Prince William ‘had to start from scratch’ post-Sussexit to figure out how to work

Prince William and Kate’s office went on a briefing spree this week ahead of their joint trip to Scarborough on Thursday. The briefings are nothing new – for every one public event, Kensington Palace tries to organize at least a dozen major pieces about William and Kate’s keenness, their brilliance, their hard work, their promises to do even more eventually. Now that they’re Prince of Wales and Princess of Wales, one would think that after all of that preening and keening, they would simply exist and work in their roles without needing to be embiggened for merely meeting the lowest bar of expectations. Not so much. William and Kate’s new thing is that they’re not going to just wander around, shaking hands and making appearances. No, they’re also going to take credit for “inventing” charitable fundraising schemes.

As we heard in a previous Telegraph piece, William and Kate’s visit to Scarborough was their first Community Impact Day, wherein their Royal Foundation acted as a middleman to facilitate… other people donating to local charities. None of the money came from the Royal Foundation, the RF didn’t “match funds” and no one is even saying that William and Kate actually organized jacksh-t. Then the Telegraph doubled-down on the keenery with a second article about how all of this was William’s idea and it’s all part of his plot to modernize the monarchy, a plot which he had to come up with himself after Harry left!

Not since Queen Elizabeth II invented the walkabout in 1970 has there been a major change to the way royal visits are conducted. The format of official engagements has become so staid that reports of them often focus on fashion, gossip or the body language of the principals involved. The Prince of Wales, like other members of his family, is often frustrated at the coverage they get. Though he lacks the sheer star power of his mother, the Prince has for years been determined to shift the dial on royal visits. His new idea of “community impact days aims” to turn the concept on its head.

Instead of visiting deprived communities, giving them a day in the sun and then hoping money will be raised as a result, the Prince and Princess of Wales want to reverse the process by using the build-up to a visit to generate money, which they can then announce and disburse when they get there. It is something of a gamble because it will, in effect, put a cash sum on the value of royal visits. It is a gamble he is more than happy to take.

Royal aides say the two words the Prince has kept repeating as he has formulated his new idea are “impact” and “legacy”, reflecting the undeniable fact that he felt the traditional way of doing things was generating neither.

The pilot of the scheme in Scarborough on Thursday had been in the pipeline before Queen Elizabeth died, but the Prince’s elevation to heir to the throne has markedly increased his ability to put his own stamp on the royal way of doing things. He has the blessing of the King, who shares his son’s desire to modernise. Both men know that they must pull off a delicate balancing act between maintaining traditions and moving with the times – something successive generations of the Royal family have agonised about since the end of the age of deference.

If the pilot is a success, we can expect impact days to become a regular fixture in the Prince and Princess’s diary. Royal aides have spoken in the past of the Prince’s desire to focus on “big bets”, rather than endless charity visits. But the Prince has had to readjust his sights in the aftermath of Megxit, which ruined his plans to use the Wales-Sussex “fab four” to tackle the world’s ills.

Friends have said Megxit left him having to “start from scratch” – and his impact days are one of the ideas to emerge from the ruins of his previous plans. The Palace is anxious to make clear that impact days will not replace traditional visits, for two reasons. The first is that they take months to organise, because teams from the Prince’s charity – the Royal Foundation – have to work with local organisations to raise money and plan how it will be spent. The second is that the Prince recognises that simply being seen is a major part of his job if the monarchy is to retain its popularity.

[From The Telegraph]

LMAO, Prince William is a 40 year old man who thinks he came up with the boldest f–king idea of… planning a visit around fundraising for a specific charity. Like, WHY WEREN’T YOU DOING THAT THIS WHOLE TIME? You make a visit to Centrepoint and actually organize a fundraising effort around that visit. You visit a refugee community and you organize a way to get people supplies and clothes. That’s literally how these visits should have been working this whole time!! WTF?? And the whole thing about “the Prince has had to readjust his sights in the aftermath of Megxit, which ruined his plans to use the Wales-Sussex “fab four” to tackle the world’s ills.” Oh my God. The Sussexes left Salt Island three years ago and it’s taken William this long to come up with… charity fundraising combined with in-person visits. Why is everyone walking on eggshells to avoid talking about William’s stupidity?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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104 Responses to “Prince William ‘had to start from scratch’ post-Sussexit to figure out how to work”

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  1. equality says:

    The “traditional way” wasn’t working? It generated bags of cash for Charles. They will continue with this if it’s a success so already looking for an out. “Successive generations of the Royal family have agonised about” being modern? The UK just had one queen for over 70 years so not seeing how that is true. And being modernised was a horrible thing when H&M suggested it.

    • Debbie says:

      Do you get the impression that “modernizing” or “being modern” is code for trying to follow in the footsteps of H & M in some way?

  2. Polo says:

    What they were really doing was waiting to see what Harry and Meghan were doing to then copy them and claim they are “modernizing” the monarchy.
    Almost everything they’ve done has been a reaction or copy of Harry and Meghan’s words/initiatives.

    From UN, to internet safety, mental health, vigils, statements of support for countries, democracy, charity donations, becoming global, visiting black neighborhoods, selfies, touching/hugging people, etc.
    Will and Kate didn’t do this or care before Meghan came along.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Indeed. This new way of things is solely in reaction to what Harry and Meghan are doing with Archewell.

    • Sugarhere says:

      These two are creativity snatchers. Although they never come up first with an original idea of their own, they sure know how to benefit from others’. The Wails constantly prance around the media to share their patent infringement… I mean, when they don’t take it upon themselves to traumatize the children with their 🤡 + 🐷 faces.


      They are behaving as if William invented the wheel. Smart Works/Smart Set and the Together Cookbook (whose proceeds W&K tried to divert to their foundation) are two examples of legacy projects instituted by Meghan in the 18 months that she was a working royal. Shameless copying.

  3. ThatsNotOkay says:

    So what you’re saying is, William expected Meghan and Harry to do everything–all the heavy lifting–and for William and the Hateful Kate to take the credit for it. Yeah, Peggers, we know.

    • Scooby Gang says:

      This is EXACTLY what I thought after reading this article. H&M ruined W’s No Work – All Credit plan.

    • Well Wisher says:

      As far as the Queen was concerned, Harry was to have a royal career similar to Prince Philip post-military. Since William was ‘part-time’ royal living in Wales.
      Harry was told to leave his position, because his grandfather needed to retire and the then Cambridges’ were doing less than the bare minimum. No one dared to tell them to carry a proper workload.
      Meanwhile, as the Queen astutely encouraged Harry to carve out his path, William expected him to help, which he did until he got recognition for his hard work.
      The last four years are well documented, and the result is as follows – Harry knew it was impossible to ‘go along to get along’ after his marriage. He wanted a kinder life for his family and realising that his feelings were ignored and invalidated despite him and his wife best efforts, removed himself from that situation.
      He will and have never accepted the position of mule ( doing all the work and getting none of the praise) nor being the scapegoat.

      With him gone, the talentless Wales are now co-opting Harry’s and Meghan’s methods as their own.

      Sadly, Kate has now fully embraced ‘Meghan’s personae by co-splay.

      It is clear that they still intended to do nothing while Harry worked.
      They don’t want to witness Meghan’s brilliance, they want her stay gone.

      It now seem that their feelings are not on anyone’s priority, except as leakers and sources that needs constant “embiggening”.

      • Cessily says:

        Since the Sussex’s left they have started an empire and it is thriving and being recognized, everything they touch has succeeded beyond what these people can comprehend. These two especially want what the Sussex’s have and built that much is glaringly obvious. They just do not have the work ethic to build it for themselves so in the years waiting and watching William came up with a plan to piggyback on someone else’s success and take credit for it without contributing. I just don’t get it, they could do so much they have the foundation, wealth and staff but they just can’t see beyond blaming the Sussex’s for their own laziness and blinders. William and Kate have had decades to accomplish something, anything! It really is beyond time for them to stop blaming Prince Harry and his family for leaving, for his memoir, for Netflix and everything else and get over themselves. They are a broken record and the entire institution looks pathetic.

      • equality says:

        @Olive PH basically is working in corporate America and Meghan worked on set for long hours with demanding directors.

      • Debbie says:

        @equality: Let them keep their fantasies. Since their favorite Lazies can’t do a lick of work without appropriating the ideas of others, they believe that no one else can either. Don’t tell them that Meghan worked for years for the USA Network (a corporation) and production companies like Universal Content Productions. Just because the output is creative, as in sports or entertainment, that doesn’t mean that it’s not a corporation. And before that, Meghan worked for smaller companies to earn her living, as many workers know just because you work for a “mom and pop” company that doesn’t mean you’re not working hard. So, tell us again (not you @equality) how Meghan couldn’t possibly survive in corporate America for more than six months.

      • Nic919 says:

        Tell me you are an ignorant troll by stating that working on a television set working over 12 hours a day means you can’t work in corporate America. The television and film industry is literally corporate America.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        *chef’s kiss @Nic919*

        @Olive, outside of ALL of Meghan’s work history you choose to ignore(along with Northwestern University’s reputation of preparing it’s graduates), you seem to not comprehend the importance of Harry’s active military duty/2 tours of Afghanistan. Maybe? you are just not aware of how the type of service Harry served prepared him. (Will & Kate absolutely never had the same life/working/military(Harry) experiences H&M had. A quick search and my own personal knowledge of family members that went from the military to corporate America (successfully) tells me differently. One of many articles.

        Harry’s been with BetterUp for almost a year and a half.

        But, sure, pretend that producers/directors on set or military leaders during war are not demanding

  4. Smices says:

    They think we forgot that they were trying to exile the Sussexes to “somewhere in Africa “ before they stepped down. They never had any interest in working as a Fab Four. This is all fallacies and fairytales.

    • SAS says:

      LOL so true!! Tying it to Sussexit (but yea we caught the dogwhistle thx BM) is so embarrassing for him in so many ways.

      It took him years to develop this “new” approach debuting this week for the Royal foundation when H&M have developed a new foundation from the ground up and been very active with it during the same period (alongside their other initiatives!). These are not serious people.

  5. Kristin says:

    This should have been written like this: “The Prince had to readjust his sights in the aftermath of Megxit, which ruined his plans to use the Sussexes to do all the work so he could continue doing jackshit and taking all the credit”, lol. These reporters always let a little sliver of truth slip out, don’t they?

  6. Steph says:

    So this is the response to everyone complaining that they show up empty handed all the time. Now they’ll show up with other people’s money. And £345,000 is an extremely paltry amount for them to have raised over the course of months. I’ve seen must less known people with less access and fewer rich contacts do more in under an hour.

    • Jenny says:

      @stepggh we want to raise the money before going to the charity And have them be thrilled that they’re showing up ,.. Plus not matching? Are they insane?

      • AmB says:

        I don’t understand why they need to show up anywhere if they’re not presenting a check. I also want to know who’s bearing the expense of the visit.

  7. Harper says:

    If it’s a success. I love how every endeavor has a built-in escape clause. Since the article admits that an impact day requires a lot of work on the part of the Royal Foundation, I wouldn’t expect to see another one in the near future. Also, Burger King lacks his mother’s sheer star power. Who at The Telegraph dared to write this? The shade!

    • booboocita says:

      I nearly fell off my chair when I read that. “Though he lacks the sheer star power of his mother …” Finally, a UK newspaper admits the truth! And if any newspaper states the obvious, “William isn’t the draw his wife is,” expect Khate to be tossed aside post-haste.

      • Annalise says:

        @BOOBOOCITA- me too!!!! It’s like the writers of these articles almost always leave a little nugget telling us how they REALLY feel underneath all the forced sycophancy!!

  8. aquarius64 says:

    The Wailes expected the Sussexes to do the heavy lifting and they take credit. The KP minion who had the brain cell that day informed Bulli-am he will be under more (outside the UK) now that he is a heartbeat away from becoming king and needs to do more (or look like it). The Sussexes would have stayed to support the Crown full time if it weren’t for racism, classicism and jealousy. The Wailes brought this situation on themselves.

  9. Mooney says:

    Cry me a river. Did the Wails had to run from the country of their birth because of national bullying? Were they the ones left with very limited resources and no roof over their heads? Were they the ones whose location was leaked to the tabloids in a fit of spite? Were they ever in a position to have to think multiple times before purchasing a house while having a toddler on hip?

    So they can just stfu with their whining. Nasty, racist, spiteful, lazy, entitled brats.

    • Tia ferrandino says:

      Thank you!

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Exactly @Mooney! I would also add:

        M&H lost a child to miscarriage with toddler Archie on hip in July 2020, shortly after finally purchasing their forever home with exponential bathrooms and romantically entwined palm trees that represent their own loving soulmate union. At the same time, M was in an ongoing legal suit against Harmsworth’s Fail, which she ultimately won, but not without due diligence and under-credited risk-taking courage!

        As well, M&H were trying to build Archewell, recover from the miscarriage and try for another pregnancy, while nurturing Archie and developing ideas to fulfill their Netflix and Spotify contracts. Harry was also busy with BetterUp and his consulting work/ board membership tackling social media disinformation (in addition to writing his memoir).

        Let’s not forget M&H also lent their backing and assistance to vaccine fundraising for needy countries,
        in 2021, in addition to advocating for getting out the vote in 2020. The SussexSquad, in support of and inspired by the Sussexes and their charities, has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars, in addition to other volunteer initiatives, including the planting of hundreds of trees.

        Substantive, beneficial, amazing and endlessly ongoing legacy projects. The Sussexes stay booked, busy, and unbothered. Most of all, they are competing with no one, they have their own ideas, and they don’t require any embiggening.

  10. Eurydice says:

    Yet, somehow, despite “Megxit,” H&M were able to set up Archewell within 10 months.

    • Annalise says:

      @EURYDICE- AND without taxpayer $$!!!!

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Yep @ Eurydice! Plus, I forgot to include in my previous post how M&H in 2020 and 2021, were also busy prepping for the very successful Invictus Games comeback in The Hague in the Spring of 2022! Harry was very actively engaged in keeping up the spirits of his Invictus compadres and athletes. M&H both during this entire busy, life-changing time were constantly giving of themselves to stay in touch with all the people and charities that mean so much to them. ❤️

    • Debbie says:

      Well, I mean, anyone can do it within 10 months, during a pandemic (while raising a young family). It’s doing it within a span of 10 years (or however long the Cambridges were married), that (apparently) is the tough part. I guess.

  11. notasugarhere says:

    They started doing something like this years before Meghan even showed up. They sent their aides out during big events, convinced donors to donate to the Foundation and NOT to the smaller charities. Those charities lost out on large donations and on building a long-term meaningful relationship with donors. W&K will dole out the money how they choose, taking all credit, to a charity that kisses their asses the most.

    But this is what W&K have said all along – they aren’t going to work. They leaked a few years ago they plan to ‘focus on 2-3 charities for 2-3 years’, then move on. Handful of work days a year, taking all the credit for what is done.

  12. Miranda says:

    “Royal aides say the two words the Prince has kept repeating as he has formulated his new idea are ‘impact’ and ‘legacy’, reflecting the undeniable fact that he felt the traditional way of doing things was generating neither.”

    Does it, though? I think it’s just as likely that it simply reflects the undeniable fact that he only recently learned those two words. It’s like when a kid learns his first curse word and it turns into a verbal tic.

    • Debbie says:

      I would bet a house that during these conversations, Williams uttered the words “like Invictus” or “any of the charities and enterprises that Harry has created. Basically, he looked around and saw that the “legacy” projects were created by his brother, not him. He also noticed that Meghan, despite her short time there worked on projects with a lot of “impact,” like the cookbook, and the clothing capsule for women who were trying to re-enter the workplace, etc. The Sussexes have left their imprint on that country. Imagine William spending all his time focusing on the fact that he was “going to be king” and how he’ll look in a crown, instead of thinking about what he could do for his country.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        It wouldn’t shock me to find out that “Impact Day” came from Meghan’s 40×40 initiative.

        Together cookbook story. I bought 4 of them several months ago. One for myself(obvs) and 3 to give out(I’ve kept them in the back of my vehicle). Gave one to someone I’m close to. Gave the 2nd one out today to a customer. She and I have conversed about our love of Cajun cooking-but not what the Together cookbook encompasses. Her son is also training to be a chef.

        We’re talking cooking and I ask if she would like another cookbook. Share the story of how the Together cookbook came about due to Meghan, Duchess of Sussexes initiative to help displaced people by the Grenfell Tower fire (explained those that were displaced and the story-the customer isn’t a follower of royal gossip). She’s like, “Okay, let me look at it first. I have lots of cookbooks.. I’m very interested because before my current position, I was a nurse in a burn unit.”.

        Get the Together cookbook out from the back of my car and hand it to her. She is completely captivated by it. Raves about the photos and recipes. Looks at me and says, “There are North African cuisine recipes in this book.”. I’m like uhuh. She tells me her father (who was in the military & through other work experienced and loved North African cuisine). She said almost, as a little girl, her father’s position, may have landed them living in Tehran. Fortunately, in her opinion, it didn’t happen but she’s always had an internal affinity for places she might have lived. It was a beautiful thing to see her looking at the Together cookbook with love. She offered to pay me for it. Said no. It’s a gift. Told me she’s been donating to the Iranian women’s causes and will double the amount. Along with her other causes. I don’t know, for me, it felt like an Impact Shared a beautiful cookbook with someone who appreciated the cookbook.

        Lol @ Will starting from scratch. Will isn’t a thinker. But, hey, let’s pretend he’s starting from scratch NOW after H&M’s exodus. Whilst, trying to pretend he was the brains behind Earthsh8t. W&K’s legacy is being dumb@$$esl

      • BeanieBean says:

        Lovely story, that most definitely is an impact!

  13. Amy Bee says:

    Even if Harry and Meghan had remained in the UK they would not have been working with William and Kate. It was already announced the year before that the Sussexes were going to start their own charitable organization so this talk about William being forced to come up with something else because Harry and Meghan left in 2020 is bogus.

  14. Scooby Gang says:

    ” … the two words the Prince has kept repeating as he has formulated his new idea are ‘impact’ and ‘legacy’.”

    The two words I repeated as I read this ridiculous statement are “imbecile” and “pegacy.”

    As if W “formulated” an idea.

  15. MaryContrary says:

    LOLOLOLOLOL excuse me while I grab tissues for the crying from laughter. How do these “journalists” write this nonsense with a straight face?

  16. SueBarbri33 says:

    William needs to step up, and it seems that he’s just not capable of doing so. What are they saying? That they’re going to show up to these various locations with a bag of cash and say “Here’s the X number of pounds we raised, you’re welcome” ? That’s…I mean, that’s too cringey to be believed, honestly. I’ll enjoy watching it, but they’re idiots.

  17. Tessa says:

    He is 40 and never figured out how to work and he does not want to

  18. Dee says:

    I raised 4000 pounds by creating a calendar for an animal shelter. So that makes me, one person, a more valuable fundraiser than the prince and princess of Wales.

  19. Islandgirl says:

    Harry and Meghan built a foundation, got a mortgage and secured deals.
    Harry got a job and continued his work with Invictus and his other charities. Meghan had a baby and completed a podcast series…inter alia, during the time it took them to come up with the idea to get people to raise funds prior to their visits. Really!

    • lanne says:

      um, miscarriage, baby, new home, security issues, lawsuit.

      The Wailses had none of that. All we got from them in 18 months is a pie chart and a Covid Choo Choo tour and a colonial cosplay in Jamaica.

    • C-Shell says:

      And … not sure about your point here. I infer from @Islandgirl’s comment that she’s making a partial list of what Harry & Meghan have gotten accomplished since “Megxit”, granted with teams of professionals, while in that same period W&K haven’t managed to do more than copy them and launch these so-called impact days **also** with a team of people.

    • WHAT says:

      OLIVE is a 🧱 STAN. So let’s just stay on your subject. Meghan has made a podcast, so the rota can no longer say the only content was the holiday special. But William and Catherine did a podcast where BOTH constantly looked at the notes and Catherine even laughed during the session which was about mental health. Once again, the point is the 🧱 have the tools to get their OWN ideals 📴 the ground. Without having to hire someone, yet here you are complaining about someone who went and did it without the royal backing to show it can be done. Yet the infantile 🧱 refuse to do it. When they do, its ALWAYS after California has done it and the rota reports it which shows how desperate they are to keep up. So Olive have several 💺 with that comment.

  20. EasternViolet says:

    Only one comment: The Hanover underbite is strong in William as evidenced in some of these images.

    • Tessa says:

      I have noticed that too
      William does have three lines of descent from George the third

    • Tarte au Citron says:

      I am reading Kenneth Rose’s diaries at the moment, and this reminds me of a diary entry from 1965 where
      Rose is lunching with the Queen Mother’s private secretary, chatting about Churchill’s funeral:

      “He [the PS] noticed how early members of our Royal Family lose their good looks and become Hanoverian, in contrast to King Constantine of Greece.”

  21. WiththeAmerican says:

    Never in all of my life have I ever heard such whining about a few hours of work. These people attack Meghan for being from Hollywood, but Hollywood actors not only do work before, during and after a movie or show, they also do red carpets and ribbon cuttings and volunteer for charities.

    The Prince of Wales wants credit for the smallest part of an actor’s work as his only work.

  22. lleepar says:

    Why are they doing this now? You’d think all of their PR efforts would be focused on fluffing up the Earthshorts event that is almost upon them. It’s like they are diluting their own messaging.

    • Lauren says:

      Thats a really good point, now would be the time for all the articles about Will & Kate wanting to be international and take on America, and all that other crap

  23. Becks1 says:

    I am just scratching my head at the idea of these “impact days.” So is the “new” idea just that….they’re going to say X charity raised money and the royal foundation will tell them how to spend that money? Why wouldn’t the charity just use that money themselves? If this was just about raising money for the local communities, why wouldn’t W&K just highlight the charity in their IG with a specific link to donate and a specific mention to use (like “Wales Impact Day” or something) so people could know how much was raised? why don’t they make it easier for W&K fans to donate to these orgs, like Sussex fans do?

    I just feel like this is a lot of words to just say that the RF is taking the credit of local charities and organizations.

    • First comment says:

      You are too logical for them… these are the questions that every decent journalist should have asked considering the endeavor…. but as usual the media praises the wails non stop for this “idea” . They give the impression that they throw different ideas at the wall to see what it would stick…for example, what happened to Williams initiative for the homeless? I haven’t heard anything about it recently…is the problem solved after his “successful” intervention?

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Becks1, I truly hope the charity is keeping the donations and they are not routed through the Royal Foundation. Can you imagine how much the RF would keep as administrative costs? If I donated to the charity and then discovered that I was paying TWO administrative fees (charity & RF), I would be angry. I always donate directly to the charity for this reason.

      • Becks1 says:

        Right? this is what I’m trying to wrap my head around. I’m not that knowledgeable about charitable giving (I have my particular charities/local organizations that I donate to and that’s it), I don’t know the ins and outs of the rules or tax benefits or anything like that. So I feel like I’m missing something here but it actually just sounds like……kind of a scam? Like a way for W&K to make it act like they are donating money when they actually aren’t?

  24. Beverley says:

    It’s pretty obvious that Pegs is developmentally stunted – perhaps even disabled – and that’s why the RR and courtiers are crying and throwing up, demanding that Prince Harry return to be Peggington’s “wing man”. Pegs is clearly incapable of working without Harry. He is emotionally stilted and has bothered to learn NO SKILLS in 40 years. He needs Harry to distract from his own incompetence. If Harry doesn’t come back into the fold, Will will not even be able to pretend he is capable of ruling. There is something fundamentally skewed in Pegs, probably deeply broken.

    Harry and Meghan would have stayed if they hadn’t been treated so abysmally, if that family had been able to hide its jealousy and loathing of Meghan, if they weren’t such a very racist family, Peg would’ve gotten the cover he needed from Good King Harry. But now he has to scramble and his court will have to tap dance around his mental illness to keep his subjects from the realization that the Future King is completely unhinged and incapable of being head of state.

    • lanne says:

      The funniest thing to me is watching the ratchets having to defend the Wails, and pretend that everything they do is “groundbreaking” and “innovative” when it’s all garbage. So the ratchets enable the royals, knowing that their efforts don’t add up. The royals think they’re amazing because the ratchets tell them so. And in California, the real work actually takes place. I expect the royals to start taking credit for Harry and Meghan’s work in 3, 2,1…

    • cws says:

      Well, even a few royal reporters have described William as slow and grand (which is another way to say arrogant, ignorant, and vain).
      Plus, any adult that rages is.. concerning.

  25. Lululu says:

    Oh, you mean Will wants their engagement to actually have substance and meaning for the causes they are showing up for? I wonder where he got THAT idea…

    And yet, it doesn’t have quite the same impact as the Hubb cookbook or the Smartworks collection.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      In October 2020, Fail wrote a forward to a Passage Charity “A Taste of Home” cookbook. Does anyone remember if the cookbook did well? We really didn’t hear anything more about it, so I suspect that it didn’t sell particularly well. This should have told Fairl something.

  26. A says:

    Am I the only one who finds the whole “ Though he lacks the sheer star power of his mother” line hilarious and sort of telling? I mean there’re basically giving away the game, there all but telling baldingham and Karen it’s hard enough to sell papers with you on the front page. My question is why/ when is the British media going to just tell them outright can you two lazy fools stop trying to be down with the kids and re-event the wheel and just show up and smile and wave like we’re use to?

    • WHAT says:

      You beat me to it. Are they finally saying the whispers out loud 📢. They’re saying EVEN with the 🆕 titles they lack the ✨ power that Diana still gets to this day. Didn’t Harry try and tell prince 🧱 that and William shut him down and didn’t want to hear it. Dan Wooten’s article said it also. Meghan was a game changer and it was necessary for Catherine to step her game up. They’re saying what everyone on this blog has said. California is playing ♟️ while Britain is playing checkers and trying desperately to keep up

  27. Monlette says:

    Maybe they are anticipating backlash because William is going to the US to hobnob with celebrities and hand out awards for environmentalism while his subjects at home are hungry and worried they might not be able to heat their homes this winter?

    • lanne says:

      I’d like someone to ask him, what’s the purpose of awarding the Earthshot prizes in America? What do you gain from going to America that you wouldn’t have in the UK? How are you justifying the travel?

      • equality says:

        If you look at the ES website the partners and founding partners are global. Funny enough the Royal Foundation is not listed as either one so this appears to be another case where PW is just jumping into someone else’s initiative and taking credit.

  28. Beech says:

    Ruined. Ruined, I tell you!!!! Incandescent.

  29. Sunday says:

    This is not going to end well for the Wails. All the breathless word-salad reporting on this boils down to them “partnering” with “charitable donors” to raise money for other charities. As a model it’s hardly revolutionary, but when you take into consideration who these people are, their recent “bags of cash” history, and the staggering heights of their stupidity, it reallllly has potential for money laundering.

    Even with the Scarborough £345,000, they say the money “was raised” via a 3rd party charity through a mix of local individuals and organizations. What does that mean, really? Who are the individuals? What are the organizations, and what are they getting out of it if they’re not being named outright? Even the ultimate benefactor of the money is nebulous – they say a board, consisting of an anonymous group of people, will decide who/what gets the money.

    It’s bags of cash all the way down. Even *if* the Wails want this to be on the up-and-up, I flat out don’t think they or their staff are smart enough to properly vet the donors. That’s why Charles is so enthusiastic about this scheme as the article states; it’s because he knows they’re going to get in massive financial trouble and it’ll make him look like an angel comparatively.

    • Becks1 says:

      I think you are closer to the truth than you may realize, but I don’t think it has the potential for money laundering. I think it basically already IS money laundering.

      • Sunday says:

        lol true. Obviously I buy that this all stems from a need to compete with Archewell, but I wonder whether it’s also a reaction to Charles’ recent scandals. Most (if not all) of those involved donations made directly to him, said to be intended for the Prince’s Trust or other charities that he is directly involved in. So maybe they think adding this extra step gives them plausible deniability and further insulates them from being implicated in anything like that because the Royal Foundation isn’t actually accepting the money, they’re just facilitating it?

        IDK, it’s totally shady, whether the british press decides to report on it or not.

      • bisynaptic says:

        The only questions are: whose money is being laundered and what’s William’s cut?

      • Nic919 says:

        When Meghan wanted the proceeds from the cookbook to be pulled outside of the reach of the royal foundation, which at this point had Harry’s name on it, it was clear there was something shady going on with the money.

        Charles wasn’t the only one taking bags of cash and William just happens to be protected by the media for now. (Part of me wonders if that’s what the guy from the Beijing office of the financial times meant when he said he couldn’t wait to report on William, because money schemes would be far more of interest to a journalist from the FT than gossip about affairs. )

  30. Vanessa says:

    So a 40 year old man who had decades of doing nothing help the British media chase off Harry and Meghan three years ago . Is finally getting off his ass to work after getting his fourth Home and A castle access to 1 million a year and a new shine title we all know William is not going to work him and Kate disappeared for 18 days no one knows where no countless articles where they were .

  31. Iz_Q says:

    Actually what they did was look at what other royal families in Europe have been doing for years now and decided they would copy that model and act like they came up with something revolutionary. The issue is that these royal families have actually been also giving out money from their foundations for years. They didn’t even re-invent a wheel….they just stole a wheel from the vehicles of the other royal families they act like they are above than.

  32. J. Ferber says:

    I don’t think they ever will figure it out, as keen as they are to try. Working is not some abstruse science like astrophysics. Just do it and stop talking about how much you want to, FFS.

    • Christine says:

      LOL! This. The sheer audacity of these two do-nothings is the only thing that is impressive about either of them.

  33. 2cents says:

    I wanted to bring this up since Camilla, Charles, William and Kate upgraded their titles when the Queen past.

    Upgrading their titles is a RESET (the end of the 70 year QEII era and the beginning of a new royal chapter) for the entire country. They can’t just step in QEII shoes and expect people to respect them accordingly. They have to start from ground zero and try to reinvent themselves to appeal to the general public in the long run. Especially because they already have a public history and image. I think they still find it hard to adjust to their new roles.

    Copying H&M by W&K will not help for lasting positive PR. Only authentic work can increase their public profile. Like we saw Charles and Diana do before them.

    I wonder how the royal rota will spin their PR without referring to H&M, because their paths are already clearly different and the binding force of the Queen has gone.

    Interestingly W&K have to carve out their own path similar as H&M have been doing for themselves in the last three years as independent royals. The only difference is that H&M do it fully commercially and W&K with taxpayers money.

    Kate and William are learning the hard way that their royal reputation is depending on their DOING and not on their BEING, as the courtiers wanted them to believe in the last 20 years.

    With a jealous KC3 I also doubt if William and Kate will get the same freedom they had that QEII gave them, to do things their own way including leaking to the press. KC3 doesn’t like to be overshadowed.

    All four seem to be struggling to find the right way to move forward, but they still seem to have enough trust from the public at the moment. The majority still prefers the monarchy over a republic.

  34. NeoCleo says:

    I wonder if the English Monarchy will make it another generation. Their charity work seems to be their only redeeming quality and given their lifestyle, I wonder if it all balances in the end. I wouldn’t be surprised if their cost-of-living tips the balance sheet in the wrong direction,

  35. Olive says:

    It is morally reprehensible to use charities to as money making ventures for yourself.

  36. Pam says:

    It’s too bad they have to have a line of succession by age…Harry would have been much more of an inspirational, forward-thinking king.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Pam, except Harry made it clear years ago that he (and no one else in his family) wanted to be King. I think he’s been relieved all of his life that his future was never to be King.

      • Lucky Charm says:

        As the second son, King George VI never expected to be king, either. Same with King Henry VIII. Things happen.

  37. Jay says:

    What strikes me about this is not so much the copykeening of Archewell, that’s a given with these two, but that this is a pretty explicit criticism of Charles, Camilla, Anne etc. Like, the description of “visiting deprived communities, giving them a day in the sun and then leaving” is exactly what the royal family do. Showing up, cutting a ribbon or displaying a plaque – it’s quite literally their bread and butter.
    So this is a. Lowering expectations for the end of year engagements count in which they might well be outdone by Will’s late grandmother b. Shady as heck and c. trying desperately to position the Wails as young and more in touch.

    I also feel like we always get an article about the “Cambridge way” that’s supposed to revolutionize the monarchy, but it’s gone after a few days. So we’ll see if their actions can catch up to their rhetoric.

    • Afken says:

      It’s hilarious because they said how dare Meghan try to change things up, the monarchy is not an institution to be modernised bla bla bla. the second she left people were literally writing articles about how the monarchy is a woke institution and Kate is the true activist and its out with the old and in with the new. cretins

    • Nic919 says:

      When Anne said you don’t need to reinvent the wheel, she was also referring to the Wails even though they thought she meant only the Sussexes. And seeing as how Zara and Anne are fine with Harry one wonders if she only ever just meant the lazy duo.

  38. equality says:

    So the old ways don’t work? Yet KC managed to leave a legacy with the Prince’s Trust, Phil managed the DofE Awards and PH managed to create IG and Sentebale.

  39. Annalise says:

    I foresee sh*t loads of misappropriated funds in their future, if all the donations are going to be given to these two twits to “disperse as they see fit.”

  40. Annalise says:

    @Olive- I’ve noticed the Derangers have been getting sneakier with their methods of perpetuating their nastiness. At one point, I was seeing tons of comments that purported to support Meghan, but were so over the top, they were clearly Derangers trying to make Meghan supporters look daft (ex. “Everyone knows Suits was the #2 cable show in America after Game of Thrones.”).
    Is your comment the newest invocation of Meghan-hating? Throwing Will & Kate under the bus WITH Meghan so you don’t look biased? How the derangers have evolved.
    But if you’re NOT a deranger, just WOEFULLY UNINFORMED, then I apologize in advance.

    • Christine says:

      I’m with you, Annalise. A pretty clear narrative has emerged, in the last couple of days.

  41. Linney says:

    Even if this new “plan” was unique and constructive, how many times do we have to read about William and Kate’s new approach to their royal duties? This goes hand in hand with all the things they are “keen” to do, they are “hitting the ground running,” “bringing the monarchy into the modern age,” etc. I agree the Queen’s passing should have triggered a “re-set” (in theory) but all I’m seeing is the same laziness, pretending to be busy, etc. If William and Kate had taken their positions seriously, they should now be building on incredible work they’ve done these past ten years. Instead, we have them building a house of cards on a crumbling sand castle. Not much different from Kate’s incredible “Five Questions.” Nothing to see here!

  42. sammi says:

    William gets 21 to 23 million a year from the Duchy of Cornwall revenue…it is kept below 25 million to avoid some taxation. why not give away some of his own wealth into these charities to encourage other rich friends to do the same? Too easy or just plain what is mine is mine and what is yours will be mine if I can get it!

  43. Jais says:

    Don’t know why I’m focusing on this specific detail but did the queen truly invent the walkabout in the year of 1970? Had a walkabout never happened before that?

    • equality says:

      According to Lucy Worsley (with photos as proof) the first was in 1910. Maybe Liz’s first was in 1970? How they do it now with actually allowing the public to touch a royal supposedly started with Diana. Wouldn’t be a big surprise if other monarchs originated it and the Brits just took credit anyway.