Brooklyn Beckham: ‘This is definitely a woman’s world… the girls are in charge’

Brooklyn Beckham recently gave an interview to Bustle and it’s a whole mess, but I’ve actually come around on Brooklyn and his wife Nicola Peltz Beckham. They’re both products of nepotism and they’ve never had to struggle at anything, but they’re also sort of dumb and harmless? I actually feel sorry for them a little bit because they’re trying to figure out their lives and the British papers are being especially mean to them. So, Brooklyn spoke to Bustle about his Cookin’ With Brooklyn show and how he’s going to do a different show now, where he actually goes into restaurant kitchens and works for a day (lol) and of course he talks a lot about his marriage too. Some highlights:

He’s never called himself a chef: “I’m not a professional chef—at all. I’ve never said that. I never would say that. Obviously, my dad knew what he was doing at a very young age. I’ve only been doing cooking for not even three years.” Brooklyn is, he suggests, a work in progress. The problem is he’s figuring it all out in real time—with the whole world watching. “It’s OK to be 25, 26 or even 30 and not know what you’re doing yet. You know what I mean?”

He & Nicola are not feuding with his parents: “People love to write stuff, always love to write rubbish. And they write it because it goes everywhere and everyone talks about it.” Uh, OK. So Victoria and Nicola are fine? “Yes.”

Why he quit football at 15: “I have a lot of anxiety. And to try and live up to what my dad did, it was just like, it got to the point where I was just, like, I really just want to make my own name for myself and work my arse off. I’m a Pisces. Sensitive.”

He agrees that he’s a Wife Guy: “Definitely, definitely. I mean this is definitely a woman’s world. And guys are just living in it. The girls are in charge.”

Falling in love during the pandemic: “I think it’s so obvious to know when you’ve met the right person,. I think—especially through quarantine—we didn’t get on each other’s nerves.”

He loves looking after Nicola & their dogs: “My parents had me at 23. I’m 23 now. I’ve always wanted to get married young, I’ve always wanted to have kids young—to grow up with my kids when I’m still young.” Is some baby announcement imminent? “My wife is an actress. I think she needs a little bit more time. She wants to work a little bit more [first]. I always said, Whenever you’re ready, I’m ready.”

House-hunting: “Security is a big thing. Everyone wants to feel safe. But I think next year we want to start looking for our own place, like a little house or something. Our personal space—it means the world to us.” According to the New York Post, the couple recently unloaded an $11 million home in Beverly Hills after owning it for less than a year. Maybe it was missing something? “My dream when we get a house,” he says, “is to have a very old-fashioned wine cellar.”

His new gig: Next year, Brooklyn tells me, he’s shooting a new docuseries in which he’ll cook on the line in some established restaurants. Would Brooklyn ever open his own restaurant? Maybe a pub, he says, here in Los Angeles, in a few years. He’s thought about it quite a bit. “Have you been to a proper English pub? You know how there’s low ceilings? Everything’s dark, everything smells of old beer, sticky? But it’s more going to be focused on obviously the aesthetic, the food, and the beer. I want to get the beer imported from Ireland.” Does he have a name for the pub? “Not yet, not yet.It’s going to be something to do with my wife.”

[From Bustle]

Yeah, he’s not going to set the world on fire with a blazing intellect, but also… he’s not mean. He’s not cruel. He’s not arrogant either. He’s just experimenting with different things and trying to figure out his path. As I’ve said before, he would probably be perfectly happy to be Nicola’s house-husband and look after a baby.

This video, omg. He puts a whole salad in a cocktail and then adds too many ice cubes. A total idiot.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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47 Responses to “Brooklyn Beckham: ‘This is definitely a woman’s world… the girls are in charge’”

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  1. Lolo86lf says:

    I have never held wealth and privilege against children of nepotism. It is not their fault to have been born with a silver spoon in their mouths. The one thing I am against is AFFLUENZA. Rich as*holes who act like they are better than everyone else really triggers me.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      He’s so uneducated and wilfully ignorant on top of everything else… he dreams of an English pub with… wait, Irish beer?? Does he know Irish pubs exist? Lol

      • Sindy says:

        Yeah that angers me coz I think he’s so stupid that the thinks Irish beer is English. Like in this day and age!?! aaagh

      • Kitten says:

        I might be wrong but I really don’t see the LA craft beer crowd going wild over Killians or Guinness.

      • JanetDR says:

        A pub with a sticky floor and smelling of beer? Has he never been to a bar?

    • Fishface says:

      “It’s a woman’s world.” He is really uneducated.

  2. BB says:

    Boy, you cannot be that dumb. Please work on it.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      I think he can lol

      He’s a nothingburger who keeps getting interviewed, his printed interviews only constitute a big waste of paper.

  3. Amy Bee says:

    If he really wants to be taken seriously as a chef he should go to culinary school or work as an apprentice at a restaurant.

    • Porsha says:

      He is such a dumb liar, he was driving around in daddy’s sports car, a guy who posts on tik tok who asks people driving fancy cars what they do, asked this idiot what he does for a leaving and he said he was a chef,

  4. CJ says:

    I get that he’s grown up with strong female influences and wants to respect women but this male feminism idiocy that women sorry “girls” run things and men just abide by it is actively harmful.

    Has he read a newspaper lately? Women, their autonomy, their bodies are under threat from men (not to mention the threat most minority groups are under from colonial men) and being a wealthy man who pretends there’s no issue for women or that men aren’t operating from a position of power and superiority in our society is as harmful as being the kind of man who roots for draconian anti-abortion laws.

    He is quite harmless as a nepotism baby, and I appreciate he seems to have relaxed a bit about not yet having a “thing” like his parents, but I hope in his new show he gets an eyeful of the inequality women face in kitchens and starts to wake up to what being a real ally could look like so he can approach it with as much gusto as he does being a “Wife Guy” (ew)

    • Sasha says:

      Yep, well said!

      • North of Boston says:

        Agreed! And it’s also barely a step away from the attitude I’ve seen in many men that abdicates responsibility for anything grown-up in their relationship to their female partners, “she makes me do that” “she would never let me do that” “tee hee, I’m sneaking (a cigarette, a fun thing, doing something necessary in the most half-a@@ed way possible, etc) behind her back”, putting the guy in a childish role and the woman in a mom role. Then he never has to step up and think on his own to do the right thing, or the thing that takes effort all on his own and can slide as much as possible. Grow up dudes! Be a full adult partner to your partner. Own your life and your choices. Pick up your end of the rope, your fair share of the load, and aspire to be the best man, the best human you can be for yourself and the people around you and the world at large.

        And also, be an active, pro-active present ally and advocate for human rights, including women’s rights.

      • Zazzoo says:

        @North of Boston- co-sign all day long! That was my exact reaction but you put it in words. Handing adult responsibility over to women while calling them girls is both abdicating responsibility and maintaining male privilege. I’ve seen it a thousand times. Brooklyn may be mostly harmless but he still has a platform he hasn’t earned and that’s always somewhat problematic.

    • B says:

      Amen CJ
      I had massive reflux when I read his thing about a womans world and girls are in charge.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      At best, it’s patronizing. I suspect he knows women have little actual power and are constantly discriminated against, so throwing them a false compliment (“girls are in charge!”) is his attempt to be charitable?

      At worst, it’s passive-aggressive. Imagine if instead of woman, he said Jews are in charge?

      I think he’s just not very bright, but he has the money to hire coaches to teach him what to say and what not to say when interviewed.

  5. Stef says:

    With access to all the education possible options at his fingertips, he chooses to just float around, try and learn a few things hands-on, and pretend to have various “careers”.

    I wonder if his anxiety is linked to learning challenges in the sense that he clearly isn’t interested, or perhaps even capable, of getting a solid education. I realize that may sound kinda harsh, but this kid dropped out of photography school. He is harmless though and kind of endearing, in a “bless your heart” kind of way.

    Glad he admits he’s not a Chef. We know, buddy, we know. Real Chefs study their craft for years, go to culinary school, train with masters, and would never refer to that as “doing cooking”.

  6. Sasha says:

    This is a woman’s world? Really? I agree that he seems like a genuinely nice person, and probably a good husband too! But to make a statement like that with everything going on in the world.. I mean.. yeah. Intellect and critical thinking skills = 0.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Same here on this “It’s a woman’s world,” bs. He may sound like a good husband on paper, but any man who says, “Girls are in charge,” is sending up a huge red flag. Stay far away from these guys. I doubt he’s as “harmless” as he seems.

  7. Denise says:

    Bless his heart

  8. Emmi says:

    Oh honey.

  9. Pilar says:

    How is his wife harmless? Didnt she push her nanny down the stairs? Anyone who is horrible to domestic staff is not harmless. Also the peltz family are big trump supporters and donators. Nothing harmless about the peltz family.
    And I don’t feel sorry for someone who is given opportunity after opportunity at things he has no qualifications to do because his parents are famous raking in millions in process just because he’s “trying”?

    Millions of infinitely less privileged people are trying every day to pay their electricity bills and make ends meet.

  10. DouchesOfCambridge says:

    He doesn’t seem super ambitious, more like just trying to figure out what he likes in life to be happy. Seems like a sweet boy. Take your time.

  11. Digital Unicorn says:

    The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree – his father is as dumb as a box of rocks and so is this boy.

    Victoria is the brains in his parents marriage – David is a successful brand because of the people around him and Victoria who from her Spice Girls days knew who to make a brand successful.

  12. SarahCS says:

    He lives in the US and thinks ‘girls’ are in charge? All these resources at his fingertips and 0 curiosity about the world. Worse, he has a platform and others will hear his words and believe him. I disagree that he’s harmless.

  13. Doxie says:

    His G&T recipe actively angers me

  14. Aly says:

    He hasn’t done anything that warrants hatred so I have got no harsh words for him. Of course his statement is performative..but then again that’s how almost all rich, privileged guys are. They resort to perfomative feminism when their publicist asks them to.

    I remember when Chris Pine was on Graham Norton show to promote the flop movie he did with Florence Pugh and was like “omggg why are they only talking about my nekkid scene when Florence takes it off too? Is this because women are expected to do so while men are not?” Imagine being a middled aged guy and feigning outrage about something that is happening in Hollywood since forever. Florence was also a newbie back then so media not paying attention to her scence expected but the way Pine went into that performative feminist mode still makes me cringe. You can always expect bare minimum from rich white men.

  15. HeyKay says:

    Women are still paid less than men. We are not in charge IRL.

    • Kitten says:

      Seriously. One of the most privileged, out-of-touch statements he could have made.

    • Emily_C says:

      Forget pay, in the United States alone, women just lost bodily autonomy. And yet we’re still treated better here than in huge swathes of the world.

  16. KBeth says:

    I don’t find him endearing in the least, he seems like a complete moron.

  17. Léna says:

    I completely disagree with him and agree with the comments here. The comments under Brooklyn Beckham posts are always funny yet educative. Love you all!

  18. Indra says:

    There’s literally a video of him online where the guy compliments his car and asks what he does for a living and he replies “I am a chef”.

  19. Molly says:

    “It’s OK to be 25, 26 or even 30 and not know what you’re doing yet. You know what I mean?”
    If you’ve got insanely rich parents and you have zero financial responsibilities, sure.

    Sorry, I cannot like him. His stupidity may be pitiful, but it’s no excuse.

    • HeyKay says:

      Oh honestly.
      If his parents were not multi-millionaires he’d be working at any job he could find.
      IRL, many people never get to do anything close to the work they want to do.
      Survival is what determines it.

      Why does anyone interview this fella?
      Waste of everyones time.

  20. NotSoSocialB says:

    He is such a dolt; I have second-hand embarrassment for him.

  21. BeanieBean says:

    Is he kidding with that G&T?? He’s got to be joking with us, right?

  22. Jennifer says:

    Who run the world? MEN. Forever and always.

  23. Jaded says:

    “The girls are in charge.”

    First of all Brooklyn, stop referring to women as “girls”, it sounds patriarchal. Second, tell that to the millions of women and girls who are kept as chattels, forced into arranged marriages, beaten, trafficked, raped, forced to work in slave-like conditions, denied education, forced to wear burqas under the punishment of death if they don’t.

    You are a stupid, vacant young man who seems to drift in a world of nepotism with no real work ethic. Maybe you and your nepo-wifey should take some of your money and put it to work helping these poor, unfortunate “girls”.

  24. Sequinedheart says:

    He’s painfully dull but you’re right / they’re harmless

  25. SammiB says:

    Bartender here. Just needed to say that his ‘cocktails’ hurt my soul.

  26. Sue E Generis says:

    He’s a harmless bumbler and his wife is not that into him. They are 1000% getting divorced in the near-ish future.

  27. Escape says:


  28. JMoney says:

    Bless this himbo nepo gen z baby who not so quietly quit every gig he was ever handed, is surviving thanks to the bank of mom and dad all while identifying as a feminist. With this latest gig (a la The Simple Life gen Z edition) I hope he fully embraces his desitny of being a Socialite and go full Hilton-Kardashian. Surprisingly I think his parents are the ones discouraging him from the reality tv route (b/c its not “respectable”) hence all their money/connections for all these side gigs hoping something comes of it.

  29. Mauve says:

    I have no doubt that women in his age group have more power than they’ve ever had in interpersonal relationships and that the personal agency of the Gen Z era is strong. But if you’re looking over the ages of maybe 25 or 30, you’ll see that it’s still very much *not* a woman’s world, maybe with time there will be a true shift and I think that *this* is what it looks like to be on our way there.

    This young man is probably not looking into the real world very far, or at the sex or gender of leaders across the world. He is probably focused on the 20 Somethings and has much to learn but it’s an interesting observation and I think it strikes true for people in their 20s right now.

    Women have more power in friend groups and intimate relationships right now, especially if you’re young and don’t give a F about how it “used to be”. Leadership? Not so much. Tone of the world? Certainly not. But amongst friends and lovers? Freedom is more clearly spelled out than it’s ever been before for women and we’ve received our lessons in power. The oral history of women is changing and you know change is real when it reaches this guy’s life.

  30. Emily_C says:

    This is MRA garbage. It is not harmless. I don’t think he should be talked about at all.