“Tiffany Trump is freaking out about her hurricane-derailed wedding” links

Hurricane Nicole has probably derailed Tiffany Trump’s Florida wedding and Tiff is “freaking out” about it. [Dlisted]
Mariah Carey is a big fan of Princess Diana & The Crown. [LaineyGossip]
Real talk, I loathed Carrie Bradshaw’s Vivienne Westwood wedding gown. [Go Fug Yourself]
Older folks navigating the internet = hilarious. [OMG Blog]
Fox News: The Democrats want women to stay single! [Jezebel]
There’s nothing heroic about Kanye West. [Pajiba]
Will anyone watch The Culpo Sisters? [Gawker]
Florence Pugh shows us that she’s still tight with her ex, Zach Braff. [Just Jared]
Dua Lipa, so pretty and such bad style. [Egotastic]
Donald Glover has a problem writing Black women characters. [Buzzfeed]
Real Housewives of the Potomac cast member has serious issues. [Starcasm]
The midterms were also awesome because there was a “Rainbow Wave.” [Towleroad]

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49 Responses to ““Tiffany Trump is freaking out about her hurricane-derailed wedding” links”

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  1. jferber says:

    Eh, I think the hurricane is coming for Trump, not his least-favorite child. I hope Mar-a-Lago blows down.

    • Jan90067 says:

      The Forgotten One is now in the family cult, grasping for any modicum of attention from Daddy Demented, just like her half brothers. I just find them all so repulsive; can’t help it, it’s visceral.

      I know I’m going *you know where* for hoping the hurricane takes the place down.

    • Scout says:

      I don’t think Tiffany is his least favorite child. As far as I know he only ignores her (which is actually a blessing).

      I’d say Don Jr. is the kids he hates most bec Trump actively gives him negative attention.

      • Mtl.Ex.Pat says:

        Well he did want Marla Maples to have an abortion when she was pregnant with Tiffany so there’s that…

  2. Anne says:

    Ugh, I’ve always hated US wedding culture. “My big day!” “Soon to be M.R.S.!” and “last day of freedom!” for the groom. Pass me a bucket. Tiffany, you’re an educated woman of means. Fantastic that you find a partner to spend your life with– how about instead you focus on the partnership and not the party, and in the process be the first in your family to develop a sense of humor. /endrant

  3. Gems2712 says:

    I loved the buzzfeed article. I have enjoyed Atlanta immensely (full disclosure, white lady here! ) but I feel like this is all very v true and I’m disappointed in the writing of Van and hoping she gets a good send off, or actually any screen time at all, tonight.

  4. lucy2 says:

    Can’t her dad just use a Sharpie to redirect the hurricane?

    I never liked Carrie’s dress either.

    • Jan90067 says:

      The bust of that dress is horrific! It looks like she is completely “deflated” in “boobage”, and they are coming out of the dress (the cups are standing away from her body)! How could anyone think that is a good look for any woman??

    • Erin says:

      Thanks for that laugh Omg.


    • The Recluse says:

      The bodice needs to be adjusted. (And that’s a nice way of addressing the issue.)

  5. Liz Version 700k says:

    Carrie’s dress was hideous. I really didn’t like it.
    Sorry Tiffany, I want to feel sorry for you, but where anyone named Trump is concerned “my give a damn is so so busted”

    • HeyKay says:

      Agree 100%!

    • LaraK says:

      Carrie’s dress is like the opposite of what any sane woman would want. The fit is awful, the bottom looks like it got caught in an escalator and never recovered, the fabric is fussy. Even the color is somehow off. Just awful.

  6. Scout says:

    The only Trump I like…and that’s because Ivanka hates her. Now as far as the hurricane goes, anything that keeps her hateful family members away from her wedding is ok by me. I think God is smiling on Tiffany and giving her a hand, personally.

    • MaryContrary says:

      Maybe Melania hates her, but Ivanka does not. They’ve always been pretty close and Ivanka is pretty open about supporting her.

      • LightPurple says:

        Ivanka tweeted a picture from the wedding shower and tagged the wrong person. Not the first time or the second or even the third time she has mis-tagged Tiffany. And every single time she does it, people point it out to her.

      • Scout says:

        Ivanka is very passive aggressive towards Tiffany.

  7. ML says:

    From Jezebel via Fox: “Democrat policies are designed to keep women single,” Watters said. He continued, “Single women and voters under 40 have been captured by Democrats. So, we need these ladies to get married. And it’s time to fall in love and just settle down. Guys, go put a ring on it.”

    That cleared out my nose, and I’m also perfectly horrified. Thanks!

    • Scout says:

      So: Women Democrats suddenly vote Republican when they get married? Or are they supposed to then obey their men and vote as he tells them? 😶

    • Erin says:

      Jesse Watters is a fucking ghoul and just seeing his face makes me physically ill.

      • Deering24 says:

        This guy deflated his intern’s tires so she would get help from him. She’s now his second wife. He of course dumped his first spouse for her. Man, these GOP scumbaggos are always a billion times more evil than one would think possible. 🤮🤮🤮

    • LightPurple says:

      Watters is not the only one pushing this. Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire are also pushing the theory that the country has too many single women and we are “the problem.”

      • Deering24 says:

        Yeesh. Can’t wait for their brilliant solution for “too many” POC voters if gerrymandering doesn’t work. 🤮🤮

    • Jennifer says:

      That’s….certainly a take….

      Well, no one will marry me, so good luck with that.

    • AlishaB says:

      I am married, and not only that, I converted my husband from a red voter to blue after we got together! He was raised by a conservative family and really hasn’t had his ideals challenged before. Now he tries to talk sense into his parents!

    • Emily_C says:

      I’m married and over 40. Why would this make me want to vote for fascists who took away my bodily autonomy? And if anything, my husband’s farther left than me — I’m a social democrat and he’s further toward democratic socialist. This means we’re both WAY left for the U.S. though.

  8. Erin says:

    That link about the older folks navigating the internet had me in literal tears. Thanks for the laugh after a bad week Kaiser.

  9. Truthiness says:

    Did Ivanka and Lara Trump have an agreement that they both were going to wear blue toile dresses to Tiffany’s bridal shower?

  10. MaryContrary says:

    I know I’m a terrible person, but I legit chuckled over her wedding getting slammed by a hurricane. I guess it’s just my visceral loathing of this entire family-including all the married ins like Lara and Kimberly Ghoulfoiyle.

    • Size Does Matter says:

      “If you wanted a November wedding in Florida, you should’ve bought in to climate change.” Sipping tea a la Kermit meme.

    • Ravensdaughter says:

      Remember that to them, climate change isn’t real.

    • Emily_C says:

      It’s not just climate change. November in Florida’s hurricane season, period. There are more and worse of them now, but a November wedding on the coast in Florida is dumb unless you just don’t believe in weather, period. But this family is dumb.

  11. HeyKay says:

    What a happy day it will be when all the Trumps are ignored.
    Plus every Kardashian.

    I’d like to know what evil power is keeping The Donald alive.
    He is constantly angry, eats junk food and cocoa-cola, very overweight, his idea of exercise is golf, and yet he seems to be healthy, especially for his lifestyle and age. Boo! Not fair at all.

    Who in their right mind would marry into that family? No, nope.

  12. Zelka says:

    She has more problems than a rainy wedding.

  13. Miss Owlsyn says:

    Rain on your wedding day?

    Isn’t that …………ironic.

  14. jferber says:

    Zelka, I can’t help but wonder if Tiffany’s beloved is actually a fraud, like her father. A Nigerian prince who is NOT Black and is a billionaire? Can he be one of the Nigerian princes who regularly email me about money they’re owed and I can help by sending THEM money so they can . . . . defraud me? Has Trump had detectives figure this out? Does he even care enough about Tiffany to vet this guy for her? Probably her Nigerian prince is marrying her because he thinks her father is a billionaire. This is a very sick joke, I know, as it involves Tiffany’s future, but at this point I’m like, f-ck ’em all. If he’s not a billionaire now, he will be (at least a millionaire) if the family likes him and introduces him to all their scams, like politics.

  15. Happy_Fat_Mama says:

    Did anyone else see that rainbow wave news? 340 LGBTQ2IA representatives elected in the us midterms. That is just such good news!

  16. Tiffany Pan says:

    James Zhuge is a greedy piece of shit old loser laugh if he dropped dead

  17. laurie says:

    A bit off topic, but can someone explain her facial structure to me? The other kids obviously take after Mr Bigly and Ivana but I can’t place Tiffany’s mix. Honest question. It irks me every time I see a picture of her.

  18. Julia K says:

    Anyone know if Tiffany Trump has passed the Florida bar exam yet?

  19. Trillion says:

    I’m just here to say Tiffany’s make-up looks terrible