestly stopped when I saw their pic thinking it was a separation or yet another tragedy for them. This sounds like a nice film and they truly are a lovely couple.

  8. Beenie says:

    The ring choice seems like a non-story.

    My guess is that it went something like this:

    Movie costume ppl: “your character wears a wedding band”

    Brosnan: “oh ok. Can I just wear this one?” *points to hand*

    Movie costume ppl: “yeah sure whatev”

    …. and scene

  9. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    I need more stories like this lol.

  10. HeyKay says:

    I have always liked PB.
    Admire and Congrats on their many years together.

  11. JK35 says:

    I know someone who worked with him on a movie after his first wife died. Said he was a very nice person. Would talk to anybody. Just a nice person.

  12. Leah says:

    I love that in most paparazzi pictures of them, he has his hand on her back or near her. He shows a lot of care for her even in private moments.

  13. Eowyn says:

    To have each been widowed and then dealt with children’s mental health and addictions issues, and dealt with the loss of a child-having a relationship that has endured through all of that hardship is admirable. Even more so when you add show biz into the mix.

  14. Nuzzy says:

    I have Keely’s build and I so hate my conditioned reaction to pictures of her.

    My reaction: I don’t understand. She looks like that and is loved and accepted and desired. I even have a hard time believing my husband when he grabs my Keely-butt and appreciates it. It makes me want to scream at the world, at men and at my mom and everyone else that made me feel like my body couldn’t be enjoyed.

  15. jferber says:

    I love this couple so much.

  16. Twin Falls says:

    Just lovely.

  17. SIde Eye says:

    Melts my cold cold heart. I love them. She is really beautiful and he is just so lovely.